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Holiday Event Cycles?!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Alviss.1256


Personally, I’ve always been a fan of rarity and being unique. I too like to collect, and part of being a collector is knowing you have something no one else does. That joy of hearing a person say, “OMG that’s so cool! Where’d you get it?” …. “Wintersday 2012” You’ll reply.

I’d hope they didn’t recycle events so that you can get the things you “missed”. I get that people have lives and other responsibilities … but that’s how life is. Taking part of something that only happens once and having something to show for it is much more valuable then something that is repetitive and achievable all the time.

Also, my favorite part of the Guild Wars 2 genetic makeup is the concept of “choices”. You make a choice and your character evolves from those choices which makes your experience different and unique from others. Items should be the same way. I’d like to accomplish a boss event, or a jump puzzle, or whatever, and pick 1 prize from perhaps 3. Meanwhile my friend may pick a completely different prize from the set. It’s an award of accomplishment, and a trophy that is unique to me that I can feel others wont have.

Again, I understand the “completionist” mentality … but for me, it’s a much better experience for me when I feel I’ve accomplished and found things that most other people haven’t simply because I chose a different path.

And years from now, those Veteran players will have all this cool stuff that the newbies will not … and if I were one of those Veteran’s, I’d feel a much more accomplished collector because of it.

Timers on Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


for daily and monthly achievements, a little countdown ticker till reset/expire would be cool. i frequently wonder if i have enough time to get started on these achievements, or if id be wasting my time because i took to long to get started.

ie if my monthly told me i had 2 days and 15 hours left to complete, then I could gauge whether i had enough time left to complete it.

likewise, it’d be cool to know how long till they reset.


Bieng properly informed about in-game content

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


im not really seeing the argument here…

1. local events pop up on your map.
2. you get emails indicating locations of dungeons once you unlock them.

but i’m sorry, you are not entitled to a tell all list/map of EVERYTHING in the game. Just as someone indicated, its about exploration.

You didn’t know you could access the Charr main city from Lion’s Arch and somehow this is information that should have readily been delivered to you? That’s a pretty lazy complaint on your behalf. I’m sure there are plenty of NPCs scattered throughout the world that hint to these things, just because you don’t want to stop and talk to these individuals, doesn’t mean they arent there for you to find.

I’d much rather stumble upon a treasure chest, or be walking along just to have a dragon jump out and a big fight ensue, as opposed to having a list of events provided for me.

Hints are one thing, but it’s about exploration and about interacting with the world and the people within it. If you aren’t making that effort, its not ArenaNet’s responsibility to force that content upon you. The interent is full of secrets revealed if you really want to be that lazy.

This downscaling design in GW2 is getting me..down.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


and it allows me to play with my low lvl friends without having to make an alt just to go help them out.

i can actually show up, with my character, and help.

Drasticly reduce karma prices on exotics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


i haven’t farmed that much, so not really certain what the average rate of gaining karma could be. but with that said, i know i only have 28,000 karma on my lvl 80 warrior, and the gear i’ve seen seems to be priced at 48kish

… does seem pretty impossible for me to obtain given my available play time

A few Suggestions (and gripes)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


My guild did a dungeon the other night without it being a bloody marathon. That’s because we assigned responsibilities, worked as a group, and didn’t just charge in like a bunch of idiots.

The 1st warrior did primary damage with 2h sword. The second warrior provided stun/daze support with a 2h hammer. The engineer provided crowd control with nets, snares, and provided support with his heal misters. The guardian deflected ranged attack with his deflection walls, and the mesmer kept agro off the warriors with his clones distracting everything else.

Fairly certain we are playing the game right, and have fun doing it. Frustrates me when people insinuate they just run into a dungeon and die like a bunch of meat heads, and act like its the design of the games fault.

With that said, making karma/tokens/and dyes account bound would be nice, simply because the way it is now, in my opinion, encourages a player to limit the amount of characters they have.

I think i calculated id need over 1000 tokens to outfit a whole suit of armor… and from what i’ve done, have only seen about 5 tokens drop per dungeon trip. when i did the math, all i could say was … ugh. its already a requirement for me to get a second character over lvl 60 to wear the armor, and i’m fine with it being soul bound after i purchase it. but good grief, god forbid i want to outfit 2 characters with a full set of gear each :p

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


Another variable that this just goes to show, is all the people who are just mindlessly inviting strangers to get their numbers up.

Have to ask yourself, how much thought/effort/choice went into recruiting legit players or likewise into joining multiple guilds?

Shows me that:
1. The guild griping about leaching players probably just handed out invites like it was a coupon to taco bell.
2. the members who are “annoyed” they are getting hassled for lack of attendance… well… start being in attendance, fault is on you.

Perfectly reasonable for a guild to be privy to knowing whether or not you are around and active. If you are constantly representing another guild, it’s also perfectly reasonable for them to have dialogue with you about it. Communicating your interest and eagerness to participate in a guild should have been discussed prior to you joining, which again leads me to believe the only people seeing this as an issue, belong to the guild spammers i see every day.

I’ve played MMOs for too many years now, a solid guild is about solid players, and as is any form of human social interaction (which is what a guild is) its about communication.

Make Dungeon Cutscenes Player Specific

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


meh. it makes sense the way it is.

when its your personal story instance, you are the group leader, and your friends are following you, and you are the one to talk to the npcs because its your mission.

likewise, its the person who interacts with the instance/npc in the dungeon who gets the dialogue.

the dungeon is less specific on the interaction tho, so adding a feature where it mixes up who replies to the npcs would be cool, i think diablo did this. of course those events were shorter, and probably still was the first person to step up to trigger it who got to speak.

if you changed it to be that the player only saw their player talking, it wouldn’t make sense. i wouldn’t feel we as a group were playing the dugeon, cause i’d know that the cut scenes were individualized per player, it’d be like we WEREN’T doing the dungeon together.

you want to create the effect that even in the cut scenes you and the group are present, not that you are playing a single player game. what’s being suggested by the original poster breaks that perception and has just as negative effect/ if not worse a feel to the player as that of making them feel “they aren’t the hero” by not seeing their toon.

Dungeons should be about the group effort, a band of heros uniting to take down a difficult task. If we truly wanted it to be better, the solution would be to have multiple heros talking during the cut scenes.

of course then we’d have the issue that the players all had the same voice :p … but thats a different topic :x

Change/Remove Downed State in PvP/WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


I dunno. I haven’t had issue with it in PvP.

The idea is you aren’t dead yet, and you can fight to get back up, or a friend can, in a sense, pick you back up to your feet.

People think they have to finish you with the “Finish Him” feature, which isn’t viable in a big battle. My brother in fact uses that ignorance to bait players into trying to help their downed comrads, and kills them while they are distracted. Some people are so stubborn that they will continuously try to “Finish him!” even when they are getting bombarded in the process.

Keep in mind, area affect damage will ultimately drop these players down faster than they can heal themselves too. It just adds to the dynamic of play, I love the way it is. It’s not so finite, and it adds that element of uncertainty that maybe you can come back from the clutches of defeat.

the only thing that I would add perhaps to the system, is the ole “3 strikes you’re out!” idea. maybe if you fall down 3 times within a set timeline, that’s it, your done, no more chances.

But again there is no real resurrect spell, some battles you’ll find yourself knocked down a lot and part of the strategy is to keep your team on its feet.

Personally, I think it needs to stay just how it is.

Waypoint costs have to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


people are running around in aion with millions of dollars. dye sold for $200k when i played it.

In this game, things are just now hitting the multiple gold mark. Personally I hate seeing items sell for millions of gold just because people have the cash.

so i rather like the way it is now.

as far as traveling costs are concerned, i never sit around going “oh crap i dont have enough money to travel the map…” not once. i also don’t sit around and purchase tons of crap from the market place either.

the strain on money adds value to items … encourages me to either save for that 1 piece of armor or that weapon i want or go find it myself.

but its only naturally for people to gripe that it’s unfair they have to spend their money, it’s a form of greed in itself.

First person view.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


hmmm i was wanting this the other night on a jumping puzzle. i was to lazy to look in the key mapping to see what the toggle was for it … guess this answers that question :p, it just doesn’t exist! …. would be nice, should be there.

PREVIEW: For Trading Post PLEASE!!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


fairly certain the mods have mentioned it is being added to the game in the near future. although I agree it should have been there to begin with ;p

No depositing mini-pets automatically

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


a safe box prevents this.

anything within the safe box does not automatically get deposited. this way you can carry pets, jewels, etc. with you without them getting auto deposited.

Pushing Gw2's Roles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


This discussion keeps popping up in a variety of different ways.

The issue as I see it, as someone above said, is that the game is designed in a way that you can run through and explore the world without much thought towards your spec, and you can still be successful.

But now that a month has passed, people are hitting level cap and exploring high end areas/dungeons, and they are discovering that the mindless run and gun mentality isn’t working.

Everyone has been trained to play this game that way.

Personally it has frustrated me. Running into the mansion dungeon and seeing everyone mindlessly run around with their heads cut off, pulling aggro from multiple rooms, and ending up getting destroyed, and then wondering “why?”

Everyone has developed this solo survival perception. They think they have to rely on themselves to heal, themselves to damage, themselves to moderate agro and crowd control, and they are finding it doesn’t work the way it did while exploring the outside world.

They then seem to blame the game for not having these roles in the game. And that’s where I stop and become baffled, because they DO have these roles in the game, people just aren’t doing them, and they blame the game for their own short comings.

Yes, a certain class can technically perform ALL roles. But ONE individual should (in my opinion) still be doing these roles. Someone should be crowd controlling, someone should still be pulling mobs, someone should still be monitoring the groups health, rezzing, and operating group buffs. But people aren’t doing that.

You can’t sit there and say “No one likes healing!” and then say “I’m glad there are no healers in the game!” and then wonder why you are getting crushed in a dungeon. YOU NEED IT TO SURVIVE.

To me, when ArenaNet said they were eliminating the “holy trinity” that meant, a warrior isn’t the only tank. a cleric isn’t the only healer. It meant that you can play any race, and fill any role, thus you aren’t cornered into a role. That doesn’t mean dungeon crawling techniques/strategy have changed though. You should still be bottle necking mobs into clear areas, you shouldn’t be rushing multiple mobs at once. There should still be organization and control, but people are glossing over that.

Perhaps the only problem is ArenaNet gave us a Ferrari to drive, and because it drives so fast, we think we can whip around the corners at that speed and still be OK. And after the Ferrari flips we go, “hmmm, why did that happen? this car doesn’t work.” The car works, the driver just should have known they still need to take the corners slow.

For me? I see the variety of roles each player can play. I see how traits allow you to hone in on those skills. And I recognize that organization and assigning responsibilities to the group is still a requirement.

When my brother last night said, “Huh? Crowd control? There is no trinity in this game.” I shook my head in disbelief, cause that’s when I realized players are plagued with this notion that “Hey! No set roles! Cool! I can be brainless now!” … and thats the root of the problem.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


and they pitched the game as a “holy trinity” killer … and it seems people keep complaining that there is no trinity. perhaps you weren’t listening to what you were being sold Dan.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256



role playing game.

fairly certain this one of those as well.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256



massive multiplayer online game.

pretty sure this is an mmo.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


that would be a fun control build. kicking/fearing people away/off your team mates lol

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256



I guess my first comment is that the game has been out for just a month officially. And when I see comments like these, I just think … “Here’s a person who has only played one character, arguably to cap, and has a very limited perception on whats going on.”

I think you said you were level 70? So you don’t know what diversity is out there, you are just basing it all on what you’ve seen, which again is a single limited view point.

I could arguably spec a warrior with a mace and a shield. or even a warhorn. i could also hook my utility slots up with a crap load of banners that boost my group with countless boons. That’s a support class. An effective one for the group who does no damage, and possible can offer some support with stuns and knock downs.

Do people do it? Heck no. When I got the game, before I knew anything about it, I said “I want to be a buff warrior with a big A sword!” and thats what I made … fortunately that spec is exactly what I wanted, unfortunately its the one everyone plays because its what everyone “knows”. Not sure what I would have done had 2h sword been a support class… actually that’s a lie, I would have looked at my options, and made a now educated choice on the class I play.

It’s disturbing to me that people say there are no diversity in classes, and there are no group roles. Because it tells me that people aren’t looking for those answers. The people looking for the answers are in game finding how things work, not jumping on here saying, “Hey! I’ve played one character and I think you should make the game the way I know how to play it.”

The diversity and group builds are there… I see it, I just don’t see how others do not. I cannot tell you a single dungeon I did in any mmo that we didn’t crash and burn miserably on the first time, and then months later after people “figured it out” how easy it was to do. It’s called learning, adapting, and finding solutions. You are not a master straight out of the gates, no matter how sure a person is of their skills. Because you are basing it on old habits and old systems, and not looking at the tools available to you currently.

I just don’t see how people think that they should have these answers right this moment, a month after the games release.

You say you are a normal individual, with a job, and play casually. Well then why are you assuming this game is lacking? Based on that description I’d assume you have no idea whats going on, just like 90% of the other gamers out there, because you admit you don’t have the time to figure it out. You want it the way you know it, and your disappointed it’s not being delivered to you that easily.

Adaption to roles and builds take time, the answers are not just given to you.

The other issue is that you obviously are still passionately in love with GW1. I don’t blame you. I still hold the same sort of admiration for DaoC. But if you are honest with yourself, you’d recognize that all games launch with great potential, and then they build upon that base and the game hopefully becomes amazing afterwards.

But you cannot ask for this game, in its infancy, to be something it’s not meant to be. They don’t want it to be WoW, DaoC, GW1, Aion, SWG, Warhammer, or the hundreds of other MMOS out there, they want it to be unique, different, and they want to expand upon that uniqueness and develop upon that originality. And they are succeeding.

Learn to enjoy this project, and have the patience and respect to allow them to develop the game further, and years later you’ll look back and say … “Wow, this game is a ton of fun because it’s different” and enjoy the fact that its not a reskinned version of an old model/system.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


1. WoW FanBois are WoW Fanbois. It’s their “fix” and they’ve been plugged into it for 7 or so years. Nothing is going to come out and change that aside from WoW 2.

2. I hear this sort of chat every time a game comes out. Same nonsense was said to Blizzard about Diablo 3. “OOOOoooOOoooo Blizzard! You better get your act together or you are going to lose us forever!”

The consumer base is full of arrogant entitled babies. ArenaNet sold over 2 million copies in less than a month, and it’s not like if players leave they are going to have to refund anyone or lose out on a subscription base. And it’s not like they aren’t going to continue to see revenue or new players, the game get great reviews constantly.

They have addressed issues they’ve had in a timely manner and will continue to do so. If WoW babies want to make empty threats in some imaginary attempt to “make things happen” then let them. Personally I don’t care to see these people in game.

“Oh I’m just playing this game till WoW Panda Yadda Yadda comes out cause it’ll be Soooooooooooooo better! This game sucks.” Said person who is just going to complain about that game 3 days after they get it too.

And they are empty threats by the way. Because no matter what this game is/was, or any game for that matter, they are still WoW junkies and were going to get that game anyhow.

WoW is played out. I stopped playing it in 2007. I for one enjoy something fresh and new, and this game is exactly that.

Dungeons. Already requiring people to be level 80 and have the "leet" gear.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


First you have to figure out how to cure people’s desires to feel they are better than others.

Then you’ll eliminate any persecution in life, let alone in the game.

In all seriousness, people are allowed to play with whoever they want. IE my requirement for people to join my group is they can’t be tight wads. ArenaNet isn’t going to then implement a system that keeps me from filtering out these individuals who make my gaming experience not fun, just because this requirement of mine keeps a good majority of the player base from joining my groups.

People are allowed to be as selective as they want when it comes to choosing who they play with. If they think they “need” a person to be lvl 80 and with elite loot, then you aren’t going to change that mindset and there’s nothing arenanet can do to change that either.

You cannot change a persons mentality by some forced in game system. No matter what you ask for, or what arena net does, people will always create a standard of elitism.

I mean, what would be next? A system that keeps players from booting others from a group because they just plain suck at playing? After all, that’s just mean.

Personally I dislike all this “make it fair” nonsense. What’s the point of obtaining loot and leveling up at that point? This is a game. Games are competitive environments. What that means is, someone will ALWAYS be better than another.

There are plenty of people who aren’t lvl 80 and who don’t have elite loot looking to do the same events you are, team up with them.

Make downed mesmer clones un-revivable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


well part of the problem too is that when you stand over a body you see the “revive” function pop up. whether the names are different colored or not, sometimes thats the only indicator you go off of.

ie if a couple people are laying dead in the same bunch, be nice if i was rezzing the player and not a clone.

darn clones.

In-Game Surveys, or How Not to Ruin the Game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


I’m certain “gold” was a generic term for “cash”. Focusing a bit too much on the specifics there…

I do like this idea. People who enjoy things rarely complain nor take the time to voice their opinion on what works/is effective. Hence why these forums are always filled with negative chatter.

It’s a reason I like coming on here, to battle the crybabies where appropriate

Forum: Like & Dislike

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


oh i see it now.

dislike would be good too. ie if you look at sports forums, you can really see when people do not agree with comments when they have a 100 dislikes :p

Forum: Like & Dislike

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


I hesitate to ever push social media functions, but for the sake of this particular forum it’d be a great feature.

Stating the obvious, Likes/Dislikes are quick ways of allowing people to support or not, any post they read, may cut down on the inappropriate chatter as well and a quick way to gather a consensus.

Just an idea

Preview option in Trading Post

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


Yeah this is one that I’d think would be obvious, but on the bizarre chance it hasn’t been mentioned before. +1!

Guild Logo Tattoos

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


lol. but then we’d need laser removal for people who decide afterwards that they dislike the tattoo…

Class specific items?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


I was pondering this last night with my new Mesmer. You create the character and you get to choose between 3 masks to help determine your personality … and then I thought, “Are there more of these masks later in the game?”

There could be … but I have a lvl 80 Warrior and to my knowledge all I’ve ever seen are general cloth helms, which means Elementalists can wear them, which leads me to believe that end game armor for a Mesmer is the same as what Elementalists get to use … which ultimately means that whole Mesmer carnival illusionist feel gets lost after the first 10-15 lvls when I start finding head gear drops.

Maybe later down the road, we can start seeing more class specific items to help expand upon the uniqueness of each character class. Similar to what Diablo 2 implemented; barbarian only helms, necro only fetishes, amazon only bows/pikes, assassin only claw weapons, etc.

Overall that’s where I hope this game goes, is allowing further expansion upon the uniqueness of each character. The hero story is a huge step in that direction, making a player/character feel their Warrior/Necro/whatever is different than another of the same class, simply because you got to choose your personality traits, choose your journey, choose a different order to belong to.

Now if we could start seeing some class specific items (perhaps ones that are achieved in future hero stories), that would further allow people to feel they are uniquely different than other classes who use the same armor/weapon types as they do.

It’d just be awesome to see lvl 80 mesmers who have awesome gear as well as twisted/goofy/sorrowful masks as they did when they started, a visual sense of true class development and growth.

Change daily achievements to weekly achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


The daily is easily hammered out in an hour to 2 hour timeline. I don’t really see how you think this is unacceptable for the “average” player. The average player should have no problem completing this on a daily basis, I do it all the time with no problems.

The way they have it is fine, and no player is required to do it. It’s there for people who enjoy having that task to complete day to day.

You shouldn’t punish people who make the time to play on a more consistent basis, just because others in the world cannot make the time. I fail to see how expanding the daily achievement to be a weekly achievement does anything but limit the amount of rewards a person can accomplish in the given time frame. I mean while we are at it, lets just lower the level cap to 50 since “the people” just can’t find the time to level up to 80.

Guild Items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


Are we going to see more Guild Item options? I’m assuming yes, obviously gear skins are the easiest things to add as far as content is concerned and other game breaking issues take priority before this stuff is created/added …

but i personally was hoping for more from the Guild items. There’s only 1 skin type (that I’ve found) for each armor type that displays the logo, and they are ugly. IE the heavy mail has ugly scale mail arms.

I’ve always thought guild gear helped highlight awesome armor as an accent, but whats currently available doesn’t at all do that.

Especially with the weapons costing 6k+ points to unlock, I’m hoping that later there is more stuff added that helps justify why someone would fork over that sort of currency for these things.

Also, I know cloaks are played out … and I rather like my backpack (this was my compromise to the ugly guild armor skin), but the option would still be nice … My inner Darth Vader always wants to put the black cloak of doom on.

[Suggestion] Character Remake

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


So you’d be a Charr who had a Silvari’s storyline?

What’s the point of race specific traits at that point?

Not to mention it completely removes race specific stereotypes. IE Norn are supposed to be viewed as the viking drunkards while asurans are the tinkering gadget makers.

So you’d pick a Norn, pick his warrior spirit, what he did at that party, and then run around the map there after as an Asuran?

I don’t like this idea, it kills the entire feel of the fantasy world you are supposed to be a part of, and completely eliminates Race specific benefits.

IE norn get to shapeshift as part of their racial benefit. Asuran get to conjure up golems. What you are suggesting would allow anyone to visual look how they want and then choose what traits they benefit from, which completely goes against the whole “choice” methodology the game is founded on.

If this was ok, then people would ask that they be allowed to wear whisper agent armor as a vigil member. Again, this shouldnt be allowed. The whole point is you make a choice and reap the benefits of those choices. If you want to look different, or be a part of a different order, make a new character and experience the game from a different viewpoint.

It’s not like classes are restricted by race. If you want a Charr warrior, go make one. Asking for a way to reskin your asuran character as a charr just because you got bored will only ruin the games look and feel.

The Endgame Reimagined

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


There definitely needs to be some sort of device in the game that encourages group and guild play more, and not just within a PvP structure.

Dungeons do this to a degree: IE provide an experience where a group bands together/works together to conquer the obstacles, but as Kawa/Cristo pointed out … be nice to see more of this, or this element expanded upon.

I like the epic zerg fights in Orr, but there does need to be more encouraged guild play. It’d be great to see a squad of guild mates roll up on the dragon and visually stand a part from the zerg as they bring down the beast.

Such things would encourage Alliances as well. Would be nice if later there was perhaps a dungeon where teams of 4 groups could be created to explore a dungeon instance.

People need to visually feel rewarded of their accomplishments not only at the end of an event with a rewarded object from a chest, but also during the act of bringing the beast down.

I remember in DaoC dragon raids we would have groups assigned to the dragon lair entrance whose jobs were to keep any outside agro from rushing in. While another group was designated as primary aggro takers for the dragon, etc. It really allowed people to pick a job, focus on their job, and feel a sense of accomplishment that they were helping in the big picture. The current zergs seem like a button smashing contest till the creature dies.

I know the game is brand new. I’m not at all criticizing. I love the product delivered on release, and am glad I don’t have to wait another 4 years to have the ultimate dream package delivered. Thats the point of an MMO, to enjoy what you have now, and look forward to newer/grander adventures in the future.

Also… I only hit 80 this Tuesday, and have only done 2 of the dungeons. There is lots still to discover.

A lot of talk lately seems to be about “lack of endgame” … however I wonder if this is primarily due to the psyche that once you hit the lvl cap “you’re done”. I myself hit 80 and said, ok now what?

The answer? There is lots still to do! Dungeons I have not explored. Regions I have not explored. Tons of PvP/WvW (which I intentionally held off on till I hit 80). I’m sure there is plenty of end game to satisfy my needs, I just haven’t found it yet because the game is so deep, and I wager a lot of people are in the same boat.

My exploration is only at like 40% … so at least theres still that 60% left for me to go after before I really can complain that there’s “nothing to do”.

Tangent aside, I look forward to seeing more encouraged organized group play in PvE.

Expand Hero Story based on profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


I don’t think it’s needed right this moment. But would be nice for added content down the road with future expansions.

This game is going to last a while, so it’s easy to think about what the possibilities for the future will be. And something like this isn’t going to happen over night, that amount of content would take time to create, so it’s good to think about it now.

I forgot to mention the Order choice. That’s part of the reason I was wanting more of this type of stuff.

I was showing my brother some of the Vigil only skins last night, and he wanted one, and I said to him “Tough! You’re a Whispers Agent!” … thats the kind of stuff that makes you proud of the choices you’ve picked on your quests, and it’d be awesome to see more of it in the future.

Expand Hero Story based on profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


Not sure if this has been mentioned (I’m certain it has ;p) but repetition gets things done! ;D

In Dark Age of Camelot they later added epic quests based on character class. These were end game quests that a player would do to unlock upper level loot.

I just hit lvl 80 last night with my Norn Warrior, and I loved how the Hero Story tied into my game play. I’ve played all the big name mmos, and to be honest, I never followed the game story lines, because I never felt my character was linked into it. Guild Wars 2 succeeded in actually allowing me to feel a part of the overarching story.

With that said, my brother has an asuran Engineer whom is also 80. There were differences in our hero stories towards the beginning due to the race differences, but obviously, eventually both of our stories ended up coming to the same point towards the later half. I found myself at that point making alternate decisions in quest choices just to ensure some of the side quests were indeed different for us. Since he was ahead of me in the quests, I also found myself telling him to keep any spoilers to himself :p

Anyways … All in all I love the hero quest, and it’s definitely one of the points of interest that make GW2 stand a part from any of the other mmos that are out there. In future expansions it’d be awesome to see how you expand upon that.

What I thought would be awesome is if (using my toon as an example) the hero quest expanded upon the characters class. Everyone wants diversity, they want to be different, feel unique, with the character they play. So it’d be great if a lvl 80 warrior could pick from perhaps 3 hero quests to journey down, which would allow him/her to further zero in on the complexity of their build. The rewards from each of those hero quests would make that warrior more unique than others. IE maybe the armor awarded was different, the weapons, some new utility skills gained.

This would:
1) Solve the dilema I heard from gametrailers this morning, that there is a lacking in end game pve content.
2) Allow people to further adapt, customize, and feel that their character is different than any other player in the game. I see a lot of talk on the Warrior forums for example about how people are annoyed that everyone uses the Greatsword. Perhaps this could encourage people to lean more towards Hammer, Greatsword, Great Axe/Polearm (cause you are going to add these, right? Right??? :p)
3) My norn warrior’s hero quest will be entirely different than my brothers asuran engineers, as it should be. The warriors quest should have him off conquering a gang of amazon women while the engineer is off playing Macgyver.
4) Depending on rewards, it may even encourage people to want to play the same class multiple times due to the way they can customize their character, or just to enjoy a different story. (although I do realize that part of the reason the system is the way it is, is so that people don’t lock themselves into a specific build)
5) It’ll create STORIES! … The greatest part about MMOS for me is the memories/stories that I have from them. I have friends whom for 10 years now, we still joke about the time that Hagbui Thane Troll scared the crap out of us and chased us for what seemed a mile, until we realized it was just ghosting cause of lag. Or the dozens of stories we have about crushing people on the pvp battle field. These stories were unique, and thats why they lasted so long. It’d be great if my brother could sit there and tell me about how awesome and different his engineers epic hero quest was without me saying “yea i know, i did it too.” Because it would be that much more unique.

Anyways, to sum up. I hope to see more individualized hero stories in the future. Granted I know it takes a while, and I may have to wait a few years to see this come to fruition; but who knows, maybe you are ahead of me on this one and we can see this in the first expansion

Love the game btw, first one since DaoC where I actually feel I may hang around for the long haul again.

2 Hand Weapons Shoud have 2 Usable Upgrade Slots

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


Aion added something like this after I stopped playing it. My room mate is still addicted to that game so he showed me …

But basically you can do something similar to item transmutation, that allows you to imbue one 2h weapon with a second one and that 1 item would share those two stats, or something along those lines.

But like someone mentioned above, they may have already adjusted for this (i personally haven’t researched) but for example maybe 2h weapons can have up to 100+ to skills on it where as a 1h only has 50+ to skills, making the 2 weapons together equaling out to the one 2h weapon.

Though there is still the obvious upgrade slot to account for.