Showing Posts For Annette.6278:

Matchmaking system at League Season 6

in PvP

Posted by: Annette.6278


It’s always that way in the beginning of a season. You’ll have lopsided matches until everyone’s rating normalizes and you’ve hit your own skill cap and reach 50/50 win rate.

It was my hope. Thanks for the answer.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

Matchmaking system at League Season 6

in PvP

Posted by: Annette.6278


Hello everyone

I’m playing pvp during current season the third day (35 games) and I would like to say a few words. You know, I’m not a pro pvp gamer, I just like this game mode and doing my best but during this time I feel that the system works wrong (again; it was ok about the previous season after a long long time). Most matches are happening in one way. One team is more well skilled than another and sometimes but not always there is just no way to do anything. You may come with full party and anyway will die or try your best but lose a match. Sometimes it’s like been washed away by a wave. Only few games during 35 I feel like I’m fighting against the same skilled people. But if you thought that I’m here to whine – no. I have been on another side too and feel that my enemies are kittens and there is no happy about killing them all at once. So all matchmaking is just about a luck to be gathered in a party that will win or will lose beforehand.

You have to make not a one team (blue or red) within with the same skilled people but 2 teams in the same time for 1 match.

(But thanks for rewards. They are very good for the efforts)

I may be wrong etc. I know.
And pardon my mistakes, english isn’t my native language.

p.s. Right after I created this topic something has changed and that was a very good match 497/500.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

(edited by Annette.6278)

Living World Season Three

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


Thanks a lot, Mike! We appreciate all your hard work and I wanna say that I’m sure there are people as me who understand why these things take so much time. You are not an automatic conveyor to make everything by day and night. And to create something new isn’t an easy task for everyone. And if you are a player but who has a real life with study, job, other interests, friends and so on you just have no time to do everything in the game. So I hope you and your team understand it too and the causes of all those topic about content drought. They all aren’t because of your work, guys, if you look deeply.
You really do amazing job. Thanks for this beautiful world that we can explore a bit more.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

(edited by Annette.6278)

Thank You ANet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


I’ve just killed Bandit Executioner and yes thanks for the music! Of course all of this is Scarlet’s legacy and this sound immediatly makes me hate bandit more than when I just see him. Good work!

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

Ls too hard

in Living World

Posted by: Annette.6278


Maybe i’m not right but you fight with the Dragon minions. One of the most powerful Dragons. What do you want? It’s hard but Kasmeer always revive me or Rox. So it can be done. And this is a good hard lvl. So take you sword and stop whine.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

Some good words about HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Annette.6278


I didn’t find any topic about HoT music and i were going to say many good words after the second weekend but didn’t. I wanna say a huge thanks for GW2 OST because it’s great, epic and has a huge energy. I felt the beginning of a great journey and were listening to it and all HoT ost again and again. And music is right in time when it must be. It begins and stopped in the right moment! It’s very important and makes a right atmospere in the game. The music is an emotion. And it lives like an emotion in the game. I were upset about changing the main theme but i were listening to both 2 tracks today and i think i can accept it now. Anyway it’s very painful always when devs change something in GW2 that works well.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

(edited by Annette.6278)

Pre-purchase bonus character slot- to a dev

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Annette.6278


It takes less than a week of playing casually to level someone to 80, a small amount of gold to gear them in exotics. It’s been 3 years already.

Why are you people so surprised?

Maybe not everyone live in the game?

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

beta test, how does it work?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Annette.6278


And you can’t open the Guild panel and represent any guild during Beta test when you’re using your beta character.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

how to use mastery points?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Annette.6278


It’s simple enough to understand once explained, but it’s not intuitive and it’s a different system from what people have been using the last 3 years. If they haven’t been following the forums or blogs they could easily have no idea at all what to do.

What about to use your brain? (I mean any player) Yes, it’s new but does it mean that it’s impossible to understand by yourself? To look, to try, to look again, to think in the end ><
Players of GW2 are too lazy and if they can’t do something in one second they came here to whine! I think even Six Gods couldn’t help them.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

(edited by Annette.6278)

Get us REAL pvp, just DO IT!

in PvP

Posted by: Annette.6278


@Firelysm.4967, such a great suggestions! And gvg matches would be appreciated!

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

how to use mastery points?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Annette.6278


It’s a pity that ppl can’t understand even this mastery system. There was a table with masteries, a status bar that was filling while i were doing events on the map and it’s logical when it’s full you can use your mastery point. Dev even put an icon of MP on the right side after the status bar. And when it was full i spent my MP for basic glider lvl. Is it difficult to guess? Ooh… People, did you play this game before? It seems like no

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

(edited by Annette.6278)

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Annette.6278


@Ohoni.6057, sorry, man, but i hope that dev won’t listen to you or any other player that can’t do something in the game. Maybe i’ll say now not about the topic a bit. But because of such people like you now we have some things have been maked easier than earlier and it’s not good for players and the game at all. It’s a game. There is no one task that you can’t do. Yes, some of them require more time or efforts but it’s normal! Because of such people like you dev made New Player Experience system as if we’re stupid (sorry, dev but it looks like this). I think that they have received many letters from young players that can’t even read what was written! They don’t wanna use their brain and it’s not dev or our problem! You know it was difficult to read all of these dialogues in english because English is my second language! But i were sitting with dictionary and spent a lot of time! And it was not easy to uderstand what’s going on in the world, on the map, events, items and everything. There were many tasks that i can’t do alone (oh, the ;ast part of Arah is solo now?! What did they do with it for such people as you!…) and i joined an international guild, i started to talk. I have to do it but it was useful! And i say thank you, dev, that it was hard in the beginning. I’m playing for 2 years when i wanted to play. Yes, i still didn’t have my legendary weapon and i still didn’t have an ascended armors! I don’t like what they did with PvP rewarding system and other things. It’s ok that someone is better than me and maybe i’ll never be the first and i’ll never have everything but it’s normal. I don’t wanna be a minion of Mordremoth so no easy tasks anymore!

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

(edited by Annette.6278)

Some good words about HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Annette.6278


Hello everyone and especially developers! (I really hope that someone from the team will read this). I didn’t find (157 pages!) any common topic with feedbacks from different people so i decided to create a new one. Here won’t be any math or sugestions as if i know your work better than you. I’m a girl playing GW2 for 2 years and i wanna say really big thanks for this World and all expirience that i had here! I can’t say that every change that you have made since the beginning was right but anyway GW2 is the best mmorpg ever as i think. And now about HoT.
I were waiting for beta test and were very exited about it because trailers and articles were amazing and you offer us some new stuff that wasn’t in the game before! But i still didn’t know what i see there. What will it be the location? How does it look like? Who is the revenant? How hard will monsters be? How to glide and how will i feel myself in the air? A week has gone since beta test and what do i think now? But… maybe do you wanna hear some critique? I think you can read about it in many others topics. I wanna say that my expirience were great! (And here i’ll tell my thoughts only about Verdant Brink Guys, you have created a location that doesn’t look like any other in the game. It’s more realistic, more complex, more full of life, huge and overwhelming. When i have just entered i immideately felt the War and Mordremoth in every leaf and grain of sand. I felt myself so small when i came to the edge and looked down! So happy to glide and breathtaking falling down to the ground… That i can’t forget. (And i think you need to put some details to this ground because it was strange graphic or just black space sometimes but if it’ll incriase loading so it’s ok as it is). But above the ground there were enough details and thanks to disigners! And i really felt fear a bit when i saw wyvern’s shadow in the sky.
So… First of all, It was epic Rytlock’s returning Nice battle and i were glad to see him and other heroes. (But a little note you know it’s a bit annoying to replay LS again when i have created a new character. I think it’s not right and killed something in perception. “What is going on? I have already done it”… You can’t replay anything in the real life). Anyway it was good enough.
Second, thanks for creating new monsters, new angry, big and hard or imposible to solo kill! I missed group events since LS has become a solo to be done. And in the beginng of test it was hard to go forward if you were alone. It seemed impossible and i hope that the rest part of the map will be more, more hard and difficult! There is enough stuff for solo playing.
Third, i like the process of fighting and event at Shrouded Ruins (about vines) is very good! Please don’t do anything easier. And i’m really glad about the event on the wall with rifles! It was fun and interesting to try something new so i would like to have more new different ways to complete events or tasks during it! (That’s why i still miss water map in PvP).
Fourthly, thanks for labyrinth of ways when map sometimes can’t help me to find a way. So i had to remember, look for the right road… just thanks from my brain for tasks that require his work. Even if all of it will be exp;ored and studied in the future and become more simple this process is a pleasure.
Fifth, I have never thought that i were playing any class (and especially heavy class) exept mesmer but the Revenant made thing like this so i prefered to play him! And i have created a mesmer just to look at chronomancer and then switched for Rev again. I could be strong enough, i can choose various type of playing due to 4 Legends and i can kill monsters from the distance. It’s perfect
So i’m waiting for HoT and i wanna let you know that for me it’s ok that we have a pause during a long time since the last part of LS is ended because you guys are doing a big job that includes so many details to be created and done from a zero and it’s not easy to find one way between many ideas and ppl, right? And furthermore to do something that many ppl around the world will like. We have enough time to finish our stuff in the game and to live a real life so i don’t understand these players who started to whine every time. If they don’t know what to do it’s their problem. I think it’s wrong to live in the game 24/7. And i don’t think that you dev want us to live here the whole days. It’s just a game. You can play, log off and log in again later after another stuff. I hope that you understand it, dear developers, i say thank you for everything and you mustn’t entertain everyone just because they swaped life and game. They can’t full their life by themselves and found an easy way to ask for it from anyone else (you or others).
Best wishes and good luck, Annette.
And sorry for grammar mistakes if they are here because English is my second language. ^^

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

People are actually leaving GW2 PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Annette.6278


I haven’t read the whole topic but i can say that i have left the game several times in the past because i’m a mesmer and it was impossible to fight for me on PvP. And i think that it was hard not only for me. Maybe i should cry abou it in the past and make many topics here too? Now i feel that my skills really work how they must work. But you all cry here like mesmers became gods. But they have became just like any warrior that can fight and win or die.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

Realistic way to nerf Mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Annette.6278


I feel like everytime mesmers were an easy targets. Stealth, stun, 2-3 hit and it’s done. Just when you see mesmer and think “Oh, mesmer, it’ll not be a problem”. I have never feel myself that i can be someone but a little support for others. You can say that i can’t play right but now i can stay alone on the point and save it. Not every times but often that in the past. I think that not to die from anyone and be able to fight like other classes is ok. And i don’t remember many mesmers in the past on PvP. Maybe there were a reasons to make any other class and ppl did it?

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

Why do mesmers have so much stealth?

in PvP

Posted by: Annette.6278


Was that an excerpt from something said 2 months ago prepatch?

I have my holiday from the game for about 4 months so i don’t know if someone said it before me. And one of the reason that i had this time is that i’m tired of dying from anyone especially from thieves. All classes killed us for 2 years and i haven’t heard tears about it from them. They just enjoyed it.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

Why do mesmers have so much stealth?

in PvP

Posted by: Annette.6278


I think it’s anfairly if thief says something about mesmer that he doesn’t like. If these is the first class that can kill me in a few seconds it’s is a thief! And i always hate thieves for their stealth and stun. It’s easy to kill us if you know who we are and who is our clones. But i have never said about it here and will never to ask dev to do something with it. Sorry, i haven’t read last changes if they were but if mesmers got some of them i finally say Thanks to Anet because i have stopped dying all the time from any classes. So our stealth sometimes is the last attemp to survive under your fast knives.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

(edited by Annette.6278)

Dear Anet :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


I don’t know where I should write my message so I found this old topic. Dear Anet, thank you so much for your new PvP system choosing players for one match because I finally stopped to die every match (ofc not every but it was awful) and trying to kill players with higher rank than i have.
Best wishes, Annette.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

Pact Fleet Weapons Praise

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


Yeah, thanks a lot to Anet for these weapon set! They’re amazing with these colors, details and forms. One of the best set in the game. Good job!
But there is one problem as always how to buy it in time for 1 ticket…

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

I really don't like killing Skritt

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


Yes, skritt are nice but I have met them first in Queensdale than Metrica Province so know them as mobs or enemies who’s doing some bad things to humans. And it was a big surpeise when i have met a friendly trible. So this skritt has some intelligence and i’m glad to help them but not the first ones.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

(edited by Annette.6278)

Will 'Greatest Fear' return back or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


I don’t understand why they would ever think it was a good idea to remove content from the game.

Don’t understand too. I think you mustn’t change something that you have shared with others because it’s begin our memory and part of us. Somebody(ies) can make something different if he(they) wants because he(they) have created this but should give others a choice. It’s like to kill something inside so always painfull.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

Dear Anet :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


Dear Anet, wanna say thank you very much guys that you have fixed down camera!! It really helps me (and others) in fight. Keep on doing right things!
And thanks for amazing and very atmospheric Halloween event!

You mean the same halloween event we had 2013?
Im mean I dont dress up as the same thing every year so I expected the event to change aswell tbh

Oh, was it the same? I haven’t been during Halloween in the last year so i didn’t know and for me it was the first exp.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

(edited by Annette.6278)

Will minis ever catch up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


Yes, i don’t understand why my minis can’t run near me and it’s strange to see how they suddenly use teleport Xx On the other side there is less chance that it will be injured in some fight.) And it’ll be really nice if it has special animation while i get defeated. ^^ If they could worry about me.)

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

Suggestion - Allow players to filter messages

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


Very good idea. Always block and report about these spam acaunts but it’s never enough to make all of them fall silent.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


I want voice emotes.

I have found that there probably was this emotion /toast but don’t know anything more.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

[Suggestion] Account bound items UI

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


Nice idea It will make our gaming life a bit easier.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

(edited by Annette.6278)

Dear Anet :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


Dear Anet, wanna say thank you very much guys that you have fixed down camera!! It really helps me (and others) in fight. Keep on doing right things!
And thanks for amazing and very atmospheric Halloween event!

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

(edited by Annette.6278)

[Proposal] Reorganizing the achievement panel

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


Great idea! Agree with it. Thanks for sharing.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

Put festive tokens into wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


Agree with it. I think there should be slots for every collected items. that we receive during LS or another activity. We need free slots in our bank for other stuff.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

Client 'remember password' option redundant

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


Mine is remembered but auto-“log in” doesn’t work.

I see the game become to be more easy where there is no need in it (content) and more annoying in such (technical) changes (or bugs…xD).

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

Reset Bug (?) on Hero Panel

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


Not just the checkbox either, the mini completely removes itself from my mini slot leaving it empty.

Have this problem with one of my old char. Others’re fine.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

NPE Feedback [Merged] - Please read 1st post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


Trouble is, many of us existing players actually like complexity. That’s what keeps us making alts, keeps us trying new builds…

The NPE works directly against this. The trait change works directly against this.

There’s a fundamental mismatch here, and I’d love to hear ArenaNet talk about it. Or even acknowledge it…

Absolutely agree. I feel better that not only I think in this way.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

NPE Feedback [Merged] - Please read 1st post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


Everybody that hates the NPE is going to take over the discussion after all the fixes have been released I believe. You’re going to see multiple posts by the same people that hate it, and it’s going to seem like a lot more people dislike the new changes, when in reality, it’s just those same people that really want to make their point across. And not that there is anything wrong with posting more than once, it is a discussion after all, but you get my point.

I mean you can see the evidence of it now, with people complaining in one thread over the subject, and then having some of those same people from that thread start up new threads on pretty much the same topic.

I do agree that some minor changes need to happen, but hopefully Anet doesn’t give in to the pressure and make a complete 180 to the NPE, because I believe some of these changes are good for the game.

So I can’t wait to chime in when all the fixes are done. Should be interesting.

I agree with you about this. I think it’s premature to gauge how NPE will play at the current time, because we do know changes are coming.

And yes, you do see some forum members making the same points again and again. That truly is not helpful to the review and discussion, in that the devs would prefer a focused, clear, concise statement rather than realizing “Wait, it’s that same person, saying the same thing for the 19th time.”

Hi, Caile Gray. Maybe you should show on the forum how many ppl give +1 to any post to see (i guess you can see but we don’t) that these players aren’t alone in the opinion? And it wil be +1 of only ppl reading the forum… And how many will not try to say because they know nothing (you won’t bring all back i guess) will be changed? Except small fixes. I feel myself very bad about what’s going on and just can’t find an answer on one question: Why do devs change what works well and what players like?
Maybe it’s better to bring something new?
Is it all for us? NO.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

(edited by Annette.6278)

Great job on the Collections -

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


Welcome to the post-XBox age, when achievement collecting became important parts of games. Even if the “achievements” are little more than “turn on the game” “finish chapter 1” “your first fight”.

Though, snark aside. Different people get different . . . motivations to play a game.

Thanks, but I know about different motivations and all that you explained to me. Yes, i like to see some achivements are done and receive a chest for it and it’s collector’s feeling but these collections aren’t like a part of Living Story in the past when if you don’t do it in time you don’t complete it ever.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

"Leveling as a Reward" Experience Crippling!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


No gathering, dodging, trading posts, downed state, conditions, and much more for new players. All this feature pack did is make previously available things level-locked. Lol

Yep, seems like Anet is going in the right direction…. /s

I have low lvls characters but I haven’t played them since this pack. If Anet really have changed all… I have no (good) words. So stupid. There were NO problems for normal human to understand all options/skills and use them after some time. If they have done because of many letters from new players with words about that they can’t understand something and cried about it… (only my guess) Sooo… facepalm

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

Great job on the Collections -

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


I hadn’t even a thought that we must fill these new collections immediately by buying items or just complete it right now. xX This point of view has surprised me. It doesn’t matter for me whether or not these collections exist. It’s nice to play and receive some achievements for this but why should achievements be a goal and not just gaming and spending time with friends? oO

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

Death/Downed Camera...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


I was really upset by this change of camera when you’re dead. I wanna see what is happening while i’m lying. I just feel that i’m losing control of situation. It isn’t funny. =(

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


It’s a pity that i have 2 transmutation stones (need 3) and can’t use it and can’t get 1 more to do charge. I think it’s unfairly.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


I don’t like that now players can wear outfits over the armor set. It’s not realistic! Even if they can’t wear it while in combat. Don’t like what they do with town clothes and that now we have tonics. Why so many bad changes did we get?

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

Armor set/ Weapon set while out of combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


Yes, i agree with you. It would be nice if they do this button and if there is a special place for armors in this window of set. And we’ll get free place in our bags.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

Will You Be Playing GW2 Less Post Patch ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


Yes, i’ll be playing less. It hurts me when i saw the changes. I don’t like that now we have the same armors on pve and pvp and that i must use transmutate charges to wear new armor because i could do it free in the past. And now i must to have one more armor set in my bag – why?! And more, and more… I have never hated any patch before and thought that GW2 was the best mmo rpg game.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.

character personality charm/dignity/ferocity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Annette.6278


I liked this characteristic of my character even if it didn’t influence on attitude to me of others npc. It’s a pity that it was deleted.

GW2 is almost a perfect MMORPG. Please, DON"T make it in such way like we are stupid.