Showing Posts For Anon.3041:

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anon.3041


As a Mesmer I can say that they should add mounts since people seem to think it would be OP if Mesmers had the same access to swiftness as every other class.

Where did I say that mounts would need to go any faster than walking pace ? I just asked for mounts – not that they added extra traveling speed.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anon.3041


d) Add mounts into the game !! Make ppl pay for them … I dont care … just get them in.
- Redundant when you can just port everywhere for dimes. Mounts are cool, but it’s all vanity items.

Exactly – its just vanity. It would still make Anet alot of money. I was expecting this to be announched already into the ingame store by now. Cause again – it makes alot of money and has zero effect in terms of gameplay. Just like every outfit in store…

Anyway – I have asked for my refund now. Like I said – 20$ I payed for gems should cover my 60 lvls of gameplay. And its obvious with the tone from the forum posters that they think Im asking for to much in terms of changing the game.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anon.3041


So ask for your refund already and be done with it. Why do you really care so much about what strangers on a forum board think about your financial practices? Sounds to me like you might just want to stir the pot a bit. Just say goodbye and be done with it already.

Ye – I probably will.

Can’t say I did not post why I did that tho.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anon.3041


Well, since the OP has since said he just doesn’t enjoy it, sorry but thems the breaks. Simply not enjoying something isn’t really grounds for a refund. Hell, if it was, just think how little the Twilight movies would have made.

I Loved the game Farcry, one of the best fps ever made. FarCry 2 was one of the biggest piles of kitten kittening kittyness ever made, but I didn’t ask for a refund.

Far Cry 2 did not offer refunds.

At least I can take my hat off for ANet for offering it. It shows they care. And like I said… Its not like they havn’t got anything from me. They got my gem money that I will not be asking for refunds off.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anon.3041


There are other aspects of this game that you could participate in. if you think you deserve a refund just because one little aspect of the game didn’t live up to your expectations then you have some serious entitlement issues.

I did not buy this game for the other aspects. I bought it for PVE value. The game has its good sides but its not strong enough in terms of PVE content for me to stay with the game (even tho the lvling experience is fine so far). And ye .. I feel abit cheated cause I expected better endgame pve content than what the game is offering right now.

With that said – Im not doing the latest dungeons. And since Ive not been much online I will probably have zero chance to enjoy them since ANET has said that PVE content is for harcore premade groups rather than casual players. So far standing outside a dungeon hoping for invite sounds really far fetched for me…

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anon.3041


I have just to many issues with the game atm to be able to enjoy it. I’ve heard you can get refunded but Im willing to give Anet a chance to explain how they are gonna improve the game in the coming months.

I got my hopes up abit hearing they are rewamping the dungeons since I consider the dungeon experience to be some of the worst thing Ive seen in MMO game for very very long time. But I doubt that would be enough to keep me interested for coming months.

Here are few of the things I would like to see.

a) Allow players to change the order of weapon abilites in action bar. (simple)
b) Add more abilites per weapon – but you can only use 5
c) Give ppl real choises on how they want to play – If they want to be more tanky or healing – then allow them. Current system does not.
d) Add mounts into the game !! Make ppl pay for them … I dont care … just get them in.
e)Improve the dungeon experience. I know of alot of ppl that like to play trinity way and would be playing GW2 if it had good dungeons that offered more tratidional gameplay.
f) Add 10 man raids into the game.

So if 1 or 2 of this would be yes then I might think about it – but right now I think refund and never looking back seems to be the only way for me.

Dungeon Finder Sorely Needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


Since the content is not really balanced for pugs I dont see why there should be LFG system in the game at all. It sounds to me that you need voicechat as well to do it.

Dungeons and Dungeon Reward System Overhaul Needed.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


@Rholo- because there are only 3 explorable paths.

I think most of us here agree that dungeons shouldn’t be a cake walk but don’t block out other players because they aren’t top tier players. I play with friends in a guild who aren’t that skilled and when I do dungeons with them its a big challenge.

I think another possible fix would be change the amount of tokens per path and have each path be set “difficulty”.

An example would be AC Explorable(I forgot my NPC names) but Charr is your easy wing(I’m using the term easy in the sense its easier than the other two. it should not be a cake walk.) Asuran is your medium difficulty and the human is your hardest. Easy-30 first clear/15 2nd+, Medium- 40 first clear/20 2nd+, Hard 50 first clear./25 2nd+.

This would solve some of the problems for sure.

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


I love the dungeons. Some are even a bit to easy still.

You are not gonna change the first impression of many of the players that have already done their last dungeon and are now telling their friends how bad they were.

Or go on twitch and ask some of the ppl there why they are not going dungeons. You will get a very clear answer. They are not worth doing.

The less ppl that play the dungeons – the fewer and less quality the future dungeons will be. Not to mention the extra internal tests that need to be done cause only very few will be testing them on the PTR.

(edited by Anon.3041)

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


I just want to put this question out here for the devs that have gone hardcore approach on their dungeons. I’ve heard from so many ppl that the dungeons are just not in line with the rest of the game – not in terms of quality or difficulty. I’ve listened to the reasoning why it has to be hard – and I just can’t see the point.

Im one of those that dont really care about the explorable dungeons cause the overall quality is not good enough to run it repeatedly. But lately Im hitting a wall where simply no1 is even bothering doing the story mode ones for 1 single run to get them done. PPL are just not interested in doing them. Maybe because the game has already so bad rep about the dungeons. Or maybe because the last change removed any reward for ppl to do it more than once.

There must be a way to balance these dungeons so ppl can actually do them – and enjoy them. I remember many years back when some of the old WOW dungeons were 10 man but ppl could well do them 5 man and get better rewards because of it. This worked very well while ppl were learning the new mecanics and how the dungeons worked. Then when you learned the dungeons and the abilites you had – you just did it 5 man and had a blast.

Now – these were not some 10 mins long dungeons at that time. Even with 10 men you could wipe and it took more than hour to get them done. OFC when you learned them – it became easier and faster.

My point is very simple. Since the quality of the dungeons are not that great and there are obviously quite alot of issues – why is ANET not looking for a way that MORE ppl can enjoy these dungeons to learn them and learn to play the none trinity way ? Cause right now it seems like ppl make up their mind after 1 or 2 runs and just deside to dont do the dungeons while they are in this state. Or even never do them again.

I can not belive that any developer wants their content to be locked away from the gamers because they desided they didn’t like the first two dungeons. But this is the facts at this point. And how great it must be for those developers to create future dungeons where they are talked down based on the quality and the difficulty of the first dungeons they did in the game.

There has to be a better way.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


They might say its tested with all sorts of group compositions but it sounds to me they are balancing it for very few.

Story Mode Dungeon Feedback

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


Its just frustrating and not fun is exactly what GW2 dungeons are right now.

If you want ppl to get better – then you have to give them content that they enjoy doing. Like the OP – Im a player that has played MMOs for a very long time. PPL seem to forget that once even WOW had 1-2 hour long hard dungeons that were scaled for 10 ppl but 5 man group could do it and got better rewards because of it. But to prevent ppl from enjoying dungeons based on difficulty…. No developer in their right mind does that. And it has nothing to do with any buisness model. Its just stupid beyond belive.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


They are not ignoring ppl anymore. They are full at work locking posts now.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


There are surely plenty of people enjoying these dungeons in silence. They go in with their friends, they play well, they get loot and they move on. At no point in that chain of events would they consider going to the forums to express their opinions; certainly not in the same vein that droves of complainers do. There is no compulsion to say thank you, or admire good work from developers, in the same regard as there is to cry and whine of difficulty and lack of rewards.

There is completely the opposite too. Many in my guild have said “forget it” to the dungeons and don’t come here to the forums. From the exotic gear costs, cultural armor costs, high level crafted costs and extremely low influx of cash on average, many in my guild just do not get, at all, what ANet it thinking with the end game. The all love the main PvE game but can’t stomach the dungeon/high-level gear game – you know, the stuff that keeps people playing for a long time.
Most of them aren’t even aware of these updates, nor do they care, as until they see the exotic armor vendors in Fort Marion with more reasonable costs, and the cultural armor vendors with them also, they continue to write off the end game.
So, just because people are unhappy they don’t necessarily come here also. This was a lesson BioWare learned with SWTOR. Usually, the forum DO represent a good portion of the sentiment in a game.
ANet would be wise to listen, and promptly, to the outcry on the end game/dungeon reward system here. SWTOR was given just three short months to show their players that they listened and cared. They didn’t and are still paying the price as they watched the game dwindle from almost 2.5 million players to almost 250k six months later. A business doesn’t survive on that kind of loss

Funny thing is – many ppl will be going SWTOR f2p rather than sticking around with GW2 or their expansions. Im certainly one of them cause for me the naive stance of closing dungeons off to the playerbase is just gamebreaking. No game developer wants to create content that ppl dont play. But ANET just did that. IT sounds to me that ANET thinks that 1% of the player base will be paying for the time spent on creating these dungeons in future expansion. We all know thats not the case.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


I really hope Anet is listening to all the suggestions. (not the rawr take it back to speedfarm mode) but the legitimate ones. Dungeons are so awful now, they aren’t fun, many paths seem impossible and we really get kitten at the end. Things are really messed up beyond repair and it is not just a “vocal minority on forums” everyone in game is saying it too.

It doens’t matter if its the vocal minority or not tbh. GW2 has already got the message out that the dungeons are bad. Ask around – go to twitch and ask why ppl are not running these dungeons.

Anet failed on their none trinity delivery. Thats the big message that is coming from GW2 and the stance that the developers are taking right now will just drive it home.

(edited by Anon.3041)

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


I’m sure that this is a strategic move so as to boost their profits, but god…they are so alienating a large amount of their playerbase.

I play with two guys that work with me, both dba’s in their 40’s and a couple of old unix admins, and sadly I doubt I’ll be able to do any dungeon crawling with them as I’m pretty sure that they don’t have the skillset to do dungeons.

I am an avid dungeon crawler and have enjoyed dungeons in every game but this one. Love the game, hate the dungeons…every aspect of it.

I have a lvl 80 ranger and and engineer/necro in mid 30’s and I doubt that I’ll be able to handle the pve aspect of the game if it’s not a mix of dungeon’s. One can lvl only a few hours a day before resorting to a) dungeon crawling or b)PVP.

Ye – ANET doesn’t want you to play the dungeons – your not hardcore enough. If you havn’t pulled out every hair on your head after the first run through then you are not good enough to play more.

This is final from ANET. They can not go back on this so you deside now if you want to play this game or not. For me its mentality that turns me away from the game.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


Here are some quotes from Jon Peters, game designer:

Also to claim you are not within a minority is assuredly not true. Your guild is a minority, the forum readers are a minority and always will be. No matter how many pages (certainly 12 pages with about 12 threads a page does not constitute millions of players complaining) or guild members, you are simply not a large enough group to claim you have authority or power in decisions of game design.

So find me some ppl that bother to show me how awsome these dungeons are. So far Ive tried to find vids of it and tried to get ppl that are live streaming it to show us. The answers are… They are boring and badly designed. We are not doing them.

Im fine with ANET keeping their stand on this. But just dont expect me to buy any expansions or spend money on this game in any other shape. The game that has such standpoint on dungeons does not deserve to get more money in my eyes.

There are surely plenty of people enjoying these dungeons in silence. They go in with their friends, they play well, they get loot and they move on. At no point in that chain of events would they consider going to the forums to express their opinions; certainly not in the same vein that droves of complainers do. There is no compulsion to say thank you, or admire good work from developers, in the same regard as there is to cry and whine of difficulty and lack of rewards.

From my own personal experience, I hugely enjoy ascalon explorable. Ive completed enough runs to earn roughly 1000 tears, Ive written a comprehensive guide for each route, and I run it most days with my guild and with pugs to help them through. Ive got 3 separate Ghastly weapons, which I love having, and feel no entitlement to more than that. I have surely mastered the entire challenge, but I still dont feel I deserve a full set of armour and weapons to show for it. Its simply unreasonable to ask for everything at once.

ANet is gonna love you when you spend real money to get extra bank slots to store your gear you get from those dungeons. Gratz.

Why i dislike dungeons, and find them badly designed.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


The third option would be to just skip dungeons all together and leave – and dont buy any expansions for GW2. Cause ANET has made it perfectly clear that they are not changing their stance on this and only few % of ppl will ever bother with these dungeons.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


Here are some quotes from Jon Peters, game designer:

Also to claim you are not within a minority is assuredly not true. Your guild is a minority, the forum readers are a minority and always will be. No matter how many pages (certainly 12 pages with about 12 threads a page does not constitute millions of players complaining) or guild members, you are simply not a large enough group to claim you have authority or power in decisions of game design.

So find me some ppl that bother to show me how awsome these dungeons are. So far Ive tried to find vids of it and tried to get ppl that are live streaming it to show us. The answers are… They are boring and badly designed. We are not doing them.

Im fine with ANET keeping their stand on this. But just dont expect me to buy any expansions or spend money on this game in any other shape. The game that has such standpoint on dungeons does not deserve to get more money in my eyes.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


No its not silly Darcdante. ANET is putting down their foot and letting ppl know that they will have to pay extra money if they want to continue to play the game. They dont want ppl to run these dungeons for profit.

Which is quite stupid.
It’s clear that they just want everyone to buy gems and convert the gems to gold if they want coins.
I wouldn’t mind buying gems at all, but after these updates and seeing how ANet doesn’t seem to care what the community thinks, I won’t be giving any more money to this game.
It’s absurd.

The other option sounds more to their liking tbh. Just let the casuals buy the gear directly from ANET through black market. That way they dont even have to spend time creating these dungeons when no1 plays it anyway.

If ANET was confident in their No holy trinity they would have made it so that ppl would play it. It looks and sounds to me even ANET has zero belive in their own creation.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


No its not silly Darcdante. ANET is putting down their foot and letting ppl know that they will have to pay extra money if they want to continue to play the game. They dont want ppl to run these dungeons for profit.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


I think all the negative talk that has been created ALREADY about GW2 dungeons will go a long way to proof that the none trinity dungeons do not work. But IF IT WORKED – you would think GW2 would like to see ppl playing it.

But so be it – If game developer wants to create content that few % of ppl will ever touch then fine. Just dont expect me to buy the next expansion of this game with the stubborn and childish stand taken on these dungeons.

But also dont expect me to belive that alot of development time will be put into FUTURE dungeons when maybe 5% of the current crop of players actually like to do it.

Dungeons made you stop playing? head count

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


Some in my guild no longer want to do dungeon runs because of this. I don’t think anybody is leaving (yet) over it, but for now I will have to pug the dungeons until they balance the reward vs the difficulty and time spent.

The content is not created to be done with pugs – You can just leave now.

Agreed, which is why I’m disappointed that these changes have encouraged many in my guild to stop doing the dungeons. You are proving my point, or just missed it?

Just proofing how horribly wrong the Developers got the entire dungeon experience for the game. Something that they can not turn around and will eventually lead to less and less dungeons beeing created since less and less % of GW2 ppl will bother with doing them.

No game creates alot of content that no1 plays. So by keeping their stubborn mindset – ANet devs are killing dungeons already. But maybe thats what they want to happen ? Then they dont have to balance the game around it.

Like it or not – thats what is going to happen. If 100% of the playerbase liked GW2 dungeons then ANet would create more. If 5% of ppl like them – then alot less dungeons will be made and the development time can be cut.

Dungeons made you stop playing? head count

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


Some in my guild no longer want to do dungeon runs because of this. I don’t think anybody is leaving (yet) over it, but for now I will have to pug the dungeons until they balance the reward vs the difficulty and time spent.

The content is not created to be done with pugs – You can just leave now.

Dungeons made you stop playing? head count

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


It stopped my interest in the game. I went into the dungeons with open mind but both the settings and the encounters felt horrifyingly bad. Im getting the same vibe from many of the ppl I talk with.

For me its enough to think that Anet devs got the entire concept of the game totally wrong. At least the first set of dungeons should have been created so that ppl had a good solid learning curve. Thats not the case and for me its enough to look for other games that offer better content for running dungeons.

(edited by Anon.3041)

What is ANet trying to hide ? That they failed with No trinity concept?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


So Im just trying to figure this out why Anet is not even giving the less hardcore ppl the chance to know what their way of no trinity is all about in dungeons. Why on earth are they putting the orginal dungeons so that ppl that are just wanting to try the concept turn away from it with horror.

I would have thought that if Anet actually wanted ppl to play these dungeon and learn to play without the trinity – they would at least give ppl a chance to learn. Obviusly not and that to me just shows that Anet themselfs do not feel very confident in their no Trinity system.

I think its the wrong way of thinking about content in the game. I’ve heard almost nothing but bad rep about GW2 dungeons and more and more ppl will obviously never do it based on the difficulty level and learning curve at the start. I would think thats a shame – but obviously the developers dont realise that.

And before ppl talk about the story mode – Its not for casual either cause ppl that are trying the dungeons are not wearing the right gear to even try them while lvling.

Just horrendous mistake and something that ANet will not be able to turn around now. Meaning that they are litterally forced to create New content in GW2 that less than 10% of the player base even bothers with. ANd thats just a fact at this point.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


I expected dungeons to be in line with rest of GW2 in terms of “innovation” and new way of thinking about grind. Its going backwards and its making me think this game is not worth playing.

I expected that a player can sit down 1 evening and deside if he wanted to go WWW, do world events or go do few dungeons. Obviously not.

For me its so twisted that I will not even be playing GW2 any more. Thats how wrong I consider the devs have got it on dungeons. There is no need for this – SPECALLY since the game is saying its turning away from the holy trinity.

To me it sounds like GW2 is trying to hide that its not able to create stuff that is not based on the holy trinity – And the best way to do it is to make it so noone will bother doing it.

The game already has horrible rep on its PVE content on sites like Twitch and almost all the ppl there just refuse to do Dungeons cause they are so bad.

Great way ANet of killing the no trinity concept even before ppl got a chance to try it.

Do NOT nerf please.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


Before ppl start yelling and saying others to go back to WOW… It has nothing to do with roles – and it has nothing to do with difficulty. It has to do with fairness.

Somehow PPL think WOW can’t do anything wrong. Well… they could – and they did it multiple times in Cataclysm when it came to dungeons. Just for example there were few fights that chanced difficulty depending on how detailed your graphics were. You could not see some ground effects on lowest settings and ppl did therefor not get visual warnings to move away.

THATS the issue I see with GW2. The core system of the encounters is so bad cause ppl can not see what is going on – what the boss is doing and when they should move and when they should stay. And many of the current dungeons are set in very small areas that makes it even harder to manage. 5 ppl bomarding the screen with effects and you miss the only effect that matters.

Thats bad game design. Just like the WOW graphic settings controlling the difficulty was a bad game design. Alot of ppl love PVE dungeons and they will do it in GW2. But the dungeons need to be FAIR and they need to be structured in a way so ppl know how to work on them. There is no such things atm.

Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


PPL are not threatening anything when they say they are going back to WOW because of dungeons. They are just telling the truth – and there will be alot of ppl that will go back based on my experience of dungeons so far.

OFC things look caotic at first when you play any new system. But this is not about caotic – this is just about how badly many of the encounters are implemented. Many of them are easy to fix cause you very often have NPC with you that can be telling ppl in story mode how the can counter what he is doing and what spells he is casting.

Worst experience Ive had in a long long time

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


If I recall they had said they planned to make every build viable. If thats the case, and it is… Why not just come through on the promise?

There is only 1 way to make every build viable – and that is to make it kitten easy.

Im not asking for that – Im asking for it to be structured in a way that ppl have some way to tell wtf is going on and how they can jump into dungeons with random players without taking days to fine tune everyone builds for it to work.

The reason why many MMOs have structured spec is so that ppl can play together with random players.

But one way of giving ppl time to adjust is to make the story mode dungeons very obvious in boss abiltes – more liniancy in terms of downgrading stats – and then maybe let all cc abilites work. Its a joke to play a dungeon when you can’t use 1 or 5 weapon abilites effectively.

(edited by Anon.3041)

Do NOT nerf please.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


@ FourthVariety

But maybe you are right, maybe we need to have more of a gradual tutorial to see how the GW 2 Dungeon system works with CC, Support and DPS.

It would be nice then IF the cc abilites of weapons were actually working in there for melee classes.

The issue with the game atm is that game is still built around the same 3 trinity elements without giving ANYONE a role of any of them – And since there are 100000 possible setups – ppl will more than not fail to get a group that works.

Its such a let down to see how badly Anet has designed this. I get the same feeling I got from games like WAR. But at least they were intresting in WAR. And many different mecanics. There are none with these dungeons.

And why on earth did they design melee classes in this game ?

They allow players to play the playstyle they want to play. A warrior or guardian can be good at support if they choose and able to take hits, but they can also make themselves good at DPS but they will sacrifice survivability.

ANET did an awesome job at the system, you just have to discuss with your group what style you are playing.

Also, I played AC last night 3 times in a row and yea at times we had to stop and discuss what we were doing wrong, but all in all it was a great experience and we all had a great time.

No – the system is just bad all around. And it will be the main reason GW2 will fail as anything other than Zerg WWW. Cause the classes are designed around that and not fun and intresting Dungeon runs.

And it will get even worse when they start “balancing” stuff because of WWW.

You have no evidence of your claim, you can’t just say “its bad”. Your argument is moot because of this and it turns into ones opinion rather then facts.

Well – the evidence is that I am litterally forced to pay 15$ a month to play enjoyable dungeons.

Worst experience Ive had in a long long time

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


I have to agree with Urrelles – Vitality and touchness in Dungeon is pointless and it devalues the game in general cause of it.

Do NOT nerf please.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


@ FourthVariety

But maybe you are right, maybe we need to have more of a gradual tutorial to see how the GW 2 Dungeon system works with CC, Support and DPS.

It would be nice then IF the cc abilites of weapons were actually working in there for melee classes.

The issue with the game atm is that game is still built around the same 3 trinity elements without giving ANYONE a role of any of them – And since there are 100000 possible setups – ppl will more than not fail to get a group that works.

Its such a let down to see how badly Anet has designed this. I get the same feeling I got from games like WAR. But at least they were intresting in WAR. And many different mecanics. There are none with these dungeons.

And why on earth did they design melee classes in this game ?

They allow players to play the playstyle they want to play. A warrior or guardian can be good at support if they choose and able to take hits, but they can also make themselves good at DPS but they will sacrifice survivability.

ANET did an awesome job at the system, you just have to discuss with your group what style you are playing.

Also, I played AC last night 3 times in a row and yea at times we had to stop and discuss what we were doing wrong, but all in all it was a great experience and we all had a great time.

No – the system is just bad all around. And it will be the main reason GW2 will fail as anything other than Zerg WWW. Cause the classes are designed around that and not fun and intresting Dungeon runs.

And it will get even worse when they start “balancing” stuff because of WWW.

Do NOT nerf please.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


@ FourthVariety

But maybe you are right, maybe we need to have more of a gradual tutorial to see how the GW 2 Dungeon system works with CC, Support and DPS.

It would be nice then IF the cc abilites of weapons were actually working in there for melee classes.

The issue with the game atm is that game is still built around the same 3 trinity elements without giving ANYONE a role of any of them – And since there are 100000 possible setups – ppl will more than not fail to get a group that works.

Its such a let down to see how badly Anet has designed this. I get the same feeling I got from games like WAR. But at least they were intresting in WAR. And many different mecanics. There are none with these dungeons.

And why on earth did they design melee classes in this game ?

Do NOT nerf please.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


It really looks to me that ANet put together a team of some special classes with special abilites and then created some sort of “balance” for dungeons. Thing is – no1 knows what those classes were – what specs or weapons they were using – or even what sort of roles the players were taking.

Ive never been so dissapointed in dungeons of any MMO game ever. It has nothing to do with trinty or roles. Cause there are 100000s possible ones .. but only 10 seem to be viable. Bad design overall – Clearly balanced for PVP serg and thats the end of it for my dungeon experience in GW2.

Worst experience Ive had in a long long time

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


Let me guess,you coudn’t beat the first mob pack in AC with your pro glass canon build and now you are raging on the forums?

Actually I played 3 dungeons – I play guardian with Vitaly and Toughness build so dont know what you are talking about.

Its just so bad and so pointless. One of the worst design I have ever seen in a game.

Why i dislike dungeons, and find them badly designed.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


The dungeons are just bad – Why on earth should someone want to play it is beyond my understanding. It has nothing to do with trinity – it has to do with horrible bad design of encounters. Half the time you have absolutly zero idea what is going on cause your own team mates are spamming all sorts of stuff that prevents you seeing what the “boss” is doing.

Can’t belive that a game managed to get this so wrong. Feel so dissapointed that Im not playing GW2 anymore. Designers that get it this wrong dont deserved their game to be played.

Great difficulty but such poor design

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


Ye – its just horribly bad. Total waste of time to bother designing crap like that. Not to mention playing it.

Drastic decline in dungeon groups?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


The dungeons are just so boring and pointless AND poorly designed. Very few ppl will bother with them.

Worst experience Ive had in a long long time

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


I desided to do some story mode dungeons and all I can say… bad.

Story mode in 5 mans is bad idea. Make it single player.
Design of the entire concept of the dungeons and battles are just bad. There is no way you can even see what is going on cause every class is casting every particle effect seen in the world – no1 sees who is getting dmg – and then you get 1 shotted.

I was going into this with very open mind – but I ended up so dissapointed that I think I will not be playing GW2 any time soon again.

How on earth did they think this was fun ?