Poor choice about the Specialization name : unrelated to Guardian.
The name seems more related to a Ranger spec, as it fits the Monster Hunter theme much, much better.
Also the choice about traps spec is not especially exciting for us Guardian players, I think.
A spec using a Spear as a non-aquatic weapon would have been a bold move,
and not unfeasible due to weapon already existing and some animations too…
Is there still hope for some changes ?
I disagree.
It’s not only about market value and such. We’re not in the Economy / BL subforum, but Crafting one.
It’s about designing a balanced approach regarding crafting materials needs,
which makes sense for everyone.
Here we have a strong unbalance about silk demand / offer,
unparalleled with any other crafting material for Ascended Armor.
It feels just weird to have to collect so much of only 1 ressource compared to the others.
+1, Silk is a big problem.
Could we hope for an official feedback about that ?
In my opinion the battle is not lost for GW2 yet.
Sure in GW1 you had 8 skills.
But aside from weapons skills, you still have 5 slots to play with in GW2.
And you can still play around by switching weapons and synergize with them.
So it’s less a question about skills slots than skills numbers and diversity.
→ Healing skills as Skill type are a very good idea (like a meditation for example).
Each healing skill could belong to a family to promote synergy.
→ Too few skills atm, with some skills being subpar, only 6-8 utility skills really useful for each professions.
→ Elites. Much work needed here. Stop dumb 180 seconds cd for elite. They need to be part of the build and really usable as such. A 30 to 60 seconds maximum should be ok. Rebalance them if needed.
A big thank you for this one, really helpful !
You do know that behind the Mega Server Hype super feature, it’s a cost reduction move to reduce the number of servers, right ?
That being said, the language thing could be funny if that wouldn’t destroy communities.
First, lose your PvP community with boring maps and no GvG.
Second, lose your PvE community with boring Living Story.
Third, lose your RP community by destroying RP server ecosystem, which takes months to build…
Oh, I forgot, wreck the WvW community by nerfing %crit damage but let condition damage be the king of the hill for 6 months.
On the road to Success ! Wait…
+10% for Boon Duration at level 2 would have been fair ,
but here a+5% really punishes players who have invested in the 3x2 set :/
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Hi there,
Having no access to the game right now, could someone tell me if the 6.5% bonus is consistent on the entire set ?
I.E, previous total Ascended Celestial set + 6.5% is equal to the sum of each pieces +6.5% ?
Thank you !
(edited by Antares.2586)
In the end I wind up with a net loss of 266 stat points. Some might say this isn’t a big deal, it’s just crit dmg, a celestial build doesn’t have enough precision to make use of it anyway… Well, that’d be wrong. Through traits, skills, buffs, food, runes and sigils I maintain a 100% crit chance. This hurts my build significantly. I effectively lose 26.13% of my damage for a gain of next to nothing.
Hi there,
Could you show us the numbers if you go Zerk for everything BUT Ascended Celestial armor ?
I mean, now that’s Ascended stuff become account based, it’s not very painfull to buy Zerk trinkets with laurels or Guild merits, once and for all.
Just use Celestial on armor and Zerk on trinkets and you will be fine after the patch.
That suggestion is worthless for players that already have Celestial gear.
No, it’s not. It’s the Ascended armor that’s difficult to craft.
You can get Ascended rings through fractals,
an other trinkets with daily / monthly / Guild bounty.
It’s about two months job, but it’s not costly.
Just use Celestial on armor and Zerk on trinkets and you will be fine after the patch.
The Celestial Armor set has 19% Critical Damage on it and if they do as they propose (and assuming 16 = 1%) it will only have 8.75% after. That is over half our critical damage removed because Berserker was too powerful in PvE.
No, it’s simply unacceptable, they’re not going to do that, I don’t believe it.
The set is the actually the most tedious one to build, it would be crazy to nerf it like that.
The proposed changes to critical damage gear aren’t specifically PvE-focused, but focused rather on the stat weighting of critical damage itself. We’re not aiming to make crit damage unviable, just to bring it closer to other gear sets.
Hi Josh,
Could you please tell us how the team is going to balance Ferocity points on Celestial armor set ?
Thank you.
Ascended Armor takes so much ressources to build that it should be stats changeable.
Otherwise, build diversity and research is severely hampered into mindless grind.
Having full Celestial Armors on 2 chars, and long investment to get those, here is my calculation :
(quoting OP) Ascended celestial coat has +47allstats and 6% critical dmg
Ascended berserker coat has +106power +76precision and 5% critical dmg
after the patch it is going to be +106power +76precision and +76 ferocity
In order not to be lose any point compared to Zerk stuff, Celestial coat should be :
+91 to Ferocity ( (76 / 5) * 6)) and +47 all other stats.
OR :
+53 to all stats, if normalized (373 / 7).
Anything below is a nerf to Celestial stuff, and should open the possibility for players to change equipment, because it’s not what we worked for in the first place.
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It would be very nice to have an official comment about that, please.
How Anet team plans to update Celestial with Ferocity ?
Will we have an option to change stats if Celestial lose some % in critical damage effect, compared to Zerk stuff ?
Casting time should be near instant, for this one, as Shelter protects you as soon as you cast it.
ProTip 1 : Don’t do the daily everyday.
ProTip 2 : When you do, do it while performing another thing, WvW or sPvP or …
See it as a bonus, not a must.
(edited by Antares.2586)
Celestial gear could be raised a bit to compensate these updates, yep.
There is room to improve PvE experience, without nerfing zerk players if they want to stick with that stuff.
- Remove One Shot mecanics and replace them by huge damage :
same for Zerk players who would die to this hit, if they avoid the strike = same experience for us; but the average player with a tankier set may survive a strike or two.
- Don’t increase bosses HP, but make enemy combat more dynamic, for example, more dodge / blocks usage, like recent foes around Nightmare Tower.
More challenging for everyone, does not change the damage done by Zerk players, but needs active gameplay to land the strike, instead of DPS it in close combat without a need for a brain.
I run condition ranger and lose plenty of battles to zerk. (Warriors in particular because of op regen and that condition immunity ability.)
The thing about condition is that it’s generally not burst damage and most classes have ways to clear the conditions I put on them fairly easily. Try stacking bleeds when they get removed at least once every 10 seconds (most often more often than that). Burn and Poison alone won’t do it for me.Necros, and Engineers are built to be better at it than me. I can’t spam every condition in the book. Perhaps this topic is more directed towards specific condition classes?
~ Kovu
Yeah maybe. I’ve got problems on 1vs1 duel vs Condi Engi, Condi Necro and Condi Warrior. If the player doesn’t make a blatant error, no chance. 2vs1, many time we cannot kill him, but we manage to survive so we just run, and the guy can freely troll us.
Is it acceptable ? I feel no.
One more thing I forgot to mention. You seem to confuse zerker builds with power builds. Both my guard and war are power builds which cosists mainly of PvT gear. The sigils / runes I use are not very crit dependant except sigil of generosity which I use on my guard, but that has a 60% instead of usual 30% of a proc, so it procs a lot even with extremely low crit %.
Again, you seem to be suffering from personal l2p l2build issues and need to l2PvT (see the lack of crit% and crit dmg in the PvT stat set ?).
Yeah I know about PvT, thank you.
The point there is to be able to dish good damage to drop bunker builds (not talking about a full zerk build here) you have to invest in three stats. So it’s hard to have high toughness + high vita + high healing power, and good damage as well, and it’s perfectly acceptable.
But you can build a condi bunker without investing too much in condition duration, because reapplying conditions in more important than making them last, due to condition removal :
Frankly, anyone who has dueled against optimized / good condi bunker players knows exactly what I’m talking about. Same problem in sPvP.
To be constructive, I think the reapplication of conditions is too fast compared to self condi removal options. Even if you build to remove conditions fast, usually you cannot remove them enough to prevent them eating you alive.
I’m not asking to nerf those builds to the ground, just balance more condition spamming, or diminish the % damage added by condition damage a bit, which is too strong for only one stat invested.
I’m seeing fellow pvp players leaving the game because of this problem. If you deny it, it will continue.
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When the condi meta will be fixed ?
It’s way too easy atm to spam conditions @1500 condition damage, and to build other stats for bunker, on Toughness, Vita and Healing power.
You have only one stat to boost for damage, instead of three for a power build.
Anything is coming to fix this, please ? :/
I agree. Many PvE zones are not challenging at all.
This why many people consider WvW to be the end game, it’s more challenging to fight against real people than doing the actual PvE content.
As long as full Zerk people can solo PvE maps by themselves with little difficulty, (which means also weak rewards, because it’s too accessible) there is little interest to redo the zones.
Nightmare Tower was a good step in the right direction, though.
We need more reason to play with team / guild mates, to support each other in gameplay.
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1 – Not being able to use hard-earned PvE/WvW characters cosmetics. You look just weird with your random earned PvP stuff, and nobody like that. May be create an option to allow / not allow WvW stuff in Personal Arena ?
2 – Repetitive Game mode – less impact that WvW on your server / guild if any – GvG is missing here.
To summarize the suggestion : Creation of a GvG mode, with an option to allow WvW stuff/food inside your Guild Hall matches.
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Combat is not completely broken, most of WvW combats are fine.
You can save a buddy with protection / healing from time to time, but not make him invincible, by game design.
Still, PvE content is not enough challenging.
As long as you can do most of the content just with Zerk stuff, people will massively use it. But Nightmare tower was fine in difficulty, I wish more content like this will be released in 2014.
1 – New skills for each profession, that you have to capture or unlock by doing missions / quests / combats
2 – Some alternate Weapons Skills, to promote diversity in build and surprises in PvP.
3 – More combo stuff. Great idea, under-used concept.
Similar to the Materia suggestion, one could change an infusion or something to change the combo initiator / finisher on a weapon, for example.
I don’t think that dodges and vigor are the main problem that trivialize content.
After all, you’re not doing much damage when you dodge.
I think Bosses and mobs should hit a bit harder, but to avoid the One Shot mecanism if possible.
When they One Shot you, you’re inclined to go Zerk and just dodge those blows.
Also dodging 10 OS moves, miss one and be downed seems not fun to me.
When you can stay because you have a tougher build or mitigate the damage, and continue to do dps instead of dodging, this promote different strategies.
Not asking to create monstrous tankers here, but OS don’t encourage to raise its armor level.
just need to nerf it like RtL. If it doesn’t hit a target = double CD.
Not a bad idea, pretty logical indeed.
The skill description mention ‘Charge and strike your foe’. It wasn’t meant to be used for fleeing.
Engis also have some very powerful conditions builds & tankish builds actually, should we ask to nerf them ?
Use dodges, positioning, and condi removals to avoid the most painful strikes from thieves. Once you survive those blows, they are usually very fragile if you have retal up, conditions, immobilization etc.
You can be successful in killing them with many conditions, a lot of burning in particular tends to make them reappear downed.
Also, you should not be ashamed to lose 1vs1 to a thief in WvW.
Lonely roaming assassination is their domain. It endorses group play instead of lone players in WvW. Working as intented to me.
(edited by Antares.2586)
1200 on Greatsword Rush is too long. Probably a 900 rush like Fiery Sword would be more balanced.
Merry Christmas to the Guardian community and beyond o/
Absolute Resolution is very good, both in Dungeons and WvW.
Regen bonus is nice, but..
Up to 5 × 3 conditions removed ? x2 with Renewed Focus ? Yes please !
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Here is my current build, a balanced one, with some Precision food :
3k power (more with Bloodlust), 2,7k sweet spot armor, 48% crit, 52% crit damage.
Some burning power and good healing in WvW with plenty of dodges, Resolution, and ZB.
Not bad boon duration.
2 Stun Breakers.
Plenty of conditions removal through PoV and Absolute Resolution.
With Retreat and SY, along with Runes of the Pack, you can have near perma-Swiftness, for WvW.
Can replace Retreat for Hold the Line, when approaching combat.
Can switch Virtues II to VI (Master of Consecration) and replace Hold the Line by Wall of Reflection, for Fractals or Zerg combat.
Can go full melee, or switch to Scepter / Torch to shoot through WoR.
It’s easy to change some trinkets to Zerks when doing pve content.
You can perform well in any content with it. Enjoy.
(edited by Antares.2586)
The skill could be more acceptable if buffed a bit… healing from a 3k basis, a casting time of 3/4s, and a 25% return on damage for example.
If you compare it with Signet of Resolution… same casting time but 9k healing, with condition removal, or Shelter, it’s clear it’s actually subpar.
Being a Meditation seems not enough to save it from oblivion, i’m afraid :/
(edited by Antares.2586)
To OP : +83 to all primary stats, +11% crit damage, if you were looking for them.
I’m not assuming anything.
% crit damage on Celestial exo armor IS higher than Zerk one.
That’s the actual design.
Other relevant ascended armors received a +1% to crit dmg , where Celestial +0%.
I just would like to know why, from an official point of view, that’s it.
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I use Celestial for my Ele, so I care. And I’m not the only one.
It’s not about just 1%, it’s about respecting the original armor design, that made some people chose it in the first place.
An official response would be much appreciated..
What were the overall percent increases to ALL stats (I’m betting they were more than 6.25%)?
Exactly 5% for the other stats :
(edited by Antares.2586)
The problem is not that. Celestial exo has already higher crit dmg than Zerk exo.
The problem is Zerk has received a +6,25% bonus, and WupWup +0% to this stat.
Retreat is very useful in WvW, even in combat.
Being able to chase down fleeing foes, or escaping an incoming zerg, is the key.
Could we get an official answer about this, please ?
Why Zerk Leggings were buffed from 3% to 4%, and WupWup Leggings not receive a +1% ?
The reasoning behind this is wrong : Celestial is supposed to have a higher crit than Zerkers. In many item it’s already the case. It’s not a mistake from Anet, it is intended to make Celestial more appealing.
And in Jewels & Weapons, it is the case for the Ascended stuff.
So it’s wrong to change the logic at that point, when players have built around this.
My guess is they calculate it on all objects and it was less than 1% for all of them, individually.
But for Zerk, they choose to up the Leggings artificially, to reach 4%, to make it more acceptable by the players. In respect to the 5% perspective. Zerk Leggings shouldn’t have received a +1% crit damage.
We’re just asking the same treatment for Celestial.
It should be 5% for the legging, with the same logic. Otherwise it’s just unfair for those who chose to go Celestial, especially for the Crit damage, instead of Zerk stuff.
When checking Dulfy site : http://dulfy.net/2013/12/12/gw2-ascended-armor-stats/
The WupWup Crit Damage is the only stat in the table receiving a +0% bonus.
Zerk Crit Damage displays a +6,25% bonus. A standard +5% bonus to the Celestial global stat would lead to 19,95 %. So this point is clearly missing to the total, comparing to the Zerk one.
So we would like to have an official statement from Anet explaining why to Zerk Leggings were brought from 3 to 4%, and Celestial not to 5%, please.
‘Celestial Crit Damage was already high’ is not a valid answer, regarding the Zerk artificial buff.
Maybe it’s just a simple mistake, so in that case thank you in advance for fixing it
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Does the Legendary get back its original name when splitted ?
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Yes it’s true, but that was already the case for Celestial exo.
A bit sad about this, we could get a global +1% on the entire set, at least, to reach +20%.
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A bigger update, each 4 weeks instead of 2, would be good for the game and the community. Not only focused on achievements, but with more depth in stories and characters.
The actual rhythm is just too fast for many players. Also it endorses a fast consumer attitude and does have an effect on community bad behavior.
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Torch 4 is fine, well designed.
The only fix Torch 5 needs is to clean conditions on yourself as well as others / that or raise the damage a bit.
Other than that, it’s a fine weapon that needs some practise to use at full potential.
(edited by Antares.2586)
Yes. Simply use Knight’s to reach 3K armor, and Healing Signet passive regen.