Showing Posts For Antediluvian.5169:
Don’t know if this has been made already, since I couldn’t find a thread about it in elementalists.
This is by no means a perfect build yet, nor is it the best for general pve, but seeing as how elementalists and their conjures are so useful during teq skirmishes, if someone wants to spec up, they should follow these basic changes:
1) First of all, gear: Well this should be apparent, Soldier’s armor (Power, Toughness, Vitality) offers us all we’d want during this boss fight. For those who didn’t know already, criticals are of no use on tequatl, so no use in bringing zerk gear unless you’re on turret defense, cutting up minions.
But elementalists truly shine amidst the zerg, not on turret defense, so that’s where they should be.
2)Weapon & skills: Of course, we’ll be using the staff for this, as fire’s Meteor Storm is absolutely devastating during world bosses. With that big a hitbox, most of our meteors will hit spot on. The aoe heals from water are also extremely useful.
For your skills I suggest:
-Glyph of Elemental Harmony for a fast and strong heal.
-Glyph of Renewal is pretty sweet to have. While attuned to Earth, you can revive up to 3 downed allies at once! And seeing how often someone gets downed in the zerg, there’s never a shortage of skills like this.
-I also find Armor of Earth pretty sweet, the stability it gives allows me to revive allies without being hit from a wave myself. Glyph of renewal takes 3 seconds, after all, and can easily be interrupted by a wave if your timing is bad or if you have lag (which is not uncommon)
And last but not least, our conjured weapons. Frost bow and Fiery greatsword is the reason everybody loves us, since their damage output is just huge.
3) Traits:
You might want to derive a bit from your usual trait setup. I personally use 20/10/10/20/10, I’ll explain why:
-Fire VI is a nice damage boost for our Meteors and general fire skills, but Fire VIII which gives our conjured weapons 10 more charges is too good to ignore.
-Air III. Now, I know the added precision and critical damage is pretty much a waste, but having glyph of elemental harmony and glyph of renewal’s cooldown reduced allows us to stay up more and revive allies almost twice as fast as the warrior’s battle standard can. If you feel you don’t have to spec into air, you could always add the 10 points to Earth VIII and grant your allies a nice 2 second stability just before the wave hits you.
Earth III. Stability is always nice, especially if you’re in a pinch. Added toughness also helps you survive more and help your teammates more often with your heals and whatnot.
Water I allows you to deploy your water fields more often, while Water V is basically a free ‘shake it off!’ for when tequatl uses his fear. You and at least 5-6 others can jump back into the fray as soon as you can.
Arcana is mostly personal upgrades, but Arcane Resurrection is pretty handy to have. Remember, we res the downed, it’s the dead we leave behind in a zerg.
Well I think this covers the basics. If you have any suggestions please share them.
At this point, Zhaitan’s lieutenant is tougher than him by miles.
It’s a bit disgraceful to the mighty Elder Dragon, right? His power levels should be raised according to his dragon rank.
Who’s with me?
If you’re not a complete scrub (keep dying at the same spots), you’ll be fine with that many continue coins, good luck! You can always farm w1z1 tm if you need baubles, once you learn the traps it’s a breeze.
Kudos for choosing not to get the infinite coin, but remember there are 2 more worlds to come.
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Antediluvian.5169
How did this thread reach 1k+ posts..
If you die for any reason other than technical problems/bugs it’s your own kitten ed fault. You don’t have skill. Get better at the game or suffer.
End of story.
Bought the infinite coin and by now I regret it. After no more than 2 runs on each zone in both normal and tribulation i’ve memorized the routes and now I hardly die enough times to make the coin worth it. I’m just glad there will be more worlds.
Now, do you people actually having trouble with each zone after the 1st time you play it? Or have you never completed it? I don’t like to think myself better and stuff, just more patient with tm, but if you’re having problems in normal mode you should seriously question your skills, especially after the patch fixing various bugs.
I know you’re all proud, but maybe you’re simply not good enough for what’s essentially just puzzle jumping. There’s no shame in that, go play pvp/pve/wvw or anything else.
Hotfix bugged W2-2 Tribulation mode
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Antediluvian.5169
Just finished that zone. The checkpoints were bugged, indeed. Can’t help but feel super-elite for finishing it, though.
Please fix it, it’ll be really tough farming that zone.
I second this. Can’t show off all the time with skins, cause we might want to change them.
Of course, it would be unfair, but titles are meant to be a way to show off. And oh boy, what a show off a trib mode title would be. The least common title, as even the scrubs who follow guides will need to do some pretty challenging jumps to make it.
Tribulation mode is sustained by your delicious tears. Thank you for your continued contribution. Your tears will help tribulation mode grow even more.
Does everyone really think it's that bad?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Antediluvian.5169
It seems I’ve been reading many threads from disappointed players.
But are most of our community really let down by the content, or is it just a minority that spends too much time on the forums whining and sobbing, even after patches that deal with the technical difficulties?
Personally, I really like SAB and how the rewards give nothing that modified out-of-SAB gameplay, other than cosmetics. It just means that people who don’t like it can quit and enjoy the rest of guild wars 2. I think world 2 difficulty is not that bad once you complete and learn it and its traps. I’m already doing World 1 tribulation mode speedruns as I’ve memorized the linear routes.
Back to my point. Is there any way Anet will implement some kind of poll that asks how much we like the living story content? It could be in-game or just a corner in the forums, but I think it would make a difference. Maybe the developers will think that most people don’t like the SAB when it fact it could be a few people that are just actively complaining, and that could affect future difficulty/content etc. Already this happened with the recent patch, although in that case it was pretty fair, as most people couldn’t complete the zones not due to lack of skill, but technical/engine problems.
A poll at the end of each LS update wouldn’t be a bad idea. What do you think?
yes i want to use infinite coin.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Antediluvian.5169
I sincerely I hope this happens often to anyone that uses guides.
I second this.
W2 Zone 2: Worst experience in game ever
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Antediluvian.5169
The Shortcut eagle is a freakin’ crock.
“Let’s reward the players that go online and read guides, while laughing at the other players that will never know about the shortcut.”
If a zone needed a shortcut, it was designed purposefully to be too long.
i actually found the eagle on my first Playthrough of zone 2, a few hours after sab launched. I think it’s a matter of perception, the eagle’s not that hidden.
What actually is a bit harder to spot are the secret rooms, especially those that give no clue for their whereabouts, only at the end of (seemingly) dead ends.
Why are people so kitten ed at the Trib nerf?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Antediluvian.5169
Not a nerf, really. Scrubs will still have a hard time getting these sweet skins they’re drooling about. And this is only the beginning, the real fun begins at world 4. And us special snowflakes will enjoy every minute of it.
What was nerfed was normal mode which actually was too difficult for world 2. It’s still not a free lunch but it’s just reasonably harder, not too harder. This will also change in world 4. No final world should be ‘moderately hard’.
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Antediluvian.5169
Apparently the difficulty got nerfed.
But anet should really not listen to the people complaining when designing world 3 and 4. These worlds must be at least as hard as world 2 was.
I did buy the infinite coin (with gold → gems from the 5k achiev chest) because I’m mapping out tribulation mode, to help with the wiki and guides.
It’s indeed quite unnecessary if you are skilled and not repeat the same mistakes over and over. You can get enough lives to do tribulation mode without too much trouble.
The coin has its uses for people who love to just explore, like me. And when I bought it I also considered the existence of world 3, 4 and 5(?), worlds that will undoubtedly be even harder, with an even more unforgiving tribulation mode.
I liked it too. Nice music, themes, loved sliding in the ice.
Tribulation mode is indeed hard, though only in a trial-and-error fashion mostly.
I agree with that bit about the rewards. The main problem is more that SAB itself is available for a limited time. If it was 24/7 on that little corner in rata sum, I’d have no problem at all with this reward system. I’m not sure why it has to be removed and then come back in the first place…
I miss some too. Dunno if it’s any help but in certain checkpoints, it’s possible that you JUMP above the marker for the achievement progress. (Think of an invisible line just in front of each checkpoint.)
The infinite coin is kinda overrated. It’s only necessary for those exploring tribulation mode, which is intended for the true-blooded hardcore noble minority anyway.
It’s easy to beat the normal mode using just continue coins. And they require minimal daily grinding.
Of course if you’re incompetent and finding yourself dying on the same spots and eating up continue coins, it is a question of personal skill, not of the game trying to get you to pay for a convenience item.
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Antediluvian.5169
A title for tribulation mode would indeed be great. Finally, I won’t share the same title with tens of thousands of scrubs. Titles are meant to ‘show off’, so it makes sense that the hardest challenges award titles, and not the grindy ones only.
While it definitely derails a lot from the overall theme of the game, SAB skins are just not enough for me to break the immersion. Plus, when the event’s over I don’t really see many people using these skins.
SSSoooo, dig spots change every day so that we can’t farm, and tribulation mode says we need to farm? Sigh.. still we’ll find a way to get those continue coins.
Also, no titles for tribulation mode is disappointing. I was looking forward to rub the tribulation mode completion to lesser players’ faces (that’s what titles are for), but I’ll have to make do with just the weapon skin.
Still excited for the update though. Wondering how deadly trib mode will actually be.
The worse thing is the dungeon elitism. Groups that require people to have a certain number of achievement points, for example 4k+.. that’s just retarted. And now it’ll be worse.
Most of the times my party failed was because they were trying to res the dead ones during the hard barrage. Very suicidal.
Also most of them were spamming the v button whenever a rid circle was over them.
This is my advice: DON’T spam dodge at that phase, be very calm and see if you can just run away from the red circles. Save your dodges for when you’re surrounded and won’t make it out in time by running.
Also, the aoe circles usually have a safe spot between them. I usually just run there and I’m unharmed.
I have never been downed in that phase except 1 time where i almost dc’d. If i can do it, anyone can.
staff got some love. <3
zerker is th eonly viable equipment…
ele btw doesn t have enough DPS + survivability for it.That means you can go full zerker with silly builds like conjured and understand why those are bad when you attempt challenging stuff.
Or you can go a more versatile full zerker build and see that ele max dps is low compared to what is required for current meta (most difficult dungeons/fotm requires dps).
I also have a warrior who’s eligible for lv 80 zerk gear, and since the dungeon tokens are account bound, should I put him in the dungeon runs first?
Since everyone now says pve is all about damage, I thought I’d spec into zerk so I could be accepted in those parties that farm cof and always ask for high damaging builds.
I’ve been running pvt for awhile now, with some support gear trinkets, I’m thinking of acquiring a seperate set of gear for the farming/dungeon runs. Might also make yet another full magic find for farming but anyway..
So yea, can anyone tell me if speccing full zerk with the classic 0/10/0/30/30 d/d build will get me through the dungeons? How much survivability am I throwing away? Also, how screwed am I if i run into wvw with zerker gear?
9/10, Xulxus is bit too elegant for a charr name, but it sounds cool.
Auron Warforged, Blood Legion, pretty standard name.
9.7/10, 0.3 off for not being lore-based, but justified so it’s ok
My engineer is called Zixax. Nice and silly asuran name lol :P
8/10, not exactly knee deep in lore, but the name is really cool. Thunder and stuff..
Anyway, my sylvari thief’s named Walking Iris. (Full Purple-dyed.)
8/10, very catchy.
Antediluvine, elementalist. Was looking for something sorcery-ish.
Yea, it was pretty obvious. The moment I heard her saying she can heal, in that totally-not-a-benevolent-healer voice we see in every game, I thought: She’s the one. And she was. Sigh..
So, the other 2 server can take camps, slap yaks and your server (also my server) can’t? interesting…
I might have phrased that bad, i meant UW and FR have the time for these stuff
I hardly see a big zerg on us, so its mostly small roaming groups.
AR are sitting on a big pile of gold right now, inside stonemist :P
At least the other 2 servers have time to practice guerilla tactics. Stealing camps, slapping yaks, corpse jumping when they win duels, etc. every time i log in wvw we’ll be capping a tower at best.
Same from here (Greece)
Also guild wars 2 forums are loading slowly. I guess it’s global?
I want to murder these campers extremely slowly and painfully, for stealing away 20 minutes from my life.. I gotta farm badges from actual fights instead of just jumping around.. At least actual fights are way more fun than jumping puzzles so I’m not truly complaining, just being irritated. Griefers and campers still deserve the worst death though.
Except if I’m with the ones griefing. Then it’s absolutely fun. Schadenfreude at its best.
Of course, Elder Dragons pose a serious threat to the whole world, but could it be that some races have more reasons to hate a specific elder dragon, and are better suited to fight it?
I thought of this during the storyline, where that sylvari was tasked to restore Orr to a better state, by cleansing it. Zhaitan is pure corruption, and sylvari are all about environment and nature, so Zhaitan is not only an enemy to them, it’s a force directly opposed to their beliefs. Their apparent immunity to becoming risen also adds to my belief that they are Zhaitan’s natural enemy.
Similarly, Jormag, who drove the Norns and Kodans away from the Far Shiverpeaks, and sends his champions to fight them or Primordus, who forced the asura to go to the surface. They must really have a hatred for these dragons, more than they might have for Zhaitan.
What do you think about it? Is this assumption viable?
Also, with the inevitable introduction of the Deep Sea Dragon, we might get another new race of aquatic origins, maybe the Largos?
(Currently a lvl 80 elementalist, but I’m also starting to level up engineer, thief and guardian.)
I’ve been looking for a guild that does, among other things, organised dungeon runs. Having a certain days per week schedule looks ideal. Also, it doesn’t really matter which dungeons they run, I would be happy to experience all of them. Overall, my amount of free time is quite large, but I’m most definitely active during semi-late hours. (You’ll find me on during any time probably, but night time is the sure bet)
Note, the guild need not specialize in dungeon runs, but I would mainly sign up for this. Since I guess it would be PvE-focused, I would be willing to help with other things such as exploration, since I’ve ‘Been there. Done that’. (I plan to join a WvWvW/PvP-focused guild as well once I settle on a server, but I will be always be representing one of the 2 guilds whenever I am in its corresponding environment, pve or pvp)
Currently in Gandara, but I’m willing to transfer to any EU server.
Am I the only one that hopes that everybody that q’s WvW to do jumping puzzles and farm nodes deserves to griefed in the mouth for eternity?
Go do PVE tasks in a PVE zone. If you’re getting griefed in WvW because you’re wasting space in the q for someone that wants to affect the scoreboard, then you probably deserved to get ballistad to death.
Go pick daisy’s in a PVE zone and let someone into WvW that is there to play WvW.
Guess what my dear pvp peon, i’m only doing this jumping puzzle because Anet requires me to get 500 badges so that stupid weaponsmith understands that i somehow “mastered” the WvW part of the game and then give me the kitten Gift of Battle, used to make the Gift Of Mastery on the mystic forge.
Idgaf about those blueprints, i have like 20 blueprints of each tipe of siege weapon on my bank and i dont plan on using these soon, i just wanna get these stupid badges and never set foot on that jumping puzzle again, they can either remove the blueprint loot from the chest or change the currency used to buy’em and i’ll be fine.
I’m assuming you’re after a legendary. I’m after legendaries as well, but get this: You obviously need more stuff to acquire one, such as karma, skill points and gold. Participating in WvW generally will net you karma, gold, exp and even badges of honor. So, in order to have a better time, you can acquire everything slowly over time and still be on the track for whatever you’re farming, while contributing to WvW. Investing time in jumping puzzles solely may yield you with badges of honor but really, the amount you get is not nearly enough to make that time worthwhile. Just my 2 cents.
There is a method to that annoying griefing, preventing people from getting siege weapons etc. Using arrow carts is a bit extreme though, you use up your siege weapons so that enemies won’t use theirs? That kinda beats the purpose.
Abbadon’s Mouth [DE]’s kittens love to waste their arrow carts that way. I feel a bit sorry for them.
Heh. Army of Albion is a WvW guild who, after losing to a properly organised and experienced Underworld guild, resorts to griefing at the enemy server’s jumping puzzles, after their server got their lower parts handed to them. Just facts, people.
I have a question regarding interaction between the opposing teams in WvW, we can currently see the enemy team’s emotes, like ‘Vizunah Square Invader laughs’, for example. Is it possible for them to also read the custom emotes as well? The ones that are added after ‘/me’ and are customable? Also, is this intentional?
I have 100% on the map and acquired all the ‘explorer’ achievements. 175/175 kryta, 142/142 shiverpeaks etc etc, I ~did~ get the Gifts of exploration for the 100% pois, vistas skills etc but the achievement ‘been there done that’ is 97% on achievement tab and 98% on character select screen, so I confirm that it’s bugged somehow..
Arborstone [fr] +695
Jade sea [fr] +0
Underworld +0
This is so fun and balanced for both sides!!! But honestly, I see no way of turning the tide, Arborstone destroyed both of the servers in 1 day, I don’t see anything changing in the 6 remaining days.
(edited by Antediluvian.5169)
I happen to near 200k karma as of now, and seeing that I have nothing better to spend it on, I’ve been thinking of getting that sweet armor these karma merchants have.
My current Elementalist build revolves around the Earth-Water-Arcana traits, focusing mostly on condition damage and vitality/toughness (so I can kill stuff steadily without being too squishy). But, since I haven’t invested heavily on my gear yet, I can completely change my build to Power/precision or continue with my current one. Buying these armors however, means I don’t get to choose again, since their cost is absurd. I want to make a decision I won’t regret.
Should I go with Armageddon set, favoring power, toughness, vitality with runes of baalthazar? Rubicon set with precision and condition damage/duration? Or are they all so balanced that it doesn’t really matter, as I’m sacrificing one thing for another?
Of course, whatever I choose, it should be something that compliments my scepter/dagger build (although staff isn’t so bad where large groups are concerned)
What would you do?
Throughout the gaming experience we find many people that challenge you to a spar. It can be very easy for Anet to implement a ‘spar’-like duel system in the game without breaking the immersion. Arenas are also found but you fight monsters instead of people. But that could be corrected.
The important thing is that duel should not be commenced anywhere, as one could possibly be spammed by duel invitations he has no wish to partake in. Sparring areas, rings and even tournaments held in major cities like Divinity’s Reach are a good idea, as PvE wouldn’t be majorly disturbed by this. I hope Anet take this into consideration.
Bugs and other minor problems are part of all games, and we’ll never hold any of them against you, Anet. And truly, so far, there have been no major issues and the launch was something to boast about. The detail of your world is unbelievable, the balancing of the classes, the nullification of the strict class roles such as ‘tank, DPS and healer’, the concept of exploration and discoveries.. Everything smells of fresh. And I shudder to think of the upcoming content that will be added through the course of years.
You have created a game that will stay around for many years, you have your community’s love and support in everything you do (something crucial in the survival of a company) and you have all the time in the world to work on more ideas and polish your creation even more.
Thank you, and keep up the good work. May you all experience limitless power, wealth and immortality!!!1
Even more importantly than critics’ ratings, the user score is as of right now the highest among the pc game ranking, just 0.1 above the Secret World (8.3). That 8.4 of GW2 is by metacritic’s standards considered a very big success for a game, if we take into account the sheer amount of users who put their own ratings. (420 are positive, 32 in-between and 89 have negative reviews).
OF COURSE, on the other hand, user reviews tend to be 10s and 0s, by fans and haters respectively. That is not the rule however, but usually 10s are in essence 9s and 0s are 4-5s so individually, each review’s integrity and subjectivity is questioned.
Still, the game has enjoyed a very positive reaction by critics and users alike, and that is not something every new game can boast!