Showing Posts For Apolus.3157:
If we take into account our actions in the open world it could add more days.
I think the meta-events have to be incorporated in our story and every preparation meta-events happen only once (Laranthir’s advance, Ordnance Corps rebuilding) and the meta-event finales could happen more times (Night defense on Verdant Brink).
That’s because we got the wrong information from the past, our sources are not reliable and all that.
One of the name options said in parentheses that the statue would be back, implying that the other option didn’t have the statue.
We voted for the option without the parentheses, and now it is gone.
I almost disagreed, but I think I get your point.
I don’t think this event should change, they should fix it and make the snipers kill the vinetenders, for me it was not fun breaking the game and playing coordinated ultra HP sponge with the vinetenders.
But this bug shows how players are not dumb and should not be treated as such. We need more inteligent events and puzzles.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Apolus.3157
And you will have to pay for Season 3 and 4 if you wait too much.
Crickets ……..
Crickets ……..
Judging by some posts here on the forums, people are into being slapped on the face.
You can see an airship carrying a piece of building close to the city’s main entrance.
Vote to bring the lion statue back!
I like the Phoenix because it has been destroyed twice now and not because of that phoenix pet on Cantha.
Beacon Point is a really good one too. I hope this one wins.
Can someone who has not taken the survey yet copy the part about the statue. I believe it says it will only come back if you choose the first option.
I think Lion’s Arch Aerodrome is better. Simple and clean.
Theo Ashford is the pirate captain from the council who was assassinated in the aetherblade attack during dragon bash, Scarlet wanted to put someone infiltrated in his place but we killed the impostor and got Ellen Kiel instead.
I know I can report players or bots selling gold in-game. But where do I report online stores that sell gold?
ALL of my builds were improved.
I think these changes are making thematic builds much more interesting than before.
Is this real life?
When you equip GW1 PC you get kormir skills.
just kidding.
It seems to me that Revenant will be GW1 mode on GW2.
You already have the response for these two questions in the blog post :
While resistance is up, you ignore all effects of all conditions applied on you. This includes damage AND forced movement.
Taunt, is the exact opposite of fear with two tweaks :
- you are forced to run towards your opponent instead of running away
- you can still use your auto-attacks whereas you couldn’t with fear. Stun breaks work the same.
Sorry, my wording was bad on the Resistance question. What I’m wondering is whether Resistance will put Conditions on hold, or simply make you immune to them, it’s really hard to tell from the wording. It says a Fear would resume when Resistance comes off, but that could mean whatever’s left of a Fear resumes, or it could mean the Fear was actually on hold during the Resistance. Immunity seems more likely, but that will be a huge blow to already problematic Condition weaknesses.
As for Taunt, I get how it works, but it calls Resistance a Boon and Slow a Condition, while calling Taunt a Status Effect. I thought Fear was a Condition. Are Status Effects something new, or just something I didn’t know had a name?
Dazed, Stun, Quickness, Stealth and many more. You know them and didn’t know they had a name.
They breathe underwater because they are dragon minions.
But hey, WvW points should be defended. Blob vs Blob objective rotation is nonsense.
I hope they fix WvW with the expansion.
And I like skyhammer!
You can judge me now.
I’m also a fan of “metroidvania” games. Let’s say they can implement it right and make it fun.
Maybe there could be an optional character bound mode.
Maybe you talk to a trainer to train some or all of your previously unlocked masteries on alts, so if you want to play the “metroidvania” again you can do it.
But if they don’t follow their description of the mastery system then, no, I don’t want character bound.
Bottle collector is the best.
Gliders just a worse version of flying mount
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Apolus.3157
LOL. Troll successful.
Actually you are lucky to be able to pay to get those episodes.
Originally the living story was a one time event only, if you missed it you missed it forever.
That’s should be called Trials, not Adventures. :/
+1 to that.
1 – Monster hunting witcher style!
You must first learn about the monster: What are its habits? Where does it live? What are its strenghts? What are its weaknesses?
Then you must prepare: What tools do I bring? What time should I strike? From where should I attack?
Then go there and score your kill, go back and sell the trophy.
2 – More puzzles, not the jumping ones, actual puzzles that we have to figure out how the ideas fit together to form the solution. After all we are in the deep jungle now, give us some Indiana Jones style adventures.
It won’t be flying, but falling with style.
Players likely will not be in the air long enough other than to glide briefly.
That’s exactly how I would describe.
But about the second part, maybe we will have updrafts in some places as puzzles.
They are both mammals and they have sharp teeth, I think you are up to something here.
You’d think Magdaer would have been completed by now… Do we know who is actually reforging it?
She took it to the only being that might possible know how to reforge a legendary… Zommoros!
Sadly though, he forged it into an exotic 1h cleric sword.
Oh, now we know why they don’t want to talk about it.
No specializations for them.
Logan, Eir and Zojja will die and return as buffs for Rytlock.
Did you say a hot outfit?
I played a hammer mesmer in GW1, it was pretty fun.
I come from the future to say that it will be too difficult to solo, there are no polearms and revenants are OP, also the seahawks won the superbowl.
If you don’t know what to pick I would say elementalist. You can build it around many familiar themes.
Trahearne is not a a bad character. Killing him now would just be fanservice.
But if they really want to kill him they should let him grow first.
And to get back on-topic: Professor Gorr
Shhhh… Don’t say that too loud, it might become canon.
Actually we are all dreaming and the Sylvari are our GW1 characters.
Next season we will all wake up in 1081 AE in Ebonhawke.
@Koviko: My pet theory is that Caithe took the egg to protect it from US. Why? Remember that whole Omadd’s machine thing? The same device that drove Scarlet crazy? And that we also went into (if inadvertently)?
What if Caithe knows that we’ve actually been secretly corrupted by Mordremoth already, and she’s keeping the egg from us because as soon as it falls into our hands, Mordremoth mentally dominates us and forces us to bring the egg to him?
To get around this, our characters will need to be “purified” by undergoing a magical rite that protects us from Mordremoth’s control (i.e. we are going to undergo Ascension, with all the recent hints that divine magic counters Dragon corruption). Once that happens, Caithe can then give the egg safely back to us.
No, no, no no no… Please no… Not Mass Effect 3 again…
My fanfiction exposition is getting to toxic levels by now.
It’s not about Tengu, it’s about compasses.
Experience movement in a new way, buy a compass in the bazaar.
I’m getting instakicked when I try to join a party, any ideas how to solve this?
Invite please
<——— Account name there
You know that bug at the waiting room of the mad king tower that allows you to go out of the room and swim on that weird mist thing?
My sugestion is this: Don’t fix it, actually you could artificially add more “bugs” and graphical glitches to the mad realm, It’s the Mad Realm after all. Of course it would be in a controlled way to not make it look bad.
They are named as exotic but have the coolness and rarity of a legendary, in my opinion.
My bet is that he will appear on all celebrations and sing thematic songs.