Showing Posts For Arifialdy.1534:
Game Mode
PVE, I played all balancely, but what need help the most is PVE
Proposal overview
Effect of food and runes, also effect PET
Goal of Proposal
Ranger is the only pet class that shared it’s core damage with pet, so the effect of POWER from ranger, less effective than other class, for example :
-200 in power give ranger lesser damage than other class does, and with the upcoming ascended gear, the pet doesn’t get increased damage, so the ranger is the most diasadvantage class here if another gear or rune upgrade coming.
- Rune of traveler and speed, clearly other class got the benefit of 25% movement speed and no problem, but the ranger here, it has pet whose also need movement speed, so if we want to use this rune effectively, we forced to use agility training so the pet can run equally with the master.
Dev keep talking about best singe target damage, and sustained bla bla bla whatever, please look at the FACT here FACT that happened and makes ranger UNWANTED profeesion in the game, PET dies = we SUCK, we use same gear, same trait point and compare single target or total DPS per minute, we still CAN’T beat WARRIOR or THIEF, so what’s our ROLE exactly here ? DUNGEON we unwanted, WVW we can be replaced by anyone, so does PVP, i played only ranger and have been playing since september 2012 and what i’ve seen here is, the dev care nothing about this class, they only care about warrior, all class can use signet, ranger need 30 trait point to use signet, hello Allie if you’re there and read this, please take this seriously, cause ranger is SERIOUSLY SERIOUS need help
Proposal Functionality
Help the ranger get the help they need a little bit
Associated Risk
There was no risk in this, should have been done since they decided to separate ranger and pet actual damage
1. Ranger
2. Engineer
3. Necro
3 of them are the worst in PVE, no one wants them in dungeon but ranger is the worst, seriously necro without minion still have viable build, but ranger without pet ? look at the pet, ai is so bad, and the weapon damage…… please dont just talk about balance bla bla, see this, been a year and a half, still no action
Dye and weapon have been reappearing again and again in the store, so why not zephyrite helm skin ? i miss them cause was busy, so why not make it enable again even it is just for 3 days ? don’t just make dye and weapon skin viable again, make zephyrite, rox, and braham enable again
One of the major issues with Longbow is it requiring 50 trait points to grab its traits:
30 in Marksmanship for Piercing Arrows and Eagle Eye
20 in Skirmishing for Quick DrawThe Shortbow has the same problem:
20 in Marksmanship for Piercing Arrows
20 in Skirmishing for Quick DrawBoth Quick Draw and Piercing Arrows only affect the Longbow and the Shortbow. So both the Longbow and the Shortbow need to spend at least 40 trait points to get their relevant traits.
The solution is quite obvious if you see it:
Longbow Mastery (replaces Piercing Arrows – 20 point into Marksmanship)
Longbow arrows pierce and Longbow skills have 20% less cooldownShortbow Mastery (replaces Quick Draw – 20 points into Skirmishing)
Shortbow arrows pierce and Shortbow skills have 20% less cooldownWith this both the Shortbow and the Longbow only need 20 points to get piercing arrows and less cooldown on their skills instead of 40. Talk about improving build diversity!
With this change, If you still want to use both Longbow AND Shortbow together and want both to pierce AND have 20% less cooldown, then it’ll cost you 40 points. Which is exactly the same amount as before the change.
Currently the game basically tells you to go dual bow with how the Piercing Arrows and Quick Draw are set up.
I agree on this, people now need to waste 40 point in order to get pierce and 20%cd, while and warrior rifle 20%cd and pierce are in single trait, we are the RANGEr here, we should be the master of ranged weapon here, so i think we deserved it
For the ranger, we’ve adjusted the placement of some traits so that rangers should have more build combinations. For example, by swapping Nature’s Vengeance and Spirits Unbound so that rangers can have spirits follow you in tier 2, players can now opt out of the higher damage output from spirits and still have options elsewhere. We also brought up some Marksmanship and a Skirmishing trait to make power specs more appealing. We feel like rangers also currently have too much endurance regeneration through traits. Due to this, we’ve made adjustments to Wilderness Survival traits, and we’ve also brought down the passive of Sun Spirit and the active effect for Storm Spirit.
- Long Range Shot. Increased the damage at 500 range by 20%.
- Long Range Shot. Increased the damage at 500-1000 range by 15%.
- Marksmanship V – Predator’s Instinct. Increased the threshold from 25% to 50%. Increased the Cripple Duration from 2s to 10s. Increased the cooldown from 15s to 30s.
- Marksmanship VI – Beastmaster’s Bond. Decreased the cooldown from 90s to 60s.
- Skirmishing XII – Moment of Clarity. Stun Duration increased from 50% to 100%.
- Wilderness 5 Natural Vigor. Reduced the increased endurance regeneration from 50% to 25%.
- Wilderness VIII – Oakheart Salve. Decreased the recharge of this trait from 20s->15s
- Wilderness XII – Bark Skin Increased the damage reduction from 30% to 50%.
- Nature Magic I – Circle of Life. Cleared up the text of this trait to clearly identify that it happens when downed, not defeated.
- Nature Magic V – Strength of Spirit. Increased conversion from 5% to 7% <—— why not just back to 10% ? another 3% won’t be hurt, ranger base damage already low and there is no ascended pet, even if it back to 10% still make us unable to compete with warrior or thief……
- Nature Magic IX – Two Handed Training. Added the following functionality to this trait. Greatsword and Spear attacks have a chance to grant Fury on hit. 50% chance. 3s Fury. 10s cooldown.
- Nature Magic X – Enlargement. This trait now uses Signet of the Wild to trigger. This reduces the cooldown to 60 seconds and allow it to interact with the Signet of the Beastmaster and Signet Mastery traits.
- Nature Magic VII – Nature’s Vengeance. Moved to Grandmaster Tier.
- Nature Magic XI – Spirits Unbound. Moved to Master Tier.
- Beastmastery VI – Mighty Swap. The might from this trait is now applied to you and your pet.
- Sun Spirit. Reduced the passive burning from 3s to 2s.
- Storm Spirit. Reduced the damage from the Call Lightning skill by 33%.
(edited by Arifialdy.1534)
Class balance:
Sick ‘Em will now apply ‘Revealed” to enemies they target. We want to introduce some counter play to Stealth (players have asked for that for a while), so we thought a pet “catching your scent” might be a cool way to insinuate some anti-stealth into the game.To help Rangers support allies, we increased the ability ranger pets have to support allies. For instance, the Bear condition removal isn’t strong enough, so we’ll be improving that. Moas and Fern Hound will also be improved.
There will also be # changes to some of the Ranger weapons. (this one some nice lie)
Class balance:
Sick ‘Em will now apply ‘Revealed” to enemies they target. We want to introduce some counter play to Stealth (players have asked for that for a while), so we thought a pet “catching your scent” might be a cool way to insinuate some anti-stealth into the game.To help Rangers support allies, we increased the ability ranger pets have to support allies. For instance, the Bear condition removal isn’t strong enough, so we’ll be improving that. Moas and Fern Hound will also be improved.
There will also be # changes to some of the Ranger weapons. (this one some nice lie)
That’s how eternity should be from the beginning, everyone who agree please we need no keep post in this thread so it didn’t dissapear until it get dev attention and they reconsider it
I think it would be good idea to add more ranger pet, or just the skin from the existing one, for example, i love the looks of alpine stalker and tiger, why not just create the juvenile of them ? it looks stronger and cooler than jungle stalker and snow leopard, especially alpine stalker, White Tiger !!!
Just tested it. No Signet of the Wild, no regeneration, no Troll Unguent and a pet that does not heal itself. Slotted Natural Healing and told it to attack a mob, then stood back and watched.
The pet’s health is ticking up, so something is healing it. Green numbers are not displaying. I’d conclude that Natural Healing still works on the pet, but the numbers disappeared just like the numbers from pet condition damage ticks.
Took Natural Healing off and slotted Carnivorous Appetite and repeated the test. Can see the pet’s health bar increase slightly on critical hits but once again no green numbers visible.
I’d say Natural Healing and Carnivorous Appetite are both working fine but the number display in combat is not working for healing and condition damage with pets.
if healing not working then why signet of the wild tick work just fine ? i try againnst the ogre chieftain in pvp and some monster in frostgorge and fireheart rise, it doesn’t seems work to me, now the only regen my pet had is signet of the wild
i noticed it just now, the usual 125 tick by natural healing is not ticking, so now it’s a completely useless trait since it only healed the ranger, has anyone experienced this or its just me ? and carnivorous appetite too, my jaguar doesnt heal anymore when crit, can someone confirm this ? so that god kitten dev can make this right
(edited by Arifialdy.1534)
im experienced this too, please fix this omg now the trait completely broken
since now ranger dps so LOW, and pet got nerfed BADLY, this maybe the good idea to boost ranger damage for dungeon so IT CAN BE ON PAR WITH WARRIOR OR THIEF !!!!!
Honestly I say we deserve a refund.. for the armor and the stones wasted -.-; I got skinned over my OoW armor because i was so tired of seeing the red when it was my main set for wvw.
i agree with you, its so kittening annoying but what can we do, i dont have any better shoes than whisper medium boots to match my style…..
please fix this issue permanently
okay everyone lets keep posting so the kittening dev can read this and do their job correctly
hey dev dont pretend you dont read this, why is this aint fixed yet ? such simple matter yet became big cause dev too lazy
Hey there fellow rangers!
The State of the Game discussion is coming on Tuesday the 2nd July at 4:30 pm PST.
I will be joining Grouch, Zombify, Supcutie and the developer Jonathan Sharp discussing the recent patch and the effects it had on PvP in Guildwars 2!
Obviously i will not let this chance slip by and I’ll try to fit in as much ranger talk as possible!The purpose of this thread is to gather suggestions, questions or feedback you guys want me/us to talk about during the State of the Game discussion.
Looking forward to your input guys!
i wont dream too much from dev to pay attention to ranger my friend, just one : FIX SWORD AUTO ATTACK, appreciate your effort to stand for us brother
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
false hope again false hope again….. sigh, why even post
I’m not sure either, it’s like half of the rangers on this forums don’t really care about balance, or feeling subpar. They’re happy with what they get, if someone doesn’t want them in their groups then they are just jerks, if someone criticizes the profession then its either “l2p” or “i just play my ranger because i have fun with her!”
Which is kinda cute. I used to think it was just being delusional, but now i’m not sure anymore, maybe its the fact that by know everyone knows the big pve issues with the ranger, so the people still playing it are those who enjoy the class and don’t care about balance, or those who are not aware of the situation ( due to being casual, or not having alts etc ).
And then we have a third category, the “defenders” aka chopps, durzilla and such, who have seemingly a good knowledge of the class, yet consider every nerf deserved, and every critique or request for buffs plain whining.Personally, after 800 hours on my ranger, i’m beyond caring. I use her for open world stuff, care about dressing her nicely and giving her shienies. But when stuff gets real, i have a war, mes and guardian fully geared and waiting for some action ( althou i still prefer the feel of my ranger. but power>feelings for me )
what you says is true…. i dont understand either why anet only GOOGLED ranger from PVP aspect, they dont see ranger from PVE and DUNGEON point which is very very need for help, we cant deal damage like warior or thief, we cant be support like guardian or ele either, and we cant portal like mesmer, and worst when our pet died, we just “HALF CLASS” they didnt even consider that FOOD affect RANGER half effective from OTHER class because ranger BASE WEAPON DAMAGE is just kittening too LOW…… for any DEV who read this please dont PRETENDING TO BE BLIND and do SOMETHING…. for god sake 8 kittening month since jon peter post yet EVEN SWORD ROOTING AUTO ATTACK ARE NOT FIXED !!!
Honestly, BM ranger is not that great in PvP .How many top tier PvP teams run BM rangers? Sure, a lot of people have been using BM rangers in lower ranked PvP games, but why would you nerf a class across the whole game , because on the noob side of the smallest % of the playerbase people could not circle strafe pets .
On a side note . Why is noone complaining about bunker dagger-dagger elementalist damage , or offtank dagger-pistol thief damage and survivability ???
This is a premium example of double standards .WE NEED A RANGER REPRESENTATIVE ON STATE OF THE GAME!!!!
even our only hope robert hrouda, has left this forum and abandoned range
Race : Norn
Sex : Female
Issue : norn female hair model which is im using is piercing through the armor, looks very annoying, work on every armor, im showing using CM armor, COE shoulder
here is the screen shot
PS – Robert, could you ask whoever deals with pet stats to see if the white raven (HoM) and regular raven have the same stats. Its often reported the white has less vit with no corresponding increase elsewhere.
that is something I can personally do
Both the white raven and the black raven share identical stats. There is no differences between them with the exception that one is black and one is white. Just cosmetic differences – all the numbers are the same.
Turns out there is currently a health discrepancy between the white raven and black raven – I was checking our current information for our next patch, which showed that they were the same.
Right now it is true though, they have a bit less HP. Our next patch will address and fix this.
robert if you already at the raven, please check the black widow spider to, it has very low health, while the other spider is 37xx he is just 13xx, make it worsT spider to use, please take care of this cause this is my best HOM reward
didnt you think another dodge button will make it hard for player ? i think its better with pet more survivability against aoe, or player can resurect their pet, oh and could you maybe add the button for pet guard or attack mode ? cause to switch mode we really need to click it, button could make it better, and pet agony resistance…. it really need some fix really its been 3++ month about those agony, ranger at fotm boss really is a petless ranger
the fixed fotm, yet pet agony resistance still untouched…. and signet of the hunt, still showing 10%, evens these 2 small things keep untouched for month….
well maybe some people experienced the way im experienced, lets says i like ranger cause only 1 reason, it had pet, and i like heavy armor too very very very much so i kind of like heavy-armored toons with pet, well maybe some people would like the appearance of heavy armored elemental or robe-warrior looks, so maybe its a good idea to remove the skin restriction here ? so my ranger can have a very dark-knight looking armageddon armor looks, anyone agree ???
The lack of communication from anet is extremely annoying….they are present in other class forums but they have completely ignored the ranger forum for 3 months now…get your act together anet and give us some gah dang feed back.
Agreed, atleast answer us paying customers. Anet has hundreds upon hundreds of my dollars right now and sometimes I feel like a fool. I’m not expecting SuperDevMan to pop in and say yes all these things you want we are giving, but an ANSWER or some kind. Whether you plan to make ranger better, improve its damage/traits/pet or not. It is a pure guessing game with Anet, we just want some acknowledgement even if it is to say no, we are not planning on making changes to such and such features. Atleast we’d stop wishing and hoping and have a straight answer.
very agreed on this, you have been giving us a FALSE HOPE for 3 month now….. don’t pretending blind now, at last RESPECT us and GIVE AN ANSWER
please improve ranger on melee capabilities, you stated here :
The ranger class combines its own innate abilities with the skills of their pets. We’ve balanced the class around the idea that you always have a pet with you to aid in any fight. The fact that the ranger can have multiple pets allows them to combine their pets in ways that most impact the current fight. We want the Ranger to have some of the evasion enjoyed by the Thief, as well as the mobility other classes employ. The class is able to deal physical or condition damage, and it can do this in melee or at range.
but look at our ranger now, it only has 2 melee option, sword and GS, which is both of them is miserable i think, GS lack damaged too much, animation on attacking really slow, considered to be ranger worst weapon, sword is nice but sword auto attack here, it is bugged i think, when kicking it move on its own, making us hard to dodge. would you fix this or at last add more ranger melee option in the future like hammer maybe or mace, i really really really love ranger and i really really really wanna play a melee character but have pet, and i miss the “bunny-thumper” on gw 1, would you please considered about this, cause our ranger now, so weak if not using bow and useless compared to other job cause to be a good ranger must be using bow
well i tried to create this in suggestion topic but there is no response so i guess i created here, my norn female ranger, when she throw her axe, her back item (prototype fractal capacitor) is gone, and its back again when the axe back in hand, like his offhand weapon, its kind of ugly and strange doesn’t it ? i mean where the hell are they gone, the ranger just throwing the axe, not his offhand weapon and back item, i hope this get fixed soon cause guild wars is all about aestethic value right…
fractal capacitor dude, its dissapearing when the axe throwed
Hi, i dont know if its a bug or not, but when ranger throw his axe, his off hand weapon and back item is disapearing, then pop up again when the axe returned, maybe you can change it of fix it ? it kinds of looks lame and well ugly, i mean where the hell is the back item and off hand weapon gone ? we didnt throw it with the axe, something like that, if its a bug i hope it get fixed soon, if its not, then i suggest change it so when range throw axe, the back item and offhand weapon didnt dissapear, thank you
hello i am experiencing a problem here, when i recently finished the level 16 fractal, and still inside the fractal lab, selling my items, some of my party already left the area, one gone offline, suddenly i got disconnected because some firewall issues, this is my first time experiencing this, when im login in back, my fractal level rolled back to 16, which is supposed to be 17, and the relic and ring from the daily chest is GONE, when i going back inside fractal lab, the try to get out, it got disconnected again and then when i login, everything back to before im completed my fractal, so can someone please help me, its very hard to get that type of ring……
i agreed on this, please give new shortcut for mini pet, its even better if its automatically summoned like ranger pet, its very annoying to open inventory and right click + use, we must repeat it every time we dies which is annoying really, we just wanna be our minis shown everytime like armor and dye