Showing Posts For Artixera.5107:
Releases a huge patch and does not fix a big known issue, and hinders people from doing the precursor quest for almost a month…..
Only at Anet ( ?° ?? ?°) i rate 9/10 seperatists
We’ll have to wait till the update hits.. It’s one reason ANet shouldn’t stray from their 2 weeks update schedule: at least broken events get reset!
(there should be an automatic reset after x amount of time has been elapsed without progress…)
In this case it would seem the event just doesn’t function since some claim that it doesn’t work even after server resets, and considering the first guy reported this 25 days ago they’ve taken way too long to fix this =/
Still Broken, no one is able to finish tier 1 on the precursor until this is fixed, good job Anet, well placed time and resources on new expansions when big progression stuff like this can remain bugged for a month, this is what we’re supposed to due while there is no new content right?
Get on it and fix it so we can finish our precursors
To limit for only 5 is hard ^^
1. Ladder Leaderboards, the reason to climb the ladder is pretty much lost once you hit legendary it would be nice to see something that makes you want to climb further, seeing the top 5 people is not very interesting, win to loss ratios, most used classes etc etc, fun statistics and a more wide leaderboard that shows atleast the top 100 and then you can see where on the list you are like for example you see the top 100 and under the 100th you see you as #896 etc, might create more elitism but its nice to have a reason to climb in legend aswell.
2. Don’t leave out a class in a season, this is in my opinion damaging to pvp, for example season 1 and 2 no one has wanted a warrior in their team, could be something to think about, perhaps break that seasonal meta shift patch so that you can tweek the classes that needs it during a season so that we can avoid the catastrophe that was season 1 again with only bunkering that even made the LCS casters bored of the game =)
3. Class matchup, i get that mmr is to be the main breaker when it comes to how your teams are compositioned, but when a team is put together and it consists of 5 revenants or 5 necros right off the bat…. i dunno some of us mains 1 maybe 2 classes and i’ve had games where im with 4 necros and none of them have been able to switch class ^^ would be nice to see the matchup system take this in a slight consideration, or maybe it already does but sometimes it fails then atleast.
4. More PvP earned items, i don’t know what but all those Shards of Glory is becoming much more of a shard of trash xD and ofcouse ticket bought things aswell.
5. AND THE BIG ONE, Seperate the skills for PvP and PvE and maybe even WvW while you’re at it, maybe its easier to fix skill stats the way they are now but i don’t find it very enjoyable when a stat change or whatever affects all gamemodes at the same time but i understand why you do it aswell, i just think it would be a more fun PvP if the skills were seperated from PvE and PvP and it would give you much more freedom to tweek the classes to your guys need.
Some thoughts =)
I made it to Legend as a DH this season aswell so i won’t complain about the meta, but i still don’t like Revs tanking capacity as a full zerker =3
Edit: Make warrior work xD
I had my first desertion in legend just now and it was software related on my end i got a 20 min punishment and likely 4 reports so i figured i’d go here and complain about it no not really just an explanation and a suggestion, late night thoughts =)
My cat hit the lock button on my wireless keyboard 20 seconds before the pvp game started and for some reason i was able to log back into the pc but pressing certain buttons now caused the pc to open all kind of windows, some keys worked some didn’t so i was not even able to explain to my team why i was standing almost entirely still, i could still move with the mouse but not use any skills on the keyboard pretty much.
I made an attempt to say ‘’Keyboard broke’’ or something similar to it but there was too many keys that only opened up windows programs so i gave up and restarted the pc only to come back into the game to see that they gave up the moment i restarted the pc, if i had been given a minute, just 60 seconds i would have been back into the game and ready to play again since the restart fixed the problem.
So what im thinking is why does Guild Wars 2 PvP not have a Team Pause button? for atleast a minute? ofcourse i see both pro’s and cons about it so lets discuss if anyone wants, maybe there is already a thread about this? who knows, i don’t =)
And how it would work? obviously if a desertion happens or a disconnect of any kind the minute the team has should be activated by automation and chat shall either be disabled or remain active, if disabled premade teams will have a upper hand through things like teamspeak, if both teams has chat unlocked it would be more fair but the system could be abused by someone disconnecting to get more time to plan a strategy.
- Less deserted games hopefully if the leave is like in my case software/network related
- A minute to strategic planning if it were to be activated by the team and not automation
- A fair chance for people who might get a reocurring DC sometimes etc
- The strategic planning abuse part could be bad for the PvP itself unless it was intended as a planning timeout that could be used to wait for Disconnected people
Just some thoughts nothing too serious just looking for opinions =)
I haven’t seen too many desertions this season so i would assume the system in place is working, some afk’s here and there through the climb but it was not much.
But it would be nice with a pause system just to give those who DC a small chance atleast to get back in time before the team just gives up like it did in my case =)
I loved bunker guard when it was usefull but right now it has no place =3 seen some bunker DH’s that has been standing their ground fairly well but a meditrapper would still be prefered imo.
they have done it ……
THEY HAVE RUINED THE GUARDIAN/DH AGAIN what is next LB 2, DH spear of light(pull) , burning ?
I dunno what part of the game you’re talking about that ruined DH, PvP?
I got Legendary as DH only in this bunker meta so the class can’t be that useless just because they lowered some daze and test of faith dmg.
So at the moment when i try to log in to one of my chars that is in LA or travel to it with another char my game crashes and continues to do so if i try to log in at that char again, anyone know why this is happening? in theory i could put all my chars into LA and just not be able to log in to the game at all right now =3
Crash detail below it’s not the full text but i guess i can post that aswell if needed
—> Crash <—
Exception: c0000005
Memory at address 39cf1000 could not be written
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 14068
BaseAddr: 001D0000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 53120
When: 2015-09-21T14:27:19Z 2015-09-21T16:27:19+02:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:01:52
Flags: 0
I find it odd than for a game that was supposed to be less about grinding you make an event like this where there’s nothing else than grinding, and yet, even if i grind to the best of my abilities i won’t be able to reach 450 blossoms in the set time because the rewards are too low, is there any thought about us who has jobs during the days and can only spend a couple of hours?
As it stands an event like this is made for a kid who can farm hours at a time, it’s really discouraging to participate in the event at all when i know i can’t reach the reward i want?
Just make the events long enough/more rewarding for everyone, i can’t be the only adult in the community who struggles to participate in grind heavy events like this because we can’t sink that kind of time into the game.
Here are some informative links:
Plenty of good information can be found on the Knowledge Base or the Stickies at the top of the page. Welcome return and good luck.
Thank you!
If you have all the information showing that you paid for the game then you shouldn’t have a problem, first email that you will get will tell you that it is going to be investigated further. I just got my account back after having it hacked/stolen so i understand what you are dealing with. It will take a couple of days for them to verify, but you will have it back. They will also be able to roll back your account if your toons are missing. If they got your account you may want to change the password that you have set for your email as well before it gets resolved so who ever got your information will not be able to track what you are doing.
Yeah i got all info i should need including the place i bought it from and i changed password here and on the email so that part is done aswell, i did not remove the ip adress from China yet incase they need it to investigate it.
Thanks for the reply bud, feels nice to know that all hope isn’t lost!
I’ll try keep it short, i already sent a ticket but im more curious if someone here knows whether or not my account is forever inaccessible or if i can get it back.
So the situation is this:
1: I buy the game and play for awhile with a friend then we stop for quite some time (i might have accessed the account at some point during this stop time but i can’t remember)
2 : yesterday we decided to come back to the game but i couldn’t log in so i reset password and was now allowed into my account (hence no authenticator)
3: I try to login at the client window but i am faced with a screen saying that my account is terminanted for ’’Tampering’’ with the game and that the action is ’’Permanent’’
So ofcourse i have been hacked during this time, unknowingly i suppose they also got acess to my Email at some point, not happy about that makes me feel like my private life leaked even though i really don’t have any sensitive info on it….
Anyhow i still have my serial code and the Email is the same but in my account menu a new IP adress is ’’Allowed’’ from China, so i assume that this China guy has been using my account for some shady business while i was gone.
It’s my first time dealing with a situation like this so i actually have no clue on how the process works, usually when getting hacked you just lose your stuff/characters not the account itself.
So to repeat myself, is my account forever lost because of this hacker since the account is ’’Terminated’’ and the act is ’’Permanent’’ or can they actually revert this for me?