Showing Posts For Astrum.3652:
Replace your email notification. The authenticator on your cell phone is much more secure. It’s an app that gives you a series of numbers that you need to log into that computer for the first time. This number changes every 30 seconds so even if someone has your account name and password, hacking a 6 digit number in under 30 seconds would be pretty hard to do.
Additionally, arena net required me to change my password recently and referenced this comic to illustrate password strength-
If you follow the advice, your password will become much more secure.
You sure it didn’t just stack with badges you already had in your inventory?
Kind of hard to take your main hand pistol suggestion seriously when you jump right into talking about pillows after bringing it up.
However, I would love to be able to dual wield pistols like the pistol phantasm does.
There are times when after I run through my temporal curtain, someone uses a speed skill and it refreshes my swiftness. However, there has never been a case for me when my swiftness was refreshed by another temporal curtain.
I can understand not having the duration stack, but letting the swiftness of one curtain refresh the swiftness from another would be very nice. So many times in WvW I run through another curtain just before my swiftness runs out and get nothing from it, so I end up losing my swiftness and trailing behind.
One thing I like is when bosses have a distinctive tell prior to an attack that’s difficult to dodge. While the red ring mechanic is interesting, I like being able to dodge something just by reading the movement of the enemy. This is a lot harder on smaller enemies with a lot of spell effects flying around though.
I also think the dragon events are pretty interesting and very close to being a lot better. Right now they’re completely pre-scripted. I would love to see the dragons react to what’s happening. For example, in the shatterer battle, the entire zerg runs up right next to the boss and attacks him from the side. In spite of this, he still continues attacking in front of him as if there are players there. This fight would be much more engaging if he reacted to the players like a monster would and turns to face them or directs his attacks towards the players instead of in the same spot every time.
I keep hearing about how AC difficulty is over the top, bosses just having more hp and no depth is terrible, how having agony in fractals is a cheap gating method, and other comments of everything that arena net has done wrong.
While this is useful information and has to be pointed out in order for the problems to be improved, it shouldn’t be the only thing we talk about. What I want to know is whatever people think arena net has done best, right, or even wrong but very close to getting right.
Might have been an oversight by arena net because heavy and light armor have soldier legs.
You can get soldier armor from Sorrow’s Embrace, Ascalonian Catacombs, and Honor of the Waves. I’d recommend honor of the waves since all three paths are quite easy to do so you can run them all and get at least 180 tokens in a day. Should only take you 2 or 3 days to get your legs.
Doing all 4 wvw jumping puzzles every day is fairly easy and if you do it at the right time you can avoid pvp entirely. One of the easiest things to do would be ask in map chat if anyone is porting the jp. If they are, problem solved. If not, just try the jumping puzzle and don’t engage in combat with anyone. Often, players from other servers are just like you and only want their badges. I’ve had players attack me and when I didn’t respond with fighting back, they left me alone.
Adding waypoints would be terrible. If you’re afraid of running back to a puzzle after dying then just get a friend or guildie to go with you to increase your odds or surviving or not being bothered. More waypoints would give a massive advantage to the server that is already winning, making it extremely difficult for the losing servers to ever turn it around. Wvw would also become less strategic and simply be a matter or waypointing every 2 minutes.
Damaged armor? You get more than enough loot from kills to offset any armor repair costs.
I’m not sure about removing pvp from the jumping puzzle. Having pvp there opens uo a lot of potential griefing and typically the players that enjoy jumping puzzles are not the one that enjoy pvp and if they did enjoy both, they’d be even less likely to enjoy both at the same time.
The jumping puzzle seems to be a prime target for griefers because they can screw with the players that want to avoid pvp and aren’t very good at fighting. However, not having pvp in the jumping puzzle would make it way too easy to get the badges and massive amounts of free siege. You get pvp rewards for doing a pvp jumping puzzle. If the pvp aspect was removed then the rewards would need to be toned down a lot also. Having less difficulty should mean less incentive.
How is this punishing you in gw1? You haven’t mentioned anything about your gw1 account being banned, so I see no way in which your gw2 slip up is punishing you in gw1. All you’ve said is that you can’t link your gw1 account to a new gw2 account, which only punishes you in gw2.
Additionally, there was a fair bit of warning that linking accounts would be permanent. Knowing that, wouldn’t you want to be more careful about getting banned? To be fair though, I don’t know the details behind your ban so it could have been out of your control.
Perhaps try to appeal the ban if that’s possible? I’ve never heard of linked accounts being unlinked before so it doesn’t seem likely that you’d get them to make an exception.
The sylvari t3 cultural swords I use look amazing, but they’re so small that it’s hard to appreciate them. I’m sure bigger swords would look out of proportion like you’re experiencing with the orrian offhand weapons, but sometimes being able to see what you’re holding is more important than having the the proportions exactly right.
Sylvari should not be pacifists. I love how we are fully able and willing to use force to do what needs to be done. However, having violence being a first resort for the sylvari is what just seems off. Sylvari should look for other ways to resolve their problems and if all of that fails, then use our incredible fighting capability to resolve the situation. We should seek harmony, but not in a tree hippy way. Simply by first looking for peaceful solutions, we can show our efforts to allow all things the right to grow. If that fails then we can show how “this rose has thorns” and strike down anything that opposes us. It just shouldn’t be our first course of action.
As the sylvari are now, we’re basically just plant looking humans. We use violence anytime something is a little bit difficult instead of even considering alternatives. We see anything without intelligence as beneath us and don’t hesitate to wipe out massive amount of fireflies, mosquitoes, grubs, or even plant life in order to get what we want.
What I’d like from sylvari is something different than humans. I’d love to see sylvari have tendencies and a way of life that’s intriguing and alien to us, something that we don’t see everyday already. Humans already cover actions like killing insects if they have something we want or wiping out grubs when they pose a threat. I see no reason why sylvari should be the same in that regard.
As I said before, I can understand why the sylvari are like this due to time and manpower limitations when creating gw2. That being said, I would still like to see the sylvari be more unique in their way of life than this. In the other areas though, the sylvari are spot on. I love the way they look, their clothing style, the architecture, the whole atmosphere of their city, the different personalities, their manner of speech, the lore behind them, and so much more.
There’s a ton that arena net got right about the sylvari. I made this thread to bring up a way in which an already amazing race could be even better. My objections to the sylvari way of life is only to help improve them, not to say they’re a bad race.
(edited by Astrum.3652)
The thread I first read about this theory in laid out a pretty solid argument. Sadly, I wasn’t able to find it again.
This one in the lore section?
Haven’t seen that one before but it does cover a lot of the theory. Thanks for the link!
so the daily today say “eat 25 food” i buy 25 and eat them but it is still 0 %
is there other “type” of food in the game i don’t know about or is it a bug ?
(the food i buy was “buff food” i hope this is what the quest mean)
later i buy “bottle of alcohol” still 0% on the quest
Make sure you are using “food” and not just a “consumable”. Drinking a bottle of alcohol is clearly not food, that is a liquid and therefore a drink.
On a related note, is it a bug that you need to ‘eat’ 25 foods? The vast majority of foods out there give you buffs for at least 30 minutes. 25 foods equates to well over 12 hours of buffs.
This is not something most people would do in a normal day. Seems a little excessive for a daily and seems like the number should be 2-3.
Not entirely sure this is intended.
As long as you don’t wait for the buff to wear off then you’re fine. This is probably the easiest daily option there is. Buy 25 of the cheapest food on the trading post, which for me was like 3c each. Then spam click them till they’re all gone and you’re done.
(edited by Astrum.3652)
The point I’m trying to make is that there are a lot of alternatives to the actions that the sylvari take.
Why kill fireflies to light your lamps when you could easily study them or find some plant with natural illumination and use that? This is an inconsistency on the most basic level that can’t be justified under the ventari’s tablet.
There are more complex problems like what sylvari should do when they are being attacked. Yet even those problems could have solutions different from what we’ve been doing so far. Grubs trying to destroy your tree? Why not find a way to lure them to a different area? Sending an army of grubs to a nightmare court hangout would solve two problems at once. Or planting a different tree for the grubs to eat would be pretty simple, continue the circle of life.
There are so many alternatives to what the sylvari do. We as humans see their actions as natural because that’s what we would do, but a race that’s suppose to embrace harmony with nature, killing off the local population of insects is a huge contradiction.
I would like to see the sylvari doing things that seem alien to humans. Having them follow human tendencies like exterminating any threats or competition just doesn’t have the feel of a race in tune with nature and the cycle of life.
If the tablet was “open to interpretation” then we would see different sylvari dealing with each situation differently. Instead we see most sylvari all following the same tendencies.
I can understand from a development standpoint why the syvari are like this since coming up with an entirely different lifestyle to implement would take a lot of extra time. However, I would really enjoy seeing alterations to the sylvari over time that reflect their “one with nature” persona. Aside from this one point though, I really do enjoy the sylvari a lot.
I’m surprised no one mentioned the theory of the sylvari being connected to a “nature elder dragon”.
We know minions of one dragon cannot be converted by another dragon. Risen created by Zaitan can’t be branded by Kralkatorrik. Aside from this, we find that basically everything can be turned by a dragon. Examples like elementals, bushes, oakheart, and mammals have all been mentioned in this thread. Sylvari being plants should not make them an exception, thus making a link to an elder dragon a real possibility.
The thread I first read about this theory in laid out a pretty solid argument. Sadly, I wasn’t able to find it again.
I don’t really mind the downed state, but elementalist mist form is really overpowered. Killing players trying to dash through a zerg and into their keep is tricky already, but actually getting them downed and then just having them mist form and stroll right along through the portal to safety with nothing you can do to stop them is just wrong.
I don’t think they ignore those teachings at all. I think they strive to live towards those goals. They are young and inexperienced. It is one thing to learn these teachings in the Dream, and it is something else entirely to achieve them in the waking world.
This could be the case, but generally when you’re striving for something, you actively think about how to do it. During these event chains, there isn’t the slightest bit of hesitation or remorse. No remark about how regretful it is that we must kill others so that we may survive.
Additionally, we seem to do just fine with the rest of the teachings on the tablet. It’s the rule about all things having a right to grow that we seem to blow of at every opportunity.
Instead of running around slaughtering fireflies for luminescence, we would capture them in order to learn about how they create light. This slight switch in the event is almost the same thing, yet more in line with the sylvari moral code.
With how much our race is morally based around Ventari’s tablet, why don’t we actually follow its teaching? We follow the teaching a little bit, but other times act so human with self-serving morals.
One of the teachings state
“IV. All things have a right to grow. The blossom is brother to the weed.”
We step out into the world and encounter a group of termites attacking the wardenlight tree. Do we follow these teaching and give the termites a right to grow? Hell no, we bust out our weapons and exterminate them. So much for treating a weed like a brother.
That’s just us defending ourselves from an attack though, so maybe we can claim self defense! Walk a few steps further along the path. Oh hey, a new event! We need to light up the path. Go exterminate all the nearby, harmless fireflies for their luminescence!
We get the lights working after a brief bout of firefly genocide and what happens? Mosquitoes are attracted to the light. Do we stop for a moment to consider ways to peacefully resolve this? Maybe find alternative lighting or a method of coexisting with the mosquitoes? No, we keep acting like humans and once again exterminate everything that’s in the way.
The very first 2 event chains we encounter as we leave our peaceful grove make us violate the Ventari teachings.
I love my sylvari a lot, but my one complaint is that we act so much like humans. Why is our first thought whenever another species bothers us, to just kill them all? I can understand this type of event being in the starter area for any other race, but you’d think the sylvari starter would at least have interesting events that match up with our moral code.
(edited by Astrum.3652)
As Zombie said, this is not a bug. It’s a “feature” that has been around since beta.
Just multiple the price of anything you want to sell by .85 and the number you get is how much you will have after trading post expenses.
As Catisa said, the achievement is Master Crafter. You must craft master quality items, which are green.
I had this happen to me as well. Most spots I’d just be teleported, but there was one branch that I had trouble jumping to and every time I missed, I’d fall to my death.
Everyone I meet in AC are very bad at this game. It’s not like this game is hard too. I see players that are not even dodging. They’re just standing still auto attacking. Is there anyone out there that is any good still playing?
I know how you feel.
I did an Arah p4 run a few nights ago and had a lot of fun. Then I got to AC with the new changes in place and get people in my group doing the dumbest things.
Essentially, the introductory dungeon needs to seem really simple for skilled players, and challenging for beginners. There probably isn’t anything in between due to the nature of the game. There do need to be introductory dungeons since the gap between unskilled play and skilled play needs to be bridged somewhere. If this means that the introductory dungeons should provide less barter items for level 80 exotic armour then that should be the design decision.
You want the introductory dungeon to be hard for everyone new? That’s a great way to get players to mass exodus the game.
This dungeon is not a bridge between skilled and unskilled. It’s a wall for the unskilled players. Sure, a lot of players will get better and then have no trouble at all. A large number more will just get too frustrated to even try. You have to ease people into new content and difficulty, not make a do or die situation.
The are some parts of the new AC that clearly are just a matter of strategy. Keeping the NPC alive while killing burrows is one of them.
The burrow king requires the group to coordinate, but it’s not too bad.
However, parts of this dungeon are just outright unforgiving.
Spider Queen?
If a single player gets downed in the middle of the aoe field then you may as well give up on them, you’re not likely to rezz them without getting yourself killed and then them killed again.
He’s fine, and then he does his ae pull and downs 3 or more of your group at once.
This one skill needs to be toned down just a bit or have a greater tell before it happens. Having the boss fight depends on exact dodge timing is very intense, especially for what was supposed to be the first dungeon.
I think a lot of the dungeon is fine and players will figure out how to work around, but I don’t think fights like the spider queen and kholer should require perfect timing to beat.
I think this is because Sunrise and Twilight are in an odd place. They take about as much effort as any other legendary to create, but Eternity is the one that gives a legendary medal.
If they gave a medal for Sunrise or Twilight, then what reason would you have to combine the two into Eternity?
I’m not saying this is how it should be, but it’s just a tricky situation to deal with I’d imagine.
I’ve also had this problem after it was stated to have been fixed.
I’ve also tried this earlier today and couldn’t get any blast finishers to go off, but I was having this problem before the patch anyway. Prior to patch I’d only sometimes manage to put chaos armor on my group while other times it would not work or just work on me. Now it just doesn’t work at all.
I did my daily today and didn’t receive a reward chest upon completing 5/5 required options. Just in case, I went ahead and finished all of the options and still didn’t get a chest.
In the thread below it was said to be resolved, yet I’m still having the issue. This is the second daily I’ve missed out on due to this bug.