Showing Posts For Asukla.3654:

Mad King Says is bugged

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Asukla.3654


All answers right, event finished but no mask for me.
Tried again with another character who was not created last year, but nothing ._."

Demolition Expert

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Asukla.3654


This achievement is still bug. I have broke 5-10 gates today and no one counted for my achievement. My achievement sign 7 gates broken, but it’s stuck at 7 for two days…

Please, fix this. Actually it is a waste of time :\

"WvW Dawn of the Season" broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Asukla.3654


Same problem for me. Completed 8 achievements of WvW Season 1 and “Dawn of the season” is still uncompleted. Can you please fix it?

I will never kill TEQ cause of overflows

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Asukla.3654


Same problem for me ._. I have 3 hours each day for play Gw2 and I have to spend ALL of them in Sparkfly Fen, trying to arrive in my server for a chance to beat Tequatl, totally impossibile in ovwrflow, where I spend avery single minute I can stay on Gw2 :\

Really, Anet should do something for this problem.

Black lion reckons I'm using a trial account.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Asukla.3654


Ok, relogged and restarted my pc, still not working. (Gandara – EU).

Black lion reckons I'm using a trial account.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Asukla.3654


Same problem for me, this is the second time in 3 days. I’ll try to re-log Hope everithing will be fixed!

[merged] Invasion Canceler not advancing...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Asukla.3654


Can’t belive that after more than 24 hours in Mount Maelstrom there still not any Clockwork Chaos event…
This event was badly organized, really. There are people who can’t stay connected 12 or more hours each day.

I agree with DaMunky especially because Anet bugged this achievement.

It would have made more sense create shorter events (45 minutes of event is terrible, Jesus…) and maybe also a schedule with the order of appearance.

I really hope Anet will do something for all people who stuck at 12/13 because of all bugs.

[merged] Invasion Canceler not advancing...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Asukla.3654


Done all 13 maps, and repeated many of them but still stuck at 12/13 maps complete.
The only one I miss is Mount Maelstrom, i repeated that map 4 times, focusing on minions events, but still not working the achievement :\ I’ve lost several hours trying to takemy only missing map.

I really hope Anet will gives us the lost achievement, this story is quite frustrating…

Kill the Hydra Queen achievement bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Asukla.3654


Same problem :\ For two times (Server: Gandara and Baruch Bay) I completed the “Hydra Queen” meta event, get the bonus chest and the boss chest, but no boss Achievement ._.

Hope they fix this soon…

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Asukla.3654


Actually Ring of Fire is NOT uncontested, even if all the sites say the contrary :\ Is this a bug?

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Asukla.3654


Any European Server with Temple of Balthazar open? ç.ç

About Faolain's profession...?

in Lore

Posted by: Asukla.3654


Ok, thank you! x_x <3
I also thought she could be a mesmer but I was not sure. I’m trying to write the fourth role-playing game session for my boyfriend, based on GW2 and I really needed this detail. There are not much information on Faolain, unfortunately.
So thank you so much for your replies, guys

About Faolain's profession...?

in Lore

Posted by: Asukla.3654


I hope someone can help me!
Does anybody knows Faolain’s profession? Is she a mesmer? Or something else?
I can’t find her profession anywhere, so thanks for anyone will answer to me

Trahearne: I personally find him to be probably worst character. :SPOILERS:

in Personal Story

Posted by: Asukla.3654


I agree… Traherne is boring, he do nothing. He do nothing but he takes all the merits. He should be a leader? MY leader?
God, I think he’s the less charismatic character ever.

Party Cannot Join You

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Asukla.3654


Same problem for me! ç.ç

Problems to join in Personal Storyline Quest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Asukla.3654


We were in the same zone. About the Guild list and the updated location honestly i don’t know, maybe later i’ll try again being careful at the guild list. I hope this is the problem! Thank you very much for your answer

Problems to join in Personal Storyline Quest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Asukla.3654


I’m not sure is right to post here this problem. Anyway, I have problems when I try to join a friend into his personal storyline. We tried with 2-3 different missions but I have always the same problem. When my friend try to enter in his personal story istance, i can’t see any popup for asking me if I want to join him or not.

I can’t understan the reason! ç_ç

Ps: Sorry if my english is not perfect!

Thought I'd love it

in Asura

Posted by: Asukla.3654


I completely understand and agree with your enthusiasm
My “main” character is a little-lovely-kitten Asura O I love their sarcasm! Dialogues are great, especially with Zojja. Really funny!
And have you seen the progeny? So cute!

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Asukla.3654


Snaff died because of Eir and Zojja’s own ignorance. Logan had very little to do with it.

No, I do not agree. Glint had a job to do and she died for that. Everyone had a job, a role in that situation. Destiny’s Edge have always been forced to have clearly defined roles because of their limited number.
Logan was supposed to be the defence specialist, and is not logistically possible that the lack of a so important piece has not compromised the work of all yhe others.
This is the main problem of a small, organized group: Missing piece = 90% risk of failure.

Quaggan appreciation society

in Lore

Posted by: Asukla.3654


I want a quaggan plushie =(

Oh God, it would be awsome!

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: Asukla.3654


He pretty much made humanity step back 10 feet.

Even tough we all know he loves the Queen and vice-versa, they were about to destroy an Elder Dragon!

The proof that humanity (including all races) needed to finally come together and end the Dragon threat forever.

He failed his team objective and worst, many lost their lifes for nothing (Glint, Snaff).

The Queen saved herself and never needed him at all.

I totally agree. Logan’s decision made me cry of rage <<
Kralkatorrik’s death would be a great victory for all races, but he preferred to run away for a woman (’cause yes, anyone has read the book knows that he decided to leave his friends for a WOMAN, not for a QUEEN <
<"). Now Tyria is still threatened by an Elder Dragon and many people have died and are dying because of that stupid decision.

Also, Snaff was my favorite character. So I hate Logan even more. u_u

Hate in destiny edge

in Lore

Posted by: Asukla.3654


Wait … you mean there are BOOKS?!?!

Logging over to Amazon in 3 … 2 … 1 …


There are 3 Books: “Edge of Destiny”, “Ghosts of Ascalon” and “Sea of Sorrow”. “Edge of Destiny” is about the story od Zojja, Eir, Logan, Rytlock and Caithe, 5 years before GW2.