BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
Hasn’t this horse been beat enough?
It’s been asked for even before HoT came out..
Personally I will beat it dead over and over and over again. Then beat it dead even more…I refuse to quit till it gets put into the game. Especially with raids being a thing now. Don’t need 2 condi druids? Okay bam…one click now you have 1 heal 1 condi. Build templates are an extreme QoL. Rather then overhaul an already fully functional HotM…do something greatly needed for those that have alts/raid a lot.
It’ll likely be locked behind an expansion.
Yeah prolly. But, I’d gladly support that xpac without a doubt.
We don’t know how they designed their system.
Somewhat perfect example Major props to the fellow that made this. You good sir are a living hero. But, here is a little twist. Let us save it on our personal PC. Like you can on GW1. None of this build slot(always buying more slots) nonsense.
As for all that. Here is some extra info of the devs showing interest then dropping it. More people that complain the more likely they will pick it up rather then overhaul and existing map….. -_-
Extra info.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
Destined for Valhalla[Val] LF New or Vet players!
Starting a fresh guild for the full experience of leveling it up and all the missions. Outside of that the main focus of this guild will be Fotm, dungeons, new content, the occasional tough or long jp like the one in ember bay, and once we have enough…missions for guild coms! Rep is a 90% req here. The other 10% is for bank guild/wvw guilds. If you are new to the game and would like to run a exploreable path in a dungeon just ask. If I am on I will most likely help run you though it! It’s tough being new and having no help or just getting kicked from parties…which will not happen here. Been there and seen it happen so many times I’ve lost count. Vets are more then welcome to join aswell! I could use some steady t3/t4 fotm runners with me. We have a Discord which is welcome for any member to use. Feel free to message, mail me ingame, or apply on forums.
Contact: AtlasSi.9130
Forums: http://dfvgw2.enjin.com/
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
(edited by AtlasSi.9130)
Well, I can’t blame him for the frustration after playing WvW so much and building up all that WvW currency only to not be able to use it. The game mode gets stale. Imagine doing map completion 10×.
Not exactly stale. Just more of being forced to rely on someone else to get it done. I know you can solo but, it’s just frustrating going solo when you got small roaming groups chasing you to no end. Not allowing you to get anything done.
It took me 4 years to do map completion once. 10 is just… I’m not sure if I will live that long.
It’s actually 11. 20 gifts in bank 2 leggys. 2 100% chars deleted because I didn’t like the race anymore lol.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
It was kind of implied when he said don’t run with the zerg but I guess you missed it…
Don’t be bad
If you do that it’s pretty easy to avoid being run over by the enemy zerg.
Ok. Yeah. Gotcha. Don’t be bad. Tell that to the groups of 3-5 running around. That chase you to no frikkin end. Even on teef. There is no escape from experienced small group roamers. I’d pay to watch you escape from them. Or at least try.
All I want is my GoB. Honestly, after completing it once it should be in vendor. Fair enough.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
So don’t run with the zerg?
Ight. So get run over by the other sides zerg.
You can finish the track just flipping camps and sentries while killing any yaks you come across. Yes you can 100% pve in wvw if you are sneaky kitten.
Ight still get run over by the other sides zerg and then small roaming groups that are around 24/7 when I have the time to play.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
Lol. After 5k hours WvW just became who has the bigger zerg or lets stand and wait for RI..oh can’t forget standing for 5 mins taking an empty tower! Thats no fun fyi.
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(edited by AtlasSi.9130)
Seriously? You expect us to see 1 tiny line of sneaky wording in a massive note. I mean it sure does suck when you take a break from the game and come back to this. Wondering wtf is going on… WvW isn’t worth the time spent zerging around doing next to nothing. I really don’t want to put myself through the boredum of this but, if I have to I have to. What’s the issue with not just adding it to merchant only after you have completed it once? Like every other track you’ve done in the past.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
Anyone even consider that Arena Net developers/employees play the game themselves as well, took into consideration the amount of people complaining and/or reading peoples concerns elsewhere, decided themselves to see how/if it is balanced enough for ALL type of players and decided to tone it a little bit down?
Also for the people saying that they lost their time and effort of getting the 400 points needed: You have gotten them back, now you can go for your legendary crafting or something…
PvP ranking up was to difficult said people that didn’t want to grind it out.
WvW guard buffs were to difficult said people that didn’t want to grind it out.
Now 400 HP is to difficult said those that didn’t want to grind it out.
The removal of endgame for some is not right. I enjoy the grind it gives me a great feeling when the end reward is gotten. Not just handed to me on a silver platter.
If you wanted a challenge, you got it. Congratulations, you managed to get elite spec that previously required 400hp’s. You got your joy out of the task and should feel great! Why would feel your time was wasted ?
So if you are unhappy about ‘wasted time’ you should rejoice as they lowered the requirement for elite spec – no more wasted time for future characters!!
Wasted time when I could of waited and just had it handed to me for next to no work at all.
Edit: Yes I do work 40 to 50 hours a week depending on if needed.
Um so what because you decided to farm, because you decided you wanted to get your specialisation as fast as possible, suddenly ANet is at fault? Yeah seem legit.
Kinda yeah. But, it’s mostly the whiners fault here. To lazy to do anything. Just like they have gotten rid of the fun in pvp ranking.
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(edited by AtlasSi.9130)
I’m not talking about Central Tyria.
There was no problem before. You unlocked the spec with leftover from map comp. Thus you got to play it regardless of it being incomplete or not.
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It’s not about “earning” something. It’s about being able to use the new spec to do the new content, not getting it after all the new content is more or less done.
Central Tyria is old content. Not new.
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It’s the fact our work is always devalued because of the people that don’t want to earn anything on this game.
Thank you. Took the words right out of my mouth.
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I’d just like to thank all the people out there that complained about the high req for hero points. Had full Herald on day 2. Spent 20 hours farming hero points in central Tyria on day 1 so I could be a day 1 Herald. Thank you for wasting my time.
But congratz to anyone that actually was doing what I was and not whining about the high req.
Yes I’m whining but, I don’t care.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
Sure! I’ll gladly take my 10 pres.
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Not to sure if this has been posted yet and to lazy to look atm…
So doing the new puzzle in LA…when I came across this problem. The mesh/texture/environment item your supposed to fall onto after the 3rd key is missing…and only missing on lowest environment setting. Kinda hard to finish a jumping puzzle with things you cannot see to jump on. Luckily enough I can turn settings high enough to see it to finish. But, other people may not be so lucky.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
Been suggested before and a dev replied to it….OVER A YEAR ago. It’s a kitten shame this should of been a day 1 feature. Not a oh the people want it now we are going to make them wait a long time for it…because you know…other things are more important like seeing which dyes you havn’t unlocked yet…so important. Yup I’m salty and don’t care.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: AtlasSi.9130
This seriously needs to be looked into. I’ve had this issue for a little over a month now. It’s pushed me away from playing. I can’t even turn my camera to move half way across LA. No naga here just a logitech thats about 5 months old now…tested 3 different mice, removed/updated drives, played with software, went as far as reinstalling the whole game and its still and issue. It’s only a problem while in GW.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
(edited by AtlasSi.9130)
Are we allowed to use them if we got a second? Should we wait to see if this is a legit bug? I did get a second mail for both the influence and gear.. ._.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
Just gave it a try. Still the same problem only in GW. Everything else works perfectly. :/
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
Re-installed the game…still no fix….
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
90% of the time it refuses to go into a “held down” state. It’s acting like I’m not even pressing it. So, I cannot move my camera. I’ve unchecked “Right-click to attack/interact”…I’ve replaced the mouse 3 times now…I’ve had my current mouse for less than 3 months(Logitech G402 Wired)…restarted my computer dozens of times…played in both windowed and fullscreen mode…messed with fow/camera sliders…my connection is smooth…checked other games right click functions they have zero problems…this only happens on gw2. After all of the messing with settings/restarting/checking software it still happens. It’s been like this for about a week now making the game nearly unplayable. What is the issue? Is there anything I havn’t tried? Is it a client problem? I just want this fixed so I can play the game without frustration again.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
Do you guys always have trolls as pathetic as this guy?
Anyway, do you guys think there is a valid reason they won’t bring it back? It wouldn’t have hurt anyone to have it available this April Fools.
Cuz they can’t figure out a way to make money off it yet.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
Yeah, this is pretty terrible. And people were expecting SAB… haha
The let down on SAB is still better than this years april kitten day.
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BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
Why are so many people a bunch of sensitive cry babies? If you are not being harassed or verbally abused then who cares. Ignore it and enjoy the game. To get upset over something you see in chat is ridiculous.
You are amazing. Perfectly said.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
its centered now and most likely intended.
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acknowledged there was a demand for it in GW2.
The more people that demand with good reason the higher up it gets on the todo list.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
Been waiting for 2 years now? They clearly know and are doing nothing about it. Cause you know…seeing dyes you don’t have was far more important.
2 years ago
Dufly almost 9 months ago
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
I actually miss this map quite a bit. I miss 8 vs 8 way more though. </3
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Really love your style. It sucks your so busy. :c
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If they do this to Halloween then you might as well expect Wintersday to only run 2 weeks too.
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Add /rank to this. Idk how anyone could exploit that yet its disabled….
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
Hobby Dungeoneer is still there for you.
If only it didn’t have such an easy cap to hit. :|
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
Same issue here. No reply? No fix?
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
ArenaNet . . . if you could find a way to reunite the crew of the Bebop as potential voices for us to use and be heard by others to use, I would pay you almost any price so my ranger could sound like Spike Spiegel again.
Bebop<3…Steve Blum….
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
Not all Forum Posters are bad. In fact, there are many good ones. Posters who give constructive criticism, give helpful feedback, and help each other out. Please, my children, be like a good Forum Poster.
I’m lost and somehow I ended up here. Can you hold my hand…I mean come over to my house and control my computer for me..since I can’t find my way out? Like a good forum poster?
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
Thanks for the list. However, my stance on the level gating remains the same. It’s a garbage idea that should’ve never been done.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
I support this. 100% GJ!
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
I have 1 more slot for another 80 “if” a new race or class comes out. Thing is….I’ve stocked up on enough tomes to insta level 2 more chars 1 to 80. That’s the ONLY way I’ll make another 80. Tomes or not at all.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
straight up false lies. I was salvaging at level 2 and gathering at level 2
Wrong. Salvage-o-matic has a req of lvl 15. Check before you speak.
poster did not mention in any way salvage-o-matic, just said can’t salvage so the facts don’t need to be checked.
Correct. He never said it wasn’t. (:
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
straight up false lies. I was salvaging at level 2 and gathering at level 2
Wrong. Salvage-o-matic has a req of lvl 15. Check before you speak.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
All you need is an arrow and someone to hold your hand every step of the way…just like they recently put into gw2 for new players. It’ll be great!
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
Bugged here. Can’t stomp in spvp. Havn’t tried WvW yet.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
SaB is the only challenging solo content in this game tbh. Yet they will not bring it back atm.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
If you’re going to run a legendary in sPvP, it has to be Kraitkin, Kamohoali’i Kotaki or Frenzy. When folks see you with one of those on Foefire they’re going to be seriously impressed.
Failing that… take Rodgort. You deserve some respect if you can stomp skilled foes while wielding that – or in the case of Mesmers, if you can be at all useful outside of a sloooow 1v1 decap with it.
Raid on the Capricorn #neverforget
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
I agree. Way way to slow. :/
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
Make fun of me pleasee. D;
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
That’s nothing. Try 13 weeks Ebay, BP, AR days.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
SAB is something new comers will never be able to enjoy. It’s like gw1 with a normal mode and hardmode OH ACTUAL challanging gameplay. Platform style.
Idk much about eles nowdays. I quit back before cantrips took a large nerf.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
well.. yeah
do you really need all colours?
i think not many colours will be purchased afterall
Yeah your right. Because no one is going to be stupid enough to buy 2 of the same thing at that price.
so.. do u really think u NEED to buy all colours?
as someone else stated “we dont need red ferrari yellow ferrari etc we only want it to work”
id say
as it is now it does work
even if everyone drives a blue fordred ferrari yellow ferrari are optional
and some people will use this to show off(just like there were and still are enough people who does the same thing with current “cheap commanders” so.. yeah why not? )
I do believe having all the colors is a great thing. Having the ability to change your color on the fly will massively improve wvw and coordinated pve content. Just to reiterate..I did not say multi-colors is needed. Just help to help improve.
Example :
Blue com – Has 50 people
Red com – Has 30 people
Solution – Blue send 10 people over to red. Now they both have 40 and can be more efficient. This can be applied in WvW and PvE..since anet is giving us content that requires us to work together in coordinated content.
Another example :
Guilds on reset night…Each guild has their drivers tag up a different color to improve the coordination between each other.
Different colors being the insane price of 300g each defeats the purpose of these things. As for showing off…that is going to happen regardless…I can’t stop it and neither can anyone else.
In all honesty I wouldn’t care if they took everyone’s tag away…reimbursed us our gold..and made us buy a completely new one with all the new color changing feature.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA