Showing Posts For Avorniel.5708:

Top right GO away!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


Having the daily and monthly achievements just clogs the top right of my screen and it is not needed in my view.
I also do not do the monthly achievement due to not wanting to do anything related PvP or WvW so its not useful information for me when iv’e completed my daily and will just sit there and never ever get completed,unless you remove the pvp/wvw options which I very much doubt you ever will and that I think is a failing not having a PvE (only) monthly version not everyone who plays this game does pvp or wvw.

Can you please add in a tick option to show or not the achievements,and it is for me faster to press H then just click the achievement icon as that is what I am used to.

Was this actually asked for by other players ? and I mean more than just a handful..


(edited by Avorniel.5708)

Error 42:5:7:878:101 unable to login [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


Exactly the same my end and same error codes (EU)

Moorwatch Tower Vista Bug[Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


Still not fixed
Piken Square server.

still broken…

Broken main

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


my Girlfriend has exactly the same thing and it only started when Wintersday event started was fine until then.Other characters she has are fine,we share the same modem and I can connect right away,so tried her account on my PC and the character still wouldn’t load.I already got her to do the flushdns but that didn’t work even after a few times.
She sent in a ticket which she is working through now but in the reply it says GW2 should be installed in C:\Games but when you install it from the CD the default is C:\program files(x86) so is this ok and this is the same for me to were both using windows 7 64 bit

Need a Solo Build Ideas Please (PvE only)

in Guardian

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


I was interested in your build manticore, but it was a fail on the link, Spec’d out for PVE to acquire Badges and now I am looking for a PVE build to farm and tank.

did you try and copy & paste the link?

Need a Solo Build Ideas Please (PvE only)

in Guardian

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


I wish this board had an edit function. I usually think of improvements only after I hit post. Here’s the updated build:;TkAqYMxIixGjLGZMLIGlszA

Torch 4(2nd mode) hits like a truck, and if you get enemies in your face trigger Torch 4/1st mode then Torch 5 before swapping back to staff.

Edit: Aha. Had to add cloudfront to my noscript exception list. Thanks!

thanks will look into this build

Thanks to all the reply’s so far

I also found this build which looks interesting as well was posted on GW2guru forums;TcAquMeJ8y11CihFTCA

you will need to copy and paste the link for it to work


(edited by Avorniel.5708)

Need a Solo Build Ideas Please (PvE only)

in Guardian

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


GS is less of a trend and more of an extremely efficient farming weapon, especially if you want loot tags during high-pop events.

it prob is but I want to be different and I can use other range weapons to tag mobs ie staff and maybe I have set a challenge for none GS builds that can do what I have asked for

Need a Solo Build Ideas Please (PvE only)

in Guardian

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


Am rolling a human guardian and I have been searching for a build that I can solo with and do some events as I go along,but I have drawn up a blank as I am a bit picky with what I would like to use lol.
The main aim for me with this build is to farm mats,karma,coin in Orr and ofcourse through the levels to get there. I have a 80 Mesmer and she is just to fragile when I come up against 2- 4 mobs at once which I seem to find happens a lot in Orr .
I will NOT be doing any dungeons or any form of PVP .
I also don’t want to use a GS as I like to be different and not just follow the one trend I have seen in most builds.

Am happy with using staff or something better suited as a range 2nd choice weapon to swap to and I like the look of using mace+focus/shield ? as these seem to offer good defense when I am attacking mobs.

Gear/Weapon wise I will be making it as I level with her or buy it from the AH so will near enough always either be in Rare (yellow) or Masterwork (Green) quality gear.

So any ideas of what type of build and stats I could go with that offer what I am looking for? so I can DPS and have Survivabilty not worried about a fast pace as that isn’t my play style.

Thanks in advance



Am not interested in rolling a Warrior and reason why I wont be doing any dungeons or pvp is mainly due to I can’t melee in groups well enough, I just seem to fail when I get into a group lol (just humor me ok in that area ) and I suck at pvp

(edited by Avorniel.5708)

Can't make a support ticket

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


I should of read this before trying to reset my p/word as it kept telling me the login details are wrong,so I requested the reset p/word option and still not received the email so I am sort of stuck either by the login servers down or I don’t get the email link to let me reset the p/word lol.
This was for the Ancient Karka chest to

Authenticator Questions/Concerns [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


today me and my gf keep getting Emails asking us to verify where we are connecting through which isn’t a problem but so far the Ip Address,City,Region,Country are the same with every email we get,so any idea what is going on or is it just a glitch?


PvE Stat Calculator

in Community Creations

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


I spent about 17 hours putting this little gem together, it doesnt have the new gear on it yet, and I have a friend who is inserting this into a webbased app so you dont even need excel for it.

the file location made my virus checker have major hissy fit and wouldn’t let me open it,
Would like to view it but I trust my virus checker more…

Clones don't do damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


well this is taken for wiki :-

Illusions derive the following attributes directly from the mesmer: precision, power, condition damage, critical damage, armor, and healing. Illusions do not gain any benefit from the mesmer’s vitality, condition duration or boon duration. Additionally they are neither affected by the damage of the mesmer’s equipped weapon nor by any of the various non-stat effects of weapon sigils or armor runes.

Wonder if this is correct or not ? more on the duration’s

(edited by Avorniel.5708)

Adept/Master/Grandmaster Training Manual's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


I know you can buy the training manuals from your class trainer for x amount of coin but what I have found is that they are being sold on the AH and in the case of the adept it’s 4-5s cheaper. Can theses be crafted or are they loot drops or something and its not just 1 or 2 being sold which could be caused by miss clicks its over a 100+ and by different sellers on my server and its over 1000+ for all servers,1 seller is selling 15 at 6s each which is 4s cheaper than from Training vendor.So any idea’s

The lag is back - Are we really surprised?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


not happy really doing events are suppose to be fun and enjoyable,this event for me was the opposite,I can ignore the bugs ect but the lagg is not acceptable in this day of age,you should know how the event performs by doing stress tests ect and you also add in to try and get more players into the game via a free trial which then causes more lagg with in the events and also gives a bad view to the possible new players…..way to go and you said you fixed the lagg..please please have a test server to try theses events ect out first,yes it may cost but in the long run you get a happy player base community and a good reputation which will bring in new players

Event lag [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


the way I am feeling now is I might as well just go play another game till the event is over as I can not enjoy it due to the lag fest in all the map locations,and theses are 1 time events per day..way to go and you really didn’t see this coming

LAG in event

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


massive lag even in overflows,rubber banding,can’t do nothing keep dieing….guess I will have to miss this event thnks ……

Login Server down?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


funny enough I have the same issue as the posts above me

Wrong Email address when Registering

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


My girlfriend has just installed GW2 and by the look of things has entered an incorrect email address,as she has had no verification sent to her so it’s possible she typed it in wrong at the create account part.There is a section to change the email address but she has no characters to enter into the 3rd field as she hasn’t logged into the game to create one yet.
So is there anyway to fix this or just wait on support to get back to her ?
Ticket Number 121108-001659

she is moaning like crazy at me for the last 3 hours and it’s doing my head in I need help lol



ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


GW2 moderators should give us a button to report bot abuse in game.

there is target character-right click-report-choose botting

ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


In the early days of EQ2 the bots were all Necro’s and ever since I have hated the class due to some very bad run in’s.

Bot heaven anyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


I have reported around 15-20 so far in queensdale on P/Square server this afternoon,the bots are even starting to give me lag (FPS) as they train through all the time. I have already reported some more than twice now over the last 2 days and goodness knows how many since launch.
Maybe a server restart may help for a short term fix but please sort something out asap,am starting to get the time to move feeling as this is ruining my enjoyment of the game.

Is there a separate server for patching GW2? if so I need the address

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


ok thanks lets hope there isn’t a long wait for the next update lol

Is there a separate server for patching GW2? if so I need the address

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


I have been getting very low download speeds when updating GW2 which was 0.47kb/s,so after doing a pathing to my GW2 EU server I noticed there are 2 hops with 100% packet loss.After contacting BT my ISP I require the ip address if there is one of the server we pull the patch from,incase there are other packet losses elsewhere.

Hope someone can help thanks

Font issue. Very annoying.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


I found that if you have the Interface size set to small I have the same issue,but If I set the size to normal everything is fine.

Switching to a warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


For obvious reasons. I love the flashy-ness of this profession. But my damage is sooooo underwhelming.

See you guys on the other side.

Ahh another Greatsword warrior player what will happen when they nerf this spec? will you go running to another class ?

Looking for Guild (EU)

in Guilds

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


I am looking for a mature active guild that has members on during the whole day,my game time is heavy as I don’t work.
Would prefer an 18+ guild if possible and doesn’t have a higher end age limit lol am under 50 just.
Anyway I enjoy all the game has to offer ,though I am not that good at pvp but long as we have fun I am happy.
Characters I have are Ranger level 21,Elementalist level 28 ,Thief level 15 and the rest under level 10, I like to play them all so I guess I am an alt fan.
I enjoy helping players and I don’t mind using voice and am very active on forums

Currently on Piken Square server so would prefer to stay there but am willing to transfer if needed.

Feel free to either PM me here or reply to post

Thanks for your time


(edited by Avorniel.5708)