Seafarer’s Rest
Showing Posts For Bacon.7035:
Seafarer’s Rest
My revenant is ready for Halloween and HoT, whilst being… well..literally hot.
Seafarer’s Rest
Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Bacon.7035
I keep crashing too. It’s not the same type of crashing as before, when I could just alt+tab and force quit the game. This time the screen freezes and I can’t change windows or anything, even though I can pause and play my music in my background. Thus, GW2 makes my screen freeze completely, and I have to force restart the Macbook. I’ve done more force restarts the last 2 days then I have the last 2 years in total.
Seafarer’s Rest
Thank you so much! You beautiful human being.
Seafarer’s Rest
HoT is not released yet, it will be on October 23rd.
Seafarer’s Rest
I found a solution. I went to Edge of The Mists, then back to pvp lobby and the issue resolved itself.
Seafarer’s Rest
We’re all stuck in Stronghold as well.
Seafarer’s Rest
This happened to me today. The application is ‘open’, but is showing nothing–or a ‘blue window’. I’ve had no problems with GW2 earlier, and it has been running great for months. I even played yesterday. What’s with this sudden brokenness, is there a new update or something? I certainly haven’t changed anything on my Mac since last night.
Running the game on a MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), 2,7 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB. OSX Yosemite 10.10.4.
Seafarer’s Rest
(edited by Bacon.7035)
Worked fine for me up until recently. Used the TP plenty for buying and selling items the last few hours. I just needed to get a few more items for some crafting tonight, then it started to freeze. The game crashes, and I can’t load it again unless I restart my macbook.
I’m using a rMbp 2013 2,7 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB.
Seafarer’s Rest
I would love to have a Kraitkin staff for my necro. /support
Seafarer’s Rest
I’m running GW2 on rMBP early 2013; 2,7ghz i7, 16gb ram, Intel HD Graphics 4000.
Client crashes during WvW fights. There is no lag that suggests that a crash is coming, the whole client just freezes and I have to force quit it.
Attached is a screenshot from a recent crash.
Seafarer’s Rest
Hi! Ticket 555946:Account restoration. Automated response received on the 19th of April.
Sorry for being impatient, but I can’t wait to get my account restored so that I’m able to play this great game again
Seafarer’s Rest
7/10. Love the staff. Also very nice colour choice, takes a break from the traditional black and green! Which ironically leads me to the presentation my–black and green, sylvari necro.
Seafarer’s Rest
I just received this staff as a drop from Lyssa. Unfortunately I don’t really need it, and I would like to be able to sell it. Why is it account bound?
Seafarer’s Rest
My Sylvari is a necromancer, and is named Cicuta Dionaea. I basically browsed the Internet for plants that are poisonous or carnivores. Cicuta is from Water Hemlock, while Dionaea is from the Venus Flytrap.
Seafarer’s Rest
Here’s Cicuta Dionaea, my Sylvari necromancer.
(I was too lazy to find a good spot, so I just took a screenshot of the Hero window)
Seafarer’s Rest
I’ve had the same problem for a few weeks too. Medium OoW armor on male thief has got red stripes and details that are not dyable. This is getting annoying. If it is not getting fixed, can we at least get back the gold spent on it and the transmutation stones used?
Seafarer’s Rest
5000+ regular coffers opened
2 tickets
68 Mini Holographic Risen Knight(s)
Seafarer’s Rest
I just managed to buy another Althea’s Ashes and made it soulbound, little did I notice it was unique. My common sense thought I could have two of the same accessory, as I’ve had with all other types of rarity items. I have learned now, next time I’ll read everything and stop assuming stuff. Hope no one else makes this mistake because it really sucks. Now I feel quite stupid after spending a month doing dailies and 50 ectos on something I can’t really use.
Seafarer’s Rest
2000+ regular dragon coffers opened = 1 ticket, 0 wings, 38 minipets.
Seafarer’s Rest
I’ve had this issue as well the last couple of days. The game works fine until a certain time of the day, then lag spikes starts and makes the game unplayable.
Location: East Midlands, UK
Server: Seafarer’s Rest
Seafarer’s Rest
I was able to sell things on TP yesterday, now I’m not. I tried to relog, tried changing character but still having the same issue. I also can’t see the stats on the TP items.
Seafarer’s Rest