(edited by Bandini.6185)
Showing Posts For Bandini.6185:
Yes please do so, it is really annoying.
You can contact support (Services/Support on top of this page).
Well, I guess we will see in December what JS meant with “the market will fix itself”. Remember what happened last year, with the rare collection of Winter’s Presence requiring 150 MC ? This is not what I call not interfering with the market. Let’s see what will be required this year.
What should NOT be added, imo, but are listed a lot in this thread:
- Gifts for legendary crafting (seriously why do people list these? Don’t they count as Linsey’s “definitely not” crafted components?)
Gift of Battle, Gift of Exploration are NOT crafted components.
I have seen several times where the economy was over-balanced. now I sell nothing that I can’t gather easily. I have been through times where things were worth no more than vendor value on the TP, only to be balanced the opposite way. so, if it isn’t wood or ore or certain plants, I never sell it, whether I need it or not. I might need it at sometime, I may never need it, but I know one thing: I’ll never be buying it off the TP.
if Anet didn’t ‘balance’ things like they have, I’d probably sell off any excess. unfortunately that isn’t the case, so I will continue to be a ‘hoarder’ of materials. I’m sure I’m not the only one.
Same here. Anet’s idea of ‘balancing’ is going from one excess to the other. See what happened with T5 leather, or with mystic coins.
21 points allows you to max Pact Commander (auto-loot is really really nice and you will benefit from it right now) AND spend 1 point in Legendaray Crafting, enough for you to start the first tier of collections. This will give you time to eventually get the 17 missing mastery points if you want to max both.
In fact, it is not a book, but a recipe. Look into the fifth tab for Hypothesis recipe.
Yes! Please fix this. That bug is the only reason I haven’t used the skin since unlocking it. I love the skin, but seeing the glow from behind the character’s head is…unnerving at best.
Please, can you refrain from discussing the sales ? This topic is pretty nice to see what’s new/discounted in the gemstore, it looses interest if people have to scroll through discussions.
I do like the idea of not receiving whispers from people who aren’t mutual friends. That is a worthy suggestion, in and of itself, regardless of the gold selling scum.
I would be strongly against this idea. In fact, it would have prevented me to have a lot of people in my friend list.
Far Shiverpeaks was linked with two worlds because we needed a third world that would have similar population to the French worlds, specifically Jade Sea and Vizunah Square so that the matchup could be competitive. Far Shiverpeaks, Whiteside, Ridge, and Fissure of Woe linked together gave us the best population to create competitive match-ups for that tier.
Thanks for your message, but the first mistake was to make only 2 French linkings instead of 3. Jade Sea didn’t need any linking, and the pairing Anet made the first time (Vizunah + Arborstone / Augury Rock + Fort Ranik) didn’t get any negative comments by French players. So why did you think it would be better to make the present linkings, which result in queues on French servers and a lot of negativity on the French forum ?
Things I liked :
- salvage change
- the story is nice
- BF daily is a a good help for people whose masteries are not maxed
Things I didn’t like :
- the new map. I hate verticality and the frustration that comes with it
- voiced story means you can not skip cinematics and are obliged to listen to the same thing several times if you want to do the story with several characters
- the content is too thin after such a long draught, especially if we have to wait another 2 to 3 months for the next episode
- we absolutely need a keyring, and everything that is used as a currency or a crafting material should go in wallet or material collection. Please stop adding new things to my already overpopulated inventory !
- I don’t understand one word of what happened to infusions, and why my WvW infusions have been given back to me
PvP and fractals are not my cup of tea, so no feelings about this new content.
This update was meant to be a large quality of life update with quality over quantity in content which it indeed delivered on i think we all can agree here.
Where is this large QoL you’re talking about ? I see minor changes, but nothing large.
Despite the fact I don’t like the 4 new maps, HoT is definetely worth 22€. Catching up won’t be a problem, and you will find people everywhere.
Gliding itself makes a lot of things easier in Central Tyria.
We have more than enough siege, voted no.
What about the long promised wvw overhaul?
Is has been said in March (AMA on Reddit if I remember well) that there will be no big WvW overhaul, but lot of smaller changes instead (reward traks, association of servers, return of DBL as a permanent map, scoring changes, etc…).
The difference with a big overhaul is that changes will be shipped as soon as they are ready.
What if LS3 had already begun ?
We were told that if we go the “simultaneous” route, changes are we will get a 3rd new map so each side is unique.
That’s not really what Tyler said :
If simultaneous borderlands wins, we’d be more likely to work on another borderlands map. So that each team could have a unique borderland, but it’s not something we are currently working on.
Because the major change which needs 75% is not the loss of the rotation.
The big difference with the present system is that simultaneous borderlands could lead to unbalance. And that’s a serious problem.
The sheer number of players complaining about removing them already only goes to show how badly this was needed.
- Crafters add to the actual WvW population that is used to determine transfer costs to that sever as well as who they are merged with.
Can even imagine for a minute that a lot of people who are complaining are WvW players and will be counted anyway in the actual WvW population ?
Not to mention that stopping by my home BL to do a quick craft or drop things off has frequently resulted in my staying a few extra minutes (or, er, hours) to defend a camp, rally to tag, or help out in some other way. With no way to communicate with your server at large (megaserver), and reduced incentive for people to “come for one thing, stay for another,” it can only hurt the awareness and use of the game mode. Really wish they would not have listened to the complainers on this one.
This. Crafting in WvW is a way to stay available for my serveur, even if I’m not directly on the battlefield.
Besides, no crafstation I know outside of WvW is as convenient.
I clearly don’t see the point of removing it, and I would appreciate a world of the WvW team about it.
(work in progress)
It makes me sad too.
OP, I know this feeling. When it happened to me, I decided to create a free account, and see what I could do with it. It made the game look fresh again, and I had a lot of fun. Ultimately, it even gave me new goals for my main account
I’d estimate that each relinking consumes ~5% of the WvW team’s development time for that month. So it’s a low (but not insignificant) perpetual cost, at least until we can build a system for automating it.
Thanks for your answer. It means that the whole team would roughly speaking spend one day per month working on relinking… That’s a lot. There are other projects I would prefer you to work on during that time (did I say server chat ?!)
I just wanted to mention that on the french forum, I don’t see a lot of support for relinking (4 out of 5 french servers are linked). People would be more interested by merging. As there is no such choice, they tend to vote for 6 months. They point out that relinking means a lot of organisational work for the server, and that is would be harmful for guilds, as they now have members on both of the linked servers.
I prefer by far the old LA : more personnality and much more convenient.
Tyler, in order to help us decide, can you tell us a bit more about :
Benefits to updating links less often:
- The WvW team spends less time rebalancing world links, and spends more time building or improving other WvW features.
If the relinking would be every month, what proportion of the time of the team would it take ? 1% ? 10 % I know it’s not easy to tell, but we need to know if it’s significantly high enough to have a adverse effect on WvW evolution.
I don’t think the removal of DBL will reach 75% either.
Anyway, everybody will loose something : either a map, or players to play with.
Thank you for this quick fix.
What bothers me (apart from the fact that the event fails much more often, not even speaking about Thwart the Inquest) is that we have to wait. A lot.
We had to wait less than 10 minutes for the first two rounds, at least 5 times for round one, 18 times for round two. And now, we have to wait around 15 minutes, at least ten times. Would’nt it be better if the events were at fixed times ?
xx:05 for round one events
xx:10 for round two events
xx:15 for round three events
Since Tyler Bearce now announced that there will also be a poll about the complete removal of dessert borderlands, I suggest we have a re-poll in which both questions are included in 1 poll. This because the current poll is likely mistaken by many who think that by voting for rotations, they keep dessert borderlands out of the game (which is not the case).
a suggestion for the poll questions:
Just like now, both questions would require a 75% super majority vote
Question 1:
Do you want to completely remove dessert borderlands from the game Yes/NoQuestion 2, in case dessert borderlands remains in the game, do you want to have rotations (A) or simultaneous borderlands (B,C)
A Rotations ( x weeks 3 dessert borderlands, then x weeks 3 alpine borderlands)
B Simultaneous (1 dessertborderland, 2 alpine borderlands, dessert border is rotated between servers weekly as much as possible)
C Simultaneous (1 alpine borderland, 2 dessert borderlands, alpine border is rotated between servers weekly as much as possible)
Everyone would be forced to answer both questions to cast their vote.
It may be a bit too late for that
But I think your proposition is better for everyone, players and Anet.
Players could really express what they want, and Anet would have a better chance of achieving what Tyler said "We believed that those that were hostile to Desert would be less so if the Mixed Borderlands feature allowed Alpine to live in harmony with Desert, rather than replacing it for 3 months..
Because what I think will happen if we stay with 2 separate polls is :
- rotation will “win” first poll, due to the 75% rule and some people voting “No” meaning “no DBL”
- DBL will stay, because I’m not sure at all that people who don’t want to see that map ever represent more than 75%
- thus we will be stuck with DBL for 3 months, and WvW population will drop again.
NB : I truely regret this topic was merged with the bigger one, as it brings something completely different.
Hi guys, I just wanted to respond to a few concerns:
Thank you for taking the time to explain all that. It does make more sense now.
Its seems the 2 alpine bl and 1 desert bl going to win out
Unfortunately, you’re wrong. “Yes” has never reached 75% since the beginning of the poll, which means that rotation, though representing only 30%, wins.
I really think they’ll take it to a 2nd poll, with just the top two vote winners in the poll.
Why would they ??? It would be the same poll. They clearly stated :
As before, we’re looking for a 75% of those voting either “Yes” or “No” to agree to make the change that both borderlands should be available simultaneously. If 75% agree “Yes”, the most popular “Yes” option will be chosen.
Its seems the 2 alpine bl and 1 desert bl going to win out
Unfortunately, you’re wrong. “Yes” has never reached 75% since the beginning of the poll, which means that rotation, though representing only 30%, wins.
lil, if you’re advocating for a removal of DBL, this is not the right topic. We both know a lot of people (me included) don’t want to (and won’t) play on DBL, but the option of scrapping DBL is out of the table.
So, you think it’s a bad poll. Ok. But repeating it every 2 posts is rather counterproductive.
What I don’t understand is why so many people (up to now) have chosen rotating. Should you like DBL or not, rotating means that every 3 months, you have a map you like less. And for people who enjoy both, isn’t it better to be able to chose the map when you want, instead of waiting a quarter ?
For instance, with the upcoming poll regarding Mixed Borderlands, you need to be clear with what will happen if both cases, Yes or No. Or even better, give the following choices :
- Yes I want a mix of the 2 maps every week
- No, I prefer a rotation of the 2 maps (probably every quarter)
- No, I don’t want to see the Desert Borderland again
Even that is too diffuse.
Unless you specify the exact combination, you will set up people for disappointment.
Let’s say you vote yes and assumes by far the most pleasurable and obvious choice that probably 90%+ of us would choose – 2 Alpine and 1 Desert – yet when we get it… Anet gives us 2 Desert and 1 Alpine.
Riots in the streets and 50 man queues to one border.
It seems someone at Anet listened
I’m really very happy you take the time to talk with us and give us so many insights of your work. I also see you’re trying to take into account what the playerbase wants, with numerous polls.
Though polling seems a seducing approach, it has to be used carefully. The questions have to be precisely chosen, and sometimes explanations should be given , so that what people answer to the poll reflects what they really think/want. Otherwise, you may end up with making decisions which are not what people expect.
For example, some french people voted Yes to the world linking poll because they thought it could lead to world merge. Had they known that, with world linking they’ll never see world merge, they would have voted No.
The same problem happened with the Priorities poll. The items listed were not self explanatory enough , and people who hadn’t read your explanations on what was planned for each choice, could not make a proper decision (once again, based on what I read on the french forum).
For instance, with the upcoming poll regarding Mixed Borderlands, you need to be clear with what will happen if both cases, Yes or No. Or even better, give the following choices :
- Yes I want a mix of the 2 maps every week
- No, I prefer a rotation of the 2 maps (probably every quarter)
- No, I don’t want to see the Desert Borderland again
If the third option is out of the table, it must be clearly stated, so that the people who would have chosen it decide what to chose. If the question is “Do you want a mix of Alpine/Desert Borderlands maps?” and the possible answers are just Yes or No, with no explanation, the people not wanting to see DBl again will chose No, not knowing it would mean having the DBl during a full quarter.
So making a good and useful poll may be not as simple as it would seem at first sight. I don’t know how is ArenaNet organized, but maybe the Marketing team could take a look at the polls before they go out, just to make sure the results you’ll get reflect what you want to know ?
For instance, nothing is really stopping us from having a combination of ABL and DBL maps running simultaneously. 2 of one and 1 of the other. If we polled that, and players approved it, then there’d be no need for the rotation, and players on both sides of the issue could play on their preferred map. The downside of course, would be any perception of imbalance that may arise from one map being considered the stronger “Home” map, but we could always give the more defensible map to Red/Blue and leave the less defensible map to Green.
That would be great. 2 ABl, 1 DBl, 1 EB. This way, everyone could play on their favorite map.
For me, 3 months of DBl would mean 3 months of not playing WvW.
Regarding imbalance, I would give DBl to Red, as there will probably be less players on this map, thus less attacks from Green and Blue.
Hey Tyler, good to see you a lot here these days
A lot of interesting changes but what bothers me is :
- We’ll split the week long matches into 2 hour time slices we are calling ‘Skirmishes’
- Warscore is used to determine the winner of a Skirmish
- Skirmishes award varying amounts of Victory Points based on placement
- Victory Points are used to determine Match victor
- When a Skirmish ends, Warscore is reset, but actual map-state remains unchanged
It means that, if half an hour before the end of a skirmish, you see you won’t be able to win or even be second, there’s no point in playing, because your action won’t help your server.
Even worse, you could gain more points if you delay any capture until the next skirmish, as it could help you to win the next skirmish, whereas if you capture it now, it won’t change the number of Victory Points earned.
Besides, in order to prevent excessive karmatrain, I think capturing a T0 objective should reward no points.
I see the interest of the scoring project being worked on as a whole but I think QoL changes could be spread.
My preferences would be
1/ Add an option for reduced nameplate clutter.
2/ Add cross-map team chat.
3/ Scoring project
4/ Other QoL changes (keeping in mind that the visual noise has to be reduced, not increased, so no sparkling or floating whatever unless it is really important)
Regarding QoL changes, I would advise to specifically create a suggestion topic
+1 to put your message in the Official Feedback thread
(and +1 to an equal treatment)
Poor guys in Vabbi, they will never be able to go to EB…
I stopped joining a squad because as the people around me have a blue name, I don’t see the blue tag of the commander. Same with the mini map : all these blue points make it impossible to see the tag.
Just amazes me people can always find ways to complain about being given something for free…
I have the same complain, and I bought this slot a few days ago.
The only thing changed by the fact that one slot is given for free to HoT customers is the number of people having an issue with its location.
Good comms from the man I think.
I’m sure they will release it when it is ready™.So, he mentioned hints. Have we seen any yet?
A lot of hints :
- scribe costs will be reduced
- daily fractals will be changed
- beta testing new rewards in WvW (update day)
- beta testing population solutions in WvW (reset following update day)
- rewards in HoT maps / events : reduce grind and improve rewards
- a new legendary shortbow
- improvements on obtaining the new HoT gear
Things we won’t have in April
- no LS 3 (have to wait until July)
- no new fractal
- no other lengendary weapon
- no change on how Agony and Agony Resistance works
- No plans for graphics engine update
- no keyrings
Sources :
I really doubt servers merge could be done on a beta test, so I think they have planned something else for April update regarding population.
It could, because its really nothing more complicated than rerouting server X WvW to server Y WvW for a week or two.
I was not speaking on the technical, but human, point of view. Merging servers would mean merging people and communities.
I really doubt servers merge could be done on a beta test, so I think they have planned something else for April update regarding population.
A lot of useful information here :
I think it would be a good idea to have this kind of tutorial. I stopped doing the shatterer event, as a lot of people don’t seem to know what a cc or a breakbar is, this resulting in failure very often.