Showing Posts For Barry Elite.6139:

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

Indeed I have attempted it the ‘’Right way’’ still didn’t work. This was what I did.

(1) making sure I’m on the correct story step (green star, not purple)
(2) waiting out 10 minutes to run out before talking to Tactician Art to find Lindsay
(3) following the exact order in Evrae’s post

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

I just did the instance and as said before by the others I saved 7 guys before they die and achievement did not trigger.

Now after approaching the lab the achievement disappeared and after the lab event I walked back and saw no dead npcs…
this mean i saved them all and achievement did not trigger.

obtaining new traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

So the new trait system seemed like a good idea at first until i started doing the events:
karka – spawning 3 times per day —- ok
grenth – can defend or take temple —- ok
find treasure underwater in straights of devastation — ok
lyssa and arah — skucks
reason being, when the temple is secured the event has to FAIL!!!!
now i was waiting for arah to start and the defend event came up the majority of us wanted it to fail to claim it for the trait where as a few other players wanted to defend. Bottom line they defended it now have to wait a very long time for event to come up again and they will likely be people who will try to defend.
Suggestion- make defend events for all temples give credit that way everyone is happy

Do people do world bosses? Teqi or Worm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

Does anyone know if people do the Teqi or worm event and if so is there a website that has the schedule posted?

Dragon bash afk

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

Lots of people have been akitten dragon bash and making it frustrating for players. I have been in a situation where 3 afk were on my team… not fun at all.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

The new food craftable recipes are horrendously expensive to craft inaddition to being so only yields one item any plans to adjust this?

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

desperately need an option to turn off titles its very distracting especially in large groups of people such as wvw

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

Not sure if this was suggest already but id really like to see ascended items, rings in particular being salvageable to yield – ectoplasm, shard/vials/globs of mist essence.

Buddy system needs group feature

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

The buddy interface really needs some love…

What im thinking is a group system so you can organise your pals currently everything is jumbled up I cant tell who is my fractal partner or who is my wvw partner. Currently i’m resorting to using a note pad so i remember the names and the nickname is not practical as it is.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

The buddy interface really needs some love…

What im thinking is a group system so you can organise your pals currently everything is jumbled up I cant tell who is my fractal partner or who is my wvw partner. Currently i’m resorting to using a note pad so i remember the names and the nickname is not practical as it is.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

This is my quick thoughts on the condition mechanic and inability to get credit for kills (both wvw and pve with large groups of people) therefore you don’t get loot bags, it’s primarily noticed with necros.
I created a condition necro to give the class a try and realised its alot of fun. The problem comes in where our condition stacking and spreading (AOE) that since its not direct damage you dont get kill credit. This has made this build a bit less viable in zerg v zerg since you don’t get much kill credit feels like your providing a community service.
Is there somewhere the exp credit can be so condition users get exp. Maybe the total ticks per bleeds can be made comparable to direct damage.

WvW condition mechanic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

This is my quick thoughts on the condition mechanic and inability to get credit for kills therefore you don’t get loot bags, it’s primarily noticed with necros.

I created a condition necro to give the class a try and realised its alot of fun. The problem comes in where our condition stacking and spreading (AOE) that since its not direct damage you dont get kill credit. This has made this build a bit less viable in zerg v zerg since you don’t get much kill credit feels like your providing a community service.

Is there somewhere the exp credit can be so condition users get exp. Maybe the total ticks per bleeds can be made comparable to direct damage.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

Just a suggestion are there any plans to increase the current max stack amount for dungeon tokens I think 250 is just not practical at best probably 1,000 or maybe 500 especially since they are going to be a collectible item shortly.

Item stacks cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

Just a suggestion are there any plans to increase the current max stack amount for dungeon tokens I think 250 is just not practical at best probably 1,000 or maybe 500 especially since they are going to be a collectible item shortly.

How to get waith mask?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

thanks got it done

How to get waith mask?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

Does anyone know how the acquire the waith mask the necromancer starts with, been searching for a long time and having no luck, i have seen some mesmers with it so i know its possible can anyone give me an idea?

mesmer v thief

in Mesmer

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

need to balance mesmer v thief only real way to beat them is using a one handed sword since all our attacks rely on having a target selected. the good thing is that is the illusions are out they can follow the thief but if they are not out ur dead.

Suggestion 100% map yellow star

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

Im suggesting that the yellow star for map completion have a toggle option. As a mesmer the clones dont get the star therefore the real one is easily spotted, in addition since its so bright your unable to hide behind terrain for a sneak attack.
A simple toggle option will rectify this problem

100% World Completion=No Reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

Likewise here im not sure what happened, got my title no gift