Showing Posts For Blastroid.3967:

No daily salvage credit in PVP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Blastroid.3967


Daily goal of salvaging 10 items. Was in PVP waiting area and salvaged 10 items and no credit for a single item. Use portal for Lion’s Arc and when there salvage 10 more items and get credit for daily.

Trap circles not showing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Blastroid.3967


Not sure what patch this has started but when setting traps I no longer see the white circles on the ground. This happens in all floor types. Makes it hard if I turned my back to see if a trap was already set off or to lead an enemy to the trap. Anyone else can confirm if they do or do not see the circles still? If you can then I will adjust my video settings and report back what setting is causing the bug.

Lag or Speed Hack

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blastroid.3967


So I was playing as a Ranger with 25% speed buff and had another player just go blazing by me while jumping. Even after the time a speed buff would occur this player was still moving fast and jumping the entire time. I whispered the person and they said they were lagging and it did not feel fast to them. I have to question where lag would give you an advantage in speed. I would think you would still be running at normal speed but maybe skipping around a little but never getting more distance than the speed would allow. This player was far ahead of me after starting well behind me. If lag can cause this I have played other games where someone can use a utility to cause their internet connection to lag and wonder if this could be a concern.

Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blastroid.3967


Like with all new changes I believe things will settle down. Chests give good loot now. It has been less than a week. People guest for a dragon when they can do it right then and not have to wait for their server window. I say give it a couple of weeks and I bet you will see less people caring anymore. Also there are many players going for 250+ Globs of Ectoplasm and once they get these they may not care as much for the yellow loot as much. The same problem happens on holiday events on the 1st day or any new content added. Good loot is like new content in this manner.

GW2 revolves around grind and time tables..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blastroid.3967


Creating a MMO takes balance and you will never win no matter what system is in place. The limits and restrictions are mainly in place to keep a game economy in check. The restrictions are mainly for bots, and the ability to easily change the virtual market by a single player easily. One tweak here or there could ruin a game. Not saying there are not problems and changes that could make the game better but remember it is a house of cards and changes cannot me made lightly. I do hate some of the cookie cutter rules they have in place but in the long run I can predict what would happen to the economy if the rule did not exist.

Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blastroid.3967


If they would make the dragons spawn at the same time on all servers it would help the issue. For example if I want to go to bed in the next 30 minutes but the dragon timer is not up on my server for another hour I will find one that is up now. If all servers were not staggered in their dragon timers it would reduce solo guesting.

Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blastroid.3967


This does not invalidate the exploitative nature of guesting to receive loot from world events, though. An exploit is using a game mechanic to give yourself an unfair advantage, and the time saved by exploiting the guesting feature (i.e. not using it to play with friends on other servers, as intended, but to save yourself time) is an unfair advantage to those who abide by the “dragon timers” of their own world.

What is the unfair advantage? Someone getting loot 30 minutes earlier than they would have gotten anyway? OMG this game is doomed if that does not get fixed.

Guesting for double daily World Boss chests.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Blastroid.3967


People are not getting the dragon chest again the same day on one character. They are doing it on other characters. The reason they guest is they don’t want to wait the allotted time for the dragon to spawn on their server again. This is not a bug as you are still limited to one loot of the dragon chest per character a day not account. It would be an exploit if they found a way to do it with the same character but I have not seen proof of this just reports of people doing the same dragon with different characters which is not an exploit.

Drop the world event chests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blastroid.3967


Plead read that out loud and see if it makes sense.

100% map completion not going to happen.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blastroid.3967


It is funny how people take the quote “Play the game how you want to play” and use it for everything. If there was an objective from going from point A to point B someone else would say I don’t want to do that because that is not how I want to play the game. The quote was a small blurb about not having the typical classes for healing, tanking, and damage and allowing the player to play a character how they want to instead of a cookie cutter build. If you want to accomplish a task and the task requires something then guess what you must do that task not QQ about how you don’t want to do said task because a quote one day was taken out of context on every QQ thread there after. I wonder how well a game would do if you just logged in and had a list of items you wanted hand delivered to you without having to play the game. So go play the game and if there is a task that requires steps then either do those steps or don’t get the reward. If games required you to please everyone then there would be no games.

Biggest game bug still not fixed!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blastroid.3967


I can still see through the back of tents if looking from behind the tent but not looking from the front. I also payed one vendor 100g for Icy Runestones and he still lives in one of these broken tents?

Person-to-Person Trading System

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blastroid.3967


I can agree that trading is a norm when it comes to MMO games but I find one great reason not to introduce trading. Without trading we are not subject to endless in game chatter about what someone is selling. Yes they can do the spam now and some do but the reason you do not see it every second of the day since no one wants to take a chance and trade and get scammed. A in game trading system would prevent the scams. I for one would rather keep working with friends and the market instead of having a full ignore list because of chat channel selling spam.

If you ever add legendary armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blastroid.3967


Don’t worry, how every they do it someone will QQ about the method even the boxes.

Stealth Realm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blastroid.3967


I think it would be a nice feature that when any player goes into stealth they are actually just going into another dimension. Meaning that anyone else in this dimension can see others. If an entire teams gets bubbled into stealth the enemy players can do the same and see and target the players.

Drop rate of.. just about everything

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blastroid.3967


If you are looking for low level mats you want to farm level 80 areas. Why, because they drop things can can be sold so you can buy low level mats. The time you took getting 5 low level mats you could of made 50+ silver and bought 20 of the items you needed.

Clover data

in Crafting

Posted by: Blastroid.3967


Post your legendary progress!

in Crafting

Posted by: Blastroid.3967


Going after the Kudzu. Donations are accepted.

[0 / 1] LEAF OF KUDZU:

[53 / 77] Mystic Cloves (Estimates on items needed 33% chance)
…[72 / 72] Obsidian Shard (2,100 Karama or 15 Fractals each)
…[11 / 72] Mystic Coin (Daily, Monthly, Market)
…[10 / 72] Glob of Ectoplasm (Salvage, Market)
…[185 / 432] Philosopher’s Stone (1 Skill Point per 10 Stones) – [17 / 25] Skill Points
[0 / 250] Globs of Ectoplasm (Salvage, Market)
[0 / 1] Gift of Magic:
…[34 / 250] Vial of Powerful Blood (Loot, Recipe, Market)
…[37 / 250] Powerful Venom Sacs (Loot, Recipe, Market)
…[90 / 250] Elaborate Totems (Loot, Recipe, Market)
…[81 / 250] Pile of Crystalline Dust (Loot, Recipe, Market)
[0 / 1] Gift of Might:
…[46 / 250] Vicious Fang (Loot, Recipe, Market)
…[27 / 250] Armored Scale (Loot, Recipe, Market)
…[43 / 250] Vicious Claw (Loot, Recipe, Market)
…[121 / 250] Ancient Bone (Loot, Recipe, Market)

[103 / 250] Obsiadian Shard (2,100 Karama or 15 Fractals each) – [0 / 308,700] Karma
[1 / 1] Bloodstone Shard (200 Skill Points) – [0 / 200] Skill Points
[1 / 1] Gift of Exploration (100% World Completion) – [100 / 100] World Completion
[1 / 1] Gift of Battle (500 Badges of Honor) – [500 / 500] Badges of Honor

[1 / 1] Gift of Wood:
[0 / 1] Gift of Nature:
…[122 / 250] Ancient Wood Plank (3 Ancient Wood Logs each) – [0 / 750] Ancient Wood Log
…[250 / 250] Cured Hardened Leather Square (Loot, Market)
…[250 / 250] Omnomberry (Harvest, Market)
…[1 / 1] Gift of Thorns (500 Deadbly Bloooms from Twilight Arbor)
[100 / 100] Icy Runestones (1g each from vendor)
[1 / 1] Superior Sigial of Conjuration

Why's there legendaries on the TP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blastroid.3967


So can’t you probably tell if a player bought or made their own by the world completion icon or lack of world completion icon next to their name? Yes I am sure you could buy and still complete world completion also but I feel if you lazy in one part of the game you are probably lazy in other areas and probably would not have the star.