Showing Posts For BlitzX.4039:

hP | Fractal 91 | 4:04 | RIP Fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


The only thing I can tell about Gameplay 6 thing is the way that was used can be done on EVERY class with no leaps/consumables and there is no out of bounds moment as well because it’s a part of map and you dont jump over any invisible walls and so on.
And Gameplay 7…. when once you approved COE’s gate skip… No comments here…

Something wrong with revenant's facets

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Not always but sometimes this strange thing happens:
So far had this thing in a place from video and at PoI called Rhiann’s Respite (cant say if it’s totaly random or appears on some specific locations).

(edited by BlitzX.4039)

HoT Economy Blog

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Ps. drop your hopes about SW as well because it will get slap too.

I sincerely doubt that. All these nerfs seem to be directly aimed at ppl that like instanced play. No more decent fractal play time, no reason to go into dungeons… Meanwhile open world is getting nothing but buffs.

Im saying this because there was some topic on reddit once where player talked to dev who works on sw rewards and he said something like: “SW is too rewarding and we are looking into it”.

HoT Economy Blog

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


People asked anet to solve dungeon selling problem BUT after those news dungeons will cost even more in HoT(unless they make it impossible to sell) and players will sell them more often (if they cut the amount of gold at the end of dungeon ofc and just overall loot you get from dungeon). And i highly doubt that fractals will give us over 10g per day and raids, for example, over 50g once per week (I expect something like 10g in total for 4 fractals and like 20-30g for raid).
Ps. drop your hopes about SW as well because it will get slap too.

Legendary Armor info?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


So far I think there is just the armors that were datamined by that_shaman which shows the armors in different stages. I don’t know if those are even the legendary armors for certain, but it seems logical that they are due to their different stages of appearance.

I understand that it’s matter of taste but these 3 armors are a bit away from being legendary ones because in gw “legendary” means something cool-looking at least and these 3 sets aren’t cool-looking at all (for me of course); if i didnt know what was mistward armor i’d think it’s legendary skin ( just as example).

How is revenant dps?

in Revenant

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


rev is top dps in PvE.

But from what people write on forums at the moment about rev’s dps I guess numbers will be tuned down by like 20%(random number but maybe won’t happen) to keep it in mid-top dps tier.

How is revenant dps?

in Revenant

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Something between warrior and guardian but closer to guardian i guess.

Fractal Bugs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


- Again Cliffside: The party can stack on a rock at the endroom where the hits of archdiviner dont hit. Only the big aoe-attack in phase 3 and 4 will hit.
- Dredge: At the clowncar, you can damage the boss before he spawns. If you kill him before he spawns, the next door won’t open and you cannot progress.

According to guildies these 2 are fixed already.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


My question is about underwater weapons: revenant is going to have 2 of the same type weapons (but 4 different sigils) or you are going to remove second underwater weapon slot (dont think it’s possible) or we have chance to see new type that revenant can use?

Fractals Icon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


I came up with awesome idea (I hope it’s awesome): what do you think about adding fractals icon next to wvw/pvp/tp and so on icons on top of screen?
Advantages of it: ability to enter from any place in the world (with some exceptions if needed); no need to go in LA that takes forever to load for some people.

Ps. was thinking about the same thing with dungeons but dungeons have map-specific events while fractals dont have any events around it.

Explain please this strange thing about beta

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


I can’t enter Verdant Brink as beta character from BWE1 (and I had it unlocked there). Here are 2 screenshots from beta character with proof of it.


(edited by BlitzX.4039)

Beta characters and trading post

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Anet, I just want to let you know that in recent beta there was a bug (if i can call it bug): when beta ended I was on my beta character and I wasn’t instantly disconnected, then I opened trading post to just check some things and accidently pressed “Buy instantly” on item but I got error (or even disconnect). After that I logged back on my live character and saw that I lost gold, checked trading post and noticed my item that I “accidently” bought with beta character. Support told me that it’s kind of my fault and gold can’t be refunded or item can’t be deleted. Please, look into this problem so this won’t happen again in next beta. Thanks!

Back to Unrelenting Assault

in Revenant

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


I already asked Roy in the past if this skill had evade/invulnerability and now i want to say that this skill should have one of these things OR at least ability to cancel this skill (i was so surprised when Lupi+swarms just ate me while i was casting skill).

sigil of demon and elemental slaying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Both work vs elementals.

Revenant Changes

in Revenant

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Another, I think, important question: will revenant get 25% movement speed trait? signet? some kind of perma-swiftness? some speed boost based on legends?

I think shiro was our shot at that, unfortunately. Kind of a shame, I hate being sluggish. And the strangest part is we have great mobility but then we’re the slowest out of combat… Makes fairly little sense.

Well, yes, mostly asking about running long distances when you aren’t in combat (looking at you world completion)

Revenant Changes

in Revenant

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Another, I think, important question: will revenant get 25% movement speed trait? signet? some kind of perma-swiftness? some speed boost based on legends?

[Theorycraft] Revenant DPS dungeon build

in Revenant

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


We dont know yet about elite line that can bring us something nice (I hope) but at the moment agree with people about Devastation+Invocation (if they dont change anything ofc or nerf something).

Revenant Changes

in Revenant

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Roy, please, give us clarification on sword skill 3 if it has evade/invulnerability.

Past and Present

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


So, at the moment we know that there is something wrong with guard and engi.
When someone posts record using 5 guards (for example) people shout and cry “it’s not record,it’s just good use of broken things”: ok, that’s maybe true, BUT let’s look at the past now: our lovely FGS-rush “wasn’t broken at all, working as intended, only idiots call it broken and so on ©”. Players did RESTRICTED RECORD RUNS using FGS-rush (srsly???) and everyone was totaly ok with that (facepalm) and i don’t even say about fgs-guides (ultra-facepalm).
And people who used “working as intended” fgs NOW call other players who use broken traits “dirty exploiters/buggers/glitchers/ w/e”.
Another thing called “we are tired of damage nerfs”: now you can do insane amount of damage and you DON’T like it again (speechless here)…

Ps. this thread doesn’t really have point and I wanted to create it right after fgs nerf but had to collect more info about some people’s attutide…

Awesome Screenshot Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


A Light in the Darkness

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


This quest still suffers from 1 thing: if you enter camp (where you listen to trahearne’s speach) too early (if you run straight from start in this camp skipping all monologues of Pale Tree) then you have high chance to bug it.
And just now i met second thing that never happened before(no explanations needed here):
P.s. after like 3 minutes this mob teleported on the top of another tree… and after another 3 minutes he finally teleported on the ground…

So, about lupicus...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


I can only say that when devs designed lupi they didnt check how every possible skill works on him. Personally, I dont see it as exploit because you dont do anything on purpose to prevent him from using some skills( you just put wall once and then the game does everything itself).
Ps. another reason is that you cant oneshot him as cleric guard…

People with previous beta access

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Will people who got their beta access in the past and still have beta slot be invited in this new one? Or these players will have to farm those portals as well?

Beauty of Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Inappropriate Pet Name

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


If I see inappropriate name I get some laugh maybe and ignore it. I dont run on forums to show that im white angel, I just keep playing the game.
Ps. no offence at all and if you care about such things just use ingame features to solve it and get moral satisfaction.

[Bug] Lupicus Necrid Bolt hits in melee

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Actually, managed to kill him using axe/sword+gs BUT double energy sigil (and i dont know why i used prec signet instead of disc banner…) and it took like ~13 mins.
And today used my “tank” warrior in p/p/t gear with 00662 build and was able to eat 4-5 bolts in a row but such fun took me ~30 mins.

Dungeons changes/bugs on March 31

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Also, Aldus Stormbringer seems to have less hp now (duoed him as warriors) but can be mistake

Dungeons changes/bugs on March 31

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Wanted to see what kind of bug is it in cof p1. Had good laugh
Unbugged it by just jumping inside of bubble.

Remove dungeon bugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Making lupi stationary will be even more exploity than you think

Question about "rules"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


So, after watching some trio tourney runs I have 2 questions:
1. Why skipping first 4 silvers in arah p3 at start is STILL allowed to do when it’s obvious bug/glitch but using wor at lupi is not????
2. Less important and not my question but still interesting: why killing last boss of hotw p3 NOT in water is, ehm, legit?

Please remove/lock

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Speaking of that bone wall in Arah path 2, if the party wipes fighting Alphard the bone wall will often remain. This can be fixed by having the whole party die at the same time.

Well, all members just have to die(can be different time(tested)) and wait a bit after but still annoying thing.

New anti-dc system?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


dumb question but was your party in combat?

Party was in dungeon and I was outside

New anti-dc system?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


So, today I got dc in arah. When i logged in back i was lying dead near arah wp and couldn’t use it( the game kept saying that i was in combat as dead body, ye) BUT i noticed new icon above mini-map and the text of it was something like “progress is saved and you can still continue your run”. Pressed it and was automatically teleported in dungeon. Is that new anti-dc system?
P.s. I was in party and can’t confirm if it works when you are alone.

Undocumented changes, March 16, 2015

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


After testing Tom in uncat fractal on lvl 10 made decision that his hitbox is a bit smaller now and poison hits harder

Strange FPS drops

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Rarely I have some very strange FPS drops (drops from 60+ FPS to <10). First time noticed it in 2014 and had it maybe max 6 times for full year. Then changed PC and today in fractals at mai trin FPS just dropped from 60+ to 8 (then to 5 even) and I was just unable to really do anything because of slide-show. This thing happens only in guild wars.
PC specs: i7-5960x, gtx 980, 16gb RAM, Win 7 Sp1.
Ps. karka event in southsun can cause such fps drop and then (i dont understand why) low fps stays on all maps till you restart game/pc.

TA map breakout, 50km high tree

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Heh, not bad but the real “roof” stays in aether piece above last boss

[Nomination] Best of 2014 popularity contest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


1. Best Solo Player of the Year:
Can’t really make decision here but for me TOP 3: Sesshi, Goku, Purple Miku.

2. Best Speedrun Group of the Year:
Snow Crows, Intricacy, No Feedback/[LuPi].

3. Best Speedrun World Record:
The only thing that was really epic is DnT’s Arah p4.

4. Dungeon Initiative of the Year:
DnT Invitational Dungeon Tournament.

5. Best Visual Guide:
Didn’t watch

6. Best Written Guide:
Didn’t read

7. Community Member of the Year:
Lilith, Iris, Sandy, Wethospu.

8. Most Fashionable Dungeon Runner of the Year:

9. Best Comedy of the Year:
Tom’s rT’s Thug Lyfe

10. Epic Fail of the Year:
[rT] vs. [FGS] Arah p3 (sorry but it made my day)

Ps. Thanks Miku for mentioning me at goating stuff (was really surprised)

Fun in dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


So, my questions is what do you do/enjoy in dungeons nowadays?
Last 2 weeks “goating” in dungeons is end-game for me and this is the only thing i really enjoy now


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Well, he is undead first of all.
I think if you watch movie when you reach him you will know his gender (maybe).

out of bounds - Snowblind fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


dunno if its still possible, but i was goating on dredge map when i could roll it for first map, and i could jump out of that map, then swim around to all the other maps.

Was fixed some months ago

out of bounds - Snowblind fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Aqua fractal is also fine for goating

out of bounds - Mai Trin

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Well, took me ~5 mins to find out this jump on previous week but didnt actually do it because we were in a hurry

Feature Patch 2 Unlisted Dungeon Changes/Bugs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Arah blink under map(another blink at start) was fixed

Feature Patch 2 Unlisted Dungeon Changes/Bugs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


SE p3: last boss doesnt move now…

The destroyer? yes he does, I did that path earlier

Oh, well, then we were so “lucky”…

Feature Patch 2 Unlisted Dungeon Changes/Bugs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


SE p3: last boss doesnt move now…

Instances Terminate When You Leave

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


I switched character when full party was outside of dungeon→bye dungeon….

Night Time

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


As title says: why not to add night time in arah, cm, ta and hotw?
I think they’d look cool


Lupicus duo 25 grubs eaten

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


For more challenge: pull champion orrian warrior inside and try to kill lupi with 25 grubs…

No More Instance Owner!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Im interested in another thing: is it gonna be possible to solo-switch and wont lose dungeon progress…

Gold limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


Well, i ask because one of my guildies said about his friend who has friend (:D) with 800k+ gold but he can’t have more than 450k gold on one account…