To be honest I’m kinda disappointed with firebrand. The visuals are beautiful and I was really excited about it, but after playing it in the demo I have to agree with some of the people who are complaining about it.
This is my overview:
1-The class itself feels a bit clunky.
It gives the impression that it needs to be under constant quickness and alacrity to function. While I know that we have been given plenty sources of quickness, a class that depends on a boon uptime to flow well is not exactly fun (we cannot really compare it to chronomancers since chronomancers bring much more to the table and plays fine even if you aren’t focusing on giving quickness)
2- the class forces you into melee range without providing any survivability, gap closers or escapes.
The range on the mantras and axe is short, making you have to get really close to the enemy to be able to use those skills. The problem comes with the preparation and cast times. Switching from weapon skills to your heals isn’t instant as it is with core guard or behind a 1s cast like DH. This means your survivability skills are very easy to interrupt and given we have no way to easily disengage from combat you’re stuck with what you have.
(Of course you could forgo using the new skills and weapon, but then why would you even use the elite spec.)
3- the support abilities feel awkward.
When you think of a support class you expect something that will provide a benefit (be it heals, boons or other advantages) to the rest of the party. The way firebrand is now it feels like a very selfish form of support since unless the firebrand manages to pile up the rest of their party in a small 60° cone, they are the only ones who will be affected by the buffs and heals they provide.
I understand you can turn around to use the mantras and turn again to face the enemy and maybe develop some sort of chicken skewer strategy of turning in circles while attacking and buffing, but honestly it feels really clunky to have to do so to get this spec to work. Not to mention the hitbox is sorta weird and that small altitude differences can nullify your skill altogether.
I know there are other support skills in the kit that bring bigger aoes to the table, but if you cross out the cones, you’re left with 1/2 (or less) of what this spec brings.
4-wasted tomes and cooldowns.
The cooldowns on tomes feel excessive, mixing this with long cast times both to summon and use the skills makes tomes become more hassle than useful toolkit. Not to mention putting away the tome makes it go on CD even if you haven’t used it. Because of this it feels wasteful to close a time without using all of it’s pages, but, sadly this also means running around doing nothing while the tomes skills are going to use them efficiently (aka not to overwrite stab as it’s going, waiting with heal tome open when everyone is healed up, etc)
If the books didn’t go into CD and you could switch through them freely, it would feel better. Maybe make the pages work like ammo does, regenerating over time.
5- there is really no reason to ever use the last charge in mantras
There is not much to say here, there is no need or incentive to do so. It feels more like a mechanic introduced to punish button mashers than a class feature.
All in all I feel like the class has too many problems to actually be fun, as it brings too many obstacles and provides no reward for overcoming them.
(edited by Bluehydra.6392)