Showing Posts For Bobudo.7943:

Why can NPCs knock me off bridges/cliffs...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Make them take falling damage then.

List which healing skill do you use the most and why.

in Engineer

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


I drop it, wait one tick, then explode it. That gives you the heal, the AoE heal, and a complete condition cleanse on a 20 sec cycle, which is better than an untraited Elixr H and can be done much more quickly in the thick of a fight than medkit.

I sometimes go back to the turret because of this. One thing to note is that popping the healing turret (at least for me) generates some serious aggro.

Auto-Attack for grenade kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Here is a simple AutoHotKey script that makes spamming grenades possible without too much strain on the fingers. What it does is : when the right mouse button is held, holding the left mouse button emulates pressing the “1” key repeatedly.
I believe it does follow the guidelines for 3rd party software use provided by Anet.

~RButton & LButton::
	While GetKeyState("LButton","P") {
		Send 1
		Sleep 400  ;  milliseconds

Here’s hoping Anet will devise a better solution (but I doubt it is ranked very high in their priorities).

I’d thought of doing something like that, but I couldn’t seem to find Anet’s stance on the issue. My finger and thumb thank you.

Auto-Attack for grenade kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


It is not rubbish, it is consistent with every other class and their GTAoEs as well.

If you truly feel that engineer having auto attacking GTAoE while all other classes do not is truly balanced and that it is “rubbish” otherwise is a bit of an elitist attitude. No one like when folks have an illogical expectation that their favorite class gets imbalanced favoritism.

You can make claims on “the short and tall of it all you like”. Everyone loves when posters disregard what Anet has said in their replies to subjects, pretends they never happened and then makes up their own reasons and tries to pass them off to the general public. Just because you are unhappy about their stance on it does not make it less true.

I’m not trying to play favorites with “my” class, I’m trying to make the grenade kit physically usable.

My question is are there any other GTAoEs that lack a cooldown (I’m actually asking, I don’t know)?

If not, then Grenade Kit 1 is different from all other GTAoEs in that it is a spammable primary attack; if there are, I see no reason for those to not have auto-attack either.

Adding auto-attack merely reduces the number of times the player must physically hit the keys, nothing more and nothing less; it does not change gameplay even the slightest. Thus its a quality of life issue.

List which healing skill do you use the most and why.

in Engineer

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Medkit – with 20 points into Tools I get to use the Toolbelt heal on a 16s cooldown – fastest heal we have.

Auto-Attack for grenade kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Ah, I’m aware it works underwater.

As to “why would it”, because it’s the auto-attack, and having to hit the 1 key every .5 seconds is literally causing injury. It’s a simple quality of life change.

The idea that letting the skill auto-attack would unbalance anything is complete rubbish: I can already toss grenades as if it is on auto-attack by reapeatedly pressing 1, it’s just uncomfortable. Are you trying to tell me that physical discomfort is a balance feature? Not everything has to be as dramatic as This unbalances everything!! – I imagine the short and tall of it is Anet either (a) hasn’t gotten around to it or (b) hasn’t come up with a good solution for allowing ground-targeted AoEs to auto-attack.

Auto-Attack for grenade kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Ctrl + left click/right clicking the skill doesn’t make it auto attack? I know bomb kit does it that way.

Tested: no it does not (didn’t know that about bomb kit though – that’s pretty cool)

Tested it last night and as of 5 minutes ago it was working. It is just like any other attack, once no opponents are in range, auto attack stops, just like with all weapons and kits. Trust me, that issue annoys the heck out of melee weapon users.

You misunderstand: I meant the grenade kit does not auto-attack; I am aware the bomb kit does.

Guild Transfers for WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


I thought the purpose of the free transfers now was to allow everyone to get on the servers they want to be on, this seems like it would allow guilds to hop servers if they’re doing poorly in WvWvW, rather than stick it out and start recruiting.

I guess what I’m saying is, under what legitimate (non-WvWvW related) circumstances might this arise?

Holiday, Special and One-Time events

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


That’s a pretty reasonable response, Drekor. And yet I’ve read complaints about those that are on vacation, busy or unable to attend at all on Sunday. What about them now?

Look, people who can’t make it at all on Sunday are SOL, that’s nothing unusual. The same can be said for people who can’t play all week – they will miss all of the Halloween activities.

But to have it only occur at a single fixed time through the day is needlessly restrictive. But what about the surprise?? Yeah, much better to exclude people instead.

I’ll be at the event, but I think it’s unnecessary to make people miss out.

So you admit that there must be a line drawn in the sand somewhere and you agree that you can’t please 100% of the population.

Never said their wasn’t a line to be drawn, rather I was speaking to just how rational that line is and the reasoning behind it.

The “one-time @ Noon PST” line is irrational, and the reasoning behind it is “well, it’ll get spoiled on the internet”.

They are literally saying: Hey guys, bad news: there’s an internet here to spoil things now, so we have to exclude you.

Think about if movies worked like this? Sorry, we’re only doing one showing of this movie, otherwise it’ll be spoiled. For who?

Clock Tower JP - Make everyone skeletons

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Because if everyone is the same model, you run into the problem that you can’t tell which one is you.

Make everyone a different color skeleton!

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Really? You can’t please everyone. ANET is a US company not Asian or European. Get over it.

Yet they sell their wares to Oceanic and European customers, so maybe get off your American-brand High Horse™ and not be a jerk.

Holiday, Special and One-Time events

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


That’s a pretty reasonable response, Drekor. And yet I’ve read complaints about those that are on vacation, busy or unable to attend at all on Sunday. What about them now?

Look, people who can’t make it at all on Sunday are SOL, that’s nothing unusual. The same can be said for people who can’t play all week – they will miss all of the Halloween activities.

But to have it only occur at a single fixed time through the day is needlessly restrictive. But what about the surprise?? Yeah, much better to exclude people instead.

I’ll be at the event, but I think it’s unnecessary to make people miss out.

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


I perfectly understand RNG, thank you.

I’m talking about user expectations. If I can loot the chests over and over, then I have a chance at a good roll and getting loot of value.

If I can only loot once a day, then there’s no purpose – even with higher chances, I’m only going to get to roll the die once.

So let’s say that the Exotic drop rate in the chest is something silly, like 20%. Sure, that might be broken if I could loot the chest multiple times a day, but it’s worthless if I can only loot it once – there’s an 80% chance I’m walking away with nothing, regardless of how much “better” of a chance I have.

So what’s the point of spending the time and effort to more likely than not walk away with nothing? My time would more efficiently be spent grinding for gold so that I can buy whatever exotic I want.

That’s the problem with the nerf, they completely kill the fun of the event.

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


It would seem that they have un-nerfed the chest’s contents (perhaps this actually was a bug?). I cannot speak for the ability to open it more than once per character, though.

I was able to loot the chest once, but the contents are still a joke. 2 more greens and some plastic fangs: what a threat to the economy.

Guess it’s back to just being disappointed rather than worrying about a bug.

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


same here, I’ve not looted the chest in over 24 hours and i still cant open it:(

The reset time is in about 4 minutes. Well should be anyway. So you should be able to loot it again then.

That means we should have gone through a reset ~ 1 hour after last nights patch (if I recall the timing correctly)

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Here’s the part we’re ignoring about the nerf – it’s bugged.

I looted the chest 3 – 4 times yesterday pre-nerf (got some greens . . . ) and I haven’t been able to loot a chest since that patch, which was over 24 hours ago.

Suggestion: Release Patch Notes with Patches

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Title says it all. It’s silly to leave us in the dark wondering what you’re doing behind the scenes.

Auto-Attack for grenade kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Ctrl + left click/right clicking the skill doesn’t make it auto attack? I know bomb kit does it that way.

Tested: no it does not (didn’t know that about bomb kit though – that’s pretty cool)

Auto-Attack for grenade kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


I stopped using the grenade kit because, like the OP, it was hurting my fingers to spam 1 all the time. (It’s called Repetitive Strain Injury)

That’s not to say I want grenades targeted – part of their utility is being able to aim them in-between targets.

What I’d like is an option that lets the Auto-Attack could function like a toggle switch instead of requiring a target, activating the key every time it’s available. I press 1 and grenades start flying, pressing 25 would interrupt just like normal auto-attack. This would clearly require fast-casting be active as well.

I understand that would have a potential for abuse, however simply limiting it to only Grenade Kit 1 would prevent that. Either way, I don’t think the potential for abuse is a good reason to not try and limit player’s literal physical injury (this would also be great for helping people with Arthritis).

Endgame: reverse the story.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


If they wanted Carebear: Carealot, they screwed up and added WvWvW and sPvP.

They really need to start thinking outside the box at this point. It’s been 2 months, and people are begging for something to do.

You really don’t see how, by having Wv3 and sPvP instanced away from the normal PvE world that they’re preserving the PvE experience for people who don’t want to get ganked?

Plus, that’s not what OP is suggesting.

NERF'WEEN: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bugs

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Also, I doubt that those botters aren’t being tracked in a database. The longer they think they can get away with it the more links to Goldsellers and Goldbuyers show up.

Ding ding ding! We have a winner!

Killing the puppets doesn’t matter; you’ll just see a dozen more ranger/bear bots in a day. Tracing their strings however? That gives you insight into where these things go.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


That’s hilarious and awesome! Good fun.

congratulations day 0 exploiters

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


My brother got 17 exotics from the Labyrinth in a few hours. By the time i got off work, nothing but blues and greens. Such is life =(

Would it be fun to have a chance to get something like your brother did? I think they just should have put in diminishing returns instead of a nerf to the drop rate and the 24-hour timer for this reason.

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


I mean, I kinda think they should have made it give a guaranteed exo once per day per char (and only one of the chests would).

But look, they had to do something. You can’t possibly believe that all your weapons should be worth vendor price, which is was very well could have happened (and has already happened with blues/greens because of how often they drop).

Also, I don’t think their intent was that players would feel like they had to farm one event over and over and over again, for the entire event, which is what would have happened if they’d left it.

It’s supposed to be fun the first one or two times, and then get less fun – which it would. Even if the loot stayed the same, you’d be thinking “ugh, I have to keep going but I’ve been farming for 10 hours and i’m really sick of it.”

What weapons though? I have no weapons. I have nothing. I got the exotic from the jumping puzzle after I spent two hours learning it – how is that different from farming?

I understand what you are saying, and it’s perfectly rational, but I don’t think pure rationality should have been the response here; they should have said “Wow, people are flocking to this zone and really having fun with our event, neat!” instead of “OMG, now who will buy gems so they can afford our phatlewt!?!”

I don’t know that I’ll go back to the labyrinth tomorrow – I don’t trust that “next time” will be the time an Exotic decides to drop for me. I’ve already played the pvp events about as much as I care to, and having beaten the jumping puzzle, that’s most of that fun for me.

I would have been perfectly content to farm the labyrinth even if anything I got that I couldn’t use wasn’t worth anything more than vendoring – at least I would have gotten something for once! – instead, I guess I’ll go back to forgetting this event even exists.

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


And I mean if you’re still getting half the loot but only twice a day per character, I’m not sure I’d call that “worthless”. Maybe now that exo you get for doing the event will be worth 70s instead of 10s.

And what about those of us who get nothing? What incentive do we have to play the event?

I looted the large chest 4 times, and I got some greens. Post-patch I’m locked out.

Since the loot is random, and I can only do it once a day now, what incentive do I have to bother coming back and doing that? Might as well go back to farming dungeons, at least I’ll get something out of that.

All this talk about “economy this” and “worthless loot that” ignores the fact that the nerf has ruined the fun of the event. The Labyrinth I’m in right now maybe has half the population pre-patch.

So I guess yay? The economy is fixed so who cares if it’s fun?

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Yeah . . . I get the “WAHH the exotics market was plummeting”, but you want to know what’s plummeting now?

The fun.

So maybe it just comes down to a difference in philosophy? I’d design the event stuff to be fun, rather than nerf it to protect the economy.

Or nerf the drop rate, or add diminishing returns, or anything but make this whole zone worthless by locking players out of the reason to do content.

New mini-Patch 2:15 BST - Rumble Fix

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Hey Anet? 3rd Family-Sized, chest is bugged. Other people are getting loot, but not me . . . sounds like I got bugged?

New mini-Patch 2:15 BST - Rumble Fix

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Hey – ANet? Just killed another Champion, and again couldn’t loot the chest. I’m worried that I personally am bugged, not the chest?

Clock Tower- LEAVE IT AS IS

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


6 hours… still failing…
Completed almost every other puzzle…

This is rubbish. Those defending completed and are bias.

Those complaining are rubbish and biased.

New mini-Patch 2:15 BST - Rumble Fix

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Don’t forget that the chests now bug out and can’t be looted by everyone.

Med Kit pve problem

in Engineer

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Yes, but the damage done by the blast is negligible.

I'd like to propose a new profession (no really, this is Charr related)

in Charr

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


wouldn’t let me quote, sorry

“This is one of those ‘you can’t please everybody’ threads. Perhaps a stronger coping mechanism?”

Ergo this thread :-).

“Not quite sure why you’re getting so worked up. The charr design isn’t one that appeals to everyone, but everyone is allowed to have their own opinion and while you may not like the hunched charr, there are many who do — myself included.”

It’s hyperbole, I merely don’t like it. I like everything else about the Charr (lore, attitude, etc.), but if I had an option to transfer my XP onto on of the other classes, I would in a heartbeat. It’s not a “I can only accept strict humanoids” thing, just having seen Charr that stand up straight, I realize how oafish the playable Charr appear to me.

You like it and that’s great, I’d just prefer to send my Charr to the Dr.

I'd like to propose a new profession (no really, this is Charr related)

in Charr

Posted by: Bobudo.7943



My only point was that they look stupid bent over. Sure “it’s their physiology”, but since they’re fiction, they’re physiology can be anything the designers want, including “not stupid”.

Since they’re constantly hunched over, gear looks stupid on them (as an aesthetic preference, you can’t argue that – you might like that they look stupid (you’d probably say “unique” or “realistic” – bah!) but that doesn’t make me wrong). It impossible for anything to look good on a bunch of slack-jawed, mouth-breathing, feral imbeciles.

It didn’t bother me at first, but having spent a couple hundred hours looking at the hunchback of the black citadel, I’m over it. That was the entire point of this post.

I'd like to propose a new profession (no really, this is Charr related)

in Charr

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Except the Charr spine isn’t naturally curved; the Charr are perfectly capable of standing up straight (go type /laugh if you’d like to see for yourself). The Charr neck is shaped slightly different than the races (to accommodate the quadrupedal running), but it also demonstrates a higher degree of flexibility: look at the range from the laugh pose to the all-fours running. So I’m not arguing that they don’t have the musculature for the pose.

Instead, the Charr are simply slouching. Every Single Charr. Sure, we can talk about how they hunch down when they drop into a battle stance (for stability), but there’s no reason for them to be standing around slouching. When you see a male Charr in his (un)natural stance, his neck is actually taller than his head; a female Charr’s neck (from where it extends out from the shoulders) and head are about the same height.

I suspect this was done to demonstrate the bestial nature of the otherwise advanced and civilized Charr in we play as in GW2, but it’s silly and I find it to be seriously annoying. It makes a race of people, grouped together as a military society, run around looking like oafs, like no one ever taught them to stand up straight.

And it ought to be fixed.

Turret/Tool Kit Improvement idea

in Engineer

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Turrets need to have different CDs based on if you pick it up or if it is destroyed/detonated, as to create an incentive for picking it up. If the concern is people picking up the turret right before it dies an immediately redeploying, tie the CD to the turret’s health – no CD if it’s 100%, full CD if it’s under 25%.

Charr Horns and Head Armors

in Charr

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


While I agree that Charr hats look terrible, frankittenhere’s little else that can be done: the variety of Charr horns makes it impossible to customize the hat to fit – you’d have to make a different texture for each horn type, and then tie the helm size to scale with the horn size.

I just wish that, instead of hats, there were more things like the Engineer’s monocle to be found whilst leveling. Similar to the dungeon helms, the monocle was clearly adjusted to fit a Charr’s face. Goggles, glasses, visors, etc. could all serve as a nice stand-in for hats.

The dungeon helm and armors are really nice though, so +1 where it’s due.

I'd like to propose a new profession (no really, this is Charr related)

in Charr

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Seeing as the Charr have accomplished the Industrial Revolution, I argue it’s time for them to take the next big step forward towards modern technology; it’s time for the Charr to innovate in an area that they are truly suffering.

Thus, I’m proposing a new profession: Physician.

By focusing their efforts on innovations in medical understanding, the Charr could finally solve the single largest problem affecting the race as a whole.

I’m speaking, of course, about the fact that every single Charr currently living has terrible, debilitating Scoliosis.

Something must be done about this! They look like neanderthals, the other races constantly mock them, and none of their gear fits properly as they hunchback around town.

Charr are suffering, and doctors are the cure!

. . . In all seriousness, I’m tired of the Charr hunching over. Why ANet, why did you feel a need to physically cripple the Charr in order to convey a more bestial and feral race?

Shouldn’t the Charr be a standing tall and proud as the undisputed masters of mechanical technology, rather than being represented as a race of downtrodden Igors?

(and ::NERD ALERT:: no, the Asura aren’t the masters of ALL technology; they specialize in magic technology).

I feel better now.

Mesmer Clone weapons fail to despawn at clone death

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Just like the title says, when a clone (not a phantasm) dies, the weapon it is holding remains hanging in the air for several seconds afterwards.

That’s literally the entire bug, so no further details.

My personal opinion: Retaliation is too strong in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Arrow carts die sometimes literally in 2 shots. I have dropped an arrow cart, fired it twice and had it die purely due to retaliation.

The engineer mortar is rendered useless because, like the arrow cart, it will quickly explode due to retaliation.

The mechanic should at least be changed so that it doesn’t reflect onto the arrow cart/mortar, and instead is passed onto the operator with some sort of damaging reducing co-efficient to bring it in line with normal retaliation values.

It would also be really nice to see a few more of the good fields added.

Remove repair cost from WvW..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Yeah ofcourse today I ran at least 10 times into an enemy zerg that I couldnt see bevor I was standing right in the middle of it, clearly my own fault dying…

  • First time you run like inside an enemy zerg because you couldnt see it before you was in the middle of it.
  • Second time you run like inside an enemy zerg because you couldnt see it before you was in the middle of it.
  • Third time you run like inside an enemy zerg because you couldnt see it before you was in the middle of it.
  • Fourth time you run like inside an enemy zerg because you couldnt see it before you was in the middle of it.
  • Fifth time you run like inside an enemy zerg because you couldnt see it before you was in the middle of it.
  • Sixth time you run like inside an enemy zerg because you couldnt see it before you was in the middle of it.
  • Seventh time you run like inside an enemy zerg because you couldnt see it before you was in the middle of it.
  • Eighth time you run like inside an enemy zerg because you couldnt see it before you was in the middle of it.
  • Ninth time you run like inside an enemy zerg because you couldnt see it before you was in the middle of it.
  • Tenth time you run like inside an enemy zerg because you couldnt see it before you was in the middle of it.

What did you except after the second run ? And you are meaning it’s not cleary your own fault dying like this ? But why you didn’t stop to run like a headless chicken ?!

Are you trolling? Seriously… do you have any clue how the server renders things…

Get a better computer then, don’t ruin it for everyone else. I render Zergs with plenty of time to not run into them.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Hi everyone,

There’s currently a bug that’s preventing some guilds from upgrading their guild when your guild has 10 ranks defined. We’re working on fixing this asap, but in the meantime would like to share a workaround: go to your Roles tab and delete one of those ranks; you should then have 9 ranks) and be able to upgrade again.

Sorry about that and thanks for your understanding!

THIS WORKED!! Thank you! Get this out on twitter and in the e-mails!!

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


i created my guild back in northern shiverpeaks server but when i changed server, my guild still exists but guild influence and upgrades all reset to 0 after the switch.
please look into this, thanks

That’s not a bug – that’s normal Guild behavior. Guilds are cross server, but influence and upgrades are all server-specific.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


My guild is still unable to use the guild registrar to upgrade the guild cap. We have been stuck with a 50 member cap!

When using the registrar it appears to work, and even tells you that it has upgraded the cap, but does not actually take the payment, and does not increase the cap.

Guild is Swords of Villanousity [SoV] and we’ve reported this via tickets as well, and got a copy-paste reply about the guild/party issues. -.-

Council of Kings [Arch] on Northern Shiverpeaks is having this problem too. When talking to the guild registrar he says we are able to upgrade our guild member limit for the fee of 1 silver, but it never works. The guild leader and officers have tried to no avail.

The same thing happened with our first guild (Kingdom of Tyria) before it vanished around August 29th. The guild leader did not disband the guild, it was gone after a patch when we all logged in the next morning. A couple of members used up their Tomes of Influence on our “missing” guild. It would be nice to get the tomes restored at the very least.

Guild: Godless | Tag: [gdls] | Server: Gate of Madness

I’ll see your “Guild Leader and Officer have tried to raise the cap” and I’ll raise you “every member of my guild”. As an experiment, we gave every single member (well, all 50 of them at least) invite permissions. Not one was able to increase the guild cap.

Subsequent to this, we formed a second guild and encountered the same problem.

The game once reported that one member was able to increase the cap in both guilds – she had also successfully raised the cap in a third “holding” guild she had started – and we were able to send out invites past 50 people. Unfortunately, the moment the 50th member accepted an invite, the game instantly dropped all other outstanding invites.

Our first guild was started within 15 minutes of early launch. The second guild was started on September 2. The only shared factor between them is the person who created the guild – perhaps some form of odd database error? It is most certainly not capacity issues: myself and many other have tried to accomplish the upgrades at all hours of the day, immediately after patches, immediately before patches, etc.

But here’s the real problem. That the non-functioning system is completely unnecessary. The amount of money required to perform the upgrade is less than trivial. The upgrade is a nominal hoop that serves no apparent purpose.

This would be fine if it worked. That it doesn’t is insulting. Make all guilds start at 500 and there would literally be no problem. Zero. Instead, the guild part of Guild Wars 2 is broken worse than something as complex as the Trading Post.

(edited by Bobudo.7943)