Necro roaming & sPvP
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Necro roaming & sPvP
If all else fails, good luck!
Thank you =)
Necro roaming & sPvP
Dude! I’ve been asking for a duel arena since day 1!! Maybe one we can bet gold on?
Anyways, there are a couple of problems with small scale combat, especially dueling. The first being that this game isn’t really balanced around 1v1. Inevitably the duel scene would be nothing but thieves (or whatever the most powerful 1v1 class is at the time) fighting each other, which could get stale quick..
It is a fun idea though! 2v2 might be pretty cool, and I could see that working!
Necro roaming & sPvP
Hi I am a returning player. I am trying to get use to the game and what I can do other than farm stuff or make legendary. So I am thinking of pve such as dungeon runs and fractals, but I need help. So is there any guides to this for necromancers? Like what is the best build, which kind of gears and rotations. I have full exotic and 150 laurels to get ascended accessories. If theres any up to date guides please post it, thank you.
Check out Leeto on twitch.. he’s an awesome necro pvp’er and I always learn a lot by watching him!
Necro roaming & sPvP
I might not be around to watch during the giveaways, but gave you a +1 to follow to help/support!
Might want to include the type of content you’ll be streaming. =]
Best wishes!
You’re awesome. And totally right, I’ll edit the original post. Also, the giveaway will likely last a few days, so there will be plenty of chances to win gold/gems. If you do get to tune in, best of luck!!
Necro roaming & sPvP
Hey all!
Me and a few buddies of mine are starting a brand new stream on twitch, and to celebrate we’re giving away over 300 gold to those who help us get it going!
WHEN: Monday, August 24th will be the first day of the giveaway
WHERE: Just follow us on twitch and tune into our channel!
There will be TONS of chances to win A LOT of gold! And the grand prize is a $15 gem card!! so tune in, have a great time with us, and may the odds be ever in your favor!
Thanks for your time!!!!
Necro roaming & sPvP
Hey all!
Me and a few buddies of mine are starting a brand new stream on twitch, and to celebrate we’re giving away over 300 gold to those who help us get it going!
WHEN: Monday, August 24th will be the first day of the giveaway
WHERE: Just follow us on twitch and tune into our channel!
WHY: I’m mainly doing this to promote my new stream, but also because I love GW2 and would love to play it with some viewers! I mainly do sPvP and WvW roaming but will consider any activities that you all want to see!
There will be TONS of chances to win A LOT of gold! so tune in, have a great time with us, and may the odds be ever in your favor!
Thanks for your time!!!!
Necro roaming & sPvP
(edited by C Hanson.4056)
like the title says.. i’ve been gone for about 8 months and i’m wondering how the game has changed..
more specifically:
-are there any more pvp modes? any type of small arena?
-classes i play include necro thief ele and guard
-any other big changes since then?
but really…
is there any reason to come back yet?
Necro roaming & sPvP
i have actually run perplexity for some time now in WvW.. try using off hand warhorn if you feel like a change from dagger. warhorn’s daze can be really good in 1vX, and the run speed is always welcome for this particular class.
Necro roaming & sPvP
can we get a one-time option to change the stats of our + crit damage ascended gear? Mine took a lot of time to acquire and I’m not so sure I want it with the changes being made..
Necro roaming & sPvP
Biased question, biased answer choices, biased results. This is not the way to get the dev’s attention
ok what would you recommend then?
Take the obvious bias out. wording makes all the difference in polls. example:
-One poll shows that 42% of people would not support an atheist president
-Another poll shows that 78% of people would not support a president that doesn’t believe in God.
(I made up those results btw, just an example)
I am in no way saying that I favor the dhuumfire changes.. because I don’t. But polling doesn’t mean anything unless it’s done correctly.
Necro roaming & sPvP
(edited by C Hanson.4056)
Biased question, biased answer choices, biased results. This is not the way to get the dev’s attention
Necro roaming & sPvP
updated. keep ’em coming!
Necro roaming & sPvP
do you have any video with this build? i’ve been trying to put together a good hybrid build but haven’t come up with much yet.
Necro roaming & sPvP
I haven’t seen a post like this around so I thought I’d gather some necro tricks from our community. If you already know all these tricks, feel free to add some more of your own! I’ll probably organize the list later if it gets big.
I’ll keep updating as you guys post!
1. [PvE/WvW/PvP] Chaos armor:
Drop spectral wall, drop putrid mark on top. Area Chaos Armor.
2. [PvE/WvW/PvP] Lich Wells:
Use Well of Suffering/Well of Corruption, enter Lich form to make wells tick for bigger numbers.
2a. [PvE/WvW/PvP] Deathly Perception Wells:
Drop Wells of Suffering and/or Corruption then enter Death Shroud with Deathly Perception Trait (Soul Reaping XII) for more critical ticks. ((credit to amiavamp))
3. [WvW] Spectral Dive:
Jump off of any cliff, double tap Spectral Walk just before you land to negate all fall damage.
4. [WvW] Plague Signet:
Cast this when somebody chasing you cripples/chills/immobilizes you. Even when they are behind you it will still transfer condis as long as they’re in 1200 range.
5. [WvW] Chilling Darkness + Plague:
Take the Chilling Darkness trait (Curses III) and use plague form. Split the enemy zerg while spamming 2 for mass blinds/chills.
6. [WvW/PvP] WoD Stomp:
Drop Well of Darkness on a foe to negate his interrupt/CC from any teammates and secure the stomp.
7. [WvW/PvP] Plague Stomp:
Not sure if this is a bug or working as intended, but stomp then enter plague form for stability. (Kinda a waste in my opinion but necro gotta do what a necro gotta do)
8. [WvW/PvE/PvP] Blood is Vigor:
Cast Blood is Power, drop Well of Power to convert bleeding into 10 seconds of Vigor. ((Credits to amiavamp))
9. [WvW/PvE/PvP] Blind affecting condi transfers:
A. Plague Signet will MISS, causing no condi transfer.
B. Putrid Mark will HIT, transferring all of your condis, including Blind.
C. Deathly Swarm will HIT ((credits to cogbyrn))
10. [WvW/PvP] Warrior stomp:
stand behind a minion or rock dog when stomping a warrior. The minion will take the hammer for you so you can finish the stomp. ((creds dalanor))
Necro roaming & sPvP
(edited by C Hanson.4056)
I’ve been a power roamer for a long time now and would love to switch it up to conditions, however, there are a couple of things preventing me from doing so:
1. automated response engineers
2. diamond skin elementalists (though I can probably still get these guys just fine)
I hate the idea of having to run from these guys on sight, especially when both of those classes have better mobility than me. So simply running from them is not an option to me..
So far the best I can come up with is to run carrion or rampager with s/d and d/d as my swap set.. try to burst them down a little but that seems like a pretty poor solution to me.
any ideas? How do you current condi necros deal with these guys?
Necro roaming & sPvP
Reported you for tricking me with your title.
hehehe i win!!!!!!!
Necro roaming & sPvP
The entirety of this post deals with WvW and sPVP/tPVP play. I don’t dabble with the mysterious pixel mosters you call “PVE”. Anyways, I just got back from a wonderful experience with the mesmer class.. had a terrific time. But i knew it was a matter of time before i went back to me ol’ necro. Funny how playing a new class makes you realize everything missing with your old one.
I hear over and over again that necromancer is the “attrition” class. I was like “heck yeah it is! I’m gonna look that word up because I have no kitten clue what it means..” Turns out google knew:
the action or process of gradually reducing the strength or effectiveness of someone or something through sustained attack or pressure
That kinda makes sense to me.. Yeah. necro. attrition class. Condis and locusts and mass condis and epidemic plagues. Yes.
a TRUE attrition class doesn’t just deal out the damage, but is able to stay in the fight using defensive tools such as stability, invulnerability etc. I mean, what good is your attrition when you’re getting stomped because a warrior looks at you and you’re stunned knocked down and wondering what you did the night before?
Let’s see where the necro stands with some of these defensive tools:
-Condi clears:
Necro has a ton of these.. Try to beat a necro with conditions and you’re most likely asking for a quick and painful death.
-Death shroud:
YES! death shroud allows us to take an extra 14k damage before we die.
None. (unless you’re willing to go 30 points into a tree that has another sweet GM trait you would probably rather take than 3 measly seconds of stability.)
-Ability to stomp those we attritionize to death:
Nope. Unless you want to waste a 3 minute cooldown on a very useful elite skill. (every class except necro has a consistent option for stomping downed players. That is not debatable.)
-combo finishers?:
We could REALLY use some love here. There is nothing more fun than getting a big fire bubble of death on your dude because you jumped through a flaming circle. You necros wouldnt understand.. wait I’m a necro too.. kitten it.
I think I’m about done complaining.. This just kinda felt good to write. I’ll probably play necro still and just see how long i can attritionate people until I die and they run away laughing.
I encourage you to post comments such as “L2P” because as I read them I’m like “wtf are you talking about, I already love to party”.
Necro roaming & sPvP
(edited by Moderator)
Tis the season!….
Necro roaming & sPvP
+1 to this.
i think the only way I’d like trait it is if the jagged horror ran to whoever was attacking me and exploded into a poison blast like bone minions do.
Necro roaming & sPvP
We will, eventually. I realize it is hard to believe, but the core group of devs that actually come up with ideas are amazing. Just look at the concept behind the new healing skill. It is the higher ups, and the ones who make final decisions that are… not so much.
The problem is that they are forced into certain things by their bosses. They have very little resources to make the changes needed to fix the Necromancer class, and I would not be surprised to learn that they are kept from posting in the forums as often as they would otherwise.
for PvE the new heal is going to be amazing (for team dps more than support). and necro right now is pretty solid in pvp
ill quote this guy again when every PvE build starts running vamp signet.
Necro roaming & sPvP
for PvE the new heal is going to be amazing (for team dps more than support). and necro right now is pretty solid in pvp
Necro roaming & sPvP
Seems a lot of people don’t like the new signet
Consider this:
Vampire signet (16s cd?)
Signet mastery (might + 3.2s cd reduction on vampire signet)
Spiteful vigor (5s of retal when heal skill used)
(You asura necro badkittens run pain inverter)
That’s only 20 trait points.. Run pvt and watch all your enemies kill themselves.
That’s just something I thought of while sitting here in class. I’m sure there’s plenty of ways to make this thing nasty.
Necro roaming & sPvP
But even if they do, a thief who recognizes the signet and still presses unload probably deserves the damage he takes.
You speak as if Power/crit P/P thieves had some other options to do damage – it’s unload or don’t bother. Essentially, P/P against this signet is “Run away”.
P/P is a bad measuring stick however, since it’s a really, really kittenty set. It doesn’t change the fact that in P/P’s current incarnation however, this signet is practically an autowin.
You’re exactly right, and that’s the sad thing sometimes in this game your best option is running away (think condi necro vs berserker stance/heal signet warrior). And yes p/p is a one-trick pony. I’m just saying in my original post don’t worry about every necro running this signet as consume conditions seems to still be better for most necros.
Necro roaming & sPvP
(edited by C Hanson.4056)
As somebody with a necro main I can confidently say that most necros probably won’t run this skill. Consume conditions has always been one of the better gw2 healing skills. But even if they do, a thief who recognizes the signet and still presses unload probably deserves the damage he takes. Necro doesn’t have many good sources of retal anyways. I’m sure you thieves will find a way
Necro roaming & sPvP
build works well for the most part. the only thing is where are you getting your condi damage from for terror? i like to run spectral utilities so i pretty much just switched those traits to boost my walk/armor
im running berserk trinkets/weps, knight armor
Necro roaming & sPvP
awesome. ill look into that
Necro roaming & sPvP
I recently bought the marjory axe/dagger combo and think it looks awesome.. however I’m having trouble finding a build to use it. I just need some ideas to work off of.
As of right now im running the 30/10/0/0/30 but honestly the focus is far better for that (I mainly do wvw roaming), so I’m gonna try to mix it up a bit.
If you have any suggestions (no matter how crazy) for a trait setup, post one here! I’ve looked around the forums and can’t seem to find many axe/dagger users.
btw If you’re here to tell me that warhorn is better: thank you and goodbye.
Necro roaming & sPvP
..Barnacle heads
Necro roaming & sPvP
You should look into runes of the elementalist. I think the 6th rune gives +20% chill and +20% burn duration
Necro roaming & sPvP
IGN: Cerrian
Main Profession: Necromancer
Alternate Professions: Thief, Guardian
Account name: c hanson.4056
Practice Availablity: No clear schedule but most weeknights, Est. time
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 22
Level of Desire: Active Tournament Play
NA or EU: NA
Necro roaming & sPvP
(edited by C Hanson.4056)
One thing I love about necro is that there is no "bread and butter" build. This class has so many ways it can be played effectively.
Example: I’m running a d/w daze build on my asura in wvw. Technobabble and warhorn 4 durations are increased by my runes of the Mesmer and sigil of paralyzation (also increases dagger 3). There have been instances where my daze+immobilize+daze have been enough to drop an enemy invader without him getting much of a chance to retaliate.
What builds do you guys run that might be a little out of the ordinary?
Necro roaming & sPvP
(edited by C Hanson.4056)
I only played Guild Wars for the summer before launch but I really liked the idea of mixing 2 professions. I understand this would have to be a pretty large expansion but has anything been said about it?
If there’s already a thread on this please link me, I couldn’t find one.
Necro roaming & sPvP
Hey khairos,
I currently run a 0/30/30/20/0 shout build with a sword/shield. I use 100% zerker gear and also consider myself pretty good at surviving based on my ability to dodge. I use 6/6 runes of divinity. Between the shouts, shield 4/5, f2 and f3, and the elite skill, surviving is pretty easy even in a wvw zerg setting. I do really good damage (though I’m sure damage with a gs is even greater, I just like how sword/shield plays). I usually switch to staff if I’m being focused by 3 or more players and can use staff 4 to heal and staff 5 to kite.
In my opinion zerker gear is the bees knees for guardians.
Ill post video if I remember when I get home.
Hope this helps!
Edit: realized you might be talking more about a pve setting, in which case I would still recommend zerker gear. I’m not too much into pve but the dungeons/fractals I have done were not much of a problem
Necro roaming & sPvP
(edited by C Hanson.4056)
dueling works in many games where u can duel anywhere. Do not need to reinvent the wheel. Nay sayers are only those who don’t want their feelings hurts and will always try to come up with an excuse.
GW2 isn’t “many games”
..btw who said anything about feelings? I made a suggestion and people are debating it, which I welcome. Sounds to me like you might have these forums mixed up with the Jerry Springer show.
Necro roaming & sPvP
No Arenas please.
Duels should be all in open world and be away from WvWvW/SPVP.
Perhaps you could enhance/clarify your argument with some reasoning behind it?
Open world dueling would present a couple of problems, mostly involving npc interference (with aoe attacks and targeting).. An arena in cities like lions arch and starter cities offers a place to test your 1 on 1 skills without any interferences. The duel arena would also be a fun place to go if even just to watch others duel and learn some pvp tricks.That would be player’s fault.
If you don’t want interference. Don’t pick a place with enemies standing around.
Dueling in Arena-only will severely deprive my enjoyment. If there is a guild member that needs to afk for a while, I can duel with party members till he is back.
enemies don’t always just stand around. Events cause new enemies to spawn as well as travel the maps, so it isn’t going to always be easy to pick a place to duel. Also, to be effective in gw2 combat you have to be able to move well, which means possibly dodging into an npc spawn.
I see your point though, so why can’t we have both arena and open world? why would we have to choose between the two?
Necro roaming & sPvP
I know my suggestion is very class based. But anyway.
I dislike the red circles. I play an Engineer and use granates. I have a 1500 range which is great. But I never hit someone on this range.
I throw my granate and it takes 3sek until impact. But even if my opponent is not looking at me he knows the impact place.
It is hard to guess where I have to throw the granate on an constant moving target. But it does not make sense to guess and to try to throw the granate into the correct direction I will never hit because of the red circles on the ground warning every opponent.
Granates are really useful in close combat.
This was a good laugh, thank you
It is grenade(s) not Grante(s) and it is Sec not Sek.
I play an Grenade engineer and I have no issues with the red circles, I can hit my target 8 of 10 times. Sounds like you just need to invest more time into learning your character better than coming on wasting time asking for senseless suggestions like this
Sorry, but since you were mean about the spelling thing I can’t let it go. Not an Grenade engineer. An engineer, or a grenade engineer, but not an grenade.
Fair enough I made a small grammatical error although Grante is no where similar to Grande, and Sec or seconds is no where near Sek. Also I was not the only one to point out the spelling. But I accept the fact I wrote An instead of A.
nowhere* rather than “no where.”
..anyways, I think if rangers can place traps that don’t have a red circle until you step in them then it’s not such a crime to ask for grenades that don’t have a red circle.
Necro roaming & sPvP
I love this.. especially because of the way 2 professions can really complement each other. I think players will come up with some really effective combos.
i actually think ill add this to my thread about duel arenas!
Necro roaming & sPvP
The game is balanced around 5v5 not 1v1.
I like the idea tho
Give everybody the same healt,no traits,.. and the same set of skills (or let them choose from a variety of weapons, like sword, spear,…)
and let other players watch and bet aswell, this could be something players would actually do if they are bored, looking at you keg-brawl.
maybe make it in Black Citadel, give players some reason to go there
I like the idea of betting on other players. And also the black citadel seems like a fitting place for an arena.
I do agree that the 5 on 5 pvp game is pretty prominent in gw2 with support players having big roles, but I think it’s not too much to ask for dueling to give the lone-wolf players something that they can enjoy as well.
Necro roaming & sPvP
No Arenas please.
Duels should be all in open world and be away from WvWvW/SPVP.
Perhaps you could enhance/clarify your argument with some reasoning behind it?
Open world dueling would present a couple of problems, mostly involving npc interference (with aoe attacks and targeting).. An arena in cities like lions arch and starter cities offers a place to test your 1 on 1 skills without any interferences. The duel arena would also be a fun place to go if even just to watch others duel and learn some pvp tricks.
Necro roaming & sPvP
(edited by C Hanson.4056)
I know anet has talked about adding a dueling system, but I want to see it taken a step further. One thing I think pvp in this game lacks so far is that feeling of risk when you go into battle. Here are some of my thoughts:
-make an area in Lion’s Arch where players can request duels with each other.
-if you accept a challenge, you may choose to wager any amount of gold (or karma) on the duel.
-winner takes all.
-rules (no elite skill, no food etc) may be agreed upon before the duel begins
-when a duel is about to begin, you are teleported inside the arena where other players may watch the duel.
Ill add more suggestions if you guys have any. I think this would be an exciting twist to dueling and give skilled pvp players a way to make money other than farming dungeons.
EDIT: Other peoples’ ideas so far include
-Placing the arena in the Black Citadel to give players more of a reason to go there. A duel arena in this map seems fitting to me.
-2 on 2 duels.. Work with a partner to find effective combinations of skills between two classes.
Necro roaming & sPvP
(edited by C Hanson.4056)