Showing Posts For Caliga Meshima.4768:
Anton’s back piece. It’s a skin of what appears to be back up swords and daggers. Any would be adventurer of Tyria should have them!
I really couldnt tell. I know at the bottom of it, it says it was not sent by a member of Anet, but I wanted to make sure. I’ve never done anything in guildwars 2 that would be consider breaking its rules or it’s UTA.
Axe gets bonus adrenaline on crit + extra ferocity per axe wielded, it is a very sexy weapon choice
Not sure if sarcasm…or if being serious… ‘_’
I personally see it being either a pistol or torch.
In ancient times, warrior’s with torches were basically raiders, setting fire to enemy encampments and what not. If they did go with torch, I can see it as a weapon that could possibly provided burning fields, blind condition, and maybe even a stun.
The pistol would also make some sense. Pirates and Buccaneers basically used a pistol in one hand and a cutlass in the other for the sake of being able to be versatile. Should they go with the pistol, I’d imagine it would provide vulnerability, cripples, bleeds, or maybe just a tamer killshot.
I couldn’t see them using a dagger only because the warrior is already the most melee heavy class out of all of them, and the development team wants to add more balance to the warrior in the sense of utility and range.
Names of elite specialization for warrior using Torch?
Names of elite specialization for warrior using Pistol?
Im thinking the new weapon for warriors might be dagger and torch.
In ancient times, its very common for most warriors to just have a small back up weapon such as a knife, dagger, a spike, etc.
As for the Torch, it would be the only weapon that the warrior would have access to that uses exclusively damage that is not physical. I can imagine that if they do add the torch, it would be a heavy support weapon, focusing more on burns and quite possibly, blindness.
I use axe-offhand for adrenaline build. I have on all berserker ascended, and mighty infusions in every slot, along with strength runes and the proper sigils for pve.
I use a 4/6/0/0/4, traited specifically for axes, and I find myself doing alot of damage because I’m able to do eviscerate every single time its up.
I mean its all up to your play style really, but I’m throwing in my 2 cents here.
Guilds Halls Guild Halls Guild Halls Guild Halls Guild Halls Guild Halls Guild Halls.
I hate players that give their character name something that sounds oriental or Asian themed, but make them look like their German with blue eyes, Italian with brown eyes, or red haired with green eyes.
I don’t like Sylvari. I’m racist against them.
Sometimes I pretend to be afk, just so I don’t have to speak to people, and I don’t hurt their feelings by telling them “I don’t want to talk to you.”
I hate all male warriors that make themselves look like a clean shaven perfect skinned abercrombie model. You’re a warrior bro, stop looking like a Guardian ( oh yeah, I went there. )
I hate how warriors can’t use daggers. I also hate how we can’t use spears outside of the water.
I actually enjoy underwater combat.
Graphic clipping bothers me. Ever hold Frostfang in the offhand of a male sylvari or male human? Try it.
Norn females are hot.
Title says all. I notice that if I use slashing power for the greatsword, the damage tooltips turn blue, indicating it is now activated and working. When i do Dual Wielding trait, and then equip 2 weapons, the tooltip still remains white.
Is the trait working or not?
I was just scoping around some random guildwars pages on the wiki and the NCsoft website, and I stumbled upon this picture:
It’s a concept art of guildwars1 costume for the shining blade, back during it’s GuildWars Beyond content called “War in Kryta”. The art looked very much the same as this one of Eir:
Now I’m wondering, is this the same artist used for both games? Also, this brings me up to thinking why would the artist decide to use the same stance for Eir? It just feels like the artist was lazy and decided to just give the woman in the picture different cloth layering, and added facepaint, and said “viola, Eir.”
double posting here, just bumping it to get more views.
can we atleast start having backpacks that make sense?
Like Anton having his crossed back up blades on his back?
Title basically says it.
Compared to it’s other counter parts of sword and mace, its just so lackluster. It’s so bad aside from the “concept” reasons of your character for RP purposes or whatnot. The #5 skill is only good if there happens to be more than 5 targets, and the #4 is…well i mean it stacks fury for a class that can keep it up near 100% of the time without it.
I wish they would add some utility to it like a projectile reflect, or give it a redeeming factor by increasing it’s damage to single targets, but have that damaged spread out evenly the more targets there are, or maybe even let it be a stun breaker that also grants stability. SOMETHING!
Sigh…I love axes, they’re awesome for warriors. It just breaks my heart that the axe in the offhand is just so unloved.
Footsteps will always be whats in your main-hand.
If the legendary in your off-hand has an aura effect however, it will stack untop of the mainhand legendary if it also has an aura.
Example: Frostfang and Bolt – Ice Footprints and and Ice arm, with a Lightning Aura.
Legendaries are basically all weapons of that same type, into one weapon. You will never have to change it out for another same weapon type with different stats since you can just change its own stats.
So yes, this is what makes Legendaries best in slot.
I have legendary weapons, so Ill just tell you.
Legendary weapons can have their stats switched to whatever you prefix you want, when you are not in combat. Example: Berserker stat set, Soldier stat set, etc etc.
Legendary weapons are also the equal of ascended weapons in terms of base damage, and will always be upgraded to the strongest tier of gear automatically.
All Legendary weapons do infact have infusion slots.
Your information isn’t updated. Legendaries are BiS.
You didnt mention it in any patch notes, but you guys did a stealth fix on Bolt.
For anybody that doesn’t know, Bolt’s lightning aura effects would not be displayed around your character if it was held in the off-hand. Anet fixed this now without mentioning it in any patch notes to my knowledge.
Thanks Anet! Keep up the hardwork, fixing the small bugs like this is appreciated
I liked the shield, so decided to pick it up. It has quite the nice little sound effect when drawn:
All of the Leyline weapons have a sound when you unsheath them.
And for the love of all that is good and decent can we please get a good mace skin!? I thought the Mistforged Mace would finally provide me a paladin-esque mace worthy of my guardian, but even that was a letdown.
This right here. Can we please, please, PLEASE, finally get a mace skin that actually LOOKS LIKE A MACE!?
I’m just tired of wings and flowers and mechanical spider like appendages for back pieces. I get it’s a fantasy game, but I want something immersible in there too.
I always loved Rox’s quiver. But some warrior’s like to have 2 different melee weapons for their weapon swap. So for the sake of immersion, I would suggest having Anton’s Back Piece from guild wars 1! Many warrior’s in ancient times had back up weapons such as daggers or such hoisted on their back, and this would make sense just not for a warrior profession, but any adventurer such as thieves, rangers, even guardians can find it totally immersible for their character!
Title says it all. This happened to me 3 times now. Fix this please.
I totally support this suggestion haha.
For only personal DPS, what is optimal? Spamming 1? Is 5 at point blank useful?
axe/mace, it’s optimal to use the #2 and #4 when both are off CD, and at the end of your axe chain attack. #5 use at your discretion, but again, use those skills only at the end or beginning of your axe chain attack. Interrupting your chain attack in the middle is a substantial loss of dps.
My warrior, Caliga Tomahawk, leader of the “Tomahawk Mercenaries”. Half Canthan and half Ascalonian. He’s an axe warrior.
He reminds me of the “reluctant hero with a great destiny, that also is clueless about women that like him, and is also oblivious” type. lol
I redid my character slightly so he doesn’t have an eye patch covering his face. I also changed his hair style too something a bit more conservative and less “wild”. Again, here is my Canthan warrior, Caliga Tomahawk, re-done with a burn scar on his face, compliments of the “Mask of the Wanderer” item in the Gemstore! I used the color “Charred” on it, to give it a burn scar like look.
(edited by Caliga Meshima.4768)
I just have to interject here to say this is so far my favorite male face look I’ve seen to date in this game. Great job!
Thank you!. I was tired of watching everyone just pick a face and hair without editing or anything. I used the meanest looking male face I can find, and adjusted his eye angles to be slanted, raised his eye brows, and made his eye iris the smallest it can get. Then I adjusted his chin placement a few notches down, and made his jawline thinner to give a raised cheekbone look. I smoothed out the bridge of his nose, and then I raised the whole nose placement slightly. The finished product ended up being a Canthan looking warrior with a vicious glare. I fell in love with it immediately.
(edited by Caliga Meshima.4768)
Title says it all. Frostfang and the Moot’s body visual aura effects work regardless which hand it is held in. Bolt’s lightning body aura effect only happens in the main-hand, and not in the off-hand. When wielded in the off-hand, only the blade itself retains it’s lightning particle effects.
8/10. I get a real strong “Vampire Queen” vibe from her. It’s pretty haunting!
This is my character, Caliga Tomawhawk, an axe warrior of Canthan descent.
Another warrior.
They’ll probably get to it SOMETIME, but I mean, this is just silly and probably takes less than 2 hours of dev time to figure out what is causing it. I’ve seen too many warriors with “6 signets equipped”.
This is a picture of my warrior, Caliga Tomawhawk, using one of the most manliest warrior skills out there: Stomp!
my thing with axe offhand is that it’s just damage, and that’s it. The other off hands have some kind of utility function.
As posts above have stated before me, if they gave axe 5 a reflect, or maybe even adjust its damage so that it does more to single target, and having that damage divide itself evenly the more targets there are, I’d use it again.
Having a frostfang for a skin, i’d like to use that in my off-hand too, it just looks awesome haha. But axe off-hand skills are..lacking
im bumping this because i want to know also haha.
right now im using axe/mace, and im trying to find that “balance” where it performs well in most situations ya know? I guess it was just throwing me off seeing more than a few warriors walking around with dual axes.
I’ve been seeing more and more warriors with dual axes oddly enough. However everything here on the forums states otherwise that it’s one of the worst combinations of dual wielding weapons for warriors.
Is it really a lost cause?
A friend of mine did some extensive testing. I have no idea how he did it, but according to him, he said that around 2200 armor, that is already 50% mitigation.
Can anybody else confirm this?
Your friend is wrong. The amount of mitigation 2200 armour gives would vary.
The formula for direct dmg is (according to wiki):
Damage done = (Weapon strength) * Power * (skill-specific coefficient) / (target’s Armor)
As we can see any difference in your opponents power or the use of a different skill would necessitate a different armour value in order to mitigate the same % of damage.
Interestingly there’s an RNG element to it as well as weapon strength used in the formula is randomly generated from the range of your weapon’s strength. So even if power and armour is the same there’ll still be slight variation in how much your armour mitigates dmg.
Ah I see, this makes much more sense. Thanks for clearing this up.
And thanks everybody for the input.
A friend of mine did some extensive testing. I have no idea how he did it, but according to him, he said that around 2200 armor, that is already 50% mitigation.
Can anybody else confirm this?
Just wondering what the minimum required armor for a dps warrior is, in terms of Min-Maxing stats.
I know dps warriors should focus on Power, Precision, and Ferocity. But how much armor do we need to be “viable”. There has to be a minimum required somewhere.
I read somewhere that 2200 armor would be optimal for having just enough durability in the event you cant dodge, and at the same time, not sacrificing your dps at all.
I like doing PvE mostly, but the server I’m on isn’t very strong at that, especially Tequatl which I am most interested in.
Was wondering if anybody knows servers that always do Tequatl successfully?
What about transmuted Legendarys
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Caliga Meshima.4768
They confirmed it today during the live developer feed. Transmuted legendaries will NOT be upgraded to ascended.
In order to get the upgrade to ascended, you’ll have to untransmute your legendary with a new item they are releasing called a “Transmutation Splitter.”
What about transmuted Legendarys
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Caliga Meshima.4768
I am not sure what everyone is crying about?
I have 5 legendaries, each of which is transmuted and they all still retained their legendary status.
So there is no doubt in my mind that they will get their Ascended stats soon as the update goes live.
Really? I would just LOVE for you to post one of your legendaries with a stat set other than PVT, and it still say “Legendary” instead of “Transmuted.”
All we know is that this is the same case as to why you cannot use a transmuted pre-cursor to craft a legendary. The skin doesnt matter, it’s the item code it becomes.
For example, if you transmute a Twilight with a Berserker Pearl Greatsword, and you use the stats from the Berserker Pearl Greatsword, but keep the Twilight, guess what, you only have a Berserker Pearl Greatsword with a Twilight skin. Want proof? Transmute any Pearl item with something else, but use the Pearl Item’s stats. When you type in the item search of your inventory, type in “Pearl”, and instead the item you transmuted with the skin over the pearl item, will show up instead of the ACTUAL NAME.
Frostfang and Howler effects stack untop of each other. I think its because legendaries that are MEANT for the off-hand behave from a different protocol in terms of FX stacking.
DragonBrand US, open.
Funny, Remember how everyone was saying “these patch notes are fake!”? LOL!!!!
Any open temples?
Might have to go back to Straits of Dev to get the karma trains running again.