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Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cbgamefreak.6174


Crashed 3 times just standing around after the newest patch today. Crashed at the loading screen as well. I have basically given up playing Dragons stand or any of the Meta events on the maps. For me to successfully complete dragons stand on a mac I have to stand at the other end and wait for the mouth of Mordy to die (yes everything is on low)

As a company you are essentially STEALING from your customers because you released a sub-par version of the game on another platform. At this rate I almost want a REFUND because the game isn’t functional on a mac.

I could deal with it until HoT but seriously…… I want my $50 back or some kind of better response than “send bug reports”….please

PvP unplayable after patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cbgamefreak.6174


crashed 4 times in 7 minutes, 4th crash froze my computer and I had to restart…..

Guilds: Activate Recruit Mode!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cbgamefreak.6174


RIOTRighteous Idiots Order Tacos

Hello I am the current leader of RIOT and we are recruiting active and friendly players, new or veteran.

We are a PvX guild that focuses on PvE Dungeon, Fractal, and instance based content, but we also do sPvP, world events, farm trains, and weekly guild missions. RIOT was founded in 2005 with members from Guild Wars 1 and still has many members who also play Guild Wars 1

RIOT is a fully upgraded guild with 200+ members most of which are from NA, but we have members all over the world from South America to Europe to Australia. We have an active TS3 as well as a website and forum and we also run 24/7 guild buffs Anyone who wishes to be active participate with us is welcome!!!

RIOT does not do guild WvW (past random groups in EoTM). We do not have a home server and have no server preference for new members.

COME JOIN US!!! We will be doing BETA weekends, the new guild content, and are already preparing for guild halls and raids in HoT!!!!! Hope to see you there!

Whisper or send me mail in game to me: Cbgamefreak.6175 or character name: Master Blastaa

There is no application or requirements to join other than active and friendly participation, and feel free to ask any questions you may come up with.

_NOTE: Our GW1 guild is still active and you can feel free to whisper me about joining RIOT in GW1 as well. _


~~~~More Violests I say, Less Violence~~~~

Connection Issues/Ability Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cbgamefreak.6174


Been playing Since august (over 6th months) with Verizon. From multiple different connection points in the North east (Home, parents house, friends house). I play almost every day and my connection has been fine until the last five days. The last five days has been almost unplayable, especially in group settings.
Contacted Verizon about connection issues, have reset IP, have repaired client, have even installed recent updates that have yet to be installed. They told me nothing (which is BS).
Nothing has improved.

Frequent Crashes after last update (Mac)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cbgamefreak.6174


After the Wintersday update, my client has been crashing about every hour or so. I get an error message that informs me that it will be reported to the Arena net team.

It has only been getting worse today after the most frequent build.

No fractal daily from level 40.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cbgamefreak.6174


just did lvl 11 fractal


Will no longer be doing fractals until this is fixed

(edited by Cbgamefreak.6174)

No fractal daily from level 40.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cbgamefreak.6174


Just did lvl 19 no bonus chest or daily fractal completion.

got my 30 fractals complete ap point though, so I know I completed it.

LFG keeps refreshing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cbgamefreak.6174


Please fix this Anet.
Its been almost 4 days now and this is one of the most significant tools in the game.

Tripple trouble daily chest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cbgamefreak.6174


Same thing happened to me today, same time at 11:55 EST. I participated in the entire event, saw the event completion, got karma and XP for it, and even got a champ seed pouch loot from the wurm we killed.

Had a few others report the same problem.

Ive also heard of people failing to get Breach bonus chests in the Silverwastes.

-a glitchy LFG is one thing but this bug is depriving us of our hard earned rewards -_-

Once Again, let us skip dialog on replays

in Living World

Posted by: Cbgamefreak.6174


I couldn’t be more annoyed by the no-skipping cutscene feature. Took me 6 tries to do the stealth mission achievement and coupled with the other achievements, I have basically memorized every line of each cutscene in that part of the living story.

Thats completely absurd, and I shouldn’t have to re watch a piece of the game (9+ times) just to get a couple of achievements. Replaying it is different than re watching it.

I don’t mind grinding in the SW for parts of Mordrem but after completing everything in the LW, and all the crap you have to sit through it just deters me from completing future stories.

Also seeing the pattern your taking season 2 in with the silver wastes I am not looking forward to the next chapter at all. I can already guess that were gonna have to grind for more carapace parts, and who knows, probably will be forced to play as an Engineer in the next story, whoopdi doo…

A Bag Slot that all Characters can use?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cbgamefreak.6174


Has been suggested, recently too if you looked. Will show up maybe but I doubt it since they would need to reimburse all the people who bought multiples plus it would be a long term loss for the company.

How exactly would this be a long term loss. Are there really that many people out there with multiple infinite tools? Anet has changed the tools from soulbound to account bound and reimbursed duplicates of the items, I don’t think this would be any different.

I just think that Anet could literally charge anything for this feature and people would easily buy into it for the convenience, and then have incentive to purchase future infinite use tools.

A Bag Slot that all Characters can use?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cbgamefreak.6174


So, Ive been thinking of buying all of the infinite mining tools, copper fed salvage-o-matic and some other useful tools. However my problem is using them across multiple toons would be a pain, so I’m not going to spend money on anything that doesn’t give a boost that’s easily accessible account wide (like bank tabs or character slots). I like doing different things on different characters, and don’t want to have to port both toons back to the nearest city just to swap gear.

Anyway I though that Anet could offer a bag slot that all characters can use. A small one of course, maybe 5 slots as to not take away the purpose of the bank. Any item put into the bag can be removed by any character (soul bound rules still apply)

Ultimately it would have so many uses, transferring ascended trinkets and weapons, mining tools, crafted gear, 15 minute merchants, and golem bankers (which can also only be used by one character). Saving us multiple loading screens and annoying trips back and forth to LA.

I would easily pay ~2000 gems for this feature, maybe 600 gems per character or something similar (price of a new bank tab), and on top of that Id spend a lot more for all the stuff i can now easily use on all my characters. This would also solve all the complaints about the infinite mining tools.

open to comments (please only constructive, don’t just tell me I’m lazy)

Still having issues since Oct patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cbgamefreak.6174


Ive had more problems with the mac client in the past 2 weeks than I have ever had playing this game before. Crashes frequently and also has frequent screen glitches (like blinking icons etc.). Just crashed in the last cutscene of s story instance….which I now have to completely Redo.

15-inch, mid 2012
Processor: 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB
Software OS X 10.8.5 (12F45)

Renown Hearts "Saved for later"now gone....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cbgamefreak.6174


So Im a fairly new player (about a month) and I recently started saving all the rewards from my completed Renown Hearts. I wanted to open them all after activating a karma booster….thought it would be a good idea.

Anyway I had (what i assumed was) like 2-3 dozen completed hearts from all different regions floating at the bottom left of my screen for a couple of days…and all the sudden last friday they all disappeared….

I would assume/hope i just got credited the karma but I couldn’t really tell a difference with ~300k karma in my account.

not that it matters too much, but just wondering what happened? they only save for a certain time? couldn’t find a topic about this anywhere else on the forums or wiki.
