Showing Posts For Cereus.6735:

Hide option for pauldrons, please ? [Outfits]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cereus.6735


Yes please allow the option to hide the shoulders. I mean other games do it too cause let’s face it- they can get rather ridiculous. Some of these are on Warhammer/Warcraft ridiculous. It’s like the characters are trying to over compensate for something. :s

Tribal armor set

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cereus.6735


Agreed. A whole year has passed and not another word was said about the state of these skins. For those saying that people are complaining about not taking the required time to get said items when the window was open- guess what, there’s something called new players who would like to collect these as well. If you want prestige then that’s what certain achievements or titles are for. Armor skins should be available since the game doesn’t have a whole ton of them to begin with. GW2 isn’t like World of Warcraft, which has had 10 years of inventory to build up and there’s a metric crap ton of alternatives to work with. Even then- the devs in WoW have reintroduced old skins back into the game so players new and old could obtain them with their mogging system.

WvW suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Cereus.6735


I agree as well because right now there is NO reward to hold keeps and towers. I personally like to defend points and the like but I get nothing out of it.

Compromised Account Reports [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cereus.6735


One of my guild members was hacked. The hacker withdrew everything in the guild vault. I’ve known this member for a few years considering that he was my old WoW guild leader. The account name is Brock Moats.6521.

Legendary precursor weapon idea

in Crafting

Posted by: Cereus.6735


There’s already exotics that require the gifts of blah blah blah and not all exotics have been found recipe wise. We only have a couple of skins available now since some people have unlocked them in the name of science.

Legendary skins

in Crafting

Posted by: Cereus.6735


There are a lot of exotics that use gifts of whatever and can be pretty close in terms of difficulty in obtaining as a legendary. To be frank the only legendaries worth gunning for are the bows and greatswords. Yes it sucks, but at the same time- stats wise they contribute to nothing. Exotics share the same stats as a legendary, so you’re not getting any leverage against anybody except looks.

So, if your argument is for stats then it’s moot point. This isn’t WoW where legendaries are 9000x’s stronger than heroic epic weapons. The legendaries are just skins. Some suck and others look nice. It’s all in the eye of the beholder.

To be frank if I were a Necro I’d say screw it to the Bifrost and gun for Final Rest because that staff just looks so bamf. (Plus it’d be cheaper, and from the rumors I’ve heard, it’s probably even HARDER to obtain the Bifrost.) Bifrost to me just looks like an oversized cream colored dildo with a tacky rainbow overlay.

Legendary skins

in Crafting

Posted by: Cereus.6735


As I’ve said before: For Necro there is an exotic skin that is very fitting for you. Final Rest. Look at the 3D model for it and tell me that’s not a necro skin.

Crafting in Guild Wars 2: Best in the MMO market

in Crafting

Posted by: Cereus.6735


Crafting in GW2 is too static. Sure, gaining levels is nice- but as it stands nobody wants to purchase the end products because it’s not really worth the hassle to. The profit margins barely gets the crafter to break even. As it stands, I make more money selling the raw materials than the finished products themselves. Too many professions share too much of the same materials and recipes. Take bags for example. Other MMOs typically have tailoring/leatherworking so that they make the generic carry everything bags. A blacksmith would make safety deposit boxes that only worked for the bank. However as it stands at the moment- in GW2 tailor/leatherworking/armorsmithing all make the same kind of bags. It’s this homogenization of items that makes it hard for crafters to create items that are desirable.

Sure there’s special recipes, but as someone pointed out they create soulbound items and I seriously doubt that they have special skins. I looked a couple of them up and nothing they revealed was something that even cosmetic junkies would jump at.

Out of the various MMO’s that I’ve messed with- EVE online and SWG have the best economy/crafting systems of any MMO. In comparison, GW2 crafting is a huge disappointment. It’s somewhat frustrating that the only fantasy MMO that has a somewhat interesting crafting system is EQ and that is rather pale in comparison to SWG and EVE.

I had hope that GW2 would sate my love for crafting, but at the moment I’m feeling that it’s nothing more than a tool for easy leveling to get past the boring levels or the final home stretch.

Legendary skins

in Crafting

Posted by: Cereus.6735


To be honest I found the Dreamer rather herptacular, however it has its hilarity value if you think about it. I’ve been tempted to make a giant male Norn Ranger and have him equip it only for the entertainment value. However outside of that I’m not overly fond of it either. Kudzu on the other hand is rather gorgeous.

The Precursor Side-effect No One's Talking About

in Crafting

Posted by: Cereus.6735


Entire guilds and people have put in 1000+ greatswords and got absolutely nothing. It’s a bit excessive.

Legendary skins

in Crafting

Posted by: Cereus.6735


There’s an exotic staff that is very fitting for necros. If you don’t like the legendary staff, which I personally don’t care for then I would suggest going for the Final Rest. It’s an exotic staff that fits with Necros perfectly well. Look at the 3d model viewer:

So normal players/players that do not know exploits before they are nerfed does not have a chance to get legendary...

in Crafting

Posted by: Cereus.6735


If you’ve been watching the pricing trend for the precursors, they’ve jumped at an alarming pace in a very short span of time. It wasn’t supposed to happen that way.

How can crafting be made profitable?

in Crafting

Posted by: Cereus.6735


I believe that specialization is needed if we want the end product to be higher demand than the supply. Currently there’s just too much homogenization between the crafting professions that it’s hurting everyone more than helping. Take the bags for example- In GW2 tailoring, leatherworking and armorsmithing can make the same bags. Other games have it so that each profession could only make certain types of bags. While one person may pay for generic bags from a tailor, another would pay for a specialized bag from x profession that could hold materials.

The way the current system is overall, the mats cost more than the end product because the mats can be used to level a character- which is fine, but it hurts crafting in the long term since the way things are now, the mats are much higher demand than the end product. It really shouldn’t be this way.

Here's how to fix the precursor complaints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cereus.6735


I don’t mind that the precursor is a chance to get. Makes sense. However someone posted what forging for precursors was like pre and post godskull nerf. Their guild would throw in about 1000 swords and get about 8 precursors in return pre-godskull fix. That seems like a decent number there. Not a huge number that’s game breaking. Ever since the fix for the godskull went in, it seems that something is messed up because even tossing in 1500 swords- you should at least get couple of precursors out of it. That’s where all the rage is coming from. I can understand and sympathize. If I threw in 1000 swords, give me at least 3 or 4 in return.

Then there’s the godskull exploiters to take into consideration. I personally understand that if I want something so rare without the gamble that I’ll work to buy it off the TP. However, as I’ve stated before, I simply refuse to purchase it off the TP from some exploiter who’s cornered the market. Take away their swords and gold and I’ll be more than happy to shell out the money to people who legit got it from a rare drop in an event or from the Mystic Forge.

To those of you people who preach about that there’s other things to do than legendaries, there’s a few things to take into consideration in the point of view from another person’s perspective.

Some people suck at PvP and avoid it like the plague. Don’t say that we should better ourselves. Some people just don’t have a the talent for it, just like some people are tone deaf no matter what. You can’t ‘fix’ the way a person thinks and reacts. That will vary from person to person.

Dungeons don’t reward nearly enough for the amount of deaths that goes into the run. Anet’s working on fixing that and I’m glad, but as it stands I see dungeons more as time consuming gold sinks. The only thing you gain are the tokens from explorer mode. The drops itself in there kinda suck.

World Completion is easy. I’ve only been doing it for like 2 hours a night for a week and I’m already at 80%.

I could keep going on and on about my perspective shared by many other people. I know there’s other things to do- I’m doing them. However I get tired of seeing people who are like do other things than the legendaries and start to patronize those who want to get a legendary. There’s nothing wrong for people wanting to get them.

Yes, there are other skins for weapons, and to be honest I only like the legendary bows and the greatswords. The other legendary weapons are just lackluster imo.

I want the greatsword for RP’s sake on my main. My alts who use other weapons are going to just get regular exotic skins and that’s fine by me. I believe that all players are entitled to wanting at least one legendary on their account for their main and that makes sense. Your main is the one that you’re going to spend the most time and effort on. There’s no reason to put people down for wanting to work on that goal.

Ban Siege in the WvW jump puzzle!

in WvW

Posted by: Cereus.6735


I’m personally of the opinion that WvW jumping puzzle areas shouldn’t allow for pvping at all. They’re for the most part in their own little area.

The fact that entire guilds are camping there detracts from the idea of world versus world. I see the jumping puzzles more as something to mess around in or something to do during down time. However it is getting ridiculous. The losing servers aren’t participating in any of the WvW at all and instead decide to just sit and camp the puzzles.

How is that supposed to be in the spirit of WvW? Why even call it WvW at that point? Instead it’s become- ‘Oh we’re losing so we’re gonna give up and camp at the puzzles instead of taking back keeps or supply lines even though it’s not going to give our realms any points, ect.’

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Cereus.6735


Or you know, they could just be trolling for the heck of it. Seems like it’s working.

Please remove humming from dance emotes

in Audio

Posted by: Cereus.6735


Please give us the option to toggle it, because I personally hate the sims sounds that my character makes while dancing- it’s just annoying to listen to.

Ebon Verity [EV] (JQ) Social/Leveling/Casual Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Cereus.6735


Tired of being in a guild that doesn’t like to chat or do things together? Do you want to be in a guild that’s welcoming and fun at the same time? Look no further! Ebon Verity is the place for you.

Ebon Verity is a small social/leveling guild focused on having fun as a whole. We believe that players should progress in the game at their own pace and have fun while doing it. If you’re a solo player who just wants to talk to people now and then, we’re also pretty accommodating to that as well.

Age and skill aren’t requirements to join. Skill can come with time and age doesn’t always correlate with mental maturity.

If you’re interested, feel free to register on: and/or whisper Cereus.6735.