Showing Posts For Chesed.2890:
Hahaha just found the goggles too!
I LOVE what you guys have done with the place. The scenery is just gorgeous! Yokko says hi btw.
Hi guys. I love Anet, and I love the game, but I’ve decided I’m going to take a break to wait for the next SAB release.
It’s funny. The last time I took a break, it was the SAB that brought me back to the game. The living world is fun and all, and I might log in just to unlock the story releases….but beyond that I think I’m done for now.
See you guys next super adventure!
D’oh!! I never knew. Ok that makes sense, thanks for the info y’all.
This has happened to me twice in a row now. I did a level 49 fractal, got the daily chest, and then did a 39 fractal, and no chest.
I thought there was a daily chest per tier? 31-40 and 41-50, no??
In case it’s useful to know, my personal level is 36.
The fact that you want to change the BLTC to Ellen Kiel’s anything seems a pretty good indicator that it’s a bad idea.
I’m still waiting for the “Assassinate Ellen Kiel” living world story arc so Evon can finally get the spot he deserves on the council.
I disapprove of this thread. The OP’s idea is totally arbitrary and would be a waste of time to implement. Better to spend that dev time working on the next Super Adventure Box.
Sorry if this has already been posted, but I did a search using the forum search and found nothing.
I saw an engineer in town with an elixir gun out, and they were glowing blue. I asked them why and they said “legendary”.
I grinded half a year of my life away to get a Predator. Where is my ever-present pretty orange glow telling the whole world how great I am? It’s not fair that the glow is ever-present with some legendaries but not others.
Anet pls fix!!!!
The one I want it for is not level 80 yet, so no dice. He’s 54.
Hi Anet,
Just wanted to let y’all know I won’t be going through the purple thing to do the Scarlet event. I have the spinal backpiece in my inventory, but it still won’t let me in. I was planning to save the spinal back for another character and I already shelled out the 3g for the ascended recipe, and I don’t feel like grinding out another.
Lore is definitely very important. The story is the spice that makes the game engaging.
I’m all for putting in an option to turn them off for people that don’t want them, but the backpack is to an engineer what apple pies are to America. Or the stars and stripes. You see the backpack and you think engineer.
I love mine so much that I still have and use the one I got from my personal story. Once I have enough to craft my ascended back-piece, I’ll be transmuting it accordingly….
What bothers me the most is that if you have a guardian or warrior playing decap bunkers, no one bats an eye. But if an engi does it the whole world just flips out.
Also, this idea that “a build that is too effective with a low learning curve is broken” is bogus too. I guess if a brand new car is too easy to drive, we should add some extra wheels and buttons to make it harder to drive. This is a great way to improve accessibility.
I was in that game Simon, you guys got rocked. :-)
[Edit] Which incidentally explains why you’re here posting mad as a hornet.
(edited by Chesed.2890)
Everyone so proudly displays their professions in their sigs. Ranger, “Necromanser”, Guardian, Warrior, Elementalist, Mesmer….
You know what I don’t see?
Haters gonna hate I guess.
You guys are just mad that engis are finally worth taking serious.
Before, it used to be “oh god, there’s an engi on our team”, because the state of the game was such that there wasn’t a serious engi build.
Now there’s a real engi build.
You guys mad?
I’m a grenadier and I disapprove of retaliation.
I literally spent $100 buying gems on Nov. 28. You can imagine how that makes me feel with the latest announcement about buying gems and getting rewards.
Given the lack of notice that such a sale was coming, would you kindly make it so that gem purchases made as of Nov 25 or so could also count for the promotion? That would be awesome.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, we really did. We really did.
Even before I went in, I thought “they’ll probably figure out some way to involve Scarlet Briar in this.” Sure enough, there she was.
As a fractal, it’s interesting to navigate. Storywise, it was completely uninspired. Exploring Abbadon’s backstory would have been infinitely more interesting than this.
I blame everyone that voted for Ellen Kiel. Proud Evon supporter for life.
Hi guys,
Just wanted to say I’ve really been enjoying the new content. I don’t have a lot of spare time, and lately I’ve been trying to juggle wvw, the living story content, and studying for my CPA exam. I like that I can still experience the story without having to dump tons of hours into the game.
So seriously, thank you!!!
This thread is silly and I hope the devs ignore it. I think the website stories are fine. I enjoy reading them. People that agree with the OP seriously just need to lighten up.
Top notch on the quality of life improvements. Very well done, and I love how people have the option to enable some, none, or all of some of the improvements (ground targeting, condition ticks, etc.).
You guys da best!
Also, looking forward to the new content, will probably come back and gush about that later….
The game didn’t end when the game got to 10 points, but instead ran the full duration (too long). By the end of it we had about 50 caps.
Please fix. Thanks.
Yes, there may have been some difficulties, and yes, there were times the new levels felt more like a slog than an adventure, but you know what?
Overall, I had a good time.
I like the locales, I like the music, I enjoyed the challenge (even though I wished it had been parsed a bit better), and I like the story that’s starting to take shape (what evil lurks in the heart of Moto, I wonder).
I think that overall the devs did a good job with this release, and I’m already looking forward to the next one.
And BTW, I bought an infinite continue coin to show my support, NOT because I actually needed it.
I haven’t gotten to that part of the story yet. I haven’t cleared World 2. Would be nice if it didn’t require a 400 bauble item..
It’s not so bad. I ran world 1 zone 1 over and over again. I open the second chest (not the one in the lake), go to the secret cave before the first waypoint, hit up the bee dog, then just run to the end to finish the level and get the bauble chest. Lather, rinse, rebeats.
Is he competing for the Snaff Prize this year? It wouldn’t matter, we’d still be the Snaff Savant since we won the Prize before and we’re friends with Zojja anyway.
Did you follow the genie’s request? The snaff prize comment makes much more sense if you do….
I can’t help but feel like I was manipulated into doing something bad.
I’m here just to say I LOVE SCARLET.
That is all.
Yes, retroactive title for this achievement please…..
I beat her, and this is my perspective.
Every other person in the gauntlet took about one or two tries. There might have been one or two that took maybe four.
I dropped about 45 tickets on Liadri. The fight was so bad that at first there were times I died in the first 15 secs of the match (orb pulled into Liadri aoe….GG).
After beating the fight there was definitely a sense of achievement, but it took me all of Saturday and part of Sunday morning to finally hit on a winning strat.
I’m one of the lucky ones with the time to spare on this (no kids and my wife plays all day with me). I can’t imagine the frustration that casual and even moderate players would feel trying to beat her…..
If they didn’t want Ellen to win, they wouldn’t have stacked it in her favor.
I will tell you who; People that didn’t have a clue.
Let’s just put out there what should be blatantly obvious to everyone. Ellen is very clearly someone’s Mary Sue. For those that don’t know what that is, here you go:
Just an FYI: You have no idea what actually makes a Mary Sue a Mary Sue, and linking urbandictionary of all places isn’t helping your case.
The key flaw of a Mary Sue is that they overcome the key conflicts of a story without effort or drama—they simply “have the answers,” be those physical or intellectual in nature. Being that it is the players who resolve the conflicts she is a part of, she therefore cannot be a Mary Sue. At worst, she would be a schemer who gets others to do her work, though I don’t see her that way personally.
Oh yes, because there was always a doubt about how those events were going to turn out. They were scripted, just like this event….
I will tell you who; People that didn’t have a clue.
How brave of you to state this after the fact. True courage.
Honestly, I thought about posting this rant about a week ago. But then I decided to give the player-base the benefit of the doubt. Now that the results are out, I can at least finally give voice to what I’ve been having to hold inside of me this entire time: that this election was a kitten SHAM.
*I will discount waypoint travel AND PUT MONEY IN YOUR POCKETS (nevermind that it’s never explained exactly how this person managed to get the owners of all the ASURAN gates all over Tyria to run discounts for a whole month)….
*In keeping with my backstory, I will host an event called Southsun Survivor to celebrate my heroic victory over the Karka and the reclaiming of….wait, what? Evon is going to hold an event called “Aspect Arena” that celebrates and pays homage to the rich cultural heritage of the Zephyrites? Crap, people will love that. Wait, AND the games will be much shorter while awarding more voting tokens, thereby increasing the likelihood that Evon supporters will have more votes to cast for him? OH HEEEEELLLLLLL NO. I WILL BE HOSTING ASPECT ARENAS! DO YOU HEAR ME, ANET? ASPECT ARENA IS MINE.
*Also, I will be sponsoring rotations that the other guy is promising, as well as research into a Fractale that is game-relevant and that the devs are probably actually interested in working on.
*If you vote for me, I will give you the privilege of paying me less of your hard-earned RL currency to buy these keys that nobody in their right mind pays money to purchase anyways.
Is handed a piece of paper by the Anet storywriters Ehh? What’s this? What happened to my brilliant idea about a competitive game of capture the flag that celebrated the rich cultural heritage of the Zephyrites? What? I have to host this game in Southsun where people run around with arrows and bats and kill each other until only one person is left standing? Did you kids go to sleep watching Hunger Games last night? What idiot would run their campaign around this? kitten YOU ANET, THIS IS NOT FAIR!!!!!
continues reading Anet script Also, I will sponsor a rotation of games that the other person will also sponsor, and I will sponsor research into backstory from GW1 that nobody cares about. …….Uhm, Anet, I can’t help but get this funny feeling that you don’t want me to, you know….win?
To summarize:
*Ellen offers perks that are inconsistent with her backstory but that have broad-player appeal. Voting for her will effectively leave more of your hard-earned gold in your pockets, while her opponent insultingly offers to let you spend less money on his junk that nobody really wants. Aspect arena has much faster turnover, provides a better shot at a splendid chest (everyone on the winning team gets one, as opposed to only one person in survivor), and I suspect awards more tokens to its player-base per hour than survivor. Seeing as to how Ellen supporters are likelier to play her game, it’s reasonable to assume that, on average, her supporters are going to have more votes to cast for her than an Evon supporter who spends an equal amount of time playing Survivor. Some scholars may argue that Evon supporters could always farm Ellen’s game and vote for Evon. I actually did that. You know how often I ran into Evon supporters in Ellen’s game? I will give you a hint: it was underwhelming.
*Like the Bond villain who brilliantly rises to power but then inexplicably blunders in the face of the suave super-hero, Evon is deliberately made into a caricature of a crook, a sharp contrast to Ellen; our righteous, honorable, and agonizingly perfect Warrior!Sue.
When you consider how Ellen has been built up for the past half-year, I think any reasonable person could have easily imagined that, like the crooked banks behind the Great Recession, she was just too big too fail.
When you consider just how rigged the whole thing was from the beginning, you have to give credit to the people that actually voted for Evon. They were naive enough to think that their vote would actually make a difference. But the horrible, horrible truth is that Evon was never meant to win. When they were busy scripting this whole event, the writers made doubly-sure that no reasonable, self-respecting person would vote for the filthy charcoal over the immaculately polished diamond…..
I will tell you who; People that didn’t have a clue.
Let’s just put out there what should be blatantly obvious to everyone. Ellen is very clearly someone’s Mary Sue. For those that don’t know what that is, here you go:
From a tragic beginning with the loss of her parents, she grew up and went on to become the hero of Southsun Cove, instrumental in both dealing with the Karka uprising and in liberating the refugees from their shady contracts with the consortium. After the attack at the effigy ceremony, she led the wounded to safety, launched an investigation, then ultimately led the attack on the aetherblade base to bring the culprits to justice. She then went on to hijack the zephyrite flagship and flew it straight into a thunderstorm, where she rode a bolt of lightening straight through the mists and landed on a strange new planet in a far off universe in an alternate reality. She looked around in disbelief, muttered something about a wrong turn in Albuquerque, then spat in the primordial ooze, thereby ensuring that a race of humans not unlike those on Tyria would come to dominate this new planet, which they would eventually come to call “Earth”. Her accidental masterpiece complete, she flies back home the same way she arrived, just in time to win an election and take her place among the Council.
Now to summarize Evon’s backstory: dude took out his superior with a dagger to the neck, took over the warband, then established a trading company. Despite being portrayed as a crook ("He who lifts it, gets it, AMIRITE?), somehow there is absolutely no cheating in the election and he doesn’t leverage his connections with the trading company to give himself an edge (It makes no sense he would sell voting packages for both him AND Ellen).
But wait, the script writers aren’t done! No way in hell we can let Evon win. How should we divvy up the campaign promises? Oh I know, let’s do this!!
(continued below)
I stopped playing for about 4 months, came back, and discovered this problem. It’s annoying both to deal with and to know that it’s been months and still without a fix.
I’m not sure if this is in the works or not. I thought it would be a cool idea to skin “real gear” with town clothes skin.