Showing Posts For Chucklet.7290:
Glad it got fixed.
Too bad it was literally hours after I finally got it following endless fruitless attempts and what could only be sheer luck.
Ok I just figured I’d keep trying a few times a day and behold, today was the one! Our map did it, everyone got the achievement. Phew.
Now this is not a ‘nanana we did it and you didnt’ this is a ‘keep trying and who knows’ thing We even cc’d it on what was supposedly a very bad spot, right on a bridge, AND most of us were sure we all saw a Champion get absorbed…
-Just as per info, it was the second time it’s bar was cc’d down (so two times total keeping fragments at bay), and we had cleared one of the coalescenses groups ahead of it. And it was on timberline falls. I’m also sure it was about my 28th attempt total lol.-
I’d leave you with a screenshot but I was so late with that it only shows alot of transformed people…
tl;dr Don’t give up!
*edit, or maybe what cedo said, might also work.
Be sure to also use the in-game bug report under; game menu(esc)>support>report a bug.
Love the setting, it’s pretty and a little nostalgic. Glad the maps don’t have that HoT crowded and totally chaotic feel.
Really loved the mount(s) as they seem very well executed (sad to hear they give some ppl motion sickness, hope that can get a fix that won’t affect how ‘naturally’ the mount movements are.)
Identify stuff should be an ‘extra’ rather than a necessity imho, its too obvious a cash sink now.
Just watch out bounties won’t get like Shining Blade bounties cuz at some point that got very hard to do when people moved on to other places…
Thanks for the update!
Now I won’t have to doubt the actual howto anymore every time someone claims they had an entire map get the achievement because they did make the stacks run out or some other obscure thing like all hopping on one foot while doing it…
So for now we just keep trying and hope nothing teleports, or wait for a fix!
Im hoping I understood everything correctly.
1: additional bag slots are for one character only, one item, one slot.
2: That seems a mistake, and MAAAAYBE the ingame team can help you with that*. Obviously a lvl 80 character isnt gonna get higher, but I suppose you wanted the rewards for leveling up beyond lvl 80?That obviously wasnt the intention of the item. You might also want to read this, as there is a perma and ‘demo’ way of using it (and maybe you missed this item appearing?):
3: Everyone has two demo slots. Do keep in mind that extra char slots sometimes take up to 72hrs(?) to appear ingame.
4: The preparation pack is only an in-game upgrade, you can buy it multiple times, and no code is connected to that upgrade.
Forum can’t help you with this anyway, You need to submit a ticket if anything actually seems bug/faulty. *You need to go to and click on ‘submit a ticket’.
I agree with the OP. I was also kinda meh about the mounts idea, but the idle animations of the raptor have essentially already sold it to me. Overall it seems pretty well executed.
Was there ever any note on them creating skins for mounts? Multicolored feathery one for the raptor for example? They could make heapo money with that…
Anyway like with gliding, soon we won’t be able to cope without…
Also reported in:
Read last post(s), might work for you.
so i got this Your Guild Wars 2 account has been suspended for an account issue. Please contact Support for information. and i did nothing how to fix it ?
Exactly what they told you to do, contact support. Go to the support page and at the top click on ‘submit a ticket’. The forum cannot help you with this.
If you really want Tengu, its easy to argue why and how. We already know where the capital is, they have always been in GW (existing lore), and they are -ofc that is my opinion, and I am totally biased- the best race that should be made playable amongst the beastly races like skritt, frogs, tengu, etc.
Could really do with a third one too, amongst the asura and charr, since the other three are just human, larger human, and humans with leaves on them. Balance, 3on3.
And since some people go crazy batkitten over a new armor set from the gem shop, why not go crazy batkitten over a new race. Personally I’d buy the a Tengu Xpac without question.
Same goes for the people saying it cant/wont be done. Yes, it will take time, yes it will cost them money, and yes, it currently doesnt fit into ‘the greater scheme of things’.
However, as a game developing company it really isnt all that hard finding a new voiceactor or get the old ones’ to fill in missing lines. Fitting the armor is really not that hard but just takes a little effort from a small team (fairly easy compared to creating entirely new stuff). Lorewise, surely their storywriters can think of something? More split factions, rogue leaders or tipping points have made stuff happen, tadaa. It isn’t rocketscience.
But yeah, time spent=money spent (and gained perhaps?), it would interfere with their set plans, half the playerbase seems not even remotely interested… One could argue on forever.
Still, since we now get to have mounts, not unlike other games * coughWoWcough*… Well, those games eventually added new races, I dont see why GW wouldnt do that later on as well. Obviously not with this expansion, but soon™?
I actually have two character slots filled with name-placeholders for if/when tengu arrive as a playable race. Syr Swagfeathers and Ryn Wickedwing already walk among us, albeit as level 10 human key farmers.
One can always hope.
Can confirm this game is NOT friendly to people with colour vision deficiency (better terminology than ‘being colorblind’, as people will think you see in B&W).
Guildwars 1 and 2 have always noted at launch that they would be having proper options to make this easier on those people, but have always, always disappointed.
Would be amazing tho, for example I personally hate not seeing the difference between /say and /squad colors in the chat log… (or maybe they are meant to be the same? Both look yellow-white to me… ^^; ). And as stated, some red circles are VERY hard to spot on green backgrounds.
Logged in just for this, all my +1’s.
Good news! Did the crashes stop in the meta event too? Did you have the time to test it?
I have had 1 chrash since the ‘good’ update so far (OOM) and that was after a 4hr uptime when I was changing tru parked characters, about 6 character swaps in under a minute, and then I chrashed on the next loading screen (to be fair here, I was also running firefox, Iexplorer a blueray vlc file AND a virusscan at the time, so it wasn’t THAT surprising. Might be a bit too much for a 5yr old laptop to begin with.). So far I haven’t chrashed during any meta event, wvw or anything else. So I’m very happy now .
Sad to hear other people still have issues tho…
First off, I love the edit that changed the mac only to 32bit overal memory usage. Took me a few hours to see that one. Then I went straight to resetting my bios to standard settings (no extra memory allocation to apps) to test it.
32bit windows here, and I have had issues since the LAUNCH of HoT.
And, by the Gods it works now, finally. The last patch from a few hours ago that lowered the memory thing has done it. Tested and confirmed. No tricks, no bios changes, just run gw2 and go.
Thanks for everyone who came with fixes yesterday/today before this update, and now thanks to the Anet techies too. Now let’s just do NO updates that break thing like these for a while.
-post removed, sorta-
You know I was just interested out of a 32bit perspective, but the last update has fixed all my error problems, so nvm all my questions . I hope everyone can play now!
(edited by Chucklet.7290)
For fellow Mac users – 19 November patch note:
“Reduced overhead memory on Mac.”
I’m not technically minded, but is this a good thing? I think it is, maybe it’ll stop the dtsBits error? But I dunno, anyone can shed some light on this?
Simply put; Mac users have to use a virtual environment to even run GW (afaik), that comes with additional memory usage (ie: overhead). As they reduced this it SHOULD reduce chrashes related to memory issues. That is as far as my technical mind goes but it seems the googul search sort of agrees with me.
If it works or not is of course, a whole different matter .
For all 32bit OS there’s probably a solution:
- run Command Prompt as administrator
- run this command: bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072
- restart your computer and play GW2
All it does is tell your windows to use more memory for applications (3Gb vs 2Gb) instead of reserving it for the actual OS running beneath it. It works for alot of people and its a very simple procedure and also very easily undone (if it leads to trouble). It’s not unsafe just because it changes a bios setting, if done properly. Obviously if you are not sure about it, then don’t use it.
To undo it just use:
“bcdedit /deletevalue IncreaseUserVa”
in the same mentioned procedure, and reboot again.
It may lead to slower system response (alt-tabbing, etc), and I’d advise not to do any memory heavy procedures like copy-pasting anything really large. If you have trouble doing stuff besides GW that now leads to slow responses, just undo the procedure and thats that. For more info you can use google.
Any 32bit user will probably be able to play again without any OOM errors whatsoever. I haven’t been able to play HoT when it was released because of this memory leak in the client, but as long as this works for me I’m using it, and I’m bloody glad I can too, as waiting for a client fix will take a long time, guaranteed (not because of unwillingness, it’s just because it’s not an easy fix).
(edited by Chucklet.7290)
For all 32bit OS there’s probably a solution:
- run Command Prompt as administrator
- run this command: bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072
- restart your computer and play GW2I was able to play HOT content without any crash after this. And I don’t have to use the lowest graphic settings.
For everyone wondering, what this does is make your widows use 3Gb for applications instead of 2Gb (I googled it). It can also be undone (if needed) by using:
“bcdedit /deletevalue IncreaseUserVa” (via the same process.)
Might have some merit, will surely give it a try today! Ty Ruki!
OK very awesome, I can actually walk around in HoT maps now, and haven’t chrashed yet. It wil make your systems below GW veeery slow, so alt-tabbing is, meh. But that was expected. I realize this is just atemporary fix and not how this issue SHOULD be fixed, but it works, and fairly easy to implement/undo.
Again Ruki, thank you very much.
What saddens me is that support won’t even mention this possibility… Do they not know? Or is it because it is not a ‘proper’ fix of the problem? Mentioning it with the downsides and dangers would have been a better option than just… Nothing.
Anyway, I can finally explore HoT and do some large events, time to leave the forums for a while .
Its pretty simple: Squad UI and Raids were still not ready for release, but they decided to release them anyway.
How they messed up the entire game just by releasing broken raids and squads (which I don’t use/intend to use anytime soon), is still beyond me tho ^^.
People with 32bit are chrasing, people on 64bit are chrasing, windows, mac, regardless of videocard. It seems hopeless. (been looking upgrading to 64bit, but I don’t see the use of going to the trouble)
Support has been pretty nice, but It doesn’t sounds like there will be a reliable fix anytime soon. Im sure they are reading everything tho, cuz all my stuff gets merged .
For all 32bit OS there’s probably a solution:
- run Command Prompt as administrator
- run this command: bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072
- restart your computer and play GW2I was able to play HOT content without any crash after this. And I don’t have to use the lowest graphic settings.
For everyone wondering, what this does is make your widows use 3Gb for applications instead of 2Gb (I googled it). It can also be undone (if needed) by using:
“bcdedit /deletevalue IncreaseUserVa” (via the same process.)
Might have some merit, will surely give it a try today! Ty Ruki!
I do like to stress one more time (since my own thread got merged cuz it got too big) that everyone saying ‘you should stop whining or update your system’, you are the worst. You are not helping anyone. If this is ‘the’ solution I hope that tomorrow they release a futuristic client that none of you fancy 64bit players can play and you all HAVE to update too, without prior warning of it going to happen…HA! Don’t be such a troll guys.
this post was merged from my own thread, sorry if the content no longer makes sense
Just making sure here, I’m sure that most people that had errors since the HoT release, like myself have been in contact with support. The problem is, if you are running a 32bit system this is a dead-end. Solutions are either standard copy-paste or try to upgrade. I’m working on upgrading my OS to 64bit myself, and I knew it would come to that in the end.
However, many users here seem to miss that the last patch DID make OOMs worse. Not just for 32bit users either. And they don’t seem to want to read that this is not while playing the new raids/ or fancy new maps, this is stuff that “worked”. Not as good as before HoT, but I was able to run around in Ascalon or Orr just fine. But not anymore.
Just stating its a 32bit problem shows that you haven’t been fully informed, and obviously haven’t properly read the OP (which was mine if you didn’t get that). I run at lowest settings, there is nothing running in the background that eats memory either (confirmed by tech&support).
As for MY error, it’s OOM, either this:
OOM: Heap, bytes=4266844 (with a whooping < 1min uptime)
OOM: DxBuffer (type:static) (pool:9) (size:1215320) (with a nice 3 min uptime)
I won’t post the rest as support already knows about it and it’s purely a client issue at this point combined with my 32bit system. How it works for others that didn’t have issues before the 17th or people with 64bit systems, I don’t know, contact support. But something is obviously wrong here. The support people can’t exactly state it’s a client issue, but at this point it has to be clear even for them. I have had a nice reply from them and they are in fact trying to make the client compatible (again) for low-end systems (not quoting here). But it’s a long and complicated issue.
Something happened with the client with the HoT update, and something happened with the nov17th patch. This is just fact, deny it if you wish to be that guy. I mean the error reporter doesn’t even work properly anymore, that should say something, at least.
(edited by Chucklet.7290)
Sounds like those bags have gotten a wrong iD somewhere during an update. Be sure to send an “in-game” bug-report (via /bug or via game-menu>support>report a bug), as they are more likely/faster to gain attention from the proper departement.
this post was merged from it’s own thread, sorry if content is confusing
I do feel your pain, to be honest I was hoping this ‘larger patch’ would fix my original OOM issue (because it is in the client, regardless of what people say), but then again, I was doing that for every hotfix during the first weekend HoT was released… Sadly, my hopes have faded.
Hey thanks for your reply. The problem is, we get that, HoT is fancy and obviously causes more memory to leak away, yes. But, let me be clear on this:
What makes it so sour is as Mareborder said, we could play PERFECTLY on 32bit/older systems with no trouble before HoT, now, WITHOUT WARNING!!! we need a higher end system. No that won’t do. The client may be using some more memory, but something obviously broke in the coding or w/e, especially now that the latest patch has made things a billion times worse.
If it wasn’t clear, main problem now is that the latest patch has made things ALOT worse. It made the game annoying and LA and HoT a no go area, but now EVERY location chrashes. The last patch was obviously botched, unless the new raids have caused my poor 32bit system to use up even more memory while I’m not even near them ^^;
Well they are somewhat. the fact that it is happening with you now after the patch MUST make Anet staff see that they broke something… right? Downloading the 64bit client will probably help you alot for this (sadly no option for me), but I wish you luck!
(edited by Chucklet.7290)
merged from another thread
(yes there are many topics already, please allow me to place my plea here as it will get buried under the broken forum search anyway~)
First off, I have been having OOM errors since HoT was released. New maps are unplayable due to this, LA is a no go, and large events a fruitless effort… Strange tho, since before HoT release I had none of this…
Anyway since the last patch these errors have increased tenfold. Like I can’t even walk two steps in any place, even pvp (which was safe) now chrashes me constantly. Literally send out a chrash report every 2 minutes… I’d call it unplayable.
And for that matter, even the error reporter seems to die randomly, or the client just completely closes itself.
I get it, I run a 32bit system. and regardless of it working fine before HoT, it seems you want me to buy a new system, fine, point taken. But unless you can fix/reroll whatever you did this patch, the game is really broken and unplayable for me.
And -to the tech guys- It should be clear now, the problem is on your (client) side, I can’t keep stressing this.
(edited by Chucklet.7290)
Nope not just nvideo cards I’m running a AMD Radeon R9 Fury.. also using a 64bit OS (Windows 10 Pro). It does seem to be a memory leak issue with the client itself and ANet has to fix it.
Yeah, I just saw your post about that ^^;.
Nah happening to me too..
I’m running a Radeon R9 Fury.
Game ran fine without any crashes pre HoT, now it crashes constantly.
I find that very interesting, as truly most Win players that have reported chrashes run a Nvindia card (and these have caused issues in the past too).
Hey Anet, it’s truly your client then, now tell us you are working on it! We love communication! <3
If it were a memory leak then everyone would have this issue and that’s not the case.
Of course it isn’t everyone, but you could have gotten yourself a bit more informed also. ALOT of players have issues, on 32bit and 64bit systems, windows or mac, and only AFTER the HoT update.
As for the OP, I can’t give you a quickfix, for some lowering the settings is enough to stay ingame for at least an hour, if you have the option, try to upgrade to 64bit (altho that may not solve it at all).
It is semi-confirmed something (NVidia cards perhaps) COMBINED with the game client causes this so a solution is not easy. There are many hints and tips on the forums about fixes (playing in windowed mode) but they work for some and not for others. Be sure to also report your problem via a ticket (just once), and keep using the client report feature every time you chrash.
It seems the devs are somewhat reluctant to even admit the problem (seeing as they said there were very few major issues recently, even tho some people still can’t play either due to this error or due to getting stuck in LS, anywho…).
I get it, it is a busy time, they are trying to fix everything that is exploitable or bugged related to new content for the players that can play, and at thet they are doing quite a good job. But this… It really sucks. I have only gained level 10 in the masteries and unlocked some new content by heavily abusing my hoarded ‘teleport to friend’ items and playing on a mac laptop even older then my own one runing Vista, which didnt chrash, but can’t run over 5 fps, making it just as unplayable .
I am willing to agree it is somehow a combination of Nvidia+GW2 that causes the main issues for most players (I am still not sure it is per se, but w/e), but it is ONLY GW2, no other app has this leak issue with Nvidia cards.
Just a little, little more support and visibility about people actually working on this from the forum staff would be so much appreciated…
After the patch to lower the Hero points needed I reset my skills and trained in Druid… but it doesn’t let me select to BE a druid… the specialization doesn’t even show up as an option. I only need 8 more points to become a full Druid.. am I doing something wrong?
Have you checked the third trait tab? Cuz the elite trait line can only be selected in the third one.
I can’t seem to be able to equip staff as a ranger. I have unlocked the staff proficiency and all training up to celestial shadow but I still can’t equip the glyphs either
I have put over 200 points into my characters elite specialization but i am unable to select it as a specialization in the hero build screen and I am not able to use any of the abilities that I have unlocked from this specialization.
I have been given the achievement and rewards for entering points into the specialization.
Xantha, you will need to actually ‘equip’/select the trait line before you can use all that.
You can do this (and also goes for Jamadan I guess) ONLY in the last (3rd) trait slot line.
5 laurels was already more than 5 times too high before drops increased.
Hehe I guess that’s kinda true, but even more so now!
As of build 54595, the Enchanted Treasure Chest is missing from the home instance in Black Citadel.
It does appear in Rata Sum, the Grove, Divinity’s Reach, and Hoelbrak. It’s just Black Citadel that does not have it!
Ah yes I have also noticed this! Glad to finally find someone to confirm it…
You beat me to posting it by about 9 hours tho .
I’d like to suggest someone takes a critical look at the laurel costs for unidentified dyes again, now that they seemingly drop from everything in high abundance, you might want to reroll this back to what it used to be or at least lower it. 5 laurels seems a little high with the current market, unless I’ve missed something here…
Sorry is this was suggested already.
Ok, so far I haven’t been able to check this with other players as nobody in my guild or in LA seems to have done the achiev but…:
My treasure chest gained from the Treasure Hunter achievement is missing in the Black Citadel (Charr) Home Instance. It is however still available in all the other home instances (checked).
Not a high priority bug, but I thought I’d just leave it here. ^^;
i dont have HoTs content to start with, i’ve yet to upgrade and the first thing i come back playing, i became a free account.
In that case, contacting support is your only option I think >>>
I hope they can get it fixed for you!
before the patch of HoTs, my account was normal.
Now its a free account.
Is this how Anet is treating they’re old players,
By making them suffer so they cant talk to anyone?
i cant do map chat, team chat, guild chat.
only whispers and says chat.
tbh i cant even read guild chat,
There are reports of people getting banned and (now) geting downgraded to f2p because they used a ‘fraudulent’ code for their HoT upgrade (I’m not accusing you, but it sounds like thats what happened). You probably also no longer have acces to HoT content anymore. Be sure to check the account/tech support forums for more info on that issue.
My back item (Chaos of Lyssa) and/or shield is covered by what appears to be one of the story rewards. I tried looking up the different story quest rewards (I selected the Novice’s Pack…this looks more like a seed covered with a leaf) to see if it matched the item that’s on my back, but with all the new content it doesn’t seem to be google-able. It overlays regardless of what I do (shield drawn or at rest).
You are probably carrying This:Glint's Egg due to your current story step. It’ll be gone next chapter I think.
Disregarding my earlier post:
_*Client chrashes in every map, content and at any random moment in the game. Can be within 1 minute or after 10 minutes, but the game is completely unplayable.
I chrash every time I receive a ‘verdant brink tier based reward-HUD chest’. According to my party my crash happens EXACTLY every time they/we receive one of those.
Also, I had alot of trouble getting trough cutscenes (crash every time), but we fixed that by using a computer that was fully patched…
- So these errors, and everyone that has alot of chrashes are probably related to not being fully patched (‘playable’, seems to be stretching it quite far)
- Edit, the chrashes have nothing to do with being fully patched or not, altho I can now receive the chests at least, the chrashes continue…
-2nd edit, chrashes also occur every time any event in the area you are at STARTS…
(edited by Chucklet.7290)
I know I mentioned the issue you linked in my post, but it is not the actual bug I was trying to clarify, I DO have pets, but they reset to something I dont want every time I re-enter HotM.
But, I have no doubt the issues are related somehow, maybe one will fix the other…
So everytime I join HotM from a PvE setting (ie: PvP> join lobby) my pets are reset to Ice Wolf and Devourer. It happens on every ranger I have, others ‘claim’ they don’t have this issue.
I know it’s probably a minor nuisance compared to more serious bugs (people not having pets at all?), but I don’t use either of these pets in pvp on any build so it is rather annoying to keep having to fix it every time…
Now maybe this is not a bug and is intented to fix this ‘no pet’ issue, but it has always been that I didnt have to redo my pet setting every time I joined HotM. So I’m rather curious if this is an intented feature or not, and if others have the same problem.
These problems occured since the September 29, 2015 update.
(and yes I have asked repeatedly in map chat, and have reported the issue via the in game feature after the new patches, but the results have not yet been satifactory)
The Risen Priest of Balthazar was never meant to count for set 1
After seeing many others with this issue I agree the Mini Priest causes this issue for the new achievement, and as you say, is probably intented tomake things more ‘fair’ for completion as opposed to the previous achievement.
However, that means I’m still missing another… Was there another in set one that was account bound, like the Priest?
-in reply to some follow-up posts-
Regardless of implementation and intentions/future changes with this new system for minis, the bug mentioned here is that the new achievement does NOT count the minis correctly.
This issue remains unresolved.
Wether or not the current implementation was a good idea or not, is not a bug, please stay on topic.
(edited by Chucklet.7290)
Actually the bug has occured on other sets for some people too.
Personally I got two bugged mini’s for set 1 (achiev only getting to 38/40 collected for me), haven’t dared to put my set II and III into wardrobe due to this yet…
Relevant post:
Haha yeah but the good thing is we got more achievement points from it this way! ^^
It’s just too bad it didnt work properly…
The title says it all. I just added 40 minis from collection one (I) from my bank to the wardobe thing, and only 38 are listed by the new achievement.
They DID get added to the wardrobe and are thus destroyed. But, as seen in the screenshot they are correctly listed/removed, Yet somehow 2 are missing.
This will prevent one from ever completing the whole set, as you cannot add doubles to the wardrobe, personally I’ll be forever stuck at my actual collection minus (-)2. (Unless old and new achieves will be merged or something…)
Added some snipped screenshots to showcase the problem I’m having.
Either I missed something relevant(?), or this is bugged. According to some guild members and other posts in the bug section others have similair issues.
Sorry if this was already reported but my forum search doesnt work right it seems…
(edited by Chucklet.7290)