Showing Posts For Coinin.2590:

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


Don’t preach roaming if in fact you don’t solo roam or you roam with 5 or more.

Sorry we aren’t roaming around an empty map, standing on two legs fighting the air before us. The warning label clearly denotes that Blackgate is not responsible for people who do not use the other 2 exits of their spawn.

thats true…but at least while i’ve been in bgbl the few times we’ve actually gone else where or pushed you…the group spawn camping has run away and hidden until they can camp us again or just arrow cart us in a tower…soooooooo

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


This here is real true class of another server to do. Spawn camping with siege built on an outnumbered group…sadly I couldn’t get video to upload of them running as soon as the like 5 of us destroyed the ballista


Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

10/4: TC/SoS/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


Dear Dragonbrand [WAR],

Would be really cool if you kept your necro’s from using Line of Sight tricks/hacks I watched 2 or 3 of your necro’s about 5 minutes ago outside North hills in TCBL throwing marks about 600 range inside the keep from outside the walls not only were you not killing anyone with them, it made you guys look all the more silly when you had to turn and run

With Regards,

A TC Necro who doesn’t need tricks to wreck your necros

Dear TC necro…. wear a bigger tin foil hat.

How does it count as a tin foil hat when I WATCH your necro’s cast marks that don’t get hit 600 range inside a keep? that’s not tin foil hat, though you simply saying that makes me just assume you’re trying to cover up lol. I’d have added photo’s…but sadly they disappeared to fast since your group ran away from the keep faster than an anorexic from a Baskin Robbins.

Troll harder.

it’s not trolling at all…i watched you guys do it. I mean…you can deny all you want…but you end up looking like US politicians trying to claim they know nothing about wanting a government shut down

though im sure as the only person saying it’s not true is the guild leader…that it’s likely a guild leader just trying to scoff at it.

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

(edited by Coinin.2590)

10/4: TC/SoS/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


tc loves their bloodlust.

if it makes you feel better…im TC and i hate bloodlust…think it’s stupid lol

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

10/4: TC/SoS/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


Dear Dragonbrand [WAR],

Would be really cool if you kept your necro’s from using Line of Sight tricks/hacks I watched 2 or 3 of your necro’s about 5 minutes ago outside North hills in TCBL throwing marks about 600 range inside the keep from outside the walls not only were you not killing anyone with them, it made you guys look all the more silly when you had to turn and run

With Regards,

A TC Necro who doesn’t need tricks to wreck your necros

Dear TC necro…. wear a bigger tin foil hat.

How does it count as a tin foil hat when I WATCH your necro’s cast marks that don’t get hit 600 range inside a keep? that’s not tin foil hat, though you simply saying that makes me just assume you’re trying to cover up lol. I’d have added photo’s…but sadly they disappeared to fast since your group ran away from the keep faster than an anorexic from a Baskin Robbins.

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

9/6 BG/JQ/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


it’s no better in SoSBL

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

9/6 BG/JQ/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590



Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


seems like maguuma has decided to start the week off by just antagonizing anyone…which of course is great when mid way through the week they complain they getting targeted lol

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


haha yeah…kitten just wants to keep their and moan about blob sizes but not mention theirs whistle

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


Good luck to everyone!!!

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

World Vs World

in Suggestions

Posted by: Coinin.2590


oh cmon dude…it’s a REAL blast for us in TC getting either JQ and SoR, or FA/DB and a t3/t4 server, i mean geez who wouldn’t have fun with that?!

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

Salvaging Ascended

in Suggestions

Posted by: Coinin.2590


Not sure if this was discussed at all in any of the streams or anything, but it would be fantastic if we were able to salvage ascended rings that we don’t have a use for and get a drop of while in FoTM of get as a WvW chest reward. I’d say it’s almost a sin that you can only vendor it for like 6s instead of salvaging it. I think it would be a good idea with the start of ascended crafting to be able to salvage extra/surplus ascended rings for like…the typical ore’s and what not, and instead of ecto, either the mist essence, or a rare chance for one of the types of crafting mat needed for ascended weapons/armor

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

Magic find and keeping the user base.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Coinin.2590


what you’re saying is kinda silly…
a. if they simply just said they would make it so that w/e MF u have right before you logout of the game before the update will become the new MF you have accountwide…because then EVERYONE would just buy cheap MF gear and start with a 150%+ MF, and completely ruin the system. By letting people chose the rune of their choice is silly..they’re already gonna let you chose the stat of your choice for your gear, and all it would mean is that people would buy cheap MF runes nows, so that when the update comes, POOF, suddenly they can chose to have full divinity runes or the such for 1/10 of the price. We’re all sorry that you won’t be able to farm invasions, or dungs or w/e with high MF gear…but it’s the way of games. If you leave the game because you’re ability to farm exotics is reduced slightly well…shows how much you really loved the game.

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

Plague From bugged?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Coinin.2590


meh, it’s basically the cause of the biggest underlying issue for necromancers, especially in WvW I’ve found. We really only have 2 viable forms of stability in the game, an elite with stability (that can be stripped real fast) that’s on a 3 minute cool down, or blowing a grandmaster trait for 3 seconds of stability. The 1 second off well of power I’m not even counting since tbh that’s basically like ANET joking with us about stability. Combine that with our frightening lack of escape skills and basically, especially in WvW, once you’ve caught a necro, you can just power him down fast cause he isn’t going anywhere. While there are those arguing Spectral Walk is an escape skill…it’s not…it’s a swiftness buff, and i’ve noticed recently as soon as someone see’s a necro in that green translucent form..they just insta stun him. It’s kinda kittenty…but…more and more people just want to play necromancers for massive conditions, so that’s what dev’s will continue to give us.

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


lemme see if I can’t sum up what I’m reading so far as a whole:
- WAH WAH this match sucks
-Guilds that transfer to another server are horrible bandwagoners, except when a guild does it to our server, then it’s for community
-zerg zerg zergy mczerg, who has the biggest balls…
-some of us appreciate that mag put up a hell of a fight last night with big numbers on both sides, though one side claims they really didn’t have big numbers, just big buff muscles.
On a whole:
-lets enjoy this week, it can still be really competitive, don’t play a great reset night, fall behind and say haha “kitten” this, it’s just 1 big server, we can’t win anyways. Then come on the forums and complain about how we’re getting killed by a big server.
-guilds transfer back and forth, it happens, and most of the time has to do with community, few guilds have really x-fered as merc-ing or w/e u wanna call it.
-this is a game, lets have fun ignore the trolls, go out there and have a blast annihilating each other…cause in the end..thats what this wvw is about…fun and destruction.

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

Laurels needed for WvW...really?

in WvW

Posted by: Coinin.2590


the fact of the matter is that people moaned and groaned about wanting something besides FoTM to get ascended, and when the system is implemented people moan and groan that they just can’t farm it in 2 hours like an exotic piece. It’s the top tier, it’s supposed to be harder to get, and yeah…it can take time to get ascended ONLY off laurels. Thats why there’s also FoTM and Guild Commendations you can get them off of. If you have just thousands and thousands of badges left over…spend it on alts or on siege…
EDIT: To comment on the initial post…it only takes 40 laurel’s for the necklace, which is worth about 2 rings, the rest are 20 and 25 really. Which means that you can get 2 rings in any given month if you do your daily every day, or 1 necklace. or every 2 months get ur ascessories.

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

(edited by Coinin.2590)

Laurels needed for WvW...really?

in WvW

Posted by: Coinin.2590


They aren’t WvW ascended, I find no reason for those. And no..i dont have 8 toons, thats your choice, not mine. Don’t expect the devs to make things just for that few percent who chose to have 8 toons, and play them all the same. If you expect to get full ascended in 2-3 days/ toon, then you basically expect to get a legendary in 4-5 days, including the precursor. If you want to have 8 toons, cool for you, but don’t moan and groan that it takes awhile to get them with ascended, which isn’t ALL that much better than exotic, on all 8 toons…very fast. In nearly every game if you want to gear 8 toons in top tier stuff it takes time.

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

Laurels needed for WvW...really?

in WvW

Posted by: Coinin.2590


The funny part I find about this is…if they made it say…badges and gold to get ascended…the SAME people would be in here “kitten”-ing about how long it takes for them to farm that gold without going and having to PvE. The point of ascended gear is that you CAN’T just get it fast. PLUS, WvW has a higher chance of getting ascended gear since we can get it in our chests rank to rank, which can’t be said for anything except 1 chest per day as a chance from FoTM daily. Really….don’t whine and gripe about the daily because if you spend time in WvW you can get it done fast enough as it is. To the poster..maybe if ya hadn’t have spent them on dyes at first you would have had the laurels needed. WvW’ers have the SAME ability to get ascended as PvE’rs, and MORE ability than just straight sPvP’s (since they don’t really need it). In fact, these days WvW’rs have an easier method to even get exotic gear. WvW’rs tend to moan and groan about gear till the dev’s change kitten, then moan and groan about the changes cause it’s still not easy enough -.-

Disclaimer: Yes I am a WvW’rs, and yes, I do have full ascended, and no it didn’t take me long, took me about a month and a half to have full ascended of playing just 2-3 hours a day.

To the “hardcore gamer who posted above”: Yeah…it’s time gated for a reason. Do you also complain that since it takes forever to get a legendary people with 8 full alts like you can’t get it, and therefore they need to make it so you can get legendaries like 10x easier? Heck, lets just put them in the gem store for like 800 crystals and that’ll really make them legendary!!

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

Double-Teaming ruins WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Coinin.2590


Double teaming happens…but most of the time double teaming looks obvious, it’s not, it’s just 1 server taking advantage of another server being busy with the other server. Keeps are a perfect example of that…if one server breaks into a keep and is set up on 1 inner keeping the other server busy…the uninvolved server would be stupid from trying to come in and steal it from them. It may LOOK like double teaming…it’s just smart playing.

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

new build on reset night? gg

in WvW

Posted by: Coinin.2590


I think their reasoning was “biggest night in WvW, right?” —-- “yup” —-- “sweet…lets wait about 3- 3 1/2 hours RIGHT until they’re getting going, then bring out a new build with nothing WvW related” —- “what we gonna fix?” —- “well lets see…lets fix a few random crashs, and then hmm…lets fix a small bug with dragon bash, we need to do that right?” —--“great! you get a promotion!!”

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

6/21 TC/FA/KN

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


If they loved TC they wouldn’t do a build when we’re holding KN’s gari while it has like 4 holes in it lol

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

new build on reset night? gg

in WvW

Posted by: Coinin.2590


Just thought i’d say…new build on reset night…gg anet. gg……….

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


For the people who are saying how TC has more people on than ever…let me say this…only maybe 2 or 3 times so far this week have I ever encountered a queue, and mostly that’s in EB. Instead of hating on each other for one reason for another for w/e reason that is due to this match up…maybe everyone who wants to QQ another server…plz go find the WvW dev and take it to them for creating match ups like this…

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

6/7 SoR/ TC/ SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


Dear SoS, you should bring charges against Anet…because you’ve been properly “kitten”-ed, and it def wasn’t consensual

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

6/7 Fort Aspenwood/Maguuma/Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590



Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


sadly I would even think it was amusing if the troll attempts were even clever/amusing, not just constant spams of “lfg COF path1!!” and w/e else

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


fear not, i still think your server is awesome just home to some sad, unimaginative trolls like all servers

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


well…even your own server admitted to zerging something that was outmanned, it’s a t2/t1 technique. Maybe you aren’t used to that in Tier 4..but it’s what we do, and what you’ve learned to do over the last week. And there’s no way to 100% prove it as we can’t obtain ur IP, but seeing as how anyone who posts anything that quotes you has something put up on gw2lfg…and it’s the exact same msg…and not creative, it’s either a QQing troll who doesn’t like being quoted, or the worst forum troll in the history in forum trolls lol

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


Silke I don’t have cookies, only key lime pie will that work?

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


I’m not even mad…i’m more just saddened that it’s gonna kill the whole service. I mean…if ur gonna troll me at least have fun with it…don’t make it look like I just wanna do CoF runs non stop. All that does is make people get constantly declined for a group, and for all we know..they could have a low self esteem and hurt themselves because i said no lol if ur gonna troll at least have imagination with it, then i’ll even find it fun

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


Where in there did I name call at all? I simply said that all servers pounce on an area of a map when a server shows up outmanned…if you think it’s unfair now you should see what some of the SoS people do during the FA/TC times, they pounce on us and flip half the map. It’s how T2 is played…lol

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


To the troll who thought it would be hilarious to post a fake thing for me in, it’s cute and all that you’ve gotten to true petty trolling….but the post has been flagged. And doing this really only kills the amazing service of gw2lfg and pple will stop using it if it’s used as a trolling mechanism by children who think they’re funny. Yes I know it was someone on the forum who did it, and I can guess who did it but won’t point out any names because I can’t confirm it.
This really only kills the service that is gw2lfg, and ontop of that…makes the servers just really disrespect what ever server they think it is.


Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


and ontop of that…yeah we’re really pushing these last few hours BECAUSE we want to keep our rank 4. As of even yesterday we were gonna drop a rank to Dragonbrand despite winning this week because they decided to roflstomp a tier 3 and tier 5 server into pulp, turn that pulp into sausage, burn the sausage, then throw it away and start over every day for the past week.

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


Very impressive by TC right now. Match is over, few hours left, SOS have like 10 people in EB yet TC rather then fight FA has to take everything from SOS. Way to pad your stats guys!!! Anyone who has respect for a server like that has to be joking. Always fights the undermanned team, never the one that would give them a bout.

It’s really got nothing to do with that…a. we are taking fa stuff in eb, but yeah…we’re gonna take the stuff that’s easier to take, thats just called World versus World. It’s not about demolishing the underdog near the end, it’s just about our EB crew trying to find what fun they can. If FA is gonna turtle in their keeps/tower, they just gonna go somewhere else to find fun lol.
Edit: instead of trying to rag on 2 servers for “trying to take out the underdog” or whatever…feel proud of your server that you managed to do pretty well and keep up competition against two tier 2 servers. I know it’s gained a lot of respect for you from TC, try not to kill that by trying to be petty

I didn’t rag on 2 servers, just TC. Plus if finding fun for you and your server is just rolling over an extremely undermanned server rather then fighting a dug in force (as you claim FA is) then that tells me all I need to know about your server. Talk about running away from a challenge to go for easy mode. Grats.

so…instead of respecting SoS and fighting them no matter what…you would rather show you complete disrespect by just leaving you alone at all times, under manned or over manned? we aren’t ragging on a server that’s undermanned at all times, we’re treating you like we do FA when we fight. In that..if numbers are low, we’ll attack. It’s not a “challenge” for us to siege up a tower for 2 hours while 20ish FA sit in it with AC’s waiting, thats called no fun lol.

Sorry but your now the second guy from TC that said, attacking a well armed keep/tower is no fun but attacking a defenseless tower/keep is. So again, that tells me all I need to know about your server. Your idea of fun isn’t a challenge its easy mode. Hey guys FA could actually put up a fight, lets go roll SOS there is only like 5 of them on. WOO HOO what fun!!!!

well…it is no fun to breach walls in an FA tower and have them just stay in there for hours on end with AC’s raining down on you lol. and FYI..while we were taking ur stuff, we were also taking FA’s stuff to lol. On a friday before reset it’s not about a “challenge” it’s about takign stuff for fun, getting wexp, and just runnin around, not screwin around with a fully sieged up turtled tower that really does nothing lol. I’ve watched SoS do the same to TC, and FA to the same to everyone as well…it’s called playing the game lol. The sad part is so much of TC has massive respect for SoS because of how well you’ve competed this week against 2 much bigger servers, and, like pple from db did, a few little hating trolls like you come on the forum and attempt to kill that. Just be happy your server has gained massive respect from the entire WvW community and that you’ll be jumping up a couple of ranks for doing well against us, instead of griefing that we’re “picking” on you. I can promise, nearly every TC commander will always pick on FA first, then go to SoS because of our servers rivalry.

Edit: and would you rather us, when we’re winning, just pack our bags and be like “haha cya, we’ve won this match, we’re gonna take a vacation” because then I promise there’d be 10 more SoS coming on here saying how disrespectful it is of our server for just stopping even competing cause we view you as such little competition. We’re not DB…we dont just annihilate servers under us constantly for a week. If you want to compare us to that…then well…you’re gonna have a bad time if you get put up against DB…cause look what they’re doing to their t3 and t5 server.

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

(edited by Coinin.2590)

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


Very impressive by TC right now. Match is over, few hours left, SOS have like 10 people in EB yet TC rather then fight FA has to take everything from SOS. Way to pad your stats guys!!! Anyone who has respect for a server like that has to be joking. Always fights the undermanned team, never the one that would give them a bout.

It’s really got nothing to do with that…a. we are taking fa stuff in eb, but yeah…we’re gonna take the stuff that’s easier to take, thats just called World versus World. It’s not about demolishing the underdog near the end, it’s just about our EB crew trying to find what fun they can. If FA is gonna turtle in their keeps/tower, they just gonna go somewhere else to find fun lol.
Edit: instead of trying to rag on 2 servers for “trying to take out the underdog” or whatever…feel proud of your server that you managed to do pretty well and keep up competition against two tier 2 servers. I know it’s gained a lot of respect for you from TC, try not to kill that by trying to be petty

I didn’t rag on 2 servers, just TC. Plus if finding fun for you and your server is just rolling over an extremely undermanned server rather then fighting a dug in force (as you claim FA is) then that tells me all I need to know about your server. Talk about running away from a challenge to go for easy mode. Grats.

so…instead of respecting SoS and fighting them no matter what…you would rather show you complete disrespect by just leaving you alone at all times, under manned or over manned? we aren’t ragging on a server that’s undermanned at all times, we’re treating you like we do FA when we fight. In that..if numbers are low, we’ll attack. It’s not a “challenge” for us to siege up a tower for 2 hours while 20ish FA sit in it with AC’s waiting, thats called no fun lol.

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


and Pickle, was that just now you and your crew at north camp in tcbl? if so…sawry!

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


PICKLE!!! and we can’t have him…but maybe BG can? too soon? haha, but anyways, wuzzup Pickle? you win the award for best name ever

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


Here’s what I’ve gotten from the Hadan convo…“We’re not provoking anything and we’re pro’s” that being said…“let’s provoke everything and claim we’re the most elite guild ever and no one can beat us unless they’re hiding behind zergs and in zergling guilds and zerg zerg zerg zerg zerg zerg zerg”

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


Very impressive by TC right now. Match is over, few hours left, SOS have like 10 people in EB yet TC rather then fight FA has to take everything from SOS. Way to pad your stats guys!!! Anyone who has respect for a server like that has to be joking. Always fights the undermanned team, never the one that would give them a bout.

It’s really got nothing to do with that…a. we are taking fa stuff in eb, but yeah…we’re gonna take the stuff that’s easier to take, thats just called World versus World. It’s not about demolishing the underdog near the end, it’s just about our EB crew trying to find what fun they can. If FA is gonna turtle in their keeps/tower, they just gonna go somewhere else to find fun lol.
Edit: instead of trying to rag on 2 servers for “trying to take out the underdog” or whatever…feel proud of your server that you managed to do pretty well and keep up competition against two tier 2 servers. I know it’s gained a lot of respect for you from TC, try not to kill that by trying to be petty

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


on a random note…I was on youtube watching something else when a gw2 video popped up that was a tutorial for dagger/dagger thieves…it was 55 minutes long. I didn’t know it took 55 minutes to teach mashing ur face on your keyboard.

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


Lemme say this…the fact that you seem you aren’t always the preferred target has nothing to do with you being the “smaller guy”. It’s got more to do with well…lets call it a dynamic relationship with FA. We just want some time apart from each other but the stupid teacher’s just keep putting us together for projects.

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

WvW Map Completion(sarcastic kinda)

in WvW

Posted by: Coinin.2590


So…here’s what I’ve come to the conclusion that goes on in the head’s of a lot of PvE’rs that come into WvW for map completion only to find that the tower they need isn’t there:
“Omg omg omg omg…how can I finish my map completion?! Shouldn’t completion for WvW only take me like 20 minutes?! I mean…I finished the rest of the map in like….16 hours, so why can’t I get all the vista’s/POI’s/Skill points for these three maps in only 20 minutes?!”
Wait…what do you mean that tower isn’t ours! GO send all your forces commander to take that tower no matter the risk so that I then afterwards just walk in after standing inside a keep the whole time and get my vista! I mean…I shouldn’t actually HAVE to participate in WvW in order to get map completion…the WvWer’s should just always own everything!. Why can’t we just swap colors every week so that we can log on and in 5 minutes have everything we need?!

Finally I got the map completion! I was standing at hills for 3 hours begging pple to take that tower and I finally tricked a few of them to take it (haha I told them the gates were open, totally schooled those noobs). Now I’m outta here for good!!

2 Months later when making Legendary:
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN I NEED 500 BADGES OF HONOR?!” I shouldn’t have to WvW to get a legendary!! Geez I already did the map completion! I shouldn’t have actually needed to help the zergs
*please note this does not represent all PvE’rs who actually come in and help, just those that have been whining more and more about how it’s to “hard” to get WvW map completion..i mean…there’s no Dulfy guide to helping out a zerg so what gives?!


Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


Dear FA in SoSBL Garisson,
Why must you keep killing me in my dolyak greatness? can’t you just see I want to say hello?

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


Dear FA in SoSbl…,
I love you so much, but when I try and run into your spawn tower in my little quaggan form you attack me, you try to kill me, and I was just trying to say hello in my cutest form
A very sad quaggan

Some people look at quaggans and see ‘cute’, others look at them and see a big, colourful loot bag turned sideways with a face drawn on. You can see how this might lead to confusion…

Personally I’m more sympathetic to asura, it looks so cruel when you’ve got one or more huge characters beating one to death, and in downed state it yells in this pitiful voice, ’I’m hurt! Help me!’ only to die alone and forgotten.

That may be true…but this little asuran packs quite the punch…typically more than a few FA can handle

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


Dear FA in SoSbl…,
I love you so much, but when I try and run into your spawn tower in my little quaggan form you attack me, you try to kill me, and I was just trying to say hello in my cutest form
A very sad quaggan

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


Eh, pretty sure we’re not running at 100% this week. Lord knows I have been too busy/cranky to command much.

Seen a lot of TC focusing FA over the past couple days. Make sure we give SoS some love too! :-P

But…but…we don’t have fistacuff’s with SoS yet….okay…here’s what we’ll do!! This is to you SoS:

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

(edited by Coinin.2590)

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


I think it’s funny how since we’re all getting a long now in this tier (at least compared to weeks before) SoR people have to now come and try and stir up drama since they got nothin better to do.

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


I will take a look at one match because it point’s out a big flaw. It can penalize server’s for winning and doing well against a tougher matchup, and reward those who can breeze through a match up without any competition.

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


I am so proud to be part of SoS. It has not gained 1, not 2, but 3 whole ranks! Last time we fought in tier 2 it was when our spirit was completely broken but this time it is so different.

There’s some QQ’ing about the new matchups, but SoS is the epitome of what ANet intended with the new system. Lower tier servers taking rank from higher tier ones they otherwise would have never fought, and vice versa, both shaking up and balancing out the tiers better.

I think once the dust settles and we’ve had a few weeks of this, and people get a feel for how the increased short-term randomness contributes to longer term ranking accuracy, it will generally be considered an improvement.

I would agree with that…if the numbers really made much sense. If we look at how the current rating are, yeah SoS will gain some rating by being beat by us. But TC is standing on losing a good deal of rating, EVEN IF WE WIN. As such, Dragonbrand will be pulling ahead to rank 4 above TC because they are gaining a lot of rating because they are basically demolishing a tier 3 and a tier 5 servers. It shakes up the rating’s sure…but not based on playing skill, more based on luck.

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coinin.2590


thanks for the Bay Waypoint FA!! <3

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer