Showing Posts For Colton Bole.7015:

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

Stack Runes of Melandru on top of Dogged March for extra hilarity at watching slows and stuns slide right off of you.

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

11/10, would main engineer for this kit.

Also an idea – for the third skill, saw juggle, instead of just throwing the chainsaw, how about the model for the kit has two parallel blades and it fires one of them, which then returns? That way the engineer wouldn’t look silly if he attacks while the chainsaw’s bouncing around enemies.

Just a visual idea.

I wish they would nerf my Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

If Hundred Blades gets changed to be used while moving, I’ll come back to playing my warrior immediately. I don’t care if the damage gets nerfed as a cost to do so – I love the greatsword moveset for warrior to death, and I hate how it’s just a sad joke in PVP these days.

Nobleman's Heavy Armor Skin Issue?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

My thoughts exactly, Lutharr. When leveling up, I was so excited to use that cool plate armor that I saw so many guards using…then I saw what we get and was very disappointed.

Nobleman's Heavy Armor Skin Issue?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

So I’ve noticed this a while back and I’m sure many others have too, but I figured I’d at least vocalize my thoughts about it. The Nobleman’s heavy armor set from Caudecus Manor is cool as hell, I’m not arguing that. But my question?

Why is it so dirty in comparison to the same armor set that the NPCs are wearing? Check it:

NPC Nobleman’s Armor:

Player’s Nobleman’s Armor:

It’s quite a distinct visual difference, and you can’t mix it with other armor sets seamlessly due to how dirty it is. Is this intended? An oversight?

My suggestion is that the current skin on the CM vendor gets replaced with the more polished, cleaner looking version. I’d love to use the armor as part of my visual style, but not if it stands out all tarnished and beaten in comparison to the rest of my armor, and I’m sure many other players might agree.

Moa Morph is the definition of an IWIN button

in Mesmer

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

Moa Morph is powerful. VERY powerful in smaller scale PVP, but it loses effectiveness in two ways:

1.) The player can flee and avoid combat once he’s moa’d. I know I haven’t died to being moa’d in a while thanks to being able to flee.

2.) In large scale PVP, taking one person temporarily out of commission for some seconds is rather lackluster (in most cases), especially when compared to group-wide quickness or stealth that other elite skills bring to the table.

Although it’s annoying when you’re turned into the kitten bird, it’s definitely able to be dealt with. I wouldn’t call it anywhere near an I WIN button unless we’re talking about 1v1 PVP, which the game isn’t balanced around anyways.

Please Explain The Patchnotes

in Guardian

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

Good god, guys, come on.

100% retaliation uptime is something that eventually needed to be fixed. Adapt; Learn when to apply a burst of retaliation if you’re expecting an onslaught of attacks instead of relying on it to just be up 90% of the time. The changes didn’t screw us over that hard, and this is coming from someone whose guardian is rather retal-heavy.

Guardians are still a beast of a profession. These changes aren’t the end of the world.

(edited by Colton Bole.7015)

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

I can’t unsee Pig Pen now that you’ve labeled it such.

Mesmer Chicken elite

in PvP

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

Admittedly I haven’t died to moa form in a while either. In smaller-scale fights, though, I don’t think it’s behind the other two.

If it’s a 2v2 over a single point in sPVP, for instance, taking one of the opposing two players effectively out of the fight for ~10 seconds can be incredibly powerful.

Mesmer Chicken elite

in PvP

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

I could peck their eyes out! I COULD APPLY A BLIND!

Mesmer Chicken elite

in PvP

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

It’s their elite skill. A kitten good one at that.

Do what you can to attempt to dodge them since you can still do that in moa form – unfortunately that’s about ALL you can do.

Would be cool if they gave the moa form actual, useful abilities though…just make them unwieldy.

Please give us spvp gear progression. 10% difference from baseline-best.

in PvP

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

I get the distinct feeling that “someone” in this thread is a little butt-hurt that they got beaten by a player who didn’t look as bad kitten as them.

Guardian with longbow

in Guardian

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

The existing ranged weapons are decent. However we lack a REAL option for ranged gameplay; the scepter, despite being 1200 range, is far too easily dodged.

Longbow would fit perfectly – we even have a spirit weapon version of it, so why not allow us the real thing?

"Inspect" functionality

in Suggestions

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

There’s no reason that an inspect feature shouldn’t be implemented at one point.

Rangers using guns.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

Rifles at the very least fit the idea of a ranger perfectly, in my opinion. If it does eventually show up as a weapon for them however, it’d likely show up in an expansion or something. It doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that Anet would put in a simple content patch.

…unless they want to blindside us with awesome, that is.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

Posting again now that the ticket’s 5 days old properly, instead of 4 days and 20 or so hours.

[Display Name: rekohunter.3659]
[Incident: 120908-005311]

Some sort of status update would be nice.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

This ticket turns 5 days old in a few hours, so it’s close enough.

[Display Name: rekohunter.3659]
[Incident: 120908-005311]

This is my friend’s ticket and account name, since he can’t login to his account to ask for assistance himself. He has been very patient and at the very least wants some kind of human response. It would be greatly appreciated if you could look into his ticket soon.

Thanks Anet. I know your support team must be stretched thin, but it’s appreciated.

Thank you, ArenaNet.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

Just hold out and transfer sometime when it’s less busy. It’ll have free room eventually. Maybe transfer to another American server in the meantime.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

Posting this here on behalf of a friend since his account is compromised and he’s unable to log in.

[Display Name: rekohunter.3659]
[Incident: 120908-005311]

“Hacked account. Unable to log in. No response from support.”