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Spirit Weapon idea

in Guardian

Posted by: Crazy Chris.9241

Crazy Chris.9241

Spirit weapon builds aren’t what they once were since the weapons got health bars. The reasoning for the absence health in the first place was because the weapons had short durations. Most other classes in the game have some sort of pet avaliable to them and they are permanent once summoned. What I would like to suggest is that the duration times be taken away since the weapons now have health. I wouldnt be opposed if the weapons didn’t have out of combat regen since the weapon abilities are quite strong. Thoughts?

Minon master post patch

in Necromancer

Posted by: Crazy Chris.9241

Crazy Chris.9241

It seems that mm got a lot more viable after the patch with out of combat regen being added and what seems to be more responsive AI. I only played around with it for a few mins is spvp and was wondering if anyone would like to share their experiences in pve, wvw, tpvp, etc.

Are legendary weapons too over the top?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crazy Chris.9241

Crazy Chris.9241

You do realize that Eternity is the same as twilight and sunrise right particle effects and all. I don’t think it has footsteps yet, but that will most assuredly change. I think most people would agree that minstrel and meteorlogicus are just ridiculous. Biforst leaves a trail of rainbows, which a lot of people don’t find attractive. I’m not even considering underwater legendary for the sheer fact that they are uw weapons which you use maybe 15% of game time.

I’ll give you Rodgort, Flameseeker, and Moot. Juggernaunt would be amazing without footsteps/silver flying everywhere.

Are legendary weapons too over the top?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crazy Chris.9241

Crazy Chris.9241

The only reason I am even crafting a legendary is for the stupid greyed out box on the log in screen. If Anet decided to let that fill in with particular mystic forge weapons I would forget about a legendary in a heartbeat. I mean some of them are pretty ridiculous in what it takes to craft them. Flameseeker prophesies is a great example of what a legendary should be in my opinion. It is simple, detailed, has awesome effects, but isn’t completely overwhelming. Problem for me is that I’m a guardian and I would have aegis covering it up all the time.

Are legendary weapons too over the top?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crazy Chris.9241

Crazy Chris.9241

I’m about to finally craft my legendary, but I’m having trouble deciding which one to craft. The problem is that almost every legendary is crazy over the top with animations or the skin is something out of a cartoon show. Why can’t some of the legendary weapons just be a simple skin with one or two cool effects. Example the sword Infinite Light in my opinion looks awesome, aside from being long and skinny, but take that sword add an aura around the player and you have a neat legendary that isn’t crazy over the top. We don’t need footprints, particle trails etc. At least give us the option to turn this stuff off. Sunrise and Twilight would be much better in my opinion with just the aura and the cool looking blade. The particle trail and footprints are absurd.

The animations on some of the weapons actually interferes with gameplay in my opinion. The game relies on timing and dodging, but how can you do that when two guys with twilight are hitting you and all you see is black particle effects?

Just my two cents. I’m sure people will come post to say “it’s a legendary it’s supposed to be over the top.” Well true, but does it have to annoy everyone else in the game?

Bandits Spamming Launch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crazy Chris.9241

Crazy Chris.9241

So I was about to rage because I was getting decimated by these bandits. At first I thought well I always have stability with my guardian so maybe that was the reason. Then one proceeds to electrify me 4 times in a row and I knew something was up.

Ascended rings with different stats

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Crazy Chris.9241

Crazy Chris.9241

I don’t understand why all of the crafted sets stat distributions weren’t included. Those are the stats that are most common since people can craft those. By not including all of the basic stat sets people are being forces into less than optimal builds.

My personal opinion is that ANet should have just added an infusion slot that gave the agony resistance plus a small +5 to any stat (power, precision, vit, toughness). A simple system would have been that there was no new rings, but you had to attain the materials needed for the ascension process then the item would be ascended by combining all the materials much like it is now. This way crafting would still be useful and we would have the customization with gems that we had before the new rings/back items. As stands now crafting is only good for making items you then put into the mystic forge. The biggest advantage however would be that casual players who don’t want to grind would still have max gear minus the infusion stat. Yes they would be a a very slight disadvantage, but people who play more should probably have a very small advantage.

Ascended rings with different stats

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Crazy Chris.9241

Crazy Chris.9241

I have the same problem, but with knights gear rings. They simply do not exist which is disappointing. I don’t need a ring with crazy condition dmg, power, or crit dmg on my guardian.

Ascended Rings

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Crazy Chris.9241

Crazy Chris.9241

I’m thinking that the rings that give all stats might be the most worthwhile rings out there simply because they offer the best balance. If you fall into one of our situations you cannot get your desired stat distribution without changing all of your gear’s stats which may be a huge waste with the impending ascended armor to come. I don’t get why ascended armor couldn’t be just an infusion upgrade slot that you needed to add to each piece of gear through mystic forge crafting using the ascension gift and other materials. This would give progression without ruining everyone’s gear, crafting, and still allow for the customization we have with gems, crests, runes, etc. Each time you ascend a piece of gear it would be stronger than the exotic version only by the agony mechanic and a little +5 to one stat.

Ascended Rings

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Crazy Chris.9241

Crazy Chris.9241

Not sure if this is in the right fourm or not, but here it goes. The ascended rings have all kinds of stat distributions which is great. I’m just wondering why they did not include at least one ring that follows the knights gear stats (power, precision, toughness) that many people have crafted already and are wearing. People in this category are forced to switch their entire gear around in order to achieve the same stats or use the rings that provide cond. dmg, precision, and toughness, but cond. dmg is useless to some classes and builds. Any thoughts?

Ideal Dungeon Group Composition(s)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Crazy Chris.9241

Crazy Chris.9241

The reason I have a ranger over and ele is simply because of the pet. The pet soaks up some dmg, can rez in a pinch, and they provide an extra cc or skill depending on the pet. Both classes heal well enough but when taking skill levels into account its much more likely to find a competent ranger than an ele. The attunement system makes getting the most out of an ele hard.

Ideal Dungeon Group Composition(s)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Crazy Chris.9241

Crazy Chris.9241

Just wondering why some people thought ideal group comps were. Obviously there are many answers here just wanted to see the differences in opinions. I ideally like Guardian for defensive buffs/projectile blocking, necro for support/condition management, ranger for ranged dps, support, and healing, mesmer for clone support/tanking, and warrior for offensive buffs. Of course I will take a skilled player of another class before a bad player of a class I listed.