Astralporing.1957If you can’t remember, we have raids now exactly because some players, instead of playing with the entire community, preferred to isolate themselves from it, and asked Anet to help them with that.
Agree. If you look at the way the raids are designed and if you look at the devs. statements you will see that this content was designed only for a few. Few discontent players. Unable to find pleasure in playing the game along with all the other “scrubs” (or commoners or unskilled or lazy ppl). And asking for something only for them.
Is hilarious to see them now claiming that the raids are for the entire community. If someone forgot, please read again and again the devs. statements regarding the raids. As being designed to be completed only by the best/dedicated … etc players. ONLY. This means all the community?
TexZero.7910Chill the crusade down there. You guys get 4 new maps and stories and you want more.
The raid isn’t taking anything away from you as a player. It’s your choice to either raid with the entire community or isolate yourself from it.
May I ask you if someone of the devs stated that the new 4 maps are only for the non raiders? And the raiders are not allowed (because of the mechanics / protection procedures etc) to play the new maps?
And YES, the raids took from me the legendary armor. Because of that “only by the best/dedicated/ … etc” from the devs statements, it means that not all will be able to complete the raids. And that means the legendary armor has been taken away from a lot of players even before the HoT start. By design!
Feanor.2358Just to clarify, if you got told to either play along or get out, you very clearly were actively hindering someone from having their fun.
What a brilliant example of logic!
If the developers cannot keep the scrubs away, then we (The Chosen) should take the problem and solve it: “Play with me or go out! If you dare to question the raids, leave the game!”
How can a player hinder you from having fun in such a way you advise him to leave the game?
Or only expressing an opinion different of yours means a capital sin? And the sinner should be banned?
For the Legendary Trinket not the price seems wrong to me but the fact you can only craft one trinket. Why only one? You cannot sell it. You cannot affect the game economy by crafting one for each of your characters. ANet encourages the players to set-up several characters. I will have 9 lvl 80 – one for each profession. And I want to give to each of them legendary trinkets – a full set of legendary trinkets. How long may take this? I don’t know? 3 years, 5 years? 10 years? No matter. This game will not end tomorrow and I will have a long term goal. But now? Only one trinket per account? I found this to be a bad joke.
Ithilwen.1529… It’s a rather petty god who can be defeated by essentially one human… If that is the case, what use is he anyway? and why should I fear him?
This is my opinion too. Keeping the title of “god” for these …. alien beings is useless. As long they can be defeated by mortals and their powers absorbed, the “gods” are primary targets for all the tyrian adventurers.
The mortals interfering in the gods business (and being successful in defeating them?) …. hm, once it may be tolerated. With divine allies and with a great amount of luck / lore writers help /etc we can admit this. ONCE.
What is hard understandable is why the “gods” did not fight themselves with the rebel Abadon and instead relied on a mortal help to finish him?
No matter the reason but if another “god” will be defeated by us, then GW2 will became a god hunt festival.
In the beginning we had the gods as GODS – intangible entities with an existence and purposes over any human mind understanding and the Dragons – insanely strong beings, able to destroy the life on the planet but with understandable reasons and moreover, beings we can fight. And defeat.
Unfortunately ANet lore team left this path and mixed the Dragons and the gods in the same soup.
I completely agree with the OP. On this forum, some persons are posting their personal thoughts, suggestions or simply what they found in the game and seems as a bug / glitch etc. Sometimes they express they feelings regarding ANet decisions.
Some persons instead posts on this forum in such a manner that makes the others think an ANet spokesperson is posting. If true, it may be correct to sign this kind of posts with ANet name.
“This is likely on the bottom of Anet’s list of priorities right now.” – well, we know this very well. And this is the reason the suggestions appears. To signal ANet that the players have different priorities. ANet can chose to ignore the signal, of course. But they stated once that they learned the lesson. (the lesson of HoT, when the players were completely ignored in favor of some obscure commercial schemes). So, the statement “This is likely on the bottom of Anet’s list of priorities right now.” cannot be an argument. I can see it as an assessment of ANet position in that moment. I expect the users of this kind of assessment to develop the post – with some arguments and suggestions of how to change this. Or if the suggestion debated is not agreed to tell why. Any statement involving ANet is not valid if not coming from ANet.
How we know that even the lowest priority can become a higher priority if properly signaled and demanded by the players? Look at the WvW and PvP armors (stat changeable) – the initial ANet position was that no other armor of this kind will be in the game. Look at the mounts – no mounts ever was the initial attitude. And so on.
So, again – I completely agree with the OP. Such kind of statements makes a deservice to the entire community. If this kind of statements don’t come from an ANet representative, that means it can be a wrong opinion. And the difference between this kind of statements and an opinion coming from a player regarding the game is that the player can be wrong regarding a bug in the game. Or demanding too much regarding a certain aspect (graphics / accessibility etc). This is what we should debate. But a statement implying ANet (Anet time / Anet priorities / ANet workforce distribution on projects / ANet funds ? dedicated to one project) can be wrong also and this can make a lot of players to lose their confidence in ANet.
Feanor.2358Except you can’t. You can buy most of the achievements, but not all of them. Also buying 150 LI would be ridiculously expensive, so while it is possible in theory, it is more likely for someone to hit the 2k rank in WvW by pressing ‘1’ than doing it.
Let’s see – I saw a lot of comments on the Forum regarding the Raids – how easy are the raids and that anybody can do the raids – but because the players are lazy / filthy casuals / not dedicated (to the cause? ) etc they prefer to cry and not to work hard for the legendary. The general opinion regarding the raids (veterans opinion) is that the longest time needed to learn the mechanics was for the first wing. After that, less and less time was necessary – the last wing they say needed around 3 hours to master.
With this little time you consider the raiders to be the best possible players in the game, the top of the top regarding the skill – by playing few hours to learn the mechanics of the bosses.
On the other hand – a player playing WvW to reach lvl 2 000 is unskilled because he only press 1 to do that. REALLY ? This is what you think? Do you ever calculated how long it takes to reach lvl 2000? On an average WvW server? A person who don’t like the WvW will never reach lvl 2 000 – no matter the reward. You cannot have so strong nerves to endure something you don’t like for so long time. And you cannot buy this – no matter what- you should do this by yourself.
So, I think it is clear for you – the lvl 2000 WvW-ers are dedicated players. Dedicated to WvW and not to raid.
And in this so long time, playing a game mode they like, you consider that they learn nothing regarding the class they use, regarding the fight, regarding the tactics?
I will reveal you a secret: In WvW you don’t have few mechanics you can learn in 2-3 hours of try and wipe. Every encounter has its own specific, every siege is different according on what side of the wall you are, every 1vs1 is different – depending of the classes, build used, opponent skill, terrain etc. You cannot memorize the WvW as you do with a raid boss.
You see – only by reaching lvl 2000 a WvW player invested more effort and dedication than any raider fighting 100 minutes per week.
And a last comparation between the Raid requirements for Legendary and WvW requirements:
Without the weekly cap for LI, a dedicated team of raiders can have the 150 LI for the first set in 2, maximum 3 days. This is ALL the “great” effort for acquiring the LI for the legendary.
I saw here a lot of suggestions from the raiders about the gifts for WvW armor, and how difficult and how gated should be these gifts. In my opinion the cost for upgrading the precursors to the WvW armor should be symbolic. Minimal at best. Because only to acquire the precursor is already a much much much greater effort than the legendary Raid armor. Not mentioning about the lack of “shiny” of the WvW armor.
I think this made it clear – the WvW armor is not shiny, not “prestigious” as the Raid armor. That means the WvW players will craft it because they need it – the functional side is important here.
UnbentMars.9126I predict that we will kill Balthazar and Rytlock will take his power to become the new god of war, Kormir-style. Rytlock clearly already knows something that he will FINALLY reveal to us as he mentions it in the trailer, and who else is kitten enough to take that kind of power (besides the PC, but we all know Anet won’t let us do that).
LOOOL ! I was tempted to make a troll post having the same theme: An atheistic Charr needing no gods becoming the God of War and being worshiped by the former enemy of his race !! His own race, will react also against the poor new God by declaring him a renegade and putting a bounty on his head :-)) This will mark the beginning of the true alliance between Humans and Chars both seeking the God of War in order to exterminate him.
But, being serious, another God killed / terminated / absorbed / annihilated by mortals will signal to all the mortals that the Gods are perfect target to the adventurers / heroes desiring great power or immortality. The kings also may desire the powers of a god. This will turn GW in a god hunt.
As for Abadon – from the lore I consider him the only god being on the humans side and carrying of the humans. The Forgotten killed the Abadon followers because they vandalized the faces of the other gods statues. The Forgotten – designed by the gods as watchers / protectors for the humans and not as judge and police force. Abadon punished the Forgotten for their abominable deed – killing the beings they should protect – and this was the reason the gods started the war against Abadon. So, until now Abadon was the god of the Humans and the other gods were the gods of the Forgotten.
The lore team stated that Abadon is gone for good. But it seems that the lore team was replaced. And – in my opinion – if we should battle the gods, is preferable to fight as an Abadon ally against the other gods. Because it seems the other gods are not the gods of the humans. And they have a long history of betrayal – see the Jotun legends about the gods and the giant races.
I like the idea that Lazarus is not Lazarus but Balthazar. And if Balthazar is not Balthazar but Abadon?
Abadon was the god of the deep secrets – maybe a secret not known even by the lore writers may allow him to come back.
3.) Raiding does not take more effort, time, or coordination than other game modes.
Yes it does, in regards to the special rewards. You can grind the WvW armor by following a tag and pressing ‘1’. It’s a very real possibility. Yes, not all the WvW players do that and yes, it is not much fun. But you can do it.
You can also buy the raids and obtain the LI without even pressing 1. Yes, not all the players do that, and yes, it is not much fun. But is easy and fast and you can do it. I bet that not too many of the raid buyers will start a WvW armor. Because it is not as easy as buying a raid – for this you should be there for hours and actually to do something.
Satenia.9025When it comes to obtaining rewards – such as the legendary armor – raiding sure does take more effoft. Ironically, pve/raiding is now the only game mode where you actually have to be successful in order to get legendary armor. That’s right, you can get it in both WvW and PvP through failure. That you have to fight other players instead of “dumb” AI is entirely irrelevant because you don’t have to win against those players.
A new player of the game may take your words as true. But I play this game for a while and I know a bit about WvW and Raids. To cap the LI for a week – and supposing you have a fix experienced group – you need to win 13 fights (8 minutes each). That means 104 minutes – under 2 hours. This is the hard work – less than 2 hours per week. I saw a lot of ppl saying that they can beat any encounter in 8-7-6 players or if they are 10 the fight is over with a lot of time to spare. So, even 2 hours sounds exaggerated.
Let’s see the WwW – you have a tick for pips at every 5 minutes. If you play on a server without a great WwW activity you can end having 2-3 pips every 5 minutes. You will need around 3 hours only for the Wood Chests. Not counting how long you need to cap the tickets. Probably 25-30 hours. That means around 4 hours per day / every day. Compare this with less than 2 hours per week.
I don’t know how many PvP encounters you had, but – at least for me – the human opponents were by far more difficult to fight than any AI driven monster. Maybe because the humans are more intelligent than the AI?
draxynnic.3719In Sea of Sorrows, Livia makes it clear that the Shining Blade is dedicated to the Krytan monarchy, not to the individual who happens to be occupying the throne at the time. They can, and do, defy the monarch if they feel that the monarch is putting the interests of Kryta at risk, and this is particularly so if they feel that the monarch might be putting the continued rule of the royal family at risk.
I truly hope you are wrong. Because if true, that means the Blades are the true rulers of Kryta.
Is the same as saying that the Police Force in one country is dedicated to maintain the order in the country. And if they feel that a President is not good enough for this or that a President may not serve the purpose of maintaining the order in the country they may take action against him. Keeping the President as institution but eliminating the person they don’t like.
If the Blades are not a merely tool for the monarch and they have even the slightest degree of initiative (regarding the Monarch) based on what they feel, that means Kryta is no more a Monarchy. It is an anarchy.
I find a much better situation to have Jennah as a Tyrant than to have the Blades as the secret organization deciding who will be the Monarch, what kind of politics the Monarch is allowed to make, deciding when a Monarch should be replaced etc. All of this based on what they feel.
Taking the definitions into account, then Jennah is indeed a dictator. He has the absolute power and nobody can challenge this.
We found that the Shining Blade is a secret order at least of the same magnitude and power as Vigils / Durmand Priory / Order of Whispers. They know things unknown to the Order of Whispers. They have artifacts and technology at least on the same level with the Durmand Priory. And the military strength of the Blades is as great as the Vigils. The blades alone solved the attack of the White Mantles – and the Mantles were strong enough to stir trouble all over Tyria after surviving undetected for so long time.
And the purpose of the Blades is to get rid of the Mursaats and to protect the Royal family of Kryta. Now the last Mursaat is dead. The only reason to exist for the Blades is to protect the Royal family. Now the royal family of Kryta is represented by Jennah. And Jennah has under hers command a powerful organization having one single reason for existence – to keep the queen safe :-))
They have no interest in Tiria – they don’t participate in the effort of defeating the Dragons – the safety of the Royal family is over any other reasons. Even the safety of the planet comes second.
Again – Jennah commands this force. She can very easily disband any form of Ministry / Parliament without any fear. In this moment she holds the entire power in Kryta. And she can use it without giving any explanation.
She had the power all the times – how many times the Blades took orders from a Ministry?
The last episode gives us some answers and let some other questions still open:
1. Anisse is not Lysa :-)) From the Commander comments regarding the respect Anisse shows to Livia, I can understand that Anisse is not a god.
2. Braham missed Jormag – as long Jormag is in the lake he is safe.
3. Now is clear: The Dragon Watch, the new guild of the Commander is in fact a two man team. One in the field, the second being the telecom. responsible.
Not answered questions:
1. What happened with Marjory? How is Kasmeer?
2. The fate of Rytlock? He is in the Black Citadel for a long time. Is he in jail for unsubordination?
3. Caithe is still alive? Logan? Is he the Marshall now? What is with Zojja?
3. The reason Balthazar is behaving like he behaves. Are the other gods responsible for his state now? Is he battling a personal enemy other than the gods?
4. What was the point of this trip in Orr? Nothing was related with Balthazar in the story. We found no clues regarding him. If you change the location from Orr to any other location, you will have the same result – nothing related with the story (Balthazar or the Dragons).
5. What is the role of the Shining Blades in the future? The leaders are not completely sane persons: What mindset should one have to resurrect a dead enemy only to kill him again? Only to be able to "spit in his face all the hate …. " as Anisse stated?
About this episode:
1. Story: 4/10.
2. New map (including the JP): 8/10
3. New features: 7/10. Despite the new (and good) changes to the storage, the grade is not higher because I’m disappointed you cannot craft the Legendary amulet for several toons.
The new legendary weapons / trinkets being account bound … no issue here – at least for me.
What I don’t really understand is why you can craft only one single item from these HoT legendary? Being account bound means you cannot flood the market with countless legendary items. But why you have no right to craft several times the same item? It is clearly designed for personal use. The crafter cannot turn the item into gold. So, why only one?
For example, despite the high price I want to craft the legendary amulet for all my lvl 80 characters. Why only one? This solves nothing – I still should remember where is the amulet, to change character, to put the amulet in the shared slot etc.
For a clarification – I don’t give even a penny for the skins. When crafting legendaries I take in consideration only the functionality.
Doflamingo.6957With the recent leaks about the new GW2 expansion its not easy to understand who is the next elder dragon is or if there will be one in this expansion
In my opinion, with the knowledge we got in the last episode, the elder Dragons became a dead end from the story point of view. We can kill them (see Zhaitan and Mordy) but we cannot afford to kill them now – see Taimi’s “revelation” after consulting the magic globe …. sorry, the simulation in the magic computer. Or the fortune teller? Not important – the important think is that we can kill them now only if we want a grandious suicide.
So, inserting an Elder Dragon now means to put us into an impossible situation: we can fight a dragon but with care, being cautious to not kill it. Sending the dragon to sleep is a temporary solution – it will awake again. Again fight, again send the dragon to sleep?
Nothing to win for the heroes and for Tyria. Everything to loose in case of failure.
So, unless Taimi was wrong, the Elder Dragons way is closed for the story.
I wonder if the idea of Pact is still a valid one: Eliminating the dragon menace was something all the nations in Tyria agreed. Is somehow questionable that the Pact can be used as it is now against a god. Not all the nations in Tyria share the same concept regarding the gods.
So, in my opinion, we will have no Elder Dragon in the expansion. The absurd situation of fighting a dragon without having the freedom to kill it put us in the Sisif posture: repeating a task ever and ever, without completing it.
Valzacard.1028I love how you keep going on and going about how selfish 50+ people wants to join in on meta and pretend that people are insulting you.
LOL !! What a perfect example of HoT “thinking” :-)))
You see, this was the point of this post, the OP asked this: “Since we cannot fight the system and ANet apparently won’t do anything about it, if you’re commanding on a full map, please remove your squad from LFG so other maps can have a freaking chance.”.
Exactly what the OP says – the +50 people on a map are deceived to believe that a “meta” map is more important because of the LFG messages existing even after the meta map is full. And instead of organizing themselves into a successful map they try and try to join a full map. Missing the chance to try to do the event in their own map. Why? Because some commanders prefers to deceive a lot of players hoping that maybe 1 or 2 will leave the meta map. INCREDIBLE!
And here are still defenders of the message left on LFG after the map is full.
Well, in my opinion this kind of message is a lie. And the commanders knowing that the map is full but keeping the LFG are a kind of trolls. They are fully aware that a lot of people will try to get in that map without success, and because of the message, other maps having the potential to complete the event will fail, but they still don’t cancel the message. And calling the players doing in that map other activity than the meta “selfish”.
Question for the Commanders: Why are you tagging up? Just to have a sign over the head?
Being aware of the status of the map or being able to decide if you should jump to another map (if you are a commander you should be able to have your squad to follow you) are commanders responsibility. You skip these.
It seems that by keeping the LFG you only organize the failure of other maps.
demitel.1340Collect at least 100 Dragon Chests and open them all in a row, you are almost guaranteed to get Tequatl’s Hoard. I got two and one random Ascended chest, now I have total of four Weapons of the Sunless.
I already done this. 102 Dragon Chests to be exactly. Not only I received no Tequatl Hoard, I found not even one ascendant chest. The result was: 102 open / zero ascendant.
It may be a bad luck for me, but now, reading this post I recall I dropped a total of 2 Hoards from around 500 kills (like the OP). So, taking this into account I don’t want to complain of bad luck anymore. Others are even more unlucky.
MoarChaos.8320To me it just opens a bad door of make this skin easier and this one and this one.
To make a short comparation: +500 Chests means almost 1,5 years of killing Tequatl daily.
To make the legendary armor the first raiders worked 1,5 years also – but for a full set.
I don’t know how many persons will exchange a full set of legendary armor for a Tequatl weapon.
What makes this weaponset so special to be on pair to a complete set of legendary armor?
Crinn.7864I’m pretty sure the Six are not derived from any combo of Christianity and Star Trek. The Six are derived from the Greek Pantheon. There are simply too many parallels. For example the destruction wrought when the Gods first gave magic to the humans parallels the Greek legend of Pandora almost perfectly. The interaction between the Six and the humans mirrors how the Greek gods behaved. Moreover the Six gods each having different domains mirrors how the pagan gods have different domains. Christianity has none of those properties.
Also PSA to the people in this thread. It’s “god” not “God” you only capitalize god if you are using god as the name. The only religions where you actually use “God” as a proper name are the three Abrahamic religions. A member of the Six is referred to as “a god.”
Well, " Pandora was created by Hephaestus and Athena, following the instructions of Zeus, who wanted to punish Prometheus for stealing the fire from the gods to give it to humans" ( . She was created as a human woman. Your analogy with Pandora is not accurate, because you should find a reason why the Tyrian gods wanted to punish the livings.
About the way I use the words “god” and “God”:
In my opinion (and this is a personal opinion) a true God is an entity transcending anything a simply mortal can be or ever become. This entity needs no name, thus in this case the term “God” is its name. This entity is, no matter if the mortals acknowledge it as a God or not. He is not evil, nor good because his reasons are beyond the mortals understanding. And this kind of entities usually creates.
The true Gods cannot be classified in stronger / weaker Gods, because that means we can judge or comprehend them. This is impossible.
Again, this is my opinion.
In the Star Trek universe (and sadly, in the GW2 too), the gods are powerful beings, having a lot of knowledge, with a long lifespan etc. These beings can be defeated and humans can became as them too. These beings are considered gods by some of the Tyrian livings. For these beings a name is needed to identify them: We have the god Balthazar, goddess Dwayna etc. This is the reason I use the term “god” when speaking about The Six.
Funny, but the Mursaats acted as gods of humans for a while :-))
draxynnic.3719On the origin – I think Tyria and other worlds were spontaneously created through the mindless creative energy of the Mists. Upon Tyria, six ‘domains’ were formed and, at some point in Tyria’s history, each was claimed by a dragon, creating the Elder Dragons. Somewhere else – perhaps on the human homeworld, perhaps on some other world, perhaps in the Mists themselves – another six such domains formed. Either these domains were claimed by the beings that would be the ultimate predecessors of the Six Gods, or they formed with their own sapience and form and did not need to be claimed to be the first gods, but these are the domains that have been passed down* to the Six Gods we speak of today.
If your hypothesis is true (I mean if the lore writer(s) had this idea in mind when designing the story), that means the Dragons and The six are the same thing for their worlds: A regulating mechanism for the evolution cycle of their respective Universe. That explain why the Six are so careful to replace any fallen/ banished god with another entity – to keep the balance in their world. And why they are always six – no other domain is free.
This also means that the six are the gods of their worlds and the dragons are the gods of this world ?!?
In Tyria we killed two dragons. The world is unbalanced, so we must find a way to bring balance back in the world (I was close to write “in the Force” ).
From here, indeed we can imagine fantastic stories :-))
1. We can fight any of the Six and even we can kill it (It will be replaced by the remaining five) but a war against the God of War can be epic :-)
2. The dragons have no moral impediments when coming to do their job – to regulate the evolution cycle of the world – even if this means to destroy any civilization on Tyria. So, if we want to survive we should find a way to eliminate them and to find something to replace them – Aurene seems to be the best solution. Still, after becoming so powerful will Aurene still patiently accept her fate? Or, Aurene being the (potential) owner for so much magic will be not targeted by other powerful beings wanting the magic – see Balthazar? Are we strong enough to protect her?
3. If no Aurene, can we replace the dead dragons with other entities? The Pale Tree can be a good replacement for Mordy. For Primodius we can imagine another ritual for the dwarf race to absorb the entire Primodius domain. Talking about powerful beings, will Koda help us by absorbing the Jormag domain? Aurene can be still the replacement for Kralky (taking into account the relation K – Glint – Aurene). I cannot find any good replacement for Zhaitan – maybe some device designed by Asura and crafted by all the nations in the Tyria?
With good lore writers we can have a lot of expansions – each having more content than HoT.
draxynnic.3719Either way, it doesn’t matter what definition people in the real world might apply to the term ‘god’. What matters is what Tyrians call a god.
I think this aspect is important and matters. Don’t forget that the grawls (inhabitants of Tyria) worships all kind of “gods” : a rock (because is very hard and eternal – according to their understanding of the world), the sky (because is very large and covers the entire world. And even if you can see it you cannot touch it), an icebrood elemental (because his anger can bring dead to unbelievers) and so on.
The humans, having a little more understanding of the world considers the six to be gods. But the Charrs have no gods. And the Asura have the Eternal Alchemy replacing any kind of god.
We can say that we have a lot of different definition of the gods in Tyria. What is the true definition? This was the reason I considered that only a definition from the lore writer(s) can clarify this situation. Because the characters we have belongs to Tyria but also belongs to races having very different definitions for the gods. But still the world of Tyria is one and only one reality can be true.
draxynnic.3719We actually don’t know that the gods are unable to create, just that they didn’t create Tyria.
Well, the Creation is (in my opinion) the detail who can make a difference between true Gods and false gods.
I can see only two possible ways for the apparition of the World (both similar with the real scenarios for the apparition of the real Universe)
1. The Tyrian Universe started from nothing – something equivalent with the Big Bang theory. In this case the Gods are almost excluded – they are not needed for the existence of the Universe. In this case the six are not gods. They are old, powerful beings, with a lot of knowledge… etc. The level of development of the six can be reached by any other race if it has enough time. They can be challenged, defeated, replaced. The magic they used is in fact technology. In the moment the other races will understand the technology they will raise against the gods. And YES, in this universe, any human can became a god – if it has the technology and can use it.
2. The Tyrian Universe was created. The question is WHO created the Universe if not the six? And if the six are not the Creator(s), are they truly gods? In this case it seems the six have the role of the Angels, babysitting the young Tyrian civilizations and preparing them for the revelation of the existence of the true God(s).
So, the Creation is the crucial detail helping us to understand the role of the six.
As a note – this is the first game I played where the origin of the world is unknown and this is a vital information for understanding our place in the world.
vier.1327The 6 Human Gods guided the first humans to Tyria.
The human are not part of the system, of The All. The saw the magic for the first time in Tyria.
They were not gods when they entered Tyria. They were kings, that traveled for The Mist with their people. Maybe their world was in fire, or they were running of someone.
Then, they arrived Tyria.
The kings were seeing as heroes, powerfull beings. At that point, they started to absorbed magic.
The kings became gods, the 6 Human Gods.What about their origins? And the myths? Well as every religion, they told fantastics stories about them.
Unfortunately for the players wanting to have true gods in GW2, your variant seems to be very close to what the writer(s) intended.
In my opinion, the writer(s) of the lore is/are heavily influenced by the Star Trek universe. We have insanely powerful beings there, some very close to what we can call Gods (see the Dowds, The Traveler, 0 (zero), Q) to name only a few. Even the Greek Gods are explained in the Star Trek. What are they: powerful beings, having a lot of knowledge, inter-dimensional (or trans-dimensional). Some can travel in time. What all the beings have in common: They are not able to Create. They are not the Creator(s). They live in an universe not created by them and, when talking with a civilization advanced enough to understand them, they admit they are no Gods. The lifespan of these beings is long enough to be considered immortals by the common livings. But they can be defeated (by opposing them a greater force or by tricks).
This is exactly the definition of the Tyrian gods: powerful (inter-dimensional) beings, having a lot of knowledge, having a long lifespan, but not the Creators of the World. They can be defeated (even by humans).
On the other hand, by the way the Tyrian human “gods” act, we can make an analogy with the Angels in the Christian mythology: The angels were created by the GOD as a bridge between HIM and the humans, they are watching the humans and were granted with great powers by the GOD (as the Tyrian “gods”). They can interbreed with the humans (as the Tyrian “gods”). They can become fallen angels (as the Tyrian “gods”) by doing wrong actions. They can be defeated and banished (as the Tyrian “gods”).
To answer the OP: With this mixture of Sci-Fi and false Christianity we cannot make an accurate prediction of the origins, myths or the future of these “gods”. The stories are more than fantastic, the stories are almost Sci-Fi (by introducing the “device” used by Kormir to defeat and absorb Abadon, by introducing the Omadd machine and possibly, in the future, by introducing more “magical” artifacts)
So, let’s wait to see what powerful beings will the lore team introduce. But, if the actual team is kept I’m sure we will not hear of any true God in the future story.
Buecause, IMHO, a human becoming a true god is truly impossible. This is my opinion and I don’t want to force it in any way to other persons. Based on this opinion I wrote what I wrote.
Maybe, the best thing the actual lore team can do for the story is to give us a clear definition of what they consider to be a God. In this way we can make more accurate predictions.
LOOOOL! I lived to see this too :-)) A harvesting tool giving you currency :-) A currency specific to a zone of HoT available now everywhere in core Tyria. I remember all the arguments in the case of Gift of Battle change in the acquisition method. One of the most used was that ANet wanted to make sure you step in WvW for the gift. And you will not use the tokens obtained elsewhere for this. And now? You can obtain the currency of some specific maps even if you don’t step in that maps :-))
I barely await a weapon skin giving you few coopers at every successful hit :-) Or a set of unbreakable harvesting tools giving you a chance to drop Mystic Coins. This fits perfectly the precedent created by ANet:
Illconceived Was Na.9781Watchwork tools drop watchwork sprockets as a bonus item; there’s no other reliable way to farm the sprockets. This was an issue when the tools came out and sprockets were worth 4-6 silver and many metals were vendor price — that meant people could farm silver ore and still make more than someone using other infinite- or limited-use tools on certain ore.
However, this situation is different: unbound tools already exist in the game and are available to anyone with access to the newer maps. Thus the gem store is just selling convenience; there’ no extra functionality this time.
What happens with the persons having no access in the new maps? They will still be able to gather UM. But will be the UM added to the wallet? They have no way to access this currency.
And I think it is some extra functionality: You can have the special gathering tools only if you have karma. No karma, no UM from gathering. With the new permanent gathering set, you can forget about karma. You can forget about doing events :-)) With money you can solve all.
Setz.9675These infinite gathering tools are BiS!!!
Well, BiS = Best in Slot. Best means BEST. Nothing better than … / the highest level of …. / etc.
If you can acquire the best item of its category only by paying don’t you think this smacks somehow as P2W?
Still, I think I will buy the set – it is too OP to miss it :-)).
From what we see it seems that ANet has little confidence in the next XPac. And want to make sure they will make some money using all the other methods they have. Even if this may start the P2W race.
What we know about the Six?
- we know that we don’t know their origin.
- we know that we don’t know if they created the world.
- we know that we don’t know if they created any world.
- we have no clue what the Mist represents for the Six. We know that they emerged from the Mist and returned into the Mist.
Taking into account all what we know about the Six, we can conclude that the title of God was granted by the humans only based on their power (and knowledge).
I remember the Mursaats. When the humans first made contact with them, some considered the Mursaats to be Gods. Why? Because the humans had no idea of their origin. No idea if they created the world. No idea what business they have in the Mist. And, as the Six, they had something affecting the eye sight: The Mursaat were able to became invisible. And, as the Six, they were very powerful and had a lot of knowledge.
I never wanted to argue here with someone. I tried to find an explanation for the numerous contradictions related with the Gods and Tyria.
Because, now, we have in the story a mixture of Greek Mythology, Nordic Mythology, Hindu Mythology (the belief that the world is periodically destroyed only to be created again – the dragons destroyed the world several times and the world started again form ashes) and atheism.
Yes, atheism. The idea that a human can defeat a true god and absorb it to became a god by himself is a very atheistic concept. You talk about gods only because this is the conversation subject. But you don’t give a penny on a god or on the concept of god.
The author of this part of the story is (deep in his soul) very arrogant. We are as strong as the gods!. But, reading this statement from the other side, we can say: The gods are as weak as the humans!
If this, what are the role of the gods in this story? They are useless if we can overthrown, absorb, replace every time we want.
And to come back to the OP question: I still think that the gods are afraid of humans.
Konig Des Todes.2086To end this all, let me say there is only one thing needed to define a god as a god in the GW setting…
And that is: “the writers say so”.
And guess what? The writers have said so.
Here you have absolute right. The writers have said so. They have this right.
Is sad that ANet uses more and more often the argument “it is as it is because we want this”.
But the readers have the right to judge the quality of a writing.
Konig Des Todes.2086….. but we do not know the Six Gods’ origins, we simply know that the current generation does not come from Tyria and as such cannot come from the Elder Dragons
So, we don’t know the origins of the Six, but we know theirs origin are not related with the dragons :-)) We know or we don’t know ?
Konig Des Todes.2086So to say the Six did not come from primordial forces would be to make a claim on something we do not know. Maybe they are the primordial forces of their world, or maybe they come directly from the Mists which are even more primordial than the Elder Dragons.
Indeed, this makes some sense. In case of different worlds, with different laws governing the primordial forces, that means the result (the Gods) are different. A God in one world can be a common being in other worlds. That supports what I suggested – the Six are not Gods in Tyria.
Konig Des Todes.2086Hardly. Apotheosis (“to deify”) is a common enough… trope shall we say, in mythologies and stories in general that it has its own name of Greek origin.
Here is a quick google found list of Greek mythological individuals who rose to divinity – quite the lengthy list for “no one”! Chief among them is the famous Herakles (or more commonly known by the latin variation of his name: Hercules).
The males and females from the list were not turn into Gods by the Gods. They were turned into immortals. I don’t think immortality is enough to make a God (the best example of this is Tantalos who stole the ambrosia, becoming immortal). The Dragons are eternal too. If not killed by somebody they can live forever.
The Nordic mythology have a better description of this: The meritorious heroes earn a place in Valhalla where they can live forever with the other heroes and with the Gods. Live forever …. but not as Gods.
Konig Des Todes.2086And “even gods cannot create gods” is the most silly statement ever, given how every mythology deals with children of gods who are gods (as well as children of gods who are just demigods).
Sorry, I mean creation. Making a child (even having both parents Gods) doe not means creation. This is procreation. And in this regard I think the rats or the rabbits are the best “creators”.
The set of criteria used to judge the deity of a being is a little bit questionable: – My answers are in italic characters:
Konig Des Todes.2086The Six Gods have had a fair share of major acts, including but not limited to:
These are just the “confirmed facts” about what the gods can do that no mortal can.
- Unintentionlly blinding those who look too long upon them
Even our character can (temporarily) blind the opponents. A powerful mage can permanently do this. Even looking (for too long) in Sun can permanently blind you. This is not something defining a God
- Reshaping the world on a massive scale, to the point of being capable of such from another dimension (as shown with Abaddon transforming Tyria during Nightfall).
Zhaitan raised the sunken realm of Orr, changing the world on a massive scale. When Kralkatorik retreated to the South he reshaped the world in this path. Not a deed exclusive to a God
– Ruling some afterlives.
Did I mention Zhaitan?
- Having influence over the very center of the multiverse (the Hall of Heroes).
???? I don’t understand? How can this prove their divinity?
- Having an indestructible powersource that, without a vessel, would destroy more than just the world it is on (as shown with Abaddon’s death and the story journal entry following such).
Did you see the simulation Taimi performed regarding the result of the fight P vs J? It seems that the Dragons have a powersource that, without a vessel can destroy the world. If it can destroy more than the world, it not matter anymore. We will be dead
-The ability to deify other beings (their avatars are effectively of demigod status by appearances).
I keep my doubts regarding this aspect. A god can create everything bellow him. That means he cannot create a God. So, a human can not became a true god.
draxynnic.3719Really? Uranus got himself castrated and overthrown by Cronus, who in turn got overthrown by Zeus. In Babylonian mythology, Apsu and Tiamat represented the primordial forces, and the Babylonian gods killed first Apsu and then Tiamat. In Ymir’s case, while I don’t recall off the top of my head how Ymir died or even if that is known in the present time (there are a lot of gaps in our knowledge of Norse mythology – what we know came out of surprisingly few sources that survived Christianisation), the gods used his body to create the world afterwards, and were then at odds with the jotun, which were also representations of primordial forces (albeit younger ones)
The primordial elemental forces in the Norse mythology are: Muspelheim – the primordial elemental fire and Niflheim the elemental ice. When the ice and fire collided over the abyss Ginnungagap, Ymir and the cow Audhumbla were born.
Uranus and Geea are not the Chaos (primordial elemental force). They were born from Chaos. The same with Tiamat and Apsu – they are Gods born from Chaos.
What you describe here are fights between Gods. Nothing unusual here.
Imhotep – according to all the documents – was a human worshiped as a God of science. This does not make him a God. Because, in North Korea, the leader is treated as a God on Earth. This makes him a God?
draxynnic.3719The problem with coming up with a set of rules to define what a god is and then declaring that something isn’t a god is that each mythology tends to have different rules. In Tyria, the primary religion through which we define the term ‘god’ is the human one.
Exactly this. We have no rules defining a God in Tyria. And this is the reason we try to figure what a God means, by comparing them with what we know.
Can you point to the set of rules used by humans to define a God?
In my opinion, the six “Gods” are no Gods at all. They are powerful beings having a lot of knowledge about the world, but no Gods.
In many polytheistic beliefs the Gods were created from Chaos by the Primordial (Elemental) forces residing (or composing) the Chaos – see Scandinavian Mythology – the “apparition” of Ymir and the Cow Audhumla / Greek Mythology – Geea and Uranus / Japanese Mythology – Izanagi and Izanami etc. All the Gods were created from Chaos by the Primordial/ Elemental Forces. No God, in any mythology had ever fought against these Primordial Forces.
According to the definition of the Elder Dragons – as being Primordial Forces, nobody knowing when (or if) they were born, it is very possible that the Dragons to be the “source” of the true Gods.
Also, in the majority of polytheistic Mythology the Gods creates the Universe/ world etc. And shows no intention to destroy their own creation. By his attitude (not impressed that the world may be destroyed) Balthazar shows that the actual “Gods” were not involved in the Creation of the world or of the life.
And finally – no human had been “promoted” to the state of God. Because even the Gods cannot create Gods.
So, to answer to the OP question What they’re afraid of?! I think the “Gods” are afraid of humans (or the mortals). I can imagine that after Kormir becoming a “God” what emulation was in Kryta: Any adventurer started to dream about slaying a god and becoming a god himself. Kormir shows that this is possible.
Something is funny :-)) Herakles – the most powerful hero in the Greek mythology, the son of the supreme god Zeus, never dared to face a God in fight. And he was a demigod.
And still, we (our GW2 character) not only challenged a God and survived. But even stopped him in what he was doing?
This makes me think that our “Gods” are not gods. And this is the reason they are afraid.
Lord Trejgon.2809except we are not soloing balthazar but his hounds while he is too busy draining dragons to care about us more than calling out the hounds and throw some threats when we kill them.
He was not busy. He was on the brink of death. When he heard the human Elementalist shout “Feel the Flames of Balthazar”, he almost died. Of laugh!
I wonder if the Priests of Balthazar will continue to bless us with “May Balthazar strengthen you” now, after we raised our weapons against their God.
These small “issues” makes me wonder if the initial lore team (or lore writer) was replaced. Because, it is evident that nobody on the lore team took into consideration how hilarious is to threaten Balthazar with the fire he gave to us :-)
- Is amazing that after so many complains regarding the vertical maps and especially Tangled Depths, ANet came with an even vertical map. By comparation TD is a very logical map. Verdant Brink can be completed without masteries. This map cannot be completed without masteries. The map consists in several zones separated from each other. The only way is via a jump using Thermal Tubes. A JP at map level.
- Is amazing how far the ANet team is now from the original Manifesto. “No need to prepare for fun as in other games”. Remember this? Well, now put yourself in the shoes of a new player, who only started to play yesterday. I saw a lot of complains regarding the need to buy the episodes from LS if you bought HoT after the free login period expired. But let’s imagine a new player. He discover that if he want the previous 4 episodes he must pay (again). Well, at least he can play the last episode. He can?? NO. Without thermal tubes mastery / complete gliding mastery / the new mastery from this map a new player cannot even dream to see a vista. Well, it seems that a new player should prepare for a loooong time to have fun in this map.
- Is amazing how twisted the logic of some designers / developers from ANet is. That they had something against the veterans, I can understand. Sometimes you think is better to renew the playerbase. But by hurting the new players in this way…. I don’t know how ANet is hoping to bring players back with this cynical attitude: You cannot have the previous LS episodes because you bought HoT too late. Still you can freely access this episode. But you cannot play it. Because you need masteries from the previous episodes.. AAA – and to have the mastery from this map, you also need the previous masteries.
The map (and the idea behind this map) can be described in one word: AMAZING
It seems Collin’s ghost is still haunting the game.
Well, I will quote again the OP – just to make sure we are talking about the same subject:
jonemirant.1653Mystic Coin’s prices have risen from 10 silver to over 1 gold since early 2016.
Unlike other materials which can be grinded (even Amalgamated Gemstone can be grinded), Mystic Coin has a very limited supply, namely:1. Chance for 5 to 50 from Mystic Clover crafting
2. Common reward from bosses of the Nightmare Fractal challenge mode
3. Rewarded once a day from completing the Defeat the Ley-Line Anomaly to disperse its destructive energy before it overloads event.
4. 20 received through every 28 day login rewards cycle; 2/4/6/8 on the first day of every week.And let’s be honest:
No.1 – strictly a gamble and unreliable
No.2 – most people lack skills/time/AR to do it
No.3 – don’t even know wtf is that, and it only gives 1 per day!
No.4 – takes a whole year to accumulate a full stack of 250!As long as there is no consistent way to farm this like other materials:
1. players who need it will continue to buy it,
2. players who do not need it right away will not sell it because they know it will be more and more expensive and they may need it later; and
3. traders will buy flip it.
As you can see, the complain was about the lack of a consistent (reliable) way to farm this like other materials. The OP considers that being forced to buy from TP is inequitable and if you decide to not do this, the time you are forced to wait is aberrant.
Illconceived Was Na.9781A conversation involves at least two parties, who are willing to to accept the possibility that what others say might change their mind. At this point, one person refuses any interpretation of the facts other than what they decided ages ago.
This game allows everyone to obtain the most powerful items in the game, using a wide variety of techniques. Mystic coins are not needed for any of them, and yet ANet gives away over a stack of these to each account, allowing for those who want shinier items to buy from those who don’t.
I’d like a particular recent poster to accept this as part of the game, because it would allow them to enjoy GW2 more. Failing that, perhaps they should reconsider whether this is the best game for them, if something like using the TP is anathema to their preferred game style.
You have a sharp sense of auto-analysis and I admire you for the strength of admitting you were wrong. That means you finally read what the OP said and acknowledged that buying from TP should be not the main way of acquiring the MC?
Still your masked advice for the persons who don’t agree with this to leave the game is not beneficial for ANet. It seems that you felt that ANet’s efforts to wipe out the playerbase are not enough and actively started to help them.
Be carefull with the affirmation “Mystic coins are not needed for any (powerful item) of them, and yet ANet gives away over a stack of these to each account, allowing for those who want shinier items to buy from those who don’t.”
If someone from the raiding community hear this right now when Legendary Armor is almost in game …
BTW- i think you made a joke regarding the “allowance” needed from ANet to buy. I don’t think I need ANet “blessing” to buy something from TP.
Ashen.2907I responded to a post in which you claimed that different amounts of effort produced the same MC. I pointed out that such is not the case. Greater effort can result in having a greater number of MC.
I think you are wrong here. The number of MC you can gain from playing and not buying is capped. So, no matter how much effort you invest you can have the same number of MC as another players (the max. number allowed by ANet). You can play for MC 300 hours per month. You will have the same number of MC (around 50) as a player playing only 15 hours per month for MC.
BlaqueFyre.5678So if a player likes to only RP in LA thereby the entire basis of your argument they should be rewarded with the Most powerful rewards aka Legendaries, with out having play any other way besides RPing in LA because that is what they like.
Hm. When I bought this game the advertised game modes were: PvE, PvP and WvW. For these modes you have to kill monsters, complete quests, do events, discover maps. And none of these game modes rewards you with a Legendary as you ask. I don’t know how many monsters you can kill or how many events you can complete by playing the role of a statue for example, because I don’t RP. My only advice is to not do this in other places than the cities. You can be disconnected or, even worse you can be suspected of AFK farming.
But, by saying that I don’t RP I admitted that I don’t know very well the problems/issues for this game mode. You can open a new post asking to fix these issues.
BlaqueFyre.5678By your logic I should be able to RP in LA never doing anything else as a level 2 and be rewarded with Legendaries and other sought after items.
I don’t know if this is for me or for mtpelion.4562. If it’s for me, then look bellow:
1. “… all the supporters of a change in MC acquisition method dislikes this aspect: no matter how you play, you get the same amount of MC”
2. So, a part of the players are not content with this "play how you want and get the same rate of rewards as everyone else”
3. “By reading the posts you can understand that every single person writing here is aware that different amounts of effort means different amounts of reward. And nobody disagree with this.”
It seems for you that I advocated doing RP in LA to be rewarded with Legendaries?
Ashen.2907By playing in a manner that produces more gold I can get more MC. Increased effort does allow for increased rewards.
Sorry, but this debate is about MC and not about gold. Can you show me during this post when I complained about the quantity of gold I’m rewarded by playing ?
Nothing about gold. This is a topic about MC.
Again – if you like to farm gold in order to buy MC, is OK – this is “play how you like” for you. But I want acquire the MC directly and not by buying. This is “play how you like” for me. Why do you have the right to “play how you like” and I don’t have this right?
mtpelion.4562He never says “play how you want and get the same rate of rewards as everyone else”.
Can you show me where during my post I ever said “play how you want and get the same rate of rewards as everyone else”. ? If you distort my words (you main a mesmer? ) even when quoting directly form Collin’s interview, I don’t think I have any chance to make you understand that all the supporters of a change in MC acquisition method dislikes this aspect: no matter how you play, you get the same amount of MC (because ANet gives an equal number of MC every month to any player.
Even if the number of MC can be slightly different due to RNG or the player being forced (play how WHO? wants) to do a certain content, taking into account the large number of MC you need, the result is almost the same: At the end of the month you have only a tinny fraction of the MC you need. And you are forced to buy. Or to wait over 20 years if you don’t want to buy.
So, a part of the players are not content with this "play how you want and get the same rate of rewards as everyone else” (in the same manner you are not content with this too) and they asked for a way to acquire MC by playing and not by waiting or buying.
By reading the posts you can understand that every single person writing here is aware that different amounts of effort means different amounts of reward. And nobody disagree with this.
Exception from this rule are the MC. No matter how much effort you invest, the reward is the same: 20-50 MC per month. So, in this matter, a lot of players (like you) are not happy with this " no matter how you play, you get the same reward as everyone else". And asked for a change.
Thanks for agreeing with us.
Illconceived Was Na.9781Sorry, you’ve still misremembered and misunderstood the comment. “Play as you want” never was intended to mean that you could do anything you wanted and get the same rewards. It was always a statement about people being able to do open world or dungeons and still be able to afford basics and some shinies.
Can you link something to prove this interpretation of the statement is true? Because look at what Collin (at that time – 2013 – still at ANet) said:
Collin Johanson: “To make playing in our open world worthwhile, we’ll make it rewarding enough for players to spend their time there across all levels. It’s extremely important that we stay true to our philosophy that you should be able to play Guild Wars 2 the way you want to play the game in order to reach the most powerful rewards.”.
The key words are : Be able to …. Play the way you want …. reach the most powerful rewards.
Not basic rewards, but the most powerful rewards
Illconceived Was Na.9781And guess what? That was true when the statement was made. Things changed and now it’s no longer true. That doesn’t make it a lie or even misleading. It simply makes it a statement about the state of the game when the elite specialization was announced.
Well, in this moment that statement is a lie. You see, by following your logic, you can forgive a criminal who killed a person today, only because one week ago the same criminal had a clean record and was a honest person.
As I said – in this moment that statement is a lie.
Illconceived Was Na.9781So, no, there’s no Kormir-granted right to farm mystic coins. We get a lot for free; if we want more, we can buy them.
This is the entire point of this post – no right to acquire MC except the “right” to wait decades for ANet to give the MC to you, or the right to buy from TP.
At least I (and I think the OP also) consider this to be against GW2 spirit and vision. And with this post we are trying to find o way to correct the things.
Miellyn.6847‘Play how you want’. That never included all rewards for any content.
What a relief :-)) I’m glad I found Collin’s statement, because that means your interpretation is false too.
In the end: MC is a crafting material. Treat them as any other crafting material. Let them drop from the open World. As the other materials.
@Miellyn.6847 – please look at what the OP initially wrote:
jonemirant.1653Mystic Coin’s prices have risen from 10 silver to over 1 gold since early 2016.
Unlike other materials which can be grinded (even Amalgamated Gemstone can be grinded), Mystic Coin has a very limited supply, namely:
1. Chance for 5 to 50 from Mystic Clover crafting
2. Common reward from bosses of the Nightmare Fractal challenge mode
3. Rewarded once a day from completing the Defeat the Ley-Line Anomaly to disperse its destructive energy before it overloads event.
4. 20 received through every 28 day login rewards cycle; 2/4/6/8 on the first day of every week.
And let’s be honest:
No.1 – strictly a gamble and unreliable
No.2 – most people lack skills/time/AR to do it
No.3 – don’t even know wtf is that, and it only gives 1 per day!
No.4 – takes a whole year to accumulate a full stack of 250!
Every method you wrote about was already analyzed by OP. The point of this post is to find other methods. More reliable and a little bit faster. Fast enough to complete once the items needing MC in less than 23 years (the time you need now to do the same thing by accepting that playing the game brings no rewards for you and your playstyle (‘Play how you want’. That never included all rewards for any content.) and waiting for ANet to give you the coins).
Miellyn.6847You can not compare T6 materials and mystic coins.
Mystic coins are sololy used for convinience items as armor boxes, feast recipes or luxury skins like the elementalist weapons, legendaries or shoulder skins.
T6 materials are used for all T6 and T7 crafting recipes and legendaries.Mystic coins are supposed to be a premium crafting material.
You can very well compare MC with the T6 mats. Both are used to craft legendary weapons, both are used to craft exotic weapons, both are used to craft WvW auras etc.
I can say that the quantities of MG are larger than T6 in crafting. A full set of ascendant armor cost you 30 T6. Less than MC needed for one food: Pot of Artichoke Soup = 47 MC. The food is not Ascendant. It is Masterwork tier.
So, why MC should be “premium crafting material” and T6 not? Do you have any valid reason?
ArchonWing.9480Actually the replacement would lead to the logic that if Artistole promised me a soda and didn’t deliver, then he is also lying about the Earth being round.
Yes, indeed. IF Aristotel promised you a soda, and didn’t deliver, he is indeed a liar. But do you want to tell us that indeed Aristotel, the greek philosopher/physicist/writer, dead over 2 000 years ago promised you a soda?
Miellyn.6847Noone is stoping you from playing how you want. But playing your way and getting every reward the way you want it was never in discussion.
Example, ascended equipment:Can be aquired through raids, fractals, WvW, sPvP, crafting, specific open world events, achievements. Multiple ways to get it, some better than others but not locked into a specific area of the game.
Legendary items and mystic forge skins do not follow this rule as they are cosmetic equipment (legendary = ascended with fancy skin).
You can also get mystic coins with the ley anomaly events, daily mystic forger and rnd chance nightmare fractal challenge mode. Multiple ways to get them, not only login rewards or TP.
From everything you wrote, I understand that for any item/material you mention exists at least one method to acquire it by playing the game and not by waiting for ANet to give it to you piece by piece, in small portions.
“But playing your way and getting every reward the way you want it was never in discussion.” – are you serious ? How do you know I don’t deserve to obtain what I want by playing the game? Who you are to decide what I deserve and what I don’t deserve to obtain? Or, with other words, how can you even think you can decide what I can get and what I cannot get in this game ?
I don’t ask a Legendary item. I don’t ask for Mystic Forge fancy skins (although some of these skins are required to complete the specialization collection – I don’t think you consider an exaggeration to want to complete your specialization collection? )
I ask for a crafting material to be released ingame without any absurd time gate. And with this we are at your last part of the statement – the highlighted one:
The mystic forger is 3-4 times per month. The Anomaly is once per day. Not all players are able to do the CM on Nightmare fractal. Even if they want, they cannot. And, as you can see, all the methods are time gated. What do you say about one of the T6 crafting mats being gated in this way? Vicious Claw for example? 20 per month. With the chance to have 50 if you farm a certain event – but only once per day? Or all the T6 materials gated in this way? You need only 30 for armor and 10, max 20 for 2-4 weapons. Then, according to your own logic you won’t need other materials anymore, because Legendary and MF skins are not mandatory.
ArchonWing.9480Apparently failed promises = lies.
1. John told me he’d buy me a soda.
2. John didn’t buy me a soda.
3. John said the world is round.
4. John is a liar because he didn’t buy me a soda.
5. Liars cannot be trusted.
6. Therefore, he is cannot be trusted when he says the world is round.
7. Therefore, the world is not round.
Well, this “logical deduction” has only a single wrong affirmation – and using this you send all the conclusion on a wrong direction. The wrong affirmation is: “John said the world is round.”
John is free to say everything. But the round planet thing affirmation belongs to Aristotel. This affirmation was confirmed and is generally accepted. Copernic and Galileo Galilei were the scientists bringing back the affirmation with the round world.
Now, in the third affirmation of your logical deduction replace John with Aristotel. And see what sense the conclusion “Therefore, he (Aristotel) cannot be trusted when he says the world is round” has.
OMG – the world is not round only because John didn’t buy you a soda?
Illconceived Was Na.9781Cristalyan.5728:
2. The chronomancer will be the only class using Alacrity – false.
It was the first profession to use it; I don’t remember any promise that it would be the only one. Do you have a source?
Look at this:
The statement belongs to Robert Gee: “Specializing in chronomancy grants mesmers access, through traits and skills, to a new effect called alacrity. Alacrity functions as the inverse of chill by speeding up skill recharges rather than slowing them down. Chronomancy is the only specialization allowed access to this powerful effect, and chronomancers can share alacrity with allies in limited situations, making them an incredibly powerful ally to have in any party”
Illconceived Was Na.9781You misremember. First, this is exactly a “play as you want” situation: do any content you like; sell what you don’t need; use the coin to pay for the stuff you really want, including more coins than ANet gives us for free.
If this is how you like to play, is OK. But, I like another play style: Do any content you want, sell what you don’t need, gather MC as any other crafting material without waiting ANet mercy in the form of few coins per months. You can sell items/materials and buy MC – is OK, this is how you want to play. I want to be able to gather MC without buying. Why do you think you have the right to play the game as you want and I don’t have this right?
mtpelion.4562ArenaNet has already confirmed that supply is outpacing demand. The issue is that you don’t want to wait or buy them.
Let see what else ANet said before:
1. HoT will contain a full set of legendary weapons – false
2. The chronomancer will be the only class using Alacrity – false.
3. The economy is so well balanced that we can afford to not interfere with it anymore – shortly after this statement a new “farming point” (farming !!! ) was invented to compensate the unbalanced supply/demand for leather.
I stop here because counting all the false ANet statements can fill pages. Why all these? To point that the statement regarding the MC cannot be taken as true only because ANet said.
A personal curiosity: The supply of MC can be tracked very easy. But what ANet considers “demand” in the case of MC? How ANet calculates the “demand”? ANet never told us this small detail :-) For example: I want to craft the Spirit weapons. But because I also want to craft a Legendary I will never have the MC for the Spirit weapons (470 for the set). I have all the materials, except the MC. Now, what “demand” means for ANet: the 100 MC I will buy in few days to complete my Legendary or the 570 I need for the items I want? And – my actions will contribute to this “demand” only when I will buy the MC? Is this “demand” a valid parameter? What about “needs” ? Instead of "how many MC are “demanded” – from TP" – why ANet is not not using “how many MC are needed by players”?
Illconceived Was Na.9781It’s essentially the same as saying, “you can choose to wait to get the mystic coins or you can choose to pay; up to you.”
From the possible ways you can choose, the choice with “go on the field, play the game as usual and get the coins as any other crafting material existing in the game” is missing. Is exactly what OriOri.8724 says – no choice to gather the MC by playing.
I may be a hopeless dreamer, but I still remember the “play how you want” statement from ANet. And I want to gather the MC by my own action, not to buy or to wait decades for some items.
OOOOH !!!! This “play how you want” was another false statement ?
Obtena.7952I love it … if anything, T5 leather drops in SIGNIFICANT abundance in Doric lake. I mean, there is nothing less reasonable than complaining about the price of something you can farm hundreds of as a zerg. How lazy can people get? You wanted a leather farm to avoid the expensive prices on the TP for leather, then there is complaining about the price of T5 leather on the TP … and it’s the MOST frequent drop in Doric Light…
This is funny :-). Let’s see:
1. T5 drops in SIGNIFICANT abundance in Lake Doric (well, I wanted the old times when the T5 dropped in GW2 and not only in Lake Doric – not in abundance, but enough for anything I wanted to craft).
2. You can farm hundreds of these leathers as a zerg. Not by yourself, but as a zerg :-))
3. How lazy can people get? You wanted a leather farm to avoid the expensive prices on the TP for leather, then there is complaining about the price of T5 leather on the TP (OMG – do you ever read what you write? The players complained about the high prices. A farm point was invented. And now the players complains that the prices are even higher. Your conclusion – lazy people!)
4. and (T5 leather) it’s the MOST frequent drop in Doric Light…
Let’s translate this. The players complained that the leather is too rare for the numerous uses it has and something to avoid the high prices on the TP is needed. ANet invented the “farming spot” to help the players. And although the T5 leather is dropping in a SIGNIFICANT abundance (not in the entire game, but only in Lake Doric and only if you are in a zerg), and despite the fact the T5 leather is the MOST frequent drop in Lake Doric, the prices in TP are higher now. We can safely conclude that all the “farming spot” invention was a failure. The things are not better, are worst than before.. So, I don’t think the players can be blamed for ANet’s failures.
Lazy people?? Hm, maybe you are a new player and you don’t know the game, but GW2 has more maps, not only Lake Doric. And also, in GW2 you can do many other things, not only to farm. In the old days, by playing in any other map and doing any other activities you had the leather required for your needs. Without using the TP. Now, you can achieve this only by playing Lake Doric and doing the farm, but only if you are in a zerg.
Still consider this as a successful measure?
And a last mention: I don’t think the players ever asked for a farming in the case of leather. Remember that GW2 always had strict rules against the farming. The players acknowledged these rules. And not the players but ANet broke these rules first. The players asked for a reliable way to get leather. This is entirely different.
So, to answer your question “Who wanted a leather farm? ".
ANet wanted a leather farm. By this they openly admitted they made mistakes in the methods used to manage the leather. But instead of adjusting these methods, they preferred to invent this leather farm. In a game advertised by ANet as being against farming.
maddoctor.2738Alacrity was really powerful in PVP too, not just in Raids. All game modes provide opportunities for nerfs
It was a request to provide an example of skill nerfed due to raids. By adjusting Alacrity many skills were nerfed. And the only explanation we had from ANet team was the Alacrity should be nerfed because it is not desired (by the devs) in that form in raids. I think this is enough.
Miellyn.6847So because the final decision about a nerf was from a raid perspective it also started the discussion about a nerf?
Well, the topic is about the GW2 loosing its identity. And one of the factors contributing to this seems to be the raid. We had always nerfs and adjustments to skills. Generated by the need to balance PvP and WwW. But in the raid case, the nerfs and changes seems to fix nothing in the (unbalanced) PvP and WwW world. These changes are done only for the raid sake. That means only for a minor segment of game with not so many players involved. And still the changes affects all the game modes.
Back to topic.
The game I found when I started to play was amazing. Not by graphics or lore or mechanics. For me the surprise was the attitude of the players. No competition. No KS. No abuse of the high lvl players against the low lvl. I found that the guy coming to fight against the veteran I fought is not trying to steal my drop. He in fact left for a few moments his business to help a newbie (me). WHAT? Is this real? This is happening in an online game? YES. This was GW2.
Today, by the intentional decision to segregate the playerbase into “dedicated, skilled players” (with a daily 8-10 hours to spend in game) and “other casual players” (filthy casuals! ) the atmosphere of the game changed. ANet further pushed the toxicity forward by allowing instruments to monitor other players.
ANet’s attitude towards players changed also. From “play how you want and enjoy the game” to “gid gud (remember the Anet worker spitting these words? ) dude. Learn the mechanics, the skills and builds, invest effort and time and then you will be able to play the game”. Nothing about the enjoyment :-((
maddoctor.2738Funny, those mesmer adjustments happened for WvW and not Raids. Got any actual examples of skill changing due to Raids?
See the interview of Mark Katzbach explaining that the Alacrity should be reduced to give a 33% recharge speed instead of 66%. He said the team decided to not reduce the duration of this buff but instead to reduce the intensity because they don’t want to have two mesmers in raid instead of 1. This decision was generated only and only because of the impact the Alacrity had on the raids. Do you still want an example of skill nerfed because of raids? All the skills generating / using / sharing Alacrity. Almost all the Chrono specialization skills.
maddoctor.2738Well since LS3 started we got 4 new pve maps, 2 new pvp maps (in beta), 2 (+4 with tweaks, total 6) Fractals and 1 Raid Wing. I’m not seeing that “raid focus” direction at all. In fact since LS3 started every type of player got more content than they did at any point in the game’s lifetime. What’s not to like about the new direction?
Well, let’s write the same thing using different words: "Since HoT was released the raiders got 4 complete raids having 13 complete paths and bosses. The “core” (PvE casuals) got 4 small maps (with the LS3 release), the PvP community got 2 new maps. And, the fractal community got 2 “new” fractals, designed as being a stepping stone to raid. So, the fractal community got the maps only in the raid context :-))
Reworking other fractals I don’t consider to be new content.
This seems to be so much for all the other players compared with what the raiders got after the HoT launch?
maddoctor.2738Which skill is so useful in open world pve and you can’t finish content without it, that was nerfed due to Raids?
Well, the context is a bit forced. Nobody can complete the PvE solo. If you want to tell me that is possible, then explain how you solo the control panel room in Underground fractal. Or how you pass over the laser door in the same fractal. Or how you solve the simultaneous activation of the torches in CoF. Or how you deal solo with the console in the CoE dungeon? Did you ever soloed Tequatl? Successful?
So, you group with other players for some PvE content. In this condition no skill is crucial. You can take any skill from any class and replace it with a blank slot and you are able to play PvE. This is why I said the context is forced.
A more accurate question seems to be Which skill was nerfed due to Raids? . And you can have a loooooooooooot of examples. Think about Signet of Inspiration. Or the wells. Or the way Alacrity was adjusted. This is only the Mesmer. So, YES, the raid was the reason (sometimes the only reason) for a lot of skill nerfs.
As a conclusion: I play this game for less than 3 years. I was not here from the beginning, but still I can tell that the game I play now is somewhat different from the game I played when I started. And the difference is not a very pleasant one.
Changes means evolution. From this definition point of view, the game evolved. But you know, a wrong change means evolution in a wrong direction. And evolving in a wrong direction may end in tragedy.
Obtena.7952Not sure if you understand this but farming the traditional way isn’t exactly supported in GW2. In otherwords, it’s meant to be discouraging … so if paying is a problem for people, they need to re-evaluate how they play the game or if it’s a good fit for them. If it wasn’t like that, the TP would be much less effective than it is as a way to provide players with materials. That’s important because it’s related to how this game makes Anet money
From that perspective, any argument that appeals to changing mat availability from sources that aren’t the TP, to encourage people to avoid using the TP … in a game where the TP is intended as the main source of mats for players … makes no sense.
What? Let’s see:
“ Not sure if you understand this but farming the traditional way isn’t exactly supported in GW2. In otherwords, it’s meant to be discouraging”
I have two questions here:
1. Why the farming should be discouraging? Why farming is so bad, evil, that it should be stopped?
2. Did you ever hear about a "challenging farming spot for leather in GW2? This farming was promoted by the developers themselves as a good way to keep the game economy healthy.
“… so if paying is a problem for people, they need to re-evaluate how they play the game or if it’s a good fit for them. ”
I don’t think “paying” can be by itself an issue. The problems starts when you complete the affirmation : “paying for something”. If that something is a normal need, then you don’t want to pay for it. The right to live is guaranteed in most of the Constitutions. What about paying to have the right to breath? How you will react?
That pearls are needed for a stat for armors and weapons. The stats are nothing special, no convenience items, no shinnies, but stats on an armor. You want to pay for them? Real money? Are you serious?
“If it wasn’t like that, the TP would be much less effective than it is as a way to provide players with materials.”
Nobody argues here about the role of TP. But, again, the problems starts when the TP transforms from “a way to provide… ” into the only way to provide something.
“That’s important because it’s related to how this game makes Anet money”.
Hm, if this is true, that means Anet gave up the idea of a long term business, replacing it with a robbery. How long they are able to do this …. well, until the players will “re-evaluate how they play the game or if it’s a good fit for them”
And last: The TP is a tool in the game, it is not THE GAME. You can use a tool or not, according to your wish and life (game) stile. So, if Anet is trying to make the TP the main source of mats for players this indeed makes no sense.
Because, you know, the TP cannot be the source. It produces nothing. The TP is the place where the players are selling / buying items. And if an item has an absurd low drop rate, even the TP cannot be the source of that item.
Konig Des Todes.20861. Abaddon, if he could survive, would be just as weak if not weaker than Lazarus – so saying it cannot be Lazarus because he was too weak would mean Abaddon was too weak too.
2. Being uninterested in Kryta is actually reason why it wouldn’t be Abaddon. Abaddon’s goals during the Exodus were, best to our knowledge, to rule Tyria – this means he’d rule over Kryta.
3. While we do not know the limitations of beings absorbing magic, given that Kormir – a mere human – could absorb a gods’ essence, that would hardly prevent a mursaat from doing similar with bloodstones. Further, Kormir is pretty strong reason to believe Abaddon cannot come back, as his very being was absorbed by Kormir – for Abaddon to return, Kormir must be possessed (thus Abaddon returns in Kormir’s body) or fall from godhood.
4.The Bloodstone did not have Abaddon’s magic. It was magic from Tyria from before the last Dragonrise (empowered by the magic stolen from Zhaitan, and further by magic released with Zhaitain’s and Mordremoth’s deaths).
5. I would not label Marjory as a follower of Abaddon; Abaddon’s method of deceiving people into following him was by tricking them into falling from grace and offering them a form of salvation (such as Shiro Tagachi’s story). Marjory has not gone this route.
Well, for me, a God is an entity existing for all the time without a point of starting (born / created / invested). If a God has a starting point (he was born / created / invested) that means he will inevitably have an ending point. And this contradicts the idea of God. A God is not mortal. So, to be a real God one of the requirements is to be eternal (no starting point / no ending).
And now, let’s see:
1. Abaddon is surely alive. He was not killed (in fact nobody can kill a God – he is eternal). He was sealed. I think this was the meaning of the word “absorbed” – Kormir acts as a prison or as a guardian. Too weak :-)) In the history they say that the energy released by the body of the defeated Abaddon was enough to destroy the world. And Kormir absorbed it to avoid the destruction. Weak or strong are meaningless words when describing a God. We simply can not measure how powerful a God can be.
2. Being uninterested in Kryta can be a proof that the resurrected “Lazarus” may be in fact Abaddon. Do you suggest that a God known in the entire world with countless worshipers may be in fact interested to be the ruler of a small country? And from what I know, Abaddon was already sealed in the Realm of Torment when the Exodus took place. It seems more plausible for Abadon to plan his escape from that Realm rather than to rule Kryta.
3. Kormir absorbed Abaddon’s magic – here I have serious questions. Let’s see what the history says:
" After venturing into Realm of Torment, and defeating the fallen god’s generals Vizier Khilbron and Shiro Tagachi, the Sunspears turned to the gods for aid in defeating Abaddon. The representatives of the gods only gave Kormir a gift, the nature of which was unclear. After his defeat, Abaddon’s power threatened to run out of control and bring about Nightfall regardless, which is when Kormir realised the purpose of the gift. She absorbed Abaddon’s power, becoming a goddess."
In my opinion, we can have two possible situations here:
– Kormir used the gift as a recipient to seal Abaddon’s power. And not Kormir, but the gift absorbed the magic. That means something godly in nature absorbed it. Not a merely mortal. In this case Kormir is not a Goddess, she is in fact a Guardian.
- Kormir used the gift to turn herself in a goddess. That means a Goddess absorbed the magic and not a merely mortal. I’m not too favorable for this idea because in these circumstances, Kormir does not meet the definition of a God. She has a beginning. She will have an end. She is not eternal. So, even if she absorbed Abaddon using the gift, she is not a true Godess. She is the prison where Abaddon is kept. The only godly aspect is the gift received from the Gods.
4. The Bloodstone did not have Abaddon’s magic – I have doubts.
From what I know, Abbadon granted magic to the mortals in Tyria. And magic existed in a world created by the Gods. That means, at least parts of that magic was his magic. Because I think it is absurd to consider that in a world created by the Gods exists something independent of the Creation act – with other words the magic was not created by the Gods but existed independent of them. That can turn the Magic in a God too.
6. And finaly – Marjory. :-)) She is extremely vulnerable to Abaddon’s trickery: She followed “Lazarus” in an attempt to find a way to resurrect her sister. Abaddon (most probably) is aware of this. He can say that he knows a way to help Marjory (and in fact he may know – he is the God of Deep Knowledge and Secrets). It will be very difficult for Marjory to resist such manipulation.
Well, it seems logic (at last for me) that absorbing the magic released by the Bloodstone explosion is not something a mortal can do. Even if that mortal is a Mursat. So only an entity having even greater powers than the Mursats remain. A god.
Although Menzies is a good candidate, the way the “resurrected Lazarus” appeared is not a Menzies like way of acting. He is the brother of Balthazar, and he is more involved in the war / chaos / destruction aspects. He had no involvement in the act of sealing the magic in the Bloodstones. Why to choose a resurrection way involving forces you cannot master?
A lot of details in the resurrection story points to an entity having deep knowledge about Secrets. And able to deceive everyone in order to make them to follow his plans. A very good Abaddon description.
The identity of the “resurrected Lazarus” is even more important now when the story suggests that a god may walk on the world.
I completed yesterday the story from the Head of the Snake. And by reading the Caudecus journal I found the references to the fake aspect used to resurrect Lazarus.
It was a topic several days ago with trying to figure who “Lazarus” is in fact, and I quoted from it:
Konig Des Todes.2086The ritual which destroyed the bloodstone is an entirely SEPARATE event from the ritual to revive Lazarus!
This is my opinion too. And only one experiment succeeded. From Xera’s reaction: “He is almost complete. Even if I die, He will live.”, we can understand that Lazarus was not resurrected. And even if he is alive, he was too weak to absorb such an amount of magic released by the explosion.
So, only the entity emerged after the explosion remains. Who it is? Let’s see the facts:
1. In the first second of life he absorbed an enormous quantity of magic. He was this strong from the very beginning.
2. He states than Kryta is not interesting him and he has other higher plans. HM? Lazarus swore that Kryta will feel his revenge even after hundred of years. And now he claim he is not interested? Not very Lazarish :-)).
3. The mursats were powerful creatures, but even a full healthy Mursat is not able (in my opinion) to absorb the energy released by an exploding Bloodstone. Lazarus included.
To not make this post too long, my conclusion is that the entity who appeared after the explosion is not Lazarus. Is something more powerful than a merely Mursat. Who? In my humble opinion this can be only Abaddon.
He can absorb the magic contained in the Stone because the magic is his magic. He is powerful enough to do this.
This can solve some of the questions – the higher plans are to absorb the magic form the other Bloodstones and to settle the matters with the other gods. I think that a first step can be to erase the Forgotten from the world map.
If this supposition is true, then in this moment Marjory is already a follower of Abaddon. This guy is a master of deception :-)). And the devs can use Abaddon as a reason for the next power up of the specializations – something like a class will have access to several forms of magic.
I hope I did not just create a piece of SF :-)))
This is the announcement regarding the change – and my comments:
Greetings Tyrians!
With the next release we will be making some changes to ascended vending in PvP and Fractals. Over the past year we introduced ways to obtain ascended gear via participation in either game mode thus allowing players to acquire gear by playing the game mode they chose.
It seems that this model allowing the players to acquire gear by playing the game mode they chose was wrong. Why ? Because:
With the next release we are making two significant changes to these vendors to create one system that functions the same regardless of game mode.
Hm? What about differentiating the game modes? With a first modest step – awaited by every player – balancing the skills according to the game mode?
First, each game mode will still use a specific currency unique to that mode as part of the price but the rest of the costs associated with purchasing the gear will be the same across the game modes.
This can be something. But is this change made for the good of the players? Look at what they wrote:
Having a unified system for acquiring ascended gear via vendors will give us more flexibility for adjustments, if they are needed, and it will give us the flexibility to potentially introduce this system in other game modes where appropriate.
What this system gives to the players? …. what you said? A finger? …..
Second, purchasing the ascended gear will now rely much more on player crafting. The cost for a piece of gear will now include a crafted token which shows a player’s mastery of the appropriate crafting discipline, the game mode specific currency, and raw gold.
To craft an ascendant piece right now you need the appropriate crafting discipline and raw gold. It seems that by adding the game mode specific currency Anet greatly simplified the requirements. And by requiring a max crafting level they absolutely made buying the ascendants the only variant :-)))
Ascended crafting is vital to sustaining a healthy economy ……
I want to correct this affirmation a little bit. CRAFTING is vital to sustain a healthy economy. But if we look at the actual state of the crafting, when buying an insignia is cheaper than to craft no wonder that this way of forcing the leveling of crafting was chosen.
I will not continue. But we should not overlook the reward for this change:
For PvP, this will add a considerable cost to the acquisition of ascended gear.
Ascended vending is not intended to be the optimal path for acquiring ascended gear, but rather a way for players to acquire the gear through time spent playing their preferred game mode.
Well, if you are a PvP player …. this is perfect for you. Now you can proudly show your ascendant gear at the same price with the gear crafted. And you will be now able to craft something also. Well, to be able to craft you should first play another game mode, but you will survive.
Do you remember the way Collin joked about the ginding/farming existing in other MMO’s?
" I killed a centaur! I killed a centaur again! …. Woaaaaa ! Look ! I killed another centaur!" Or it was “sword” instead of “centaur”? No matter :-))
Now look at Mike O’Brien’s own words in the GW2 Manifesto:
“GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs. It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill; it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun rather than just having fun
Our games aren’t about preparing to have fun, or about grinding for a future fun reward. Our games are designed to be fun from moment to moment.”
And now, with this leather FARM Anet team considers that they followed the Manifesto. Moreover, they expect us to have fun from this?
This “challenging farming spot” is one of the most important proofs that the actual Anet team discarded the vision of the initial Manifesto. Or, because of so many changes in the team, it may be very possible the actual team is not even aware that such vision exists.
And you are still wondering why the playerbase get smaller and smaller?
The most worrying thing is that even if the old vision was discarded, a new declaration/statement/Manifesto was never released. In this moment, without a document stating the direction/goals/intentions, GW2 looks like a sail floating adrift. The efforts of the passengers (the players) to save the sail may be not enough as long as the crew do almost nothing in the right direction.
Back to the “challenging farming spot”: In a game with ample antifarming rules, going from diminished return to forcibly limiting the number of samples of certain materials you can receive daily, the idea of farming seems to be a way to mock the playerbase.
Why mocking? Because you can farm as long as Anet wants! Even this method to address the leather issue has a limited use. Limit left at Anet will under the form of DR.
And another evidence: The players complained about the very small quantity of T2 / T3 / T4 leather a lvl 80 player can get by playing the endgame. And for the limited quantity of T6 leather you can get – no matter what content you play. Anet solution: they invented the “challenging farming spot” – the output is more than 65% the T5 leather. Nobody complained about T5. Thanks Anet :-)). If the farming spot will be a successful idea, the game will be flooded with T5 leather.
We had this situation in the past. Because of the abundance of T5 Anet decided to reduce the input of all tiers leather. It may be possible that in few months Anet will decide that too much T5 leather is on the game, so they will reduce again the input of the T2/T3/T4/T6 leather :-))))
Obtena7952Leather farm is simply that … a place to farm leather. It’s for players that want to play a challenging area that gives them leather.
Challenging ….. farm. Farming = challenge? Are you serious? With such kind of ideas, no wonder the devs transformed the game in a farmfest claiming that GW2 is now more challenging as ever.
Comparing to the Leather farm in Lake Doric, the Champion Train in Cursed Shore is much more challenging. There, at least, you should know how to approach an event chain to maximize the return.
The actual farming is very much similar with the Labyrinth run from Halloween. On the same challenging level. And requiring the same amount of attention. Farming is not challenging. Is boring.
In my opinion this “challenging farming spot” is an insult to the playerbase coming from the devs. They and not the players changed the drop ratio from salvages. They and not the players changed the recipes and the amount of material for each component. They and not the players added countless sinks for leather.
And now they said these are issues difficult to fix by changing something in the dropratios/recipes. And these issues should be solved by players. How? By FARMING
GODS of GW2 ! Where are you? Come and see what the game is now. And, if you come, please farm some leather. Is challenging.
Sky.7610Without us, the cost would be even more inaccessible to you because undervalued items are purchased quickly and you are left with expensive things to buy from instead of undervalued items being flipped at a fair market value.
Capitalism is enriching oneself by enriching others first.
I’m confused. Please correct me if I’m wrong but this is what I understand:
Having a product on TP at a low value means that the players (not knowing what is good for them) will buy that product and finally the reserve of that product will be depleted and only products at a higher price will be available.
BUT, the “good guys” are there to save the situation. They buy ALL the low price reserve and then flips the product – at a fair price, of course. In this way the game economy is saved. The product will be available not at a low price, but at a fair one :-))
My question is: If the supply will be depleted, what makes you think that the “good guys” can sell unlimited amounts of that product – at a fair price? At one point they will end the supplies too. But, if the supply is continuous, in what way can you help me (a buyer) by selling me at a higher price?
And another unclear thing: HOW can decide the “good guys” if a product will become a limited supply one in the future to buy ALL the supply – in order to flip it at a fair price – and to save the game? Does “Insider Trader” ring you a bell?
By reading what you say about capitalism I understand that not me, but you are confused: In GW2 capitalism is not working. The economy is a communistic one, carefully planned and controlled. In some aspects this communism is very close to dictatorship.
AAAA ! – now I understand. Everything was a joke! Fine joke! And very subtle – I was close to not see the point :-)) Really amusing :-)))
Mike O BrienHi all,
We’re wrapping up work on Episode 4 of Living World Season 3 and expect to launch it in February, hitting our normal cadence of a new episode every 2~3 months. I want to give a quick heads-up here on a few topics that I know the community is anticipating, things that will and won’t be bundled with this episode.
This release will include the promised fix to AB multi-looting. The fix is simple: you can loot each of the great and grand chests once each time you complete the meta, once per map cycle.
This release will also include a new, challenging group-farming spot for leather.
This release won’t include legendary armor. We’re getting close to completion, though, and may be able to ship legendary armor with the Ep5 release.
This release won’t include a skill balance update. As we did last time, we’ll ship the next skill balance update off-cycle from Living World releases.
It seems that ANet team knows only to work with restrictions: “you can loot each of the great and grand chests once each time you complete the meta, once per map cycle”. .
Why nobody considered freeing the AB from the timing? I mean, instead of having a synchronized meta on every AB map, we can have a lot of metas advancing with different speed according with the events completed on the map. As in Silverwastes: Even if on 10 maps the meta starts in the same time, because of the different speed the meta advances, we will have the Vinewrath event at 10 different moments. With this the multiloot is no longer possible and nobody can consider this as unfair.
Or why the mechanism preventing players to join a complete map (from DS) was not implemented?
Well, it seems that restricting satisfies the ego of someone in ANet team.
“This release will also include a new, challenging group-farming spot for leather.”
Farming spot? WHAT ? FARMING? Coming from the head of ANet? FARMING? Taking into account all the anti-farming measures already existing in game, I think the wording for this is wrong. FARMING. :-) Can MO tell us why farming leather is OK and why the DR is kept for any other farming activities?
But, according to the form of this announcement, I can suppose this will be an event like the Anomaly event with a reward of 1-3-5? leather pieces randomly between T1 – T6, doable only once per day per character – because of the anti-farming policy and because someone likes restrictions
What a joke :-)) I barely await for a challenging group content for gathering some herbs or crafting an insignia. Or a challenging group content to drop 4 materials in Mystic Forge.
Why not a change in the drop ratio from salvage? Hm, maybe someone likes restrictions?
“Things that need to NOT be on next exp” – I don’t know if something need to be or NOT in an expansion.
I will try to tell what I don’t want to find in the next XP
1. Changes to specialization skills. Be honest ANet, don’t over power some skills only to cut them in half after 2-3 months. The chronomancer is a good example. I don’t debate here if alacrity was OP at 66%. I don’t debate here if the quickness output was OP or not. What I want to say is that the final Chronomancer is totally different of what the Chronomancer was at release. So, don’t change the new elite skills during the game. Because this means gear change and that means gold wasted by players.
2. Hiding common rewards behind exclusive content. I don’t like to see content designed for only a very few to be used as a wall for rewards desired (and needed) by all, as in HoT: experience, masteries – I don’t think these are extraordinary rewards – are hidden behind raids. Even a new legendary weapon needs all the masteries unlocked. Or the legendary armor – this is an armor - I don’t think an armor is something to be “protected” by a content designed for only a small part of the playerbase. Even if that armor has the “legendary” word in the description. Create special and exclusive content for your hardcore players. Make the rewards to be generous. But don’t make this content the only way to have that rewards
3. I don’t like to see the design of the “horizontal progression” with the idea of grind in mind. Repeating some tasks may be fun. Sometimes you want to do this. But being forced to do this tens of times only to have one MP or an achievement is not funny. I forgot the achievement related with the defense of Tarir. Correction: Hundred of times.
4. Changing of the rules during the play: changing recipe components / recipe quantities / droprates in some places because ANet does not want the players to grind/make profit etc. Changes in the game affecting the items already owned by the players – see the skill points before HoT / the agony resistance change – the amulet.
Disclaimer: These are things I don’t like. I’m sure other players may like the aspects I wrote about. I’m not sure if these aspects need to be or to miss in the next XPac.
But I think Anet should correctly advertise the XPac if some content is exclusive. And to clearly tell to the buyers that some content is not for all. And some rewards too – if this is the case.
IndigoSundown.5419And, for the record, I’m not part of your “We.”
Just a flesh wound.3589Sorry to correct you, but I’m not part of your “we” either
Sorry, but, in my opinion, you are wrong. Both.
Because English is not my language it is very hard for me to phrase my arguments, so, instead, I will use an example: The game Warhammer Online. I read that in the old good days this game had around 300k subscription per month. And millions of copies sold.
Then, problems started to appear. Not major problems, generating a mass exodus of the players. Common problems – only parts of the playerbase were lost due to each of them. That problems were never solved. And although none of them affected all the players, in the end the playerbase reached a level of 50k subscription per month. In that moment the servers were shut down and the game is now history.
You see the point? For 50k of the players the game had no problem. But they eventually realized that the problems the other players had were, in fact, their problems also.
The same with GW2. A part of the playerbase has a problem. If we don’t try to solve this situation, in the end, we will be all affected.
I’m surprised also of ANet attitude. Remember the HoT launch?
A lot of complains – about a lot of issues. The official attitude? These are not problems, of the game. The players are: not good (git gud – remember? ), lazy, casuals, full of imagination – inventing false problems, enemy of the game! Remember Collin’s words? The complainers are not interested in GW2 but instead they want to hurt the game! Every single reason was valid, but not what the players said – the game has problems.
Well, you know what happened – some players (how many only ANet knows) left the game. And the players problems suddenly started to be ANet problems. And the Game Director had problems. And he left the game. Nobody learned from this?
A part of the community having a problem means that the community has a problem. Stating that you are not affected is a statement that you are not part of the community.
Back to the topic: The price for MC is not the real problem. The price is the consequence of the real problem: The way the MC enters the game. And this is what – in my opinion – ANet should fix. And they should try to fix other problems too.
Before the problems affecting – each of them – parts of the playerbase will start to affect even the players considering themselves to be not affected.
Ashen.2907So people are now complaining that prices going up due to supply and demand interactions, in a situation where the governing body has declared a preference for allowing free market (ish) forces to run their course, is comparable to communism…?
You see, they only declared. In fact, the market is not free – if you cannot understand that a resource handled “in an egalitarian manner” without any other viable method to gather this resource does not make a free market, I cannot help you:-)).
In my opinion a free market is when you can have a resource form several sources. And you can chose between these methods or you can buy from the TP. As an example – did you see so many complains as in the MC case about the T6 materials used in crafting? The materials are not abundant. But you have several sources to have them. And you can work to have them. In the MC case you should wait.
In your opinion it seems that a free market means: The Gouvern gives a charity to any person in the country in a limited quantity. The amount is at the Gouvern decision and the Gouvern states that this must be enough for everyone. Even if the resource may be achieved form other sources, this is forbidden, no other sources others than the Gouvern charity being allowed. Some may sell this charity on the market. Well, this seems to be a free market for you.
They declares something. – free market. But they act different – we keep the MC under strict control. No other sources allowed.
The lie (used in propaganda) was a very used tool in the communistic toolkit. Comrade Joseph Stalin ( J.S ?? ) used this a lot. The lie, I mean.
Obtena.7952Hey, people will say any kind of ridiculous thing if they think it gets Anet’s attention. Don’t want 1G MC’s? Call it communism … hope you get some McCarthy-istic justice going on.
Well, I never complained about the price of MC. In fact, the price is not important as long it is a result of a free market. I considered an issue the way the MC are handled to the players. Like a charity / subvention / social aid. An no other sources allowed.
Read carefully, please. I never contested the price of the MC but the strictly controlled way the MC enters the game.
Just a curiosity: In your past posts, you acted and voiced as a true defender of capitalism / democracy. How it comes that now you have no problems with communism?