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Guys, I think those for and against the sub fee for GW2 share one, most important thing: both of these groups agree that GW2 lacks expansion-worthy content. It’s 2 years old. It won’t keep the remainder of the people playing here without anything fresh, new AND permanent. It doesn’t matter, free or subbased, if the game lacks anything new for too long ( GW2 case ), it will simply die off ‘cos I don’t think people can have as miserable lives as to waste their time playing a game that hasn’t changed for 2 years.
Just my opinion, ofc.
Ragnarok Online before the transcendent (I think that’s what they were called) jobs would beg to differ. :P
I get this whenever theres a lot of traffic on my home network (Skype running, Netflix Streaming on AppleTV, iDevices downloading updates and Android phone doing the same.) Sometimes happens with certain chat channels too. If it persists try cycling the router and possibly the modem too (if separate) I’m no IT pro or anything, but it usually clears the problem up for me when it gets really bad (4 hours of errors for example lol)
Hope that helps!
Well, what else did you expect in a B2P game with a cash shop? I paid $120 for my WoW sub this year which is less than what a lot of you spend in a few months here. And guess what? I get access to everything in game apart from a couple of shop items that are complete fluff. Just have to go out and get it.
Not that I’m trying to brag but… okay no I’m totally bragging.
Since November 2012 I’ve spent $60 (not counting the box price) in the gem store.
If you count stuff that I got for friends as birthday presents or w/e I’ve spent closer to $90.
The important part is knowing what’s worth buying gems for and what isn’t, which I think is something a lot of players haven’t quite figured out yet unfortunately :o
And the day anything is put in the shop that is absolutely required to play the game is the day I say sayonara to GW2.
Quoted for Massive Truth
I feel like my perspective on how ANet handled a Cash Shop in both games is pretty skewed due to games like Perfect World where you could buy just about anything; like crafting mats, for irl dollas.
There’s a line that ANet knows it’ll catch Hell for if they cross it, but they haven’t come too close to it yet. (The QoL infinite Picks/Axes/Sickles draw a few steps closer, but now that they’re account bound I can’t really complain)
Hm? Well, as a counter;
Wardrobe: You are still awarded a transmutation charge for completing city maps (as it was 3 Stones before, which were useless to you at level 80) Additionally, there is zero benefit to skinning vs. not skinning an item. It is purely for aesthetics. If you’re absolutely sure of the look you want, then you should (ideally) know how many charges you would need to reskin your gear.
Dyes: Udyes can still be acquired by taking 4 of any crafted dye and shoving them into the mystic toilet. All those carrots and onions sitting in your collection box, guess what you can do with those? Loads of Orange dyes. I believe blue and/or gray are also pretty easy to make if you just do the (Fine) tier. You can also cough up laurels for ‘em but I personally feel like the new rate of 5 laurels for 1 Udye is pretty lame. Of course, that is assuming you need Udyes for something like the Gift of Color. If you’re just looking for aesthetics, again, the option is there to POSSIBLY craft the dye you’re looking for in the particular hue you want.
As for the gem store dyes, I’ve seen maybe 1-2 out of each series that looked unique enough to warrant wanting, which is why the TP is a beautiful thing because there’s no way I’m wasting gems on a random draw lol.
I dunno why the megaserver is brought up as it doesn’t have anything to do with the gem store.
I have an entire additional bank tab full of ‘em, and they’re starting to grow now that I keep remembering I have the sprocket node in my home instance. I only need so many to make the ascended backs for my other characters.
C’mon ANet, spill already, are we getting Zephyr Sanctum back or what? They’re the only group I would imagine would have an interest in those things… unless we’re getting a Skritt focused LS :O
As someone who ragequit Tribulation Mode, I’m gonna have to agree. I really hope ANet releases more skins and such that are almost exclusively accessible to people who ran legitimately challenging content (i.e. didn’t jump in a TTS Teq/Wurm run and spammed “1” the whole fight.) We casuals have plenty of neat stuff to play with, but the hardcores of every game mode (PvE, WvW, PvP) could definitely do with some more bling to showcase those accomplishments.
This has happened to me from time to time and I honestly have no clue what triggers it 100% of the time, but I do know that it’s most commonly happened in a high pop server or an overflow.
Also, sometimes it’s something to do with how my system communicates with ANet’s servers (sometimes I’ll get a network error, but won’t get logged out because of it. However, certain features like chat will be all kinds of wonky.)
In the event that it is some kind of server communication error, maybe try cycling your router? Idk man, but you’re not the only one who’s seen it and it’s not a new thing (which doesn’t make it any better I know lol)
Edit: Missed that socket error post. Definitely try cycling your modem and/or router o.O
I am still having trouble using them. I attempted to upgrade a set of armor and nothing happened, except that I noticed charges in my wallet, which cannot be used. Something seems to be very fishy about what is happening to this game. It use to be fun and easy to use. Now, it is getting complicated and frustrating. Can anyone tell me why?
Based on how you phrased this I just want to make sure I’m following what you did here.
1)Got your free charges
2)Attempted to use those charges to reskin your armor (i.e. you double clicked them in your inventory to “activate” them)
3)Charges were put in your wallet.
If that’s the case, that’s exactly how it works. Imo it would make sense if they instantly went into your wallet as I don’t recall them being open to trade with others while they’re in your inventory, but then again I could be wrong about that.
Still, try it again, when they’re in your wallet they’re available for use for reskins. Hope that helps!