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Dragon Ball auto-balance [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Danface.3671


<< Just another person wishing for the above changes :<
The pros outweigh the cons… don’t they?

Every day, the full 50 repeatable points are feeling less like an achievement, and more like a burnout. ‘Dragonball Champion’ has to be one of the more negative achievements I’ve actively tried to achieve… progress is so wishy-washy! ‘Tis a shame, since the game-mode is heeeeaps of fun (/memories of Reaper’s Rumble <3), but playing with the knowledge that a little bad luck can send all of your efforts and near-victories to the gutter………. maybe next year hm

~Edit: They should lower the countdown for each game. People tend to afk when they’re losing / people start leaving their team, then wind up kicked etc, then are replaced by brand new people looking for fun… seeing a 200 point diff, and knowing the only ways to win are to spawnkill the afkers when they pop outside… or wait out the ~25m remaining in the hopes of not being switched to the other team ^^’… should totally be brought down.
+ ditto to no incentive to stick around if losing = no point scoring for the opposite team = unfair autobalance = broken game.


(edited by Danface.3671)

Suggestion: Graphics Options - Custom Presets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danface.3671


Hey there travelers,

As the title describes, I’m here to cry out for custom presets which not only allow for ‘something in the middle’, but also specific toggling of whichever features I may or may not want gw2 to display.

Since forever, I’ve been toggling things on and off while in and out of WvW or fighting World Bosses, and often times laziness will result in me just settling for ‘Best Performance’ when zerging (ie, game looks like pewp).
I find auto-detect to over-estimate every time / not take into account the hundred other players standing next to me, so for the above alone – custom presets would be super <3 being able to select all of the options best suited for my machine with just a couple of clicks <3 <3

[s]My new issue, is having someone recommend the beauuuutiful:
‘Reshader’ / ‘Master Effect’ / ‘Reshade Unlocker’ combo!
This 3rd party software allows for all of the tweaking of the previous sweetfx / gemfx and more, including what is said to be more effective implementation of a number of things already found in the Gw2 Graphics Options.

And so, now when phasing back to low pop gameplay from zerging, if I want to play around with this new software, switching back to ‘Best Appearance’ in low pop environments is no longer optimal. Gw2 & this 3rd party software will each wind up attempting to display the same thing, which ofc could be avoided if there was a custom preset or two![/s]
(Have just discovered this may not be relevant? I’m not yet sure how it all works would still be nice for the WvW stuff though!)

Just me?

(as always, sorry if this is a repost :O I did check I promise!)

/wave ^^

(edited by Danface.3671)

Guild Rename Contract

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danface.3671


is a vote required?

On the one hand I’d say people are free to come and go as they please, and that it’d be up to the guild leader if he/she wants to risk losing players due to the new [PIMP]/[KITTY] tag above their heads (although, would totally stay for [KITTY]).

On the other :< leaving a guild after putting in time and… more time, to growing it’s resources / infrastructure might be a tough decision for some.

As quoted, gut decision would be to go with the voting method, though I’ve no idea how it would account for absent players, what numbers / percentages would be needed to agree within both large and tiny guilds. Suppose it’d be a bit much for the game to work out the mean number of accounts active in a guild within a week, and ask for a % of those to agree, (edit) perhaps within designated time. Activating the contract = 7 day countdown until changes take place? Would then be necessary for the guild to organise it, to make everyone aware, before the event, plenty of time for people to voice opinions no? /stops rambling.

Although it doesn’t affect me, I think the option would be nice! How to implement though, it’s too late to be thinking such things /scratches beard some more

(edited by Danface.3671)

[Suggestion] Utility switching via rightclick

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danface.3671


I know it’s no real biggy, but I’d still consider it an improvement if utility switching was done by using right-click to open the utility menus.
Or just me? (curious of the reason it is the way it is all the same)

It would take quite a while to count the number of times I’ve tried to switch my utility/elite in a hurry, and accidentally activated it due to missing that tiny arrow above… landing my fat cursor with my fat fingers, straight onto the fat (by comparison to the target area) utility button and potentially removing my ability to switch the skill for the next <180s :<

I’ve even developed a kind of panic response to it, where I immediately spam the escape button if I screw up ^^ Most of the time I get away with it, but it feels unnecessary.
Any reason not to use right-click?

[Suggestion] Town Clothes into Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danface.3671


It would be great if they were turned into outfits.

Sounds good to me. This was a pretty difficult item to get rid of once upon a time :< having 10+ of them in my bank for so long, doing nothing but take up space… I kept them for so long~

Having these as outfits would be really nice nostalgia, especially with Sylvari being able to dye myself pretty again <3 I wonder why this was never done before.

“I think transform tonics (turning you into a creature), should actually have a separate tab in wardrobe with a gallery of tonics similar to finishers.”

Was going to mention that too ^^’ but was worried about derailing. Have SO many tonics filling my slots lately. Would be kewel to have a button to bind to tonic be able to choose which tonic it actives, and just like that yummy new feature for finishers <3 be able to set it to random.

ANYHOO yesss this would be a nice addition to my outfits. (/also believes they should be locked to race)

Angry Bearded Hobo's Valentine Adventure (EU)

in In-game Events

Posted by: Danface.3671


Like life without… raisinsh!
My waning heart… /mumblesh&grumblesh…
Shuch divine shweetnessh,
I might be in lov-hic.

Where am I-… Bartender! Shame again-!
/Drinks… Hobo!! Darling Hobo.
Pretty pink, I fear no girl’sh to obtain,
shpending night after night, with shtout’sh ale and Toto.

Shhhould we not bloom, as the shky for the moon,
then for you doesh my all, wishh happinessh befall.
Shleepy shleep.
Happy… Valentines……. shnores


Angry Bearded Hobo's Valentine Adventure (EU)

in In-game Events

Posted by: Danface.3671


87 for me please

Winter Blunderland 2014

in In-game Events

Posted by: Danface.3671


:3 and to think, I almost didn’t attend such a festive event! If it wasn’t for that one friend’s presence encouraging me to be social… <3
A great big thankyou to the team, and to everyone who attended for encouraging their recurrence! This event gave me more festive feelings than anything else this christmas, really did feel like the end of a season when it was all over /happysadfeelings
See you all next time!

(ps, the music that was played was so pretty <3 some of it even stole the show for me so I missed what was going on :P thanks for being there CMAJ Colours of the Wind was my favourite!)


Winter Blunderland 2014

in In-game Events

Posted by: Danface.3671


112 for the raffle please

The King and Queen's Horrorween 2014

in In-game Events

Posted by: Danface.3671


451 – Celilah <3

[Suggestion] Should lying dead be more punishing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danface.3671


The fully dead character’s name should be in a different color (compared to downed) and rezzes should prioritize downed characters over fully dead.

^ This.
I feel like there should be a distinct way to prioritize downed VS defeated players. Changes to rewards I don’t feel are as important as dead players not hindering the performance of those still alive.
Dead players, for me, are especially frustrating when stacking, getting in the way of both reviving downed players, and of summoned weapons.

It’d be nice if we could toggle a ‘Defeated player revival in combat?’ option (perhaps with a hotkey), that when switched off, would cause your character to just flat out ignore dead players while in combat. Corpses still visible, but no prompts to revive when walking over them until ooc.

Gifting: If the player already has the item?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Danface.3671


For a birthday surprise, I’d like to send a gem store item as a gift.
I have no way of knowing what store items they already have without asking them. Asking would be fishy so close to a birthday, spoiling the desired effect.

So if I were to gift them an item from the gem store in the hopes they don’t have it, and I find out I was wrong, what then?

Suggestion: Anti-spam, or Anti-social?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danface.3671


I think the suggestion of limiting whispers from friends/guildmates only should be allowable, so long as you don’t mention the gold sellers.

Would also like to see that suggestion materialize
(+ thanks for the advice, have changed all key words to ‘spammer’ hopefully now less threatening overall)

Suggestion: Anti-spam, or Anti-social?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danface.3671


I had no idea :< touchy subject prone to lots of rage / general negativity I guess.
Not talking about it doesn’t make it any less of a problem though, oh wells.

Suggestion: Anti-spam, or Anti-social?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danface.3671


I’ve had a rise in spammers spamming their usual lately, and wondered about what kind of action can be taken against it. No doubt this has been discussed on many forums for many games, I did search for it on here before-hand, though didn’t find much (apologies if this is a duplicate).

Spammers, outside of map chat in busy idling areas, will always contact individuals via /whisper. I’d like to think some of the following might help to filter them out, or make it harder for them. That being said I’m sure there’d also be repercussions if successful, for now though I’d just like to post a few ideas for combating spammers on an individual level, in the case of them having yet to be considered:

1. Inbound whispers from Friends & Guildies only -
Although Gw2, as an MMO I’m sure is intended to be a social game, the more extreme solution to deal with spammers would be to allow players the option to block all whispering from people they’re not affiliated with in some way. As most players are usually first befriended via party / say chat, I don’t see that there’d be too much damage in having players adjust to such a model. Having said that, this would require both players to be on each other’s lists simultaneously, a possible barrier. I’m also currently unaware of the friend list cap, though I’m sure it could be altered if need be.

2. Incoming whispers from Friends & Guildies (anywhere),
& Randoms (from Zone / Instance / Party(?) only) -
A number of times, I’ve had party members complain of spammers bugging them mid-dungeon. Unsure of how their details came to the attention of spammers, this option could be an effective way to prevent unwanted hassle outside of idling areas / main cities?
*Edit: An idea might also be to have whispers from randoms limited by proximity to the player.

Currently, the only sure-fire way to avoid the possibility of being personally targeted by whispers from spammers is to Appear Offline, though this also behaves as a barrier between a player and his/her friends.
Both of the above choices, however effective they might be, still allow for full communication between friends.

To be clear, I’m not suggesting these be enforced, I’m suggesting they be an option. Just a toggle-box in a menu someplace ^^

One final suggestion:
Temporary player block – Whenever I receive spam, it tends to be just that. The same name will flood me 2 or 3 times with the same mini wall of capital letters.
While blocking is a great feature for staying out of the reach of the undesirable, ideally I feel there should be a differentiation between actual people I don’t want to interact with, and the many automated spammers that would see my list filled to the brim.

Since I’d hope accounts used for such activity don’t last too long before being banned, there’s no reason for them to be on a permanent block list. Admittedly I haven’t done my homework on this area, and am unknowing of whether players on lists who’ve had their accounts banned / deleted, are automatically removed from existence

My suggestion would be to implement a 24-hour block for players to use on spammers, in the hope that by the time the block runs out, they’ll no longer be around (this method also combats chat-abuse other than whispers, identical to the block ability we already have, with less of the mess).

Hope some of this leads to something! ^^ Heart of the Mists seems to be hit the hardest right now.

(edited by Danface.3671)

Guild Wars 2 World Event Tracker

in API Development

Posted by: Danface.3671


Dem notifications <3 being able to run the game full-screen sets it above the others for me for sure! All it needs now is an audio cue to accompany them, and some prettying up mebe ^^

Functionally, feels like it’s mostly there ‘tis especially dandy being able to turn off tracking for events I’ve already completed. Suppose timers would make it far more convenient to plan around any final few events left to complete, though considering it’s still in beta nomnomnom ^^ I’m already converted!

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Danface.3671



==Quoted from site==
There are two Trading Post fees, both paid by the seller; they total up to 15% of the total sales price.

A non-refundable listing fee of 5% (minimum 1 Copper coin); this is paid when you post and is not returned if you remove the order.
A 10% tax on successful sales; this is deducted from the coin available when you pick up orders from the trading post.

Fee notes
The listing fee is shown before you press the submit button, but the sales tax is not shown (neither in the sales window nor in the pickup window).
Both fees are mathematically rounded, i.e. fractions less than one-half a coin are rounded down; fractions above that are rounded up.
==End quote==

Pretty sure this has all been explained in this thread before fyi ^^ all it takes is google!
(ps, there’s a little more information if you follow the link, regarding “Losing potential earnings”, “Rounding examples” and the basics).

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Danface.3671


Nothing much to add, aside confirming the issue’s that little bit wider spread than before :/

(Windows 7 Pro 64-bit user)


Double-checking my symptoms as I’m typing this message:
Can successfully view, purchase & pickup items using trade-post.

Can’t sell any of my items, using any of the 3 selling options (highest buyer, lowest selling price, custom). Each attempt presents the message “Error attempting to sell.” (the interface appears perfect, can view all items. Error only occurs when hitting the ‘Sell’ button).


MAIL ISSUE (possibly irrelevant to the thread).

Have browsed around, and similarly to my own suspicions, it’s been suggested the “Processing previous mail” bug may be related.

For the record, I am unable to send any mail to any players, yet am still able to receive. As I believe mentioned previously in this thread(?), rewards and congratulations for exploration / heart completion are still both functional.



Due to noticing these problems around the same time as each other, I’ve tried a small number of methods via various threads, and am running out of ideas fast :S

Have tried:
~Sending mail from multiple characters to numerous recipients (longshot!)
~“Turning it off and on again”… ^^ (it = GW2)
~Running without an active firewall on my computer (though my router’s firewall was still enabled).
~Running in compatability mode, set to XP(sp3).
~Running as administrator.

None to avail.

Most curiously… I know of nobody else aside the people in this thread with these issues or similar. There are plenty of people with fully functional Trading Posts and Mail… completely unsure of what the cause is… though wouldn’t that suggest client-side, rather than server? :S Yet a previous post claims to’ve logged in on a number of machines / connections with no luck…

Unsure what further details might help… suppose all hardware / software present will be linked to my account already somehow ^^ if there’s anything else + if I still have these issues in a few days, will check again then… think I’ll take a break or something >.< can’t do much with a full inventory.

(ps, the wordwrapping when previewing a comment seems a little off)

(edited by Danface.3671)