Showing Posts For Daoshi.7618:

The Topic that will fix the warriors:

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


Wait, warriors are hands down the most powerful class in PvE/Dungeons/World events. Easily on par with everyone but thief in WvW, and you call warriors underpowered? (I know warriors have issues in PvP – but frankly, very few people play it, and still every single skill balance is based around it. At this point, PvP whining should be ignored. It won’t, but it should.)

I agree, armour should have far more impact than it does on damage mitigation – but doing that would lead to the “trinity” that Anet tries to avoid.

You’re also glossing over the strong points of the warrior. Highest melee damage in game, best ranged damage in game. Banners give effortless group support that beats everything ’cept for a guardian. Warriors have the highest base health/armour.

I would argue that warriors simply need more sources of vigor. Vigor = dodge = 100% damage mitigation. Of course, then there’d be threads spawning up about “Anet, why should I learn to dodge? It’s unfair!”

Unfortunately PvP balance should supersede PvE balance especially if marketed as a PvP game. SPvP and WvW are two modes of PvP, to say that PvP whining should be ignored is completely ignorant.

PvE is about class efficiency about what classes may produce marginally better results or get the job done faster. Period.

PvE balancing would be much more of a concern if every dungeon event was at the level of fractal 48 or above (which I have extensive experience of and choose to use my guardian over a warrior). Frankly I’m sure that there are less people completing that level of PvE than compete in the two modes of PvP.

The real point of the PvE’rs are that X class can faceroll Y instance faster than I can and I feel Z about it. PvE although profitable is of no challenge in this game.

HOWEVER, PvE changes do apply to WvW and that creates more of a balancing nightmare for those involved.

Unfortunately no matter how much we try to concisely or passionately convey our points about one particular aspect of the game, the fact that one class change in a particular area such as WvW, SPvP, TPvP or PvE can have quite an effect on the others.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Opinion on warriors at the moment.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


WoW Related but fairly accurate for any game where warrior and pvp go hand in hand with warriors.

Haha I was playing a warrior at that time as well….. I suppose I should have learnt my lesson about melee regardless that it was a different MMO. Stealth has always been strong across MMOs and warriors seem to be quite weak outside of the trinity ( although paladins were quite decent ). Let us dual wield greatswords then I won’t care that the class has so many issues, at least I can look like a boss.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Delete Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618



[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Delete Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


Who actually cares about PvE? I mean, every class can complete PvE dungeons and fractals. Its just boils down to efficiency and that is what is getting people upset and for that reason which is holding PvP warriors back.

Who cares if CoF takes a few minutes more running it with classes other than warrior?

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

State of the Game comment/question thread!

in PvP

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


Ask them if they actually test the builds before they release them. The fact that we may have to put up with the current state of warriors for another month is ridiculous.

Is there extensive testing by a playerbase on all patches before they are released? Is there a test server I am not aware of? Perhaps they should look at installing community class representatives that have demonstrated their understanding of the class to test patches before they go live to let them see potential issues.

If anyone will know how to break something it will be the player base, never the devs involved.

Anet said they didn’t want to play whack a mole or have a knee-jerk reaction, but by not testing patches appropriately the same result is reached in the end.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Opinion on warriors at the moment.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


I have used that combo in Spvp for two days now and for a melee based warrior it isn’t enough. Being snared is rarely and issue but the amount of condis that a pure melee based warrior eats just from being in the area/focused is absurd. Duration means nothing if things are constantly re-applied. What I want to see from Melandru runes and traits are a minus to the effectiveness, not duration.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Opinion on warriors at the moment.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


We are definitely worse off than we were before given the AoE condition spam. Like Blackjack.2083 said, even getting the maximum amount of condition clear and combinations thereof you cannot keep up with the clear and sacrifice offensive capability.

Warrior is so absurdly broken if you don’t use a Longbow. I have been trying dual wield combinations the last two days and they do not do enough damage in a 1v1 situation let alone in a group, the sustain is non existant, and you still basically fall over if you take con clearing and defensive traits.

Warrior Meta = Sit back with a LB and hope people don’t notice.

Are you talking Spvp or WvW? because in WvW im not finding this true at all. I dont use a longbow and have no intentions of using it unless im shooting up or down a wall. Hammer/GS is still an excellent build even if you have to take 30 points in defense

Spvp and TPvP play. Although it isn’t every ones cup of tea but balance there does help open up potential builds in WvW ( which I actively play as well ) . PvE is of no concern balance wise as bosses do not exploit class limitations to their advantage.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Opinion on warriors at the moment.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


It synergises with longbow. It does not even come close with other burst skills. Furthermore its so much easier to clear the few conditions you may have using cleansing Ire and the longbow burst than being blocked, blinded, chilled, immob and or snared with melee based builds who not only cannot clear the condition but have a full skill cool down activated for missing.

People need to look at the trait as a whole and not how it applies to a single weapon set.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Opinion on warriors at the moment.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


We are definitely worse off than we were before given the AoE condition spam. Like Blackjack.2083 said, even getting the maximum amount of condition clear and combinations thereof you cannot keep up with the clear and sacrifice offensive capability.

Warrior is so absurdly broken if you don’t use a Longbow. I have been trying dual wield combinations the last two days and they do not do enough damage in a 1v1 situation let alone in a group, the sustain is non existant, and you still basically fall over if you take con clearing and defensive traits.

Warrior Meta = Sit back with a LB and hope people don’t notice.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Any good GS build since the patch?

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


To be honest, builds are incredibly more forgiving in PvE than SPvP/TPvP/WvW. Go with what you think is fun, with what you have currently and what can help the group. I wouldn’t stress about it.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

State of the Game comment/question thread!

in PvP

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


I would really like for them to speak to a representative of the warrior community and not someone who has experience by association towards the class.

Underlying issues still have not been addressed to the one dimensional nature of the warrior class.

Basically I would like a laundry list of their justifications for making the changes they did and didn’t do. One of the biggest things currently is Cleansing Ire, blinds that severely impact warriors and using burst skills that miss yet go on the full skill cooldown ( an issue that has been around forever ). Seriously, if they are trying to be careful with warrior so they don’t make it OP they are kidding themselves, you would have to radically change things to even come close to that.

I swear if they say “in BETA…” one more time…. warriors have very little self upkeep and the excuse for heavy armour and high health pools is the biggest load of kitten. Pure mitigation through blinds, stealth, invuln, teleport will always trump mitigating a small amount of physical damage no matter how you look at it.

Clearing conditions through gaining adrenaline would be something that could be looked at as warriors would need to actually spend it continuously as they have stated that us holding on to adrenaline is not what they really want for the class. It would also bring extra viability to dual wield specs and also help counter the issues of F1 burst abilities going on a FULL CD even when missed, and spending adrenaline to clear poison to only have our heal do as much after we clear is as if we were poisoned. There is also the issue of our only real viable elite up to this point Signet of Rage being stolen, stripped or corrupted the instant we use it, and that a group fight in melee especially on points ( where warriors should fight ) is actually the most hazardous area a warrior can go and many prefer to sit back with a ranged weapon than have condis dumped on us feared and cc’d faster than we can clear.

This was only really off the top of my head but to be completely honest my guardian is better and my warrior in every single way that it becomes difficult to justify playing my warrior. I would like to actually play my warrior that I have over 2000 hours on and 4 legendaries bound to it.

The warrior community have been exceedingly patient up to this point…..

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

(edited by Daoshi.7618)

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


Out of 25 boxes and however many chest from completing both dragon ball achievement and the hologram achievement I am up 7 tickets. 5 from a stack of 25 and 2 from the standard dragon coffer.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


uncontested at Jade Quarry (NA)

Thanks !!!!!

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


Looking for an uncontested NA to finish up my legendary !!!

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Warrior needs drastic changes.

in PvP

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


Those classes haven’t got both heavy armors and the higher hp tier, though. Thus a similar comparison is quite biased. You can’t have all and just the nice things, basically.

When will people realise that a high health pool ( lets say 4-6k over other classes ) means exactly nothing with no mitigation whatsoever. That includes escapes, teleport, stealth, blind, protection chains, higher base heals, life force…. and so on on a class that is primarily melee based with little to no condition removal whatsoever.

People keep saying" Oh? Just spec into survival with shouts and X and Y"

Guess what, that makes you MARGINALLY more survivable while negating your effective damage ( and thereby potential threat ) while you still get killed in the end.

The reason warriors spec into damage and damage alone is that the ‘defensive’ talents are lacklustre where damage specs GIVE YOU AT LEAST A CHANCE.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

BUG: Fused weapons and PvP sigils

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


bump, this should be fixed easily.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Warrior SPvP Build - Original

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


I tried this myself when i swap out my GS for the LB and the mobility is lacking. If I get caught with a LB im as good as dead in melee.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Balanced Classes Finally

in PvP

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


This thread is a load of kitten. Warriors are in such a bad way right now its ridiculous. I am pretty much forced to play my bunker guard if I actually want to do anything noteworthy in a fight. The changes from the patch did SFA to the state of warriors, boon hate 30 points into a tree where its secondary tree buff gives 3% dmg to burst attacks… still? golfclap

By going 30 points into that tree the enemy needs what? 3-5 unique boons up constantly to be worth it?


Oh and dogged march, step in the right direction but horrible implementation in spvp. -33% to the duration? How about to the effectiveness. I’ll take that over duration any day. The chain snare that is clearly prevalent in spvp shows that this trait is nigh on useless.

Get your kitten together anet.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Some changes i would prefer to see

in Thief

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


What a load of kitten. You would like a high damage, teleport to remove conditions and a stun?


[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

BUG: Fused weapons and PvP sigils

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


The superior sigil of nullification is not accepted by the fused weapons. Axe, shield and Greatsword will not accept it as an upgrade.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

The 1v1 Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


nice video an excellent showcase of backpedaling. Should really help the warrior community out if you want to play warrior transfer to that guys tier and fight against the roleplay server they eat 100 hundred blades to the face like a baws.

pretty much

Needs more Skale venom.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Hammer vs Greatsword on high end fractals

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


I did level 38 today with little to no issues running GS + S/Sh. I don’t see why people underestimate the value of a GS vs trash mobs, especially if they are grouped together like in Battle for Ascalon. For the record I run Soldier weapons, Knights armour, Divinity runes and Berserker accessories. Staying mobile is the way to go.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

All you Berserker Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618



If you try to melee the Volcano boss then you’re just simply kitten Ranged plays an important role when dealing with boss mechanics.

I do level 26-30+ fractals and rarely if ever go down let alone die. I’m not sure what the fixation is with OMG FULL BERZERKERZZZZZ

If the party can’t handle the 500-1k effective power disparity that this ‘online tool’ generates then you have issues with your party, not your set up by throwing in knights armour to give you a buffer.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Food Healing Nerfed?

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


To be honest I had no idea everyone was using this food to such an extent. I have been running with Curry Butternut Squash Soup and oils to get my crit rate up ( GS S/Sh spec 10-30-0-10-20 ) and the 10% crit damage is nothing to laugh at either. I could not see the viability of a GS with this food over the potential damage output.

For those asking about melee in dungeons, I melee 30+ fractals with my GS + S/Sh. I did not rely on +healing food at any stage although I will not dispute that is is effective.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

How much toughness for WVW?

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


That should suffice, but the thing that will usually kill you ( speaking for myself ) is conditions over raw physical damage. I run Knights armour with ’zerk accessories and I do fine. You spec and weapon choices are the biggest determiner as to how much toughness is viable. With that said as a general rule of thumb, sub 1400 can lead to problems.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Dual wielding GS

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


Well if a warrior is ‘master of arms’ I would love to use the underwater spear on land, especially the legendary cause it is just so kitten sexy.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Random question

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


I’ve had my warrior since day 1. I don’t jump bandwagons and made it my goal to be the best warrior I could be regardless of public opinion. I’m still trying to improve every day I play.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Maguuma/Crystal Desert/Ehmry Bay 2-22

in WvW

Posted by: Daoshi.7618



We like to do it more often, so if any Commanders feel like they could do with some Roamers helping them just whisper one of the OG members we more then will to throw ourself’s at large zergs.

^ i suggest more commanders take up this offer. whenever i’ve needed assistance cleaning up groups, OG has been there to help whether i’m commanding or not. whatever your opinion is of them i recommend asking them to help you out sometime. your opinion may quickly change.

We are changing people’s opinions one zerg bust at a time we even were complimented by a random Mag player today <3
I wish I had recorded the NE camp + EK shenanigans that went on in CD BL today.

Good times had by all and thanks for the fight CD ^o^

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Cool hammers for the Asura

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


I don’t think it looks like a staff. I think this hammer is on par with Jugger for looks if not effects.


[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Can Bulls Charge be fixed please

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


All of the warrior pathing abilities need to be fixed, I agree. I do not use bulls rush any more or to set up 100b, if I did I would use it as a gap closer ( regardless if it hit or not ) or at point blank range to stop enemies from disengaging/healing.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

WvW Network/Skill Lagging worst since Reset

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


This just kicked in for me. I will have ability lag and stay connected for a long long time, then suddenly disconnect. I still have the ability to chat in game although at a delay.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Legendary choice

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


I think the fractal hammer is one of the better skins available. Not a real fan of hammer myself though. There is a metallic effect when swinging the hammer and the nodules actually separate and move when you swing and walk. It’s pretty cool.


[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Maguuma/Crystal Desert/Ehmry Bay 2-22

in WvW

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


Posting the score is a good way to show off your sexy character and to be recognised in game.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Legendary choice

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


So i finnly decide to start legendary farm and can’t decide – Twilight, Juggernaut or Frostfang+something

Go for a weapon that you like the look of. If they tie, then look for something that has a bit of flexibility when making builds. The legendaries you listed vary in price in to make quite considerably.

Just to give you a warning, Eternity and it’s two parts look amazing, but are highly impractical.

I haven’t had that issue at all so far, the bosses are quite easy to read with a GS. Abilities that add animations to boss’s such as a guardians virtue of justice makes things infinitely worse.

I got Eternity, but I’m transitioning into axe/axe as I finally hit the 40s of fractals…
So I"m probably going to go for Frostfang as well

Its a shame to not use Eternity as it took a tonne of time and effort to make. Frostfang looks pretty cool and I don’t see it very often. Good luck with making it =)

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Maguuma/Crystal Desert/Ehmry Bay 2-22

in WvW

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


I have a bit of footage from the fights [OG] were involved in on CD BL, first time really recording so it must just be plain awful. I’ll see if I can put it up if anyone is interested.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Maguuma/Dragonbrand/Fort Espenwood 2-15

in WvW

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


I PvE. This is however abundantly obvious if you have ever seen me in game. I’m the black sheep of the [OG] family often referred to as the “PvE kitten”.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Tell me the Cold Truth about Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


They should change the name of our class to ‘Vulture’, currently the best thing to do as a Warrior is to keep an eye on the weak and defenceless swoop in to attack then get straight back out.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Dual wielding GS

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


Seriously though I want to use a gs in 1hand. The hard decision would be to work out whether to MH Sunrise or Twilight.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Enough GS zerker Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


On the topic of GS in fractals, I rarely get into a downed state even on level 26 and I die usually because the rest of the party wiped and i’m trying to solo the ele boss -.- and as such I can maintain 25 stacks of lust and 25 stacks of might. 28k 100b in knight armour, soldier weapons isn’t something to scoff at. Today’s cycle was – Volcano, Cliffside and Battle for Ascalon.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

(edited by Daoshi.7618)

Warriors voted weakest PVP class

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


Actually, its a consensus regarding consistent tPvP players.

As the maker of the thread, I weeded out those whose opinions seemed bias in their reason.

The list is actually fairly consistent with what’s occurring in tPvP.

Anyone who really pvps understand the situation warriors are in. I have no idea how you guys with the hammer or other specs manage. The survivability of my GS is something I can’t let go of and allows me to disengage. I used a hammer for about 2 hours today and boy, apples and oranges.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Mystic Weapons are 50 SP?!

in Crafting

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


As a ranger it took me 5 months 12 hours a day to get 95 skillpoints

I highly doubt that. If that honestly is the case then I would suggest you get out of SPvP.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Maguuma/Dragonbrand/Fort Espenwood 2-15

in WvW

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


OG talks so much trash and all I ever see is their backs as they are running away

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Class Balancing Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


Oh noes, this one time this warrior was in Arah and I saw him on youtube and he totally killed a boss all on his own. OMG !!!!!!! All warriors must do this cause its a totally reasonable thing to do.

Boss and fight mechanics are the reasons. Not the class.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Nerf the warrior damage or health

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


Its a troll post, move on people.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Maguuma/Dragonbrand/Fort Espenwood 2-15

in WvW

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


OG talks so much trash and all I ever see is their backs as they are running away

Oh? That must be either;

a) You’re surrounded by really awesome players in a totally skilled zergball.


b) We’re stringing you out from said zergball so we can kill you when you get that amazing sense of self confidence by outnumbering the enemy you rush forward when your friend have decided not to bother chasing.

Face it, you love us. We tickle you in all the right places.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Fractal Weapon - a short moan & suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


I got my first fractal skin today, the Hammer. I am very pleased with it. Fractal weapon skins tend to be as rare as legendaries, if not more so. They are quite unique and I think a linear progression towards them is a good idea.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Nerf the warrior damage or health

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


Cause PvE is so competitive? We’re at the bottom in the competitive scene which is where real game balancing matters. Warriors solo bosses because of the mechanics of the boss, not the “god mode” you think they have.

When a single profession can solo dungeons regardless of how skilled the player is…..

You pretty much shot your argument down in your opening sentence.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

(edited by Daoshi.7618)

Mystic Weapons are 50 SP?!

in Crafting

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


Hi, I have an overwhelming sense of entitlement and don’t like lifting a finger to be on par with everyone else. * That * person has one, so why shouldn’t * I * ? The fact that * that * person worked for it is completely irrelevant in my eyes.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Please critique my W3 hammer build + gear

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


Hi all,

I managed to pick up a Hammer fractal skin today and have played around with the build calculator basing my traits off CoaxialMazer.9140’s trait set up.

I have altered the gear quite significantly though such as my sword/shield being solider ( legendaries ) and having a set of Arah already decked out with knights/divinity. I have a spare set of t3 with divinity runes in it, and can change it to say, berserker if needed.

I don’t have a lot of experience with Hammer builds and would like to get some feedback on it. The Ascended gear listed is what I currently own although I do also have 2x berserker rings as well.||c.1c.h17.e.1c.h1l|1n.71j.1n.71j.1n.71j.1n.71j.1n.71j.1n.71j|2s.0.3v.0.2v.0.1i.67.1i.67.2v.0|a5.a4.k1a.a1.k6a|2e.1|e

Traits would probably be Mending, Balanced Stance, Shake It Off, Signet of Stamina, SoR mainly for con removal as the high toughness/shield stance should be able to help against being focused.

Another option is changing the food to -con duration.||c.1c.h17.e.1c.h1l|1n.71j.1n.71j.1n.71j.1n.71j.1n.71j.1n.71j|2s.0.3v.0.2v.0.1i.67.1i.67.2v.0|a5.a4.k1a.a1.k6a|15.1|e

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Sharing my WvW Hammer build.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


I just picked up a Fractal Hammer skin today so I will be looking into a hammer build very soon. I will be a nice to change things up a bit.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian