Showing Posts For DarkSpirit.4659:
I know that a lot of people feel left out because they did not get to loot the chest at the end of the one time event (Ancient Karka). And while everyone copes in their own way (QQ threads) none really give a solution to the problem. So here is my suggestion:
Add a Slot Machine event.
Everyone can participate even those that have already completed the event. I am aware that they might be logs of who looted the chest and who did not, so in essence this is possible to create 2 types of “Jackpots”.
My idea is basically a “Slot machine event” for that those who really did not loot the chest will get to participating in without having to gamble anything. They will just get a wheel of some sorts with gear icons (visual animation). You then get to click a button or w/e and then spin the wheel (Slot machine). The rewards at the end shuold include 2 Exotics and 3 Rares (which is what I believe the standard is according to players in several servers).
Also the 2 exotics should have a random chance (just like the chest) to “proc” a Legendary precursor. You can make it interesting to have the last 2 Slots on the slot machine to have some visual effect where it’s an all or nothing situation. (Make it fun, like a boom/glow effect if a Legendary precursor has been obtained).
As for the other set of people who did loot their chest, and are still unhappy because “QQ I did not get my precursor QQ” They are also allowed to play the Slot machine. But they have to gamble their items to get it. They have to add 2 exotics lvl 80 and 3 Rares lvl 80 in order to “Spin the wheel”. The exotics/rares are not allowed to be crafted, but any other named exotic can be used. Now I realize some may have sold them or no longer have those items, but there’s always a way to get an exotic.
This Slot machine is a one time deal, and just to be clear you can only do it once. Win or lose, no complaints no qq just a fair risk/reward event.
Now this might not be the perfect solution, but I just randomly thought of a fun way of rewarding players who got left out during the event. Anyway, have fun out there in Tyria
I do not think it’s fair to loot the chest more than once, especially since you already got a precursor. Most people (including me) did not even get a precursor, yet I am happy to have been able to participate and receive my reward. People should not get greedy and try to scam Anet, I know for a fact a lot of people are trying this with the “oh I am so unlucky, I lagged out right before I could loot the chest” how “convenient”. Now don’t get me wrong I am not trying to bash on those who where indeed unfortunate enough not to get their rewards, but I’m just saying if you did, please try and be nice about this. If Anet does indeed have a log of you already looting the chest, accept it and move on.
At the end of the day Anet is pumping out update after update, patches after patches. We get FREE content every month and when things go wrong they do their best to help solve every problem, yet forums get spammed with QQ threads.
Anyway, sorry for the “rant” I just wanted to thank Anet for the content update. I really enjoyed the event (despite a tad bit of lag =P). Keep up the good work!
I found the event reward at the end (Treasure chest) was well worth it, I had fun throughout the event. Sure it lagged but at least it wasn’t bugged like the last 2 phases. Exotics at the end where nice
I agree, I was wandering around aimlessly trying to figure out what was going on. There was no indication of what to do or where to go, time was wasted just looking at some catapult then I hear about the harbor and we all go to Southsun. I have no idea if I missed anything or if that’s what this event is all about.
EDIT: You get a mail which pinpoints the harbor location, but it’s still a tad difficult to figure out if you don’t pay attention. Next time I’ll make sure to keep an eye out for that random mail =P
(edited by DarkSpirit.4659)
Lost Acheivement Points on New 11/15/12 Build
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DarkSpirit.4659
I went from 2.6k to 1.6k points, I hope they can fix this
Hey there I’m the leader of Undefiable, and we are currently recruiting new members. We have a lot of friendly/fun people in the guild and are looking for more people to join in on the fun. We are a mix between casual and hardcore players, we do everything from PvE to sPvP/WvW. We are almost always on our team speak server chatting and playing the game. We have unlocked almost everything for the guild thus far (we only need Art of war level 5). I added a brief description below:
Home World: Darkhaven
Guild Name: Undefiable [uD]
Voice Chat: Teamspeak (all members get info)
Focus: Mainly PvE (Dungeons), sPvP and WvWvW
Current members: 100+
Time zone: PST & CET
Ages 18+
The only rules we have for our guild is to have fun and respect others in the guild.
We have a lot of events that we do (mostly weekends). These are activities that guild officers/leaders create to have fun with the guild, they include (but are not limited to).
Exploring, Jumping puzzle contests, WvWvW raids, sPvP tournaments, Dungeon runs, And many more. If you would like to join, send me a message in game
Check us out at Undefiable for more info.
You can contact me at DarkSpirit.4659
(edited by DarkSpirit.4659)
I’ve filtered trough quite a bit of this thread, but I did not find anything suggesting the following:
Trading Post
- Preview gear
- Filter gear type (Heavy/Medium/Light)
- Filter Weapons based on class
- Show sale statistics (types of graphs which can be found on )
Gem Store
- Add different types of payment options (IDEAL/Paysafe for Europe etc)
- Allow “Send as Gift” option
- Exclusive traits/skill set (The same way it works for PvP should be applied to WvW
- Have a unique slot for armor in WvW (being able to switch between 2 different armor sets would be nice, it can work like switching to town clothes or instant change such as in PvP)
If it’s already been stated, I apologize
I also agree with a lot of the ideas that have been posted so far, what I would personally like out of those that I’ve seen (if I could choose only one) Is the ability to duel another player 1v1. PvP is a huge part of playing any MMO for me, and it’s part of why my end game can last “forever”.
You can add a whole lot of achievements to Dueling such as:
- Wins
- Duels completed
- Total specific type of class defeated (Necro/War/Ele/Thief etc)
- Type of class used to duel (and win)
- Type vs Type (Thief vs Necro, Thief vs War, Thief vs Ele.. etc)
- Near death experience (Win a match with 25% health)
- Total Victory (Win a match with 90% health)
- Combo breaker (break free from X amount of Stuns/CC)
- Stun Lock (apply X amount of CC on opponents)
- Untouchable (successfully dodge X amount of skills)
You can also add a separate weekly achievement list, once completed you get X amount of badges of honor, X amount of Vials of Karma (at least 2) and X amount of PvP tokens (which can then be used to buy armor/weapons for use in PvE and WvW, these armors/weapons are of course unique). I would suggest the following achievements for weekly PvP:
- X amount of Wins
- X amount of Duels
- 3 Different classes used for dueling
- 3 Different classes dueled
With that alone you can get a huge list of different achievements, and add yet another reason to play at end game.
I very much enjoyed every Halloween event, but the end felt a bit lacking. Especially once you already completed every achievement possible and got your title. I was hoping the title would have some unique icon bound to it (such as the world completion title). But as far as I can see it’s just an ordinary title. Don’t get me wrong, I really love the jumping puzzle/carving events/scavenger hunt/dungeon and pvp elements that where added. I just find that the end could have been better, overall it was a very fun and epic experience.
I just wanted to say thank you for making this Halloween event possible, I had a lot of fun, from jumping puzzle to costumes and pumpkin carving. The creativity and effort that went behind it is much appreciated. You guys even changed up some small little details, which I found pretty cool. I look forward to future events like this one, keep up the good work anet <3
PS: The Undefiable guild wishes you a Happy Halloween
Same thing has been happening to me, it happens almost every other game and it’s getting to be really annoying. I can’t even finish a match of sPvP
Vengeance should have a 100% chance to rally if you kill something in PvE
in Warrior
Posted by: DarkSpirit.4659
I personally find that the Vengeance downed skill is perfect as is. While warriors down state is not very functional, one has to only look at other classes to realize that it’s pretty much the same across the board. While some classes have some better mechanics (such as the thief and guardian) as a warrior you still have viable options. Being able to rally (once traited) is very effective, most of the time you will be able to kill the enemy and walk away from what would have been a nasty situation.
I looked around a bit and did not find much on this (granted I only looked for 5 minutes). But aside from an actual thread with suggestions there was none that I could find.
As it is now, players can open their contacts menu and then “activate” LFG. Which is basically just displaying an Icon above the characters head.
While this works nicely in theory, it does not serve it’s purpose in the game.
As players we need to be able to find other group members or players much easier.
I’ve been thinking on ways to improve the current system, and to be honest it’s the basic features we see in most mmo’s a LFG list.
- Add a list of available parties that anyone can join (or apply to join)
The party leader can set a few parameters such as which dungeon they want to do, whether the party is open to the public or not (if yes the party will be displayed in the LFG list).
- Add a list of available players who are looking for a group. Same parameters apply here (turn “allow invites” on or off and dungeon/purpose of group)
- Separate LFG chat channel
We should be able to filter the list based on dungeon type (so for instance If I am looking for a group that is doing Arah Explorable I can find one, but If I am looking for a group that is doing AC on Story mode I will also be able to find that via a filter function). And of course there should be a clear distinction between looking for a group or looking for players to add to your already existing group.
I would like to see some kind of reward for helping “new SM” players. It would be nice to get some karma or at least 60 tokens for helping out someone who hasn’t done SM yet. I don’t see how this would cause a problem, since you would only be able to do it once (with a player who did not do SM before). I can see people spamming the chat in order to find more players who have not done SM, just so they can increase their token’s per day accumulation. But then again, is it really that bad having some people help others?
Yeah, I just figured that out aswel.. I should have just read instead of being such a genius.. Thanks for the reply
I just spent 2 gold on this book and I am not able to use it to reset my traits, I thought that I could use the book (after having used it once already at level 60) to change up my traits. My character is level 80, and I just wanted to know if I wasted my cash or if this is just a bug?
The engineer is a really viable class and does a lot of DPS if you build him that way.. I see a lot of good engineers out there, and for the most part they are fun to play.. If you like playing a class you should just stick to it, just have fun with them.. and besides you can always create new ones, you have 5 character slots