What about the hearts? Now during 1-15 they are great but I have been noticing that the content director tends to send you to hearts that above your current level (sometimes by up to 3 level difference). Maybe adjust the experience to give 50 to 75 percent of the level for that area. Would keep the grinding sessions down.
Stealth fix much? Mods, Lock this one. It has been fixed.
My Guild mate noticed this first. That door has a label of Divinity’s Reach But goes to Black Citidel
Was wondering if Guild Wars 2 has support for 5.1 audio? I got a corsair vengence 1500 v2 and was wondering if I can hear the glorious sounds of Tyiria in sweet 5.1 or 7.1
I wonder if the if then statement being used is looking at the wallet or where it used to prior to the wallet?
Tried in Magumma in Divinity’s Reach with Ginger Root and Not the Orrian Jewelry Box and neither dinged the karma.
proof that it is still there http://youtu.be/Z63pwEdAaWI
YES this must be kept. I have been out of the game for about 2 months. i would love to run this over and over again. LETS KEEP IT!
`Granted after the changes over that past 2 months have gone, I may be misinterpreting what she has told me. What I need is a confirm, either for or against. Rospek, I understand you thinking that she has trolled me and while I can not program my way out of paper bag, I can read and understand code as I see it.
Navi, The exploit is that she is not willing to report it right or wrong. That is where my problem lies. I will give everyone this. From theory crafting to hard data. Prove your data. In support or against. Give me something to support my claim or destroy it. I don’t care the outcome. If working as intended, show me. If not, Show me. thats all. My fear is having to use my credit/debit card to support her account. But I need data to support my final decision. either way I require data. And to anyone that thinks this is a troll question, Why would a troll require data either for or against?
it isn’t. I wish it were
Ok My sister has just informed me that She and several others have noticed that since her dps has improved recently that she is getting better drops. My thinking on this is that there is some correlation between the dps rate and drop rate. If this is true she is exploiting a bug and has earned an account termination. I have warned her about this. She is unwilling to report it. I fear she will try to use me to get a new account and need this investigated asap. While I don’t want to see her account get terminated becuase of a stupid choice, I fear I will suffer because of it. Anet, please see whats going on. If this can be confirmed or not. I can’t give repo steps as she has only given me second hand info, I hope that someone can back this up. Please help I don’t know what to do.
My sister just told me that as we just saw this is the fourth new build today. what is going on?
And sorry for wrong area
And the Veteran Killer is having the same issue.
I don’t want Guild Wars 2 to sound like every other fantasy title out there with the standard British accents on every character. So aside from more British accents, what other types of voices would you like to hear?
As a British person, I can tell you that there are a LOT of accents in Britain itself. I wonder if by “standard” British accents you mean either of the ones Americans tend to know; kittenney (Dick van kitten in Mary Poppins), and Posh (the rest of the cast of Mary Poppins) (The filter is stopping my from naming the Dick van kitten accent, but it is a regional accent from London. Oh wow, I can’t even type his name. This censorship is insane). You could also try (and I know I’m lumping a lot of regional variations and/or dialects together here);
Northern Irish,
Northern English,
South-Western English.By far and away the worst voice acting I have ever heard is Detha in AC saying, “but I have to build them myself”. A completely ridiculous emphasis on the word “build” makes this sound absolutely comical.
I think we’re in agreement that there are many types of British accents—just as there are many types of American ones. I was referring to the common practice and perception that most fantasy games (and films) tend to feature British accents of all types for the cast. I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with that, by the way, just that it seems the norm.
We tended to get the best performances from actors who spoke in their native accent. Perhaps it’s a comfort zone thing. There were a few exceptions, though. I thought Jennifer Hale pulled off a great sylvari performance, all things considered. I rather liked Brandon Bales, too. Neither are from England as far as I know. Then again, I’ve never lived overseas so I doubt my ears can detect where our acted British accents sounded “off” as well as you can.
We’ve already made some changes to our casting process since launch, so I’d like to hear your feedback as time goes on and newer performances make it into the game.
did anyone notice the censor of the actors name? Made me lol
For anyone with mobile auth and have issues.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DeadPhone.3084
wow I totally spaced on this. Though to be honest my phone is set to pull time from the cellular service and not my computer.
its doing a check of the .Dat file to make sure nothing got corrupted and if it did, It will repair it for you. Its a check to make sure everything works.
yeah I get that too. Kinda fun to look at. My guess, probably a render engine issue but since its cosmetic and stops after logout and back in, not going to get “fixed” right away. I like it though. If i delete a toon and go out and do something irl then come back and go “What was I doing?” And I see that, then i remember.
if it involves RMT in any way its a no go.
I think this might be 1 kitten of a gray area. My brain says yes, but my instinct says, Im not sure. I think that while not intended, it is working as intended but still, I think we need official word on this. Also, if it does indeed turn out to be an exploit (working as intended exploit???) might there be an alternative way to get keys as say rare drop loot either from most mobs or from bosses in dungeons?.
Just something worth pointing out, according to their press release ANet is using/used middleware solution to accelerate the creation of their Mac client… I am unaware of such solutions for linux at the moment.
However, the point is, because the middleware they are using is aimed at Mac OS X portability of games I doubt the point about Mac and linux being similar platforms holds water here, unless the middleware in question supports linux as well, which based on the website of the mentioned company it does not.
You do know that Mac OS X is based off of Unix right? Any version of linux and unix are in fact based off similar code. Why do you think Wine can run GW2 on linux and cider ( a unix based port of Wine) work?
best option is screen shot and email to the exploits email for ANet Either that or support ticket with same info.
two things, 1) cover up the email address. We don’t need to see it and tell you friend to expect an email from me. (will use something special to identify it). Thats 1 part of hacking an account. 2) Hide Toon names. Same reason as before.
Account purchase restriction. 24 hour limit?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DeadPhone.3084
While I don’t know what payment processor Anet uses for paypal (there is one involved don’t ask how I know, “meaning” a company that takes the paypal info and turns it into ingame gems) its possible support may not be able to override for longer than 24 hours. There are many rules and regulations that ANet has abide by and this may be one of them.
So I have been doing some thinking over the last hour and an idea occurred to me about how to “catch them in the act” so to speak. I was thinking about how Halo 3 collected data for game replay’s so I can download and review my match afterwords and see what I did right and wrong and try to learn from it. How do they do it you may ask? Datapoints. They record data from the game as it streams in and out not from video but from a set of data points. So for example for a 1v1 deathmatch there would be two entries for players (player x and player y) then every 10 to 50 miliseconds they pull location data from the console, server and other players to normalize the data. Video would take up hundreds if not thousands of megabytes of space but even for a 2 hour 1v1 deathmatch, the dataspace taken up would be maybe 100MB if that with proper compression and compensation.
So my thoughts are for Bot Reporting have the game capture the datapoints for the last say 10 mins of data streaming in and out (location, spells used, any other data that may be useful) then when a user submits a Bot Report, that data is uploaded with the report and the ANet Staffer then upon reading the report, loads the data file and watches what happend with the ability to view the action from any angle and would show absolute proof, what happend, why it happened, and with complete accuracy as there would not be any type of player control of camera as it would be a playback of Data and not a recording.
Just my two cents.
(edited by DeadPhone.3084)
Nevermind. The Spot for Tegwen is very well hidden
(edited by DeadPhone.3084)
looks like some dll’s may not be working correctly. Reinstall may be needed.
Having problems With GW2 repair in windows 8?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DeadPhone.3084
has anyone used this? Asking cause I haven’t seen any feedback on it? Also Anet I know you guys are against using third party programs doing anything with Gw2.exe but Whats your verdict on this? Kate seemed to think it was cool when I told her about it during a Jumping Puzzle run.
it sounds like a repair maybe needed. I had a similar problem but corrected it with a -repair.
what about macros that say let you respond in chat? If limited to that would that be acceptable? There are times I wish I could hit a keybind and respond to a question quickly.
Having problems With GW2 repair in windows 8?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DeadPhone.3084
I have come across a solution to an annoying problem. I could not use -repair on the desktop link icon. So my solution is that I created a batch file to force the launcher to do it. note it does use cmd to do this but it does not need admin to do it. I will post the code below for all to copy and paste. just remember to change your Directory to where GW2 is installed.
Open Notepad and copy the following.
ECHO ...............................................
ECHO Select your option below to deal with GW2......
ECHO ...............................................
ECHO 1 - Open Guild Wars 2
ECHO 2 - Open Repair Guild Wars 2
ECHO 3 - Run Diag for Guild Wars 2
ECHO 4 - Run Client Port Test
ECHO 5 - Exit
Set /P M=Type 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 then press enter:
IF %M%==1 GOTO GW2
CD C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\
start Gw2.exe
CD C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\
START Gw2.exe -repair
CD C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\
START Gw2.exe -diag
CD C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\
START Gw2.exe /clientport 80
Click File, Save and in the type select all files and name it Guild Wars 2 Options.bat
I may add other things Later but for me this works
(edited by DeadPhone.3084)
ok thanks Anthony. That helps me a lot. Thank you.
are they marked on the mini map or will they just show up?
ok and what am i looking for? Little confused here
but has it started?
Whats the idea behind this and has it started or not till tomorrow?
nm. had to refresh
Updated with info from wiki
Ok, this just happend to me and I got an achievement and Reward for being in the sanctum of secrets and got nothing but xp out of it. If a dev could look at my toon Wolfgang von Kolt and see what happend that would help
Ok found out what was up.
According to
the location only gives xp. My suggestion is that the script be changed so it just gives the xp and no reward popup. As shown by my earlier confusion I thought this was a bug. It stil is in some way but a change to the handling of the trigger should correct and prevent the confusion.
(edited by DeadPhone.3084)
There is a meta event you have to do. Complete that and it will open up.
why am I suddenly thinking of Home Alone?
The D in bleed is capitalized
Quick Question about GW2 Folder in Documents
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DeadPhone.3084
Was wondering this but what is the music folder for? So we can Listen to our own music in game or what?
"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event
Posted by: DeadPhone.3084
I just saw one near the Level 5 Skill point in Plains of Ashford North West of Graysteel Armory Waypoint.
To get an emote in game that play’s I wanna Rock and has your toon play an air guitar? Had this idea earlier but man it would be awesome.
i didnt finish it and Im not mad about it. it was interesting and was just too tough for me.
but wouldnt that be 1.×.×.x? not 15,whatever?
Ok i just happend to load up my game after the new amd catalyst drivers came out and happend upon what you see below. What is it and what does it mean
Ok Time to speculate. Anyone have an idea what the party is going to be?