Showing Posts For Deistik.7802:
If I could get cool skins, max rewards, and experience a challenge from playing for 2-3 hours during the week and 4 hours on a weekend, I’d actually play.
If you could get max rewards, etc. from playing 7 hours a week then that would be a terrible game. Don’t get me wrong, I play hardly at all myself (aesthetic progression is not for me), but to ask for everything in an hour a day… that game would have no substance at all.
If they’re going to make Life Blast scale with LF amount I wish they’d make it do the same damage regardless and make it cast faster the more LF you have (200% faster for 100% LF).
Really depends on the vista. Some of them are really cool looking, but you can usually tell in the first 3 seconds if that’s the case. I usually skip the “regular” ones.
100% chance for a rare on champions would be a good start to making people want to kill them.
Champions should be something you want to do because you want to test yourself, if you are doing it for any other reason then don’t. If you need incentives to do in game content then you should really consider doing something else (not an absolute statement).
So, after you’ve done it once (to see if you could), no point in doing it again? That doesn’t help with wanting people to actually kill them instead of avoiding them.
You can spec for a focus to have a 1200m range, too. Targetable wells need to be 1200 but they’re not :/
Could have something to do with Thieves Guild, as a necro a lot of the times my pets will keep me in combat, even when nothing is attacking me/them. It’s more like residual agro or something that doesn’t reset. I usually just log out/in to fix it.
I always felt the static animals should all be white critters… I mean, we’re tearing down dragons and demons with our characters, why shouldn’t a deer or mosquito get one-shot?
100% chance for a rare on champions would be a good start to making people want to kill them.
i’m very nub with armor sets still o.o
So i purchased some Valkyrie lvl 80 exotic armor (power/vit/3% crit dmg) and equipped it over my Explorer Noble legs (power/prec/+3% magic find.. with an Opal orb in it)
My base crit % went down 3% (from 31% to 28%) with the Valk legs on.
I have one other explorer piece currently equipped.. is there a set bonus to Explorer set that i am missing (ie 3% crit if you wear two pieces)? I’ve been googling but dont see the set bonuses for Explorer Noble set..
You replaced a piece of armor that has crit (precision), with a piece of armor that has no crit. Therefore, your crit went down.
When I’m farming DEs in low level zones, and there’s a lot of other players around, I just tag enough mobs to get a gold, then move on and let them finish it.
This is why I leveled as a marks/wells necro and just AE’d everything, pretty much all the time.
Might want to edit that a little….
The biggest turn-off is the secondary attribute we get from it is +% critical damage. Just why?
So people like me can get to 111% crit damage, why else?
Don’t pretend you aren’t hitting F1 and mashing 4 like the rest of us
No, I actually utilize Death Shroud (geared and specced for it), and I can rock mobs for 5k+ life blasts. Death Shroud is my highest source of damage… in fact, my entire build is based on staying in DS as much as I can.
Clearly most class´s use GS as there main weapon than any other class
Yes, clearly that’s why it costs so much. Probably has nothing to do with the fact that GS is more noticeable than other weapons.
I like how you went into DS, used Life Transfer before you lost any LF to regain, then used your LF to ~40% before you hopped back out. Pro
Or I could play a necro.
Those people who used it as a huge life force filler will call it a nurf despite the huge damage increase it provides.
It doesn’t provide any more damage for me, it would just let me get to max stacks of Might slightly faster (if I would actually use it now, which I won’t). The LF was better for me, period. If this is the only way you have to get Might, then you’re under-utilizing Might.
Strength (30% chance on crit to apply might), Frailty (30% chance on crit to apply vulnerability), Purity (60% chance on crit to remove a condition). Usually run axe/focus/staff or axe/dagger/staff – this is mainly for running with buddies in WvW or hitting dungeons, I can stack so much vulnerability and might in my build, it’s nuts.
I used BiP with Signet of Undeath :/ I’m all about keeping my LF as high as possible. IMO SoU should have an out of combat LF regen (1% per 3s) and an incombat regen (1% per 1s)
Played TSW before GW2 came out so dodge was already ingrained into me :p
Probably the PvP buff that increases max hp
I’m specced more for crit first and power second, but I use 5 runes of the eagle one 1 rune of rage for max precision and crit damage. With DS frenzy (up almost constantly) I’m at ~84% crit and ~111% crit damage.
How else could we have gotten might before? some signet use.. what was that? 3 stacks?
I have a 30% chance to get might on any crit, and an 80% crit chance. I also get might on every life blast I cast, and I cast it alot. I had both of these things before they changed anything. I could get 20 stacks of might pretty easily, I didn’t need any more ways to get it, and +20% LF is much, much better with my DS build.
Make Spectral Walk give us a flat +15-20% LF instead of LF on hit and I’ll call it even -_-
(edited by Deistik.7802)
I can get all the might I need other ways. The +LF was the only reason to ever use this skill as a DS/power necro. Now, I’ll never use it. Oh well.
I’d rather DS had 8-10 skills where you could only choose 4 to use at a time (would just be an extra slot under weapon skills). Could have a few CC ones, a few DD ones, a few bleeds/AEs, etc. I spec specifically for DS/power/crit/crit dmg and I can destroy mobs with 5k+ life blasts with everything built up.
The trident looks so much better than the staff it’s ridiculous. The trident has live snakes on it slithering around… too bad no one would ever see it.
Stats mean nothing since you can just ‘mute the look to whatever weapon that has the stats you want. However, I’ve decided there’s no way I’m spending 200+ skill points, millions of karma and hundreds of gold for a staff with swirly rainbows. The weapons that come from the Mystic forge with a scroll and 250 ectos looks so much better.
Seeing how all armor/weapon upgrades are purely aesthetic, I’ll be using my 200 skill points for multiple cool looking weapons instead of a rainbow bright staff.
I would argue that being powerful is being useful and vise versa. However, I completely agree that our fear is just a sad version of other classes’ fears when it should be the other way around.
If you really wanted to spec for exploration… you’d be using the -50% fall damage trait, the cooldown reduction on spectral skills (for Spectral Walk), and the cooldown reduction on warhorns for Locust. At that point you get 100% uptime on Swiftness and take less falling damage (used this spec for a while to get the map done). Now, that’s an exploration build.
Every necromancer fear in the game needs a serious buff (duration and # of targets).
I can keep close to 25 stacks of vulnerability on the mob between crits/Life Blasts/axe/well. Somehow your logic says, that’s useless… because they take forever to kill? Here I thought stuff died faster if it took 20%+ more damage.
I run axe/dagger/staff in a pure power/crit/crit dmg build (84% crit 110% crit damage) but my build is focused almost entirely on Death Shroud. Mainly I just use axe to keep up vulnerability stacks.
The whole point of this build is to maximize crit and crit damage, and stack power as much as you can – it’s all about utilizing the damage that Death Shroud really can put out.
The way I’m currently geared (power/crit/critdmg) and specced (10/30/0/0/30), I’m almost always at 84% crit with 110% crit damage. I’m using Reaper’s Might in Spite, Reaper’s Precision, Focused Rituals, Withering Precision in Curses, and Unyielding Blast, Soul Marks, Near to Death in Soul Reaping. Axe/dagger and Staff with Sigils of Frailty, Strength, and Purity.
This means every time I crit I have: 66% chance for bleed, 60% chance to remove a condition (10s cooldown), 33% chance to get 1% LF, 30% chance to apply both Vulnerability and Might, 25% to apply Weakness. Axe is for keeping Vulnerability stacks up while not in DS, but my staff auto attacks crit for ~2k and pierce in a line, my Life Blasts crit from 4.5-5.5k and pierce in a line (and cause Vulnerability and grant Might). Every Mark grants 3% LF, and you get Spectral Armor if you hit 50% hp.
Healing skill is Consume, utility skills are Well of Suffering, Signet of Undeath (passive LF regen/emergency rally), and Blood is Power (+20% LF instantly). Lich form obviously works well with this build, but sometimes I still go Plague for all the blinding.
This is by all means, a PvE build (although I think it would be decent in WvW if you had some support) mainly meant for doing the most upfront dps you can while still being a viable utility class (blinds/weakness/vulnerability). The main weakness is, obviously, you have lower HP than other builds, and you have less armor – so being successful in this build means you have to be pretty good at avoiding incoming damage with dodges, blinds at the right time, etc.
Using DS as much as possible for the 5 seconds you have Fury is a key element. You basically want to always stay above 50% LF, just pop in and launch off 3-4 Life Blasts then hop out and get your LF back through marks/signet/blood is power/deaths, etc. If you get your rotation tight enough you can get to 20-some stacks of might and 25 stacks of Vulnerability on the mob(s), and that = crazy Life Blast numbers.
Overall, I’m extremely satisfied with this build, and I think all that needs to be done (aside from some obvious bugs) to make it compete with other “dps” classes would be better power ratio on weapon/DS skills and better damage period on our channeled burst skills.
You can zone into an explorable mode if you haven’t done story mode, as long as some one who has done story mode zones in first. You just can’t create an explorable instance yourself until you’ve done story.
CoF armor, I don’t see anyone wearing that anywhere… :p
No, you transmute it to a non soulbound item first (unless they changed it so when you transmute it soulbinds things, this works, because I’ve done it).
Make a new necro with the mask, transmute the look to another low level item, put it in your bank. Log on your main necro, take it out of the bank, viola.
HIGHLY doubt anyone is close.
I’ve seen screenshots of someone that only needs 158 more obsidian shards for the staff, and has the karma to buy them, but the Temple of Balthazar event is bugged and he can’t get them. I’d say he’s close.
Been using a crit/power – DS build for weeks now.
You should have made a video, showing us that we can output damage like this,weeks ago.
I’ve posted my build and gear in multiple threads over the last week or so. Or you could, you know, figure it your for yourself?
Been using a crit/power – DS build for weeks now.
2) Something needs to be done about Death Shroud. From someone who loves the mechanic (from a flavor perspective) I really think it needs a drastic change.
Remove it as a form and replace it with 4 (F1 – F4) abilities that drain our Life Force while activated for an “aura.”
- F1 – Spectral Cloak, grants Retaliation and chills nearby enemies
- F2 – Blood Shield, grants Stability and siphons health from enemies
- F3 – Doom Aura, grants Fury and causes nearby enemies to flee in fear
- F4 – Locust Plague grants Swiftness and poisons nearby enemies
I see, you want to make it so someone such as myself, who has specced for all power/crit/crit damage and Death Shroud traits, completely useless. Thanks, appreciate it.
If you were trying to run away the first thing you should have done after initiation is DS + fear, then run and drop a reaper’s mark in your path, and a chillblains if they catch up. If you get stunlocked and can’t do anything about it, it’s GG anyway.
I run an all power/crit/crit dmg build and even I have a tough time picking Lich over Plague… all that AE blind is just win.
Unless they can’t use Google/YouTube, I’m pretty sure they’re aware.
I won’t run dungeons unless I have a full group of competent guildies to run it with. But then again, that’s been my philosophy for the last 7 years, nothing new for me in this game.
there are only 15 pages.
And I’d be willing to bet one entire page of threads are all yours. You’re not helping, you know.
My 4-5k Might stacking, Vulnerability stacking, piercing Life Blasts probably comes in first for me.
So mark me down for Death Shroud, too.