Showing Posts For Doc Holiday.1326:

[Bug?] Signet of Agony Usable in Guild Arena

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Doc Holiday.1326

Doc Holiday.1326

With the recent story update, a new mastery was added, that, when completed, gave players a 5th down state skill called Spectral Agony. This skill leeches health from targets as a passive, and its active use deals a very large amount of damage in an area, with an increasing radius over time, as well as applying conditions, and on top of that is unblockable. Now this skill is not available in player vs player instances, like structured PvP and WvW, however it is usable in the guild hall arena’s, where players can fight against each other. For those of us who like to hold guild vs guild fights in this arena, this proves to be an issue. Since, during these fights, players will of course be going into downstate constantly, sometimes with multiple downstates at once, and to win a round in a GvG, you must finish the enemy players, this added downstate skill affects these GvG’s greatly. Since this new skill is not available for use in other player vs players instances I’m hoping that this was just an oversight, and the skill is not meant to be usable in the guild hall arena. Hopefully someone can tell me if I’m correct or not.
Thank you

Announcing The European GvG League

in WvW

Posted by: Doc Holiday.1326

Doc Holiday.1326

Hello! I am happy to announce a player made European GvG League and Tournament, which will be starting on Sunday the 16th. Currently we have 15 guilds signed up, who will compete against each other over the course of a 7 week period, after which we will hold a top 6 tournament. We plan on streaming as many fights as we can, as well as having full coverage of the top 6, and possibly even shout casting for some of the fights. I will include a list of the current streamers we have, as well as contact information for myself, and the other organizer of this League. If anyone is interested in helping to stream the tournament feel free to contact me in game or PM. Any suggestions/questions are also welcome in the comments or you can ask me directly as well. And now enjoy the trailer we’ve made for the League, of course with Epic RP included See you in the Guild Hall!


Doc Holiday.1326 Domi.4106

Guilds Participating:
[vR], [iN], [LAYS], [XT], [RoC], [Vng], [RILY], [NF], [vE], [Ash], [Pure], [aX], [Mia], [fP], [Nix]

List of Streamers:


(edited by Doc Holiday.1326)

! How to Balance WvW in 7 Steps !

in WvW

Posted by: Doc Holiday.1326

Doc Holiday.1326

I think you forgot 1, or 2, or 7 steps.

Skritt Heart In Ember Bay

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Doc Holiday.1326

Doc Holiday.1326

Since the heart’s on Ember Bay reset with the daily, I tried doing the heart again, this time it counted for the achievement and I was able to talk to the heart merchant. Hopefully this worked for anyone else with my original problem.

Skritt Heart In Ember Bay

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Doc Holiday.1326

Doc Holiday.1326

So I finished all 5 hearts in Ember Bay, but, even though when I hover my mouse over the Skritt Heart it says ‘Completed: Help the skritt encampment’ the achievement Task Master is saying I still need to help the Skritt, and when I try talking to the heart merchant for the Skritt, it tells me I still need to help the Skritt. I’ve also finished the Living Story, not sure if that would have any effect on the heart.

Zealot's Embrace Cooldown Increase

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Doc Holiday.1326

Doc Holiday.1326


Rupert The Vulture Raptor

in WvW

Posted by: Doc Holiday.1326

Doc Holiday.1326

Never Forget our Feathered Friend.

WvW Invitational Statement from John Corpening, game director for World vs. World

in WvW

Posted by: Doc Holiday.1326

Doc Holiday.1326

The only people leaving are those that grinded the old-borders to death and never cared about varying fights, tactics and sieging in the first place. EU has understood what the new borders are good for and uses them more and more by the week. Those maps are, except the event-lag, awesome and are uncomparable to the old borders. Most of your problens NA are homemade and we don’t want to suffer under your inability to play something new, learn something new and especially recognise that all the devs did was destroy your precious Karma-Train on the borders and spread server-coverage to silver league.
Keep up with thr changes Arena you are doing the right thing. Cut back on some of the PvE content and power of Lords, Nerf some Builds fix the remaining minor laggs and we will have a great map that most gw2 players will like after a short period (some might take a few weeks more since they switched to eotm to farm ranks).

First of all, I hope you don’t think that you speak for all of EU, and I certainly hope that Anet doesn’t think you do either. I’m not sure what server you’re on, but my server (Piken Square) has not seen the same things you have, at least not from my perspective. As far as grinding the old maps, my experience had been that EB was more of a grind and blob fest than the old maps, with much less variation and tactics regarding fights, and I lead open raids as well as guild raids for months on both the borders and EB. The only karma training I really ever did on the old maps was at night time when there were very few people online or when we were fighting servers that had very little population.

As of now, it is very difficult for us to get anyone into the borders other than guild raids (because EB always has a large queue [30+]) and most of the guild raids I’ve been in since HoT have essentially been us running around the border for a while, whispering other guilds to try and get them to fight us in the arena because we have nothing to do. There was one guild raid I had in the border that I enjoyed immensely, because for the entire raid we were sat in one spot fighting multiple rounds against a guild, meaning that we didn’t actually have to move across the border at all.

I don’t see people playing in the new borders very much, certainly not compared to the old maps. I started playing WvW a little over a year ago, and I remember when we had queues on every single map, all the time, but now I think I’ve only seen a queue on a border other than EB twice in the last month. Maybe its not the same on other servers, but outside of prime time, we used to be able to get open raids together on any map, now its next to impossible to do it anywhere but EB. The other day, I tagged up on our home borderland in an effort to move away from camping EB, (we already had an open tag on EB at the time), and I sat in spawn for about 5 minutes, staring at the 3 afk players already there. I spammed in map chat, I jumped to the other 2 borderlands and spammed in map chat there, and I wrote a message on our server’s forums. After about 20 minutes I had one person who I think might have been trying to join my ‘raid’ although they also might have accidentally moved in the same direction that I had. Now this of course could just mean that my server is dead, but if that’s the case, why has the majority of my server’s WvW population left?

I’m not going to say we haven’t had more people start going into the borderlands than we had a month ago, because we absolutely have, but its not a comparison I think I should make, because a month ago, we had maybe 5 people playing WvW, and everyone else doing PvE. I’m not saying the new borderlands are the worst thing to happen to WvW ever, although I’m not saying they aren’t, but I want to make sure that this post (the one I have quoted) is portrayed as the opinion that it is, not as fact. Just as my post is of course opinion as well. NA are not the only ones having problems with the new map, and I certainly don’t think they are unable to learn something new, especially when learning something new in this context is how to run around for an hour without seeing literally a single player and then your EB queue pops and you go karma train/blob fight.

TL;DR NA are not the only ones dissatisfied with the new maps/the current situation of WvW in general.

What happens you with Baruch Bay?

in WvW

Posted by: Doc Holiday.1326

Doc Holiday.1326

BuLL is the only good thing about Baruch Bay.

You’re saying a 40-50+ man guild raid, running VS is a good thing?

Can't Unlock Skins For Dungeon Collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Doc Holiday.1326

Doc Holiday.1326

I sent a ticket into support and apparently this is something happening to other people as well, its just a bug and they’re working on fixing it. Until then the collection just won’t be completed. Also, getting another weapon/armor piece does not give you the skin for the collection if you’ve already unlocked it in the wardrobe, at least it didn’t work for me when I got a second rifle.

Can't Unlock Skins For Dungeon Collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Doc Holiday.1326

Doc Holiday.1326

So I’ve been working on the dungeon collections, and I finished the AC one, and moved on to the CoE one. I’ve been doing the PvP reward track for CoE as well as running it daily for the tokens. The other day I was in a custom arena with some friends, the match ended, it caused me to get a weapon chest in my reward track for CoE. I opened it while inside the arena, and picked the rifle skin. However, while I have the skin unlocked in my wardrobe I do not have it towards the collection. When I go to the CoE vendor, and mouse over the rifle, it says ‘skin unlocked’, and I’m able to change the skin of other rifles to the CoE skin in the wardrobe. But it is not unlocked for the collection. At the moment I’m 33/37 for the collection, with the rifle and 3 other skins still needing to be unlocked to complete the collection, I’m assuming that I won’t be able to complete the collection without buying another rifle skin, I’m just hoping that I will in fact be able to finish the collection. I’ll update this post as I unlock the other 3 skins, and attempt to unlock the rifle (again).

WvW Lag March 2015

in WvW

Posted by: Doc Holiday.1326

Doc Holiday.1326

Hey there, thought I’d just share my experiences with the lag so far. I’m playing on Piken Square (EU) at the moment, and for the past 7 or so months I’ve gotten increasingly involved in WvW. Ever since the stability patch, I’ve noticed, as well as almost the entire server, horrible lag spikes throughout the game. While its certainly the worst while in WvW, I have felt lag while running around in regular maps, while doing dungeons, while in the PvP lobby, and while sitting in LA trying to use the trading post.

I first noticed this lag the Saturday first following the stability patch. I commanded our Friday reset for a few hours, and actually DID NOT notice bad lag throughout the 3 or 4 hours I was tagged up. However, the next day, Saturday, I was tagged up again for around 3 hours, and it was the worst lag I have ever experienced in any sort of video game I have ever played. Even when we weren’t fighting, our skills were taking a few seconds to go off, switching weapons took a few seconds, and going through portals took a few seconds. However, during the times we did fight it was impossible to play. I literally ran through the enemy group of at least 60 people, taking almost no damage because, just like myself and the 50 people following me, no one could use any skills.

The weeks following I’ve experienced bad lag spikes, none as bad as that first time, while following a commanded, leading open/guild raids, or just running around in small groups or alone. Recently, I’ve noticed less lag, whether that was because of something you guys did, or just coincidence I don’t know. Yesterday, I was tagged up for about 4 hours for our reset, and had around 60 people on me. There was slight lag running around the map, and when we fought an enemy group there was more lag, however it was playable. But when we would encounter both of the enemy servers at once, the game was again unplayable. All of us would rubber band, warping around, skills were not usable, we couldn’t switch weapons, and it got to the point where I actually just brought all of our players to the other side of the map avoiding the other two groups, and the fights our server loves :P, to be able to play the game.

Obviously I am like the many other people in this thread, glad and appreciative to know we have someone from arena net seeing the problem, and many thanks to all the work and updates you’re giving us, especially on a Saturday. Good luck fixing this, I would love to be able to play WvW without problems again, as it is my favorite part of the game at this point. Cheers

Horrible lag post patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Doc Holiday.1326

Doc Holiday.1326

I am lagging as well, a few other people I was partied up with were experiencing the same thing. I was fine for a few hours this morning, but then my chat began to lag – messages I would type wouldn’t appear for 10 seconds, or I would see messages I typed in an incorrect order appear. I re-logged, and my party window had completely disappeared (I was still in the party tho, could see the party chat (still slowly) ) so I completely restarted my computer and internet, logged back in, still laggy as ever.

Adding accents to names

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Doc Holiday.1326

Doc Holiday.1326

I used copy-paste once to make a name using an accent. I literally just copied it off an Irish names website and pasted it in the box. Might still work?

Nope this didn’t work either. Looks like accents are no longer accepted. Thanks for all the suggestions, I’ll just have to get creative and figure out a different name

Adding accents to names

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Doc Holiday.1326

Doc Holiday.1326

Actually I tried that, changed it to French, had it download everything, went into the game, and I still was unable to use any sort of accented letter.

Adding accents to names

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Doc Holiday.1326

Doc Holiday.1326

Right I actually used one of these codes, or at least attempted to, during character creation. However when I used the code to create an ò, it was flagged as ‘not an English character’, and thus the name could not be submitted.
I came back and decided to actually read your whole post, after realizing I had missed what you said on the bottom. I will try this, although I’m not entirely sure how to switch the language on my keyboard or the launcher. If I can’t figure it out, I’m sure google can provide answers. Thanks for the suggestion either way.

(edited by Doc Holiday.1326)

Adding accents to names

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Doc Holiday.1326

Doc Holiday.1326

Hey so I wanted to make a new character, and the name I wanted was already taken, which I was actually expecting. However, I figured I could just make one or more of the letters in the name have an accent on it, using window’s ALT codes. But when I tried using the code, although I did get an ‘o’ with an accent on it, the name was not accepted as only English characters are allowed when making a name. However I’ve seen plenty of people with accents on their names, and in fact some people in my guild have accents on their names. Am I doing something wrong, or is there a way around this at all?

Birthday Present Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Doc Holiday.1326

Doc Holiday.1326

Got my present with the new patch. Thanks very much for the update

Birthday Present Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Doc Holiday.1326

Doc Holiday.1326

I have not received my gift either. One of my characters has been at 12 months for the past 2 days or so, and without a gift.