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What do you want to see in the next expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doofus Overload.4061

Doofus Overload.4061

Dungeon only henchmen is all I ask

I’m rather partial to some cheese on toast

Anyone wanna help me build a pc?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Doofus Overload.4061

Doofus Overload.4061

I don’t profess to know a huge amount but i’ll chime in with my tuppence worth. It used to be the case where building your own PC saved you loads of money but I don’t think thats the case as much these days. Try a PC builder website (cyberpower and scan spring to mind but there are lots out there) where you can configure your new rig just how you like it. Hope this helps

I’m rather partial to some cheese on toast

Don't like RNG boxes? then don't buy them

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doofus Overload.4061

Doofus Overload.4061

“humans are like the opposite of Skritt: the more we are, the stupider it gets”

Made my day this, brilliant!

I’m rather partial to some cheese on toast

Don't like RNG boxes? then don't buy them

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doofus Overload.4061

Doofus Overload.4061

Sigh, this form of gambling is not going away, rng is here to stay unless everyone stops buying the flippin things, and just like trying to get a director of a corporation to think about other human beings, it just isn’t going to happen.

I’m rather partial to some cheese on toast

The Sandwichmancer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doofus Overload.4061

Doofus Overload.4061

I imagine the sandwichmancer to a ‘throw dwarf bread’ skill which would cause 4 stacks of bleeding, -80% movement speed and a 10% chance of a raisin in the eye which would cause blindness for 10 seconds.
I love the idea of a spicy mustard to the eyes skill though, utterly brilliant!

I’m rather partial to some cheese on toast

New to Dungeons and want to learn?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Doofus Overload.4061

Doofus Overload.4061

I have never set foot in a dungeon and would love to have a go but due to my erratic playing times it’s quite difficult for me to set aside the time to have a bakitten a dungeon, (also like others have said, it’s now got to the point where I don’t even want to try and pug due to the hassle of having to explain that i’m a newbie and to go slow) so this sounds like a brilliant idea! I will definately be in touch, thank you kind sir!!

I’m rather partial to some cheese on toast

What GW1 feature would you bring to GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doofus Overload.4061

Doofus Overload.4061

Crikey theres a lot to go through but without doing that i’m just gonna blunder in and give my tuppence worth which is:

Birthday presents
Skill capturing
and by far and away the thing I would love most – Henchmen.

I’m rather partial to some cheese on toast

Best profession for a disabled player?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Doofus Overload.4061

Doofus Overload.4061

I’m certainly not one for advice normally as I consider myself completely rubbish and picky (but thats another point entirely!) Anyhoo, I would suggest a ranger for the reasons you yourself said, once you get used to controlling the pet (admitedly it’s only a couple of keys which you could re-map if it helps) they are very enjoyable. I have never done a dungeon so can’t comment on that (but looking around the forum, rangers seem to be shunned in that respect) but if it comes to it then gimme a shout and we can bumble our way round one together, that sounds like a lot of fun
Good luck with your choice, but give the necro a go too, heard they are quite enjoyable too, release the minions!

I’m rather partial to some cheese on toast

Poll: Profession Over Level 40 Demographics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doofus Overload.4061

Doofus Overload.4061

80 Warrior
52 Ranger

Engineer & Guardian both under 40

I’m rather partial to some cheese on toast

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doofus Overload.4061

Doofus Overload.4061

Doofus sheepishly enters the stage fully dressed in Canthan robes (and some huge fluffy slippers) waving a large sign which has been lovingly daubed with ‘GO CANTHA GO! GIVE US OUR CANTHA!’

I’m rather partial to some cheese on toast

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doofus Overload.4061

Doofus Overload.4061

Does it really need to be said AGAIN that GW2 has been out less than a year and GW1 has been out for a lot lot longer? The reason GW2 has less content is because it’s fairly new, and saying it should have the same amount as a game that’s been around for years is just stupid. Doesn’t stop people complaining though but I guess nothing ever will, there will always be those who find something to complain about just for the sake of complaining.

I personally don’t really like RNG but I can deal with not getting every single thing in this game because it doesn’t really effect me either way. It’s simply a game I play when I don’t have anything better to do and there is plenty I can do without spending real money. I’ve already got a lot off the gem store using in game gold so i don’t see the big deal unless you literally HAVE to have everything, but that’s an extremely unhealthy attitude.

^ This, excactly, you just saved me the effort of typing, thank you

I’m rather partial to some cheese on toast

One for the Dwarfers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doofus Overload.4061

Doofus Overload.4061

No wonder they have so many accidents with the moose driving!
Good show sir.

I’m rather partial to some cheese on toast

Would you buy an expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doofus Overload.4061

Doofus Overload.4061

“Would I buy an expasion”

yes I think I would

I’m rather partial to some cheese on toast

What's your main character's theme song?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doofus Overload.4061

Doofus Overload.4061

I too am at work (i’m working hard, honestly boss!)
Anyhoo, whenever i’m running around with my Charr Ranger, ‘the regulator’ by Clutch always seems to be running through my head.

I’m rather partial to some cheese on toast

Older Gentleman looking for guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Doofus Overload.4061

Doofus Overload.4061

Hi Folks,

I’ve been playing for a while now on Aurora Glade but don’t play that often, bloomin real life getting in the way! but feel it’s about time I dipped my feet into the world of joining a guild to help me through the stuff I haven’t touched yet (dungeons primarily). I play as much as I can which is mostly a couple of evenings a week and weekends if I can but my wife has our first little person on the way so this will probably nose dive in a few months when it (we don’t know the sex yet) arrives!!! Anyhoo, I guess i’m looking for a smaller guild with hopefully a few more older folks (I say older but i’m still only a whipper snapper at 39) like me but this isn’t a deal breaker as I still feel 18 in my head (tis a shame my body didn’t get that memo!)
Cheers friends and fellow players

I’m rather partial to some cheese on toast

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Doofus Overload.4061

Doofus Overload.4061

Name: Doofus Overload (gaming name for years!)
Main Character: Ritlock Grarr
Current Server: Aurora Glade
Interested Activities: Mainly open world running around but have been getting into jumping puzzles recently

Active: Occasionally evenings, weekends if i’m able

Additional Comments: I don’t get to play much (me and the wife are doing up our house at the mo in readyness for the first addition to our family!) but would love to join a guild to participate in more stuff (I have created a guild just for me for the extra bank space). I have never even set foot in a dungeon and would really appreciate a helpfull soul to hold my hand and guide me round one or 2! Oh, i’m also of the older persuasion and don’t have access to a headset at the mo (may get one though)
I have been lurking on these forums for months now and this is my first post!.

I’m rather partial to some cheese on toast