Showing Posts For Drop Bear.5839:
Here are some facts.
I would prefer it if you were able to say, "I’m disapointed that we got beat in the recruiting race, and I’m worried that fights will become lopsided and not be as fun anymore. " That would be a very mature and reasonable thing to say. But crying “foul” and finger pointing because our community was more appealing and our recruiting efforts were more effective – that’s just sad.
I am actually not disappointed you recruited more. The fights will become boring for your hardened fighters, and some of the large well respected guilds i can not say a guild name in this forum have no server loyalty as they have shown in the past few months, and may actually leave in a few months. You also have many people from lower teirs that just want to say to their mates we won t1 WvW or that they actually beat SoS for once. A thorn in the side of many during the start of the rating system. Even with a paid transfer system Anet knows that guilds will transfer.
Queues will be a major problem with people spending longer in LA than in a BL.Also a lot of SoSs leaders are facing burnout. We do not win the matches by double points we work hard for that lead. The last match we were behind and had many bleary eyed people for the start of the next matchup. If we do go to t2 i think we all need a rest, i dont want any more commanders to burnout. T2 seems like a place to rest up and then get serious again but i hope it doesnt ever come to that.
Actually, going to T2 next week might be a good thing.
Picture it: SoR takes our place in T1, then the server reset happens. JQ, SoR and BG fight a close match and thus their ratings don’t change all that much. We (assumingly) fight for a much larger lead in T2. This helps us get further up on the ladder quicker.
I find this slightly hilarious…but only slightly.
I find this extremely hilarious.
What did they make anyway? The pact never saw new armour.
I was expecting uniform… uniforms on the soldiers who joined the pact all wearing pact colours.
It’s like they were put there and forgotten.
I agree. I just recently resumed my personal story and my god it’s bad. It’s like it isn’t MY story anymore…it’s all about him and him being a great leader. My character barely gets any lines anymore… + his voice acting is terrible. Why did you have to replace awesome Forgal with this generic boring character? Anet, if you love your players you will remove Trahearne from the game entirely and never mention his existence again.
Every time I see him in a cutscene I feel like punching a hole through my screen
Btw, this guy would be awesome instead of Trahearne!
Your wish has been granted it seems. Someone has put this together (it’s not terribly good I don’t think, as you can’t tell if Trahearne or the player character is talking sometimes, but it does the trick):
(edited by Drop Bear.5839)
Yea I had the exact same dilemma. I (Norn in this case) wanted to join the Order of Whispers.
The Vigil’s plans seemed to not be very good so I didn’t even pick their missions. However, at the end, the Priory’s plan sounded (probably may have played out differently but just from the pre-mission discourse) like they were going to let Vyachaslav walk away with the weapon, the Order’s plan sounded like they were going to let the people who created and operated the weapon walk away with said weapon, where they may make more of them.
Only the Vigil tied up all loose ends. No more engineers, no Vyachaslav, no weapon.
But its alright, I got Forgal (Forgal is awesome ).
Trahearne wishes to become a god?
“This won’t end well”…
If you’re a charr, then one of the letters you get from Rytlock explains that the Flame Legion has a weapon the Pact is interested in using to fight the Elder Dragons. Not sure if you get such a notice as other races – I know you don’t as sylvari, but you may as human.
@Drop Bear: What Killul meant by similar to destroyers would be the Flame Legions’ shamans – who have fiery bodies, caused by self-inflicted rituals – not their use of fire magic. But that is, as far as we know, unrelated to the destroyers.
No letter as far as I know.
Huh, I always thought that the destroyers were just rock creature things based off of real animals (e.g. I don’t think theres a troll as large as Megadestroyer).
Do we know what the weapon is?
Yea there’s a trait called “Elite supplies” which is supposed to give a boost to all the elite skills (extra health packs and turrets for supply drop, extra range for mortar and I think extra duration for Elixir X) but it doesn’t seem to do anything.
Simple answer, the Flame Legion is fighting the Charr who are fightng against the Dragons. To free up Charr forces they need to destory the Flame Legion.
Longer expanlation If the Pact secures Fireheart Rise then their flank is secured when they assualt Jormag. Also the Flame Legion is very similar to the Destoryers so they may join up with Primodus in the future.
Simple answer is strange because instead of dedicating pact forces to freeing up the legions to fight the dragons which ties up pact forces, they could have just sent said pact forces to the dragons and the legions to the flame legion (but then again if they both fight, perhaps the job gets done quicker, though it takes away from existing jobs, such as potentially the assault on Arah or perhaps the activities in Frostgorge Sound).
Long answer is odd because the flame legion has (as far as I know) shown no interest in the Shiverpeak mountains. Why would they waste resources attacking the pact (who would not be considered belligerent if the Pact wasn’t in Fireheart Rise) as they assault Jormag when they are being pressed so hard throughout Ascalon? And would that mean that anyone who utilises fire magic for malevolent purposes be considered potential… recruits for Primordius?
All seems rather peculiar.
Forgal is the Vigil’s mentor.
Like Tybalt for Whispers and Sierran (spelling) for the Priory he is a very likable and well-written character.
So the problem is pretty much universal no matter which Order you join; a very likable character gets replaced for the next 30 or so levels with this boring and poorly-written/acted twit.
Exactly. Its not that we would like Forgal, Tybalt or Sierran back, but rather have Trahearne be as good a character as either of these 3, or replaced with a character that is as good as they are.
Also, as some have suggested, some permanence to the characters. Fortunately I played Drunk Norn Vigil guy on my main acc so I saw quite a few recurring characters by sheer luck (e.g. Mangonel Gearstrap and Balista Geargrind are in the Drunk Norn storyline because you and Mangonel went on a drunken rampage with the warband’s tank and lost it before the story).
But there are a lot of characters who you see for only a short while and then disappear, leaving you only able to stare at the wonder of Trahearne’s illustrious glass jaw for 30 levels.
Can someone please explain to me why the pact are all over fireheart rise?
A Vigil NPC claimed that anyone not on the side of the Vigil was on the side of the dragons, but I highly doubt that’s the reasoning.
Is there any reason why they are there? Are the flame legion tied to the dragons, or are they there just for fun?
It annoyed me on my Norn because I wanted to join the Order of Whispers but I thought the Vigil plan was far superior as it tied up all the loose ends, if Vyachaslav died, the weapon is still intact and in all likelihood, many of the engineers who built and could operate the weapon would be alive too. The priory plan would save the priory, and that’s pretty much it. The priory couldn’t follow Vyachaslav around with their own weapon to stop Viyachaslav’s weapon.
Perhaps it mightn’t be a bad idea to let people, after doing that final mission, to still be able to pick one place (e.g. let the final mission be like the rest, just to find out what the places are like).
I think it’s a great idea. Arenanet has made once-good people or groups evil in the past. Look at what happened with the White Mantle, Kourna, and the Ministry of Purity in Guild Wars 1. Those were great storylines.
Also, in making Trahearne and the Pact evil, Arenanet could give the player control of their own character again. It seems like once you got to the Pact, whatever personality you had developed for your character in the early personal story was forcibly cast aside. Suddenly, your character becomes the goody-two-shoes drone, the noble lacky, ect. If the Pact becomes the enemy, Arenanet could let you control how your character reacts to the betrayal—not only choosing what action to take, but what emotions the character feels. You’d have room to stop being the noble dimwit, and react as a genunine person—with rage, or anguish, or terror, ect.I don’t know if they could make the Pact evil since we co-operate them in areas like Frostgorge.
However, introducing a new faction of former Pact members named “Loyalists” would do the trick.
The pact doesn’t notice you in Frostgorge Sound as a commander, only as some bloke showing up. I highly doubt they’d notice you when you were evil.
In the eyes of your men, others are either soldiers, travelers, or Trahearne .
Another example of very likeable characters are Sieran and Tybalt, but I wanted to focus on Koss since he doesn’t need comedy to be likeable.
Hey! What about Forgal? He’s my favourite of the three! As a Norn Warrior, I felt that my character really grew fond of him and truly saw him as a mentor and role-model. And when he was about die a glorious death so save us all he said something in the nature of
“Keep my Legend alive. Tell my story.”
…I swear that a tear rolled down the cheek of both me and my character! It made the “betrayal” of introducing Trahearne as his replacement taste all the more sour.
Someone forgot Forgal? I shall Old Man them into the ground!
Range to 1500? Are miniguns that accurate?
What I wouldn’t mind is higher base damage but where the attack has a higher chance of missing as you get further away.
The average medium range dps would probably be what it is now. At 1000, 1200 range (if rifled barrels effects it) it would miss probably 40-50 percent of the time, perhaps?
While at the moment I would prefer that they fix existing kits to be playable than make new ones, it might actually be easier for them to scrap all the kits and start from scratch.
Sea of Sorrows, our server, our home, has been world champions of WvW for 5 weeks in a row now.
Did SoS secretly best all the EU servers while I wasn’t looking?
If you look at the ratings of each server, we are ahead of the top European server. In fact, both JQ and SBI are ahead of VS.
Would you guys do it even if you didn’t get an extra tool belt slot for that thing?
Here’s an interesting question:
As an engineer, if you could put an extra normal skill in your elite skill slot, in place of your elite skill, would you?
Ever heard the term: Jack of all trades, master of none?
It fits Engineers to a T. There is nothing in particular we do better than anyone else, but we do everything atleast decently. Flamethrowers, rifle discharges and grenades are fully viable damage options, elixirs, elixir gun and toolkit offer great utility and there’s plenty of great cc and combo fields to be had.
In order to be a proper “jack of all trades, but a master of none”, we should be able to do everything (not to exception of course) in any situation. This means that you shouldn’t have to change your trait points to be able to do EVERYTHING at a medium level at least. If something is done poorly, then you are not a jack of all trades, and merely just a kittenty class.
If we could do all of those things in a single battle wherever needed (e.g. if we wanted to do healing and then go over to do cc, then clean the walls etc.) then perhaps I might be tempted to agree with you. But we can’t. We pick one of those things, 2 at most, do it/them at a medium level and get beaten by the other classes who all can do 1 or 2 things, but at a GREAT level.
It doesn’t matter how many things we are capable of. It matters how many things we can do at a given moment. And if it is only what the other classes can do, but kittentier, then we have a problem.
Did they even fix short fuse which they broke in the last nerf?
Drop Bear, yeah. I just quoted this because it hints at hidden nerfs to the other kits as well.
OMG sorry I was annoyed and I misread your last sentence.
I thought you said “they didn’t touch grenades, gg”, instead of “they didn’t only touch grenades, gg”
Also please note this:
Here are some additional notes, describing some of the balance changes and why we made these changes in various aspects of the game.General balance
Engineer Kit Sigils. The Engineer now benefits from the sigils on their weapons when they swap to a kit. So, this means that you will have the ability to get sigil procs on your Flame Thrower, or Grenade Kit, etc. This means we had to tone down some of the kits accordingly, the biggest of which was the Grenade kit.
Engineer Grenade Kit Changes. We didn’t want to totally take away the power of this kit, but when it is able to proc sigil abilities, it becomes very strong due to its powerful AOE nature. So we’ve toned down this kit a little due to the sigils now working on engineer kits.From here: that means they didn’t only touch grenade kit. gg
Other classes can use sigils WITHOUT a damage reduction. We had no sigils for our kits at all. Suddenly, giving us sigils warrants reducing damage of our base grenade skill by 30%?
And considering the cooldown on these sigils, and that many only work on critical, do they really make up the lost damage?
EDIT: Misread the last sentence of your post. I apologise for the belligerent tone of my post.
(edited by Drop Bear.5839)
Hacking off Michael Jordan’s feet doesn’t make me a better basket ball player.
It would just make me better than him.
I hate guilds that hop around and boost servers to where they shouldn’t be only to have them get pummeled
Thank you for insulting all of SoS.
Relax mate. We’ll demonstrate why we’re where we are this week.
I’ve been trying to transmute my berserker’s spineguard with my universal multitool pack. Unfortunately, when I add the pack to the transmute window, the exquisite ruby gem in my spineguard disappears from the window.
Is there a way of getting around this?
Drop Bear.