Showing Posts For Eccentric Duck.7510:

A guy who thinks too much

in PvP

Posted by: Eccentric Duck.7510

Eccentric Duck.7510

This is a really awesome post and has a lot of points that resonate with what i also think. It just seems as though, the more i play this game and obtain a deeper understanding of how it works, the less i seem to enjoy playing it and the more flaws i see in its style of combat.

Salad engineer

100 NADES Never Died

in Engineer

Posted by: Eccentric Duck.7510

Eccentric Duck.7510

Awesome build. Great deeps. Looks thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new builds or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin’ huge, solid, thick and tight you can get as an engi with this build. Thanks for the motivation.

Salad engineer

r we esports now?

in PvP

Posted by: Eccentric Duck.7510

Eccentric Duck.7510


Salad engineer

245 days

in PvP

Posted by: Eccentric Duck.7510

Eccentric Duck.7510



Salad engineer

Rainbow Jellyfish

in Ranger

Posted by: Eccentric Duck.7510

Eccentric Duck.7510

WOW, thanks for this <33333333333333 just what the ranger class needs <3 <3

: ^ )

Salad engineer

Custom Arenas April 30th

in PvP

Posted by: Eccentric Duck.7510

Eccentric Duck.7510

Sooner than i expected, awesome news!

Salad engineer

PvP in a nutshell

in PvP

Posted by: Eccentric Duck.7510

Eccentric Duck.7510

Legit post, well played.


Salad engineer

Best Engineer Names

in Engineer

Posted by: Eccentric Duck.7510

Eccentric Duck.7510

Bison Mcstrongbulge.

Salad engineer

Queues not popping. \!/

in PvP

Posted by: Eccentric Duck.7510

Eccentric Duck.7510

Hotfix incoming. It’s so hawt and lava-infused. It’s like molten sun magma is dripping into an ocean of flames. And then put it in the microwave on popcorn setting, but then push the “add 30 second” button like 400 times. And there are lit candles around.

It’s that hawt.

U wot m8

Salad engineer

Still going to post till you fix it

in PvP

Posted by: Eccentric Duck.7510

Eccentric Duck.7510

In my last 2 games, I’ve had 2/3 people full cap the close point at the start. Funny thing is, i won both of the games, maybe a new META is setting. These guys are next level.

Salad engineer

Ideas to improve the map and UI

in PvP

Posted by: Eccentric Duck.7510

Eccentric Duck.7510


I love these ideas.

Salad engineer

No Laurels for PvP supporters.

in PvP

Posted by: Eccentric Duck.7510

Eccentric Duck.7510

Sekro pls


Salad engineer

A Simple Yes or No From the Spvp Community

in PvP

Posted by: Eccentric Duck.7510

Eccentric Duck.7510

Yes, I think conquest is a nice, basic game mode that you can add a lot too making it more complex. Arena Net basically needs to think outside the box more when creating their maps however, because the current maps, aside from spirit watch and maybe temple, are terrible.

Salad engineer

Setting The Competitive Scene

in PvP

Posted by: Eccentric Duck.7510

Eccentric Duck.7510

Did you just write the bible?

Salad engineer

Suggested Engineer Skill Changes

in Engineer

Posted by: Eccentric Duck.7510

Eccentric Duck.7510

These changes seem reasonable, I think Gadgets as a whole need changes or buffs, simply because there is no reason to take them over kits/ elixirs at this current time.

Salad engineer

PvP, rewards, and you

in PvP

Posted by: Eccentric Duck.7510

Eccentric Duck.7510

I got kind of sad when I realised the unid dyes I was getting from chests where account bound, so I couldn’t sell them. I think there should be some incentives for PvE players to try PvP, but not so much that it becomes a viable way of farming gold. I’d love to get some sort of token after a win, and after getting so many tokens you could buy cosmetic items such as backpacks/ funny weapon and armour skins which you could then also use in PvE

Salad engineer

March patch: make it or break it (for real)

in PvP

Posted by: Eccentric Duck.7510

Eccentric Duck.7510

You guys are so dramatic, if you are not enjoying the game in it’s current state then simply do something else, and come back when changes are made and you think you could enjoy the game again. Complaining is not going to make Arena Net work faster.

Salad engineer

The new SOLO queue

in PvP

Posted by: Eccentric Duck.7510

Eccentric Duck.7510

I think its very fun.

Salad engineer

Are we e-sports yet?

in PvP

Posted by: Eccentric Duck.7510

Eccentric Duck.7510


Salad engineer