A great and well thought out analogy Nike. I believe, thinking of Mordy like a latent drug addiction…is very plausible. It would be great to see some side stories that would depict some of the sylvari that chose to remain away from the jungle for that very reason. I agree that saying it’s nothing more than a matter of will power is a weak way of depicting that inner struggle.
Lets hope that the Devs have some good story telling up their sleeves on this one.
(if only the Forgotten were around to explain it in more detail)
Sounds like a hint about something…
wow, great to see it all. that is a lot of them! They make my feeble attempts at art look so weak by comparison. Kudos to all the great artists that worked on the project, hope the 2 I did were liked by their owners.
(edited by Edusd.7893)
Mostly, I was just getting to the thought that maybe other races are descended from dragons in some way, either through formerly being minions or some other means. For example, Dwarves. What if, the Great Dwarf, was a dragon…and the dwarven race as a result were originally minions/creations of that dragon. Perhaps that would explain how they could revert back to a hive mind mentality. From there lots of speculation could form, but it is all baseless. Like I said, just an interesting thought.
A very interesting idea. What about the possibility of “not evil” dragons. For example, the idea of keeping Glint’s egg away from the EDs with the intent of creating such a creature, may lend to the idea that perhaps at some point in the distant past, there were more than just the EDs we know, maybe they were snuffed out, maybe they evolved, or perhaps they gave rise to some of the races we see now…
What about the possibility that the Mursaat that we know from GW1 were just a splinter group of the race, like flame legion are to the charr…?
I think the mysterious voice is the offspring we defended in EotN.
It’s confirmed, Kralk is the rainbow dragon!
@draxx and konig, in the book Edge of Destiny, Kralk’s lightening was said to be red.
I realize it sounds like a bit of a stretch, but not such a huge one, the noxious branded plants in lowland burns attack in a manner akin to the mesmers chaos storm, applying a random condition.
Crystals, while indeed being a very ordered occurrence in nature, form from a saturation or supersaturtion of particles.
I feel that the rising of a dragon, something on par with an immense hurricane, could also be seen as such an over saturation of particles which would result in the formation of crystals. Especially when said Dragon has been referred to as something like a storm.
Basically, my thought is that the crystals regardless of color (the dragon’s blood was green after all) are more a result of the dragon’s coalescing energy, and form on its corrupted minions in the same manner.
I will investigate in game more for other ways to support my idea about the chaos part. This was more as a way to support another thought on here about one of Kralk’s spheres of influence being energy. To me, it seemed relevant and plausible. It is a dragon that corrupts energy, particles and the outward appearance of it’s corruption is crystalline.
I understand that Kralk is covered in crystals, and that it’s minions are as well, but aren’t those crystals simply chaos crystals? Similar, if I recall correctly, to the crystals in the chaos crystal caverns, if not outright the same. Would it not therefore be better to define it as the chaos Dragon? That would account for many of the characteristics that we see outwardly from it, like the storms, which resemble the mesmer skill. Therfore it’s minions displaying crystals on themselves, the corrupted plants, ground etc., are merely solidified versions of its energy. I think I also remember reading that it’s body was composed of crystal and energy. To me that sounds like a chaos storm that just solidified in places to form a dragon.
Don’t forget there is still a large portion of the shiverpeaks that is not uncovered on our maps, I can imagine some norn living in the Woodland cascades as well. The Swamp fractal even shows us at least one norn that took to a region that is much less Arctic. And I would think that the area North of the festival of the four winds location could also have some humans or other races living there. According to the world map that was days mined, there is a vast amount of land easy of Ebonhawk that could have humans that were originally oat of Ascalon and escaped the foefire, or had moved that direction long before. Also ogres and who knows how many other forms of life.
I agree with the portal stone being a mechanic, but once there was an asura network of portals that linked to near there, it might not be THAT hard to sneak a small force in there to investigate things. Anyways, it was more “thinking out loud” than anything else. would be interesting to revisit that mechanism is all, see what might be needed to go after the other dragons, or perhaps get their locations. Like I had said, I don’t think that now would be the best time for it, but perhaps if we ever go after Jormag himself, then hitting up the EotN might be worth it. Personally, I’d still like to know who or what built it and what it was originally for. Not to mention, my garden is still there! lol
I could think of many reasons to go back to the eyes of the north and revisit the scrying pool/fix it. Not the last of which is its origin, Discover who built it and why. Had it been there since the last rising? Nobody alive really knows, but it could have been. Also if did show the GW1 PC the rising of Primordus, well, his champion, but still, it was in tune with the elder dragons then, why not now? Perhaps now isn’t the time for it, but I think there could be plenty of things that place could be used for.
The dwarf was Ogden, he had been in the game since launch.
I think it would’ve been cool for them to use the scrying pool in the eye of the north.
Ogden is at the camp at the beginning of each explorable path for Arah.
@ flamingfoxx that screen shot and the reddit post where \u\that_shaman pulled the in game model that the screen shot is a copy of, is what I started this thread about (and the blog post tidbits Colin gave us). Sort of hoping that something cool comes from all of it.
Oddly, I put the link to the reddit thread in a different post. So here it is again. The statue (?) In the screen shot is taken from the model of Abaddon used in his temple in Orr.
(edited by Edusd.7893)
Well, it certainly looks like either a bronze or gold statue inside of a temple. Perhaps the Mursaat had something to do with Abaddon at some point. Who knows, it’s intriguing at least. I’m curious about how/what they will tie together. Until the blog post, I really didn’t have much concern for whatever episode 5+ contained, now, I’m interested.
Look at what /u/that_shaman uncovered. same as the Abbs statues in Orr….
My thoughts exactly, which is what I mentioned in my post in here as well. I’d love to get a chance to see that city!
I don’t know, I took that line as a deliberate shot at the home of the murssat, as it was a “rumored” place. I could be wrong and, like you, I try not to get my hopes to high, but with that and the bit about “legends of Tyria’s past” might be referring to them and maybe either the PC or, at least ol Saul.
The home of the murssat confirmed? If so, i’m actually very excited to get back to season 2. Also, I wonder what those deep dark secrets could be…
One thing I noted about the face in the vision was how it appeared to have the medium head gear from Twilight Arbor. Scarlet didn’t wear that, so some other medium class possibly nightmare court affiliated individual. It would be an interesting turn if it was Caithe, though I highly doubt it is.
(edited by Edusd.7893)
I really don’t think the orb crashing into the center was Mordremoth, but perhaps Zhaitan’s sphere returning to the magic pool (2 orbs glowed green) It would also line up the lighting up of the orbs to the awakening of the EDs as well. Hope we get some clarification, and glad to see there are fun things to speculate about again! …and yeah, how DO the BiConics know Mordie’s name?? very strange.
Ihace been having the same problem for more than a week now. Has anyone found a solution yet? I have tested all my hardware and memory, no problems there. No problems with any other games either. I run windows 7 64 bit. Gtx480, 8gb ram i7 3770 3.4gb.
Having similar issues, my computer keeps freezing and requires a hard reboot. Normally happens in instances or during cut-scenes. Ive tested all my hardware, reinstalled everything (game, Windows, drivers, etc. ). I don’t know what to do at this point. Any help would be a great help.
try ebay or amazon, tons there
auto kick from inactivity for 30secs
They already have an autokick system as far as i’m aware. The guy kept moving his character slightly every now and again to avoid getting kicked. So if you’re sitting there, watching the screen and having to move your character, then why not just play the kitten game.
Thats why I think the kick timer should be extremely shortened for PvP, you need to be constantly in motion while you are playing anyhow. This wouldn’t affect actual players just the AFK kittens that stand around at spawn.
I run into the same thing all the time. It would be nice if there was either a auto kick from inactivity for 30secs, or a special report option for this behavior. It really is disheartening to the team and causes people to not want to play any more.
I had some ascended armor that I had transmuted with cultural armor before the patch. Now that transmutation splitters are removed from the gem store, how can I separate them for account bound usage?
I will double check on that. Thanks for the reply!
I wanted to show a returning friend the Zephyr Sanctum model from the event last year. When I got it out of my bank and tried to activated the cinematic, it did not work. I tried several more times after restarting the client and still it will not work.
I just wanna know how a pirate ship got into a hill side in Harathi.
Thanks guys/gals! Love hearing feedback, took quite a bit of time to do.
Always up for dungeon runs! You guys know that, hit me up if you ever need me.
Been a while since I posted anything here, so I figured I was past due. Today, my rendition of Braham Eirson.
There is certainly no nerd rage going on here, with me at least, sorry if it seems otherwise. Once upon a time I entertained similar ideas, even about aspects pulling apart and re-coellessing into the forms of the dragons with pieces of various god in the mix of each….but as pointed out above, Grenth still lives, so that kinda kills any theory involving them being the same entities. Also, on a side note, Dwayna and Melandru are the only 2 not stated, so far, in lore as having had a predecessor. Balthazar took the mantle from his father. So, again, no rage, its just a pointless argument.
Did you forget that Abaddon is dead, Kormir assumed most of his power, but Lyssa took the element of water? Grenth is ice, not Dwayna…it goes on. So…still, my point stands, numbers are really about the only similarity.
I’m aware. Kormir wasn’t Canthan anyway, she was frim Istan. My point still stands. All gods with the exception of Kormir, where from a different world.
Except the gods, minus kormir, are not FROM Tyria. So again, this theory has been discussed, and debunked, many times. Sadly the forum search feature doesn’t work properly, so please refer to the link posted above.
Menzies was a half brother to Balthazar, but not a god.
Please, this dead horse has been beaten to death. Please refer to the above linked thread, and let unsleeping dragons lay.
Speculate all you like, nothing can be proven either way. I just find it funny that everyone imagines the abaddon fractal was about the other gods disposing him, when it just as easily could have been about whatever made him go rouge in the first place (a fall from grace). We may never know. But since the title of this thread is “calling it now…” I’m calling it NOT Abaddon.
Changing environments, even/especially the subtle changes are one of the good things to come about from the living world content. Love the little things. Now, how about that Orr place….
I agree, I would much rather it have been a smaller type affair that wasn’t a giant zerg of strangers. It was very frustrating when my party members were all in different overflows. The visuals, mechanics etc, were great, but I simply had to log out after a few attempts to group in the same overflow. All I really want is to play with my friends, not a couple dozen strangers. We have all sorts of open world events for socializing, why can’t we get some more content aimed at guilds and organized groups? So far, not a fan of the “GW2 answer to raids”. Why is it that each living world release is all aimed at zergs? I know its an MMO, but can’t we include the players that like content aimed at smaller (10-50person) groups? Other than guild challenges, which haven’t been added to since they came out, what do we have?