Showing Posts For Elunarie.9283:
First of all, this was blatant and unrepentant disrespect of the other guilds in the gw2 community. It deserved a blatant and unrepentant response, and it got it. Much like the “invincible” wvw hacker was publically banned from gw2 with that lovely video we all remember.
Second of all, this isn’t about a company’s response. This is about a community’s response, taken care of by the company since we in the community don’t have the amount of control to utterly humiliate these ’leetists who had the keys to the porshe handed to them.
Thirdly, this is why respect for other people is considered an adult quality. Those who don’t have it and don’t show it are children.
So thank you anet (and waves to Gaile), once again.. from a long-time loyal player.
-Sincerely, Bathea Havocbringer
Just a note that the helper GMs who take in the tickets may not have looked at the video themselves because they are not the one who will fix the problem, just taking in the information and passing it to the programmers. No worries, they are aware of the problems.. just look at the massive list of issues (everything from personal story bugs to skill bugs) and remember they are people too.
Living Story bug. This has occurred because of a change to arrow carts for Heart of Thorns wvw. In the Living Story Trouble at Fort Salma, the arrow cart is affected by the new line of sight rules.. and cannot be used to hit the mordrem attacking the gate.
Edit: This apparently occurs everytime the Oasis event runs, lagging that entire wvw map.
Starting about 20 minutes ago, we have serious movement and skill lag in wvw right now. This is server-wide for Tarnished Coast.
After today’s patch, this is still bugged. Apparently only when a charr visits the charr instance? IE other races can visit the charr instance and loot the enchanted treasure chest (which I don’t think is supposed to happen?)
Can someone link me where anet has said they are phasing out the dungeons? It’s kind of a thing I don’t want to lose.. but maybe that’s just me.
I can confirm that this is bugged. I have the Fractal Harpoon skin. I noticed that it wasn’t in my collection so I even tried to activate it by using the skin on a harpoon. Still did not count in the collection.
This might have been mentioned but in Verdant Brink, some of us are unable to reach 100% map completion because one of the Hero point challenges is not interactable. This issue only seems to affect people who were doing challenges on the map before some of the challenges were changed to a simple channel instead of a champion fight.
The problem hero point challenge is Pact Airship Wreckage located to the right and in the canopy next to Faren’s Flyer waypoint. My charr ranger is bugged with this. When she talks to the hero point it tells her she has gained all she can from this place of power, but her map completion shows this particular point is not complete.
Added: This occurred on my charr character (Violo Raptorgaze) in the charr home instance. I used the home portal stone to port there and out. I just tested on my human in the human home instance, going to the waypoint and walking in. My HUMAN (Jessie T. Rocket) has her enchanted treasure chest in the home instance. And finally I tested on my charr warrior (Bathea Havocbringer) and she does NOT have her enchanted treasure chest either.
So CONCLUSION: Enchanted treasure chest node is not spawning at all in the charr home instance right now.
So I’ve unlocked and had the Enchanted Treasure chest node in my home instance for well over a month and looted it most days. I haven’t been checking my instance because of HoT and Halloween so I have no idea when this bug began for sure. Today I checked my home instance and everything was there except for the treasure chest. It wasn’t spawned at all, like it had never been added to my instance.
I’ve heard that a bunch of people have the same issue as me. We completed the Mad Memoires Complete Edition backpiece but don’t have access to the green version – Mad Memoires. Is there a way for us to get the “lesser” skin?
This is kinda important to me. The whole idea of Gw2 is a story of your character. Right now I have no log that I ever participated in year 1 halloween or completed the meta or ever completed the clock puzzle. (I haven’t this year, I didn’t for 2 or 3 – only for year 1)
Shadow of the Mad King was halloween year 1.. shouldn’t the achieves for that year be listed under historical? I mean I see that this year’s is sort of a repeat of year 1 (minus the scythe skin and so on). I can see that the achievement points weren’t removed obviously, but the record that I completed the achievements for shadow of the mad king was? IE the current achievement placeholders for this year are just the old ones erased and reused? This is a little confusing, and more than a little worrisome. After all if I do not complete all of the achieves this year – is that all I’m going to see in my historical achieves for “Shadow of the Mad King” which is year 1 and this year?
For any game I’ve ever played. Smoothest.. most chock full.. gorgeous.. so much content.. gods. I can’t even fit all the accolades I need to put here, because arenanet.. loves.. you have done it. This is a beautiful expansion .. just barely 6 hours or so in.. and you should all be proud.. very kittening proud of what you accomplished so far. Please everyone.. give them a hand.. in fact a standing ovation. This right here is what the gaming community has been dying for.. a company that clearly loves the game as much as we do. (Well I’ve known this since Gw1)
Sincerely with tons of love and absolutely well-deserved hype,
Bathea Havocbringer
o/ waves to Gaile
Heh, you should be happy you have that 6-7mbps. In california we’re lucky to get 1.5mbps.
Loved the trailer – very scary eek. Still not sure how we’re going to fight a massive jungle dragon like that. Being super into charr and all, I did notice something.. is rytlock’s face model changing a little come HoT? The trailer shows his lower teeth sticking out all the time when his mouth is closed, and currently he must be biting his inner lips alot. ;3
Bold text is to “hopefully” let people know to not come in here and cause a troll trainwreck. Having posted here before, I know it tends to happen. Will it prevent it from happening? Maybe not. The P.S. is my own personal aside.. that’s what P.S. is for – as I know that a dev will read this thread.
Firstly, if you came to this thread looking to troll, complain, and/or mention unrelated problems you might have – there’s the door. Make sure it hits you on the way out.
Now with that convention out of the way, here is my suggestion devs – remembering that we’re getting new people here in the game who have a whole ‘nother idea of how MMOs work. Seeing as our HoT release is a little while to come, if there aren’t any other major events planned inbetween (or the events planned will not be problematic for this) – perhaps we should invite our mordrem “friends” to invade every weekend between now and then. Maybe we can thin their numbers more that way, while providing much needed training to our new “recruits.”
P.S. Thanks for putting up my black wings backpack (sale), scarlet champions minis, and a few other things that I did want. What wasn’t there will be there in the future I hope – notice me santa-dev-kun! (waves list with bunny ears and scarlet’s helmet skin, among a massive number of other limited items)
Long-time GW Fan who doesn’t do that social media stuff
Bathy aka Bathea Havocbringer
(edited by Elunarie.9283)
Okay, the first problem here is you said charr are tauren-orc mixes. You can’t approach an entirely new game with another game’s racial whatevers. For the last time this game is not that game we all talk about, it will not play the same to you as that game does. Charr are not tauren, charr are not orcs. They have an entirely different history than those two races from that other game.
well, I’m not a dev or a relative of a dev – but I’d like to be. I kinda knew this might attract “trolling” or people targetting others as they do in some parts of the internet. Either way, my thank you is heartfelt – and believe me it isn’t easily earned.
(devs can lock this at my request so it doesn’t act as bait for trolls)
Hey loves,
I’ve been worried in the last few weeks about changes coming to the game. Worried that the game will lose touch with its “core/veteran” players, its philosophy (no subs, etc.), or just stop updating the core game in lieu of new content.
This last week has finally quelled those fears. Fears that come from truly loving and enjoying a game so much that I’ve played since Gw1 – my very first MMO. Fears that really didn’t need to be here. You have listened to the players over and over (character slot added to veteran accounts, fixing current bugs in the core game). Your consistency on philosophy is virtually unwaivering (never a sub, and now even better – FTP). I am sure there are still some complaints floating out there, but I have faith now and forever – they will be addressed at some point in the near future. You seem to approach Guildwars in a way that’s refreshing in this MMO world. The game is like a house that you never plan to sell.
Thanks for being awesome,
Bathea Havocbringer
(Waves to Gaile)
Dota2 has a dishonor system. Doesn’t stop all of the games have one or more leavers/afkers.
For my three cents, we already have way too many mesmers in wvw and pvp. Why? because the class is unbalanced, and people are playing it because it wins the game.
Majority of the players nowadays are 12-17 years old and they want to see that kinda stuff, whether you like it or not.
-you mean gw2 pvp players or players in general.. either way, I’m pretty sure that isn’t right.. most players are actually above those age groups. either way, drama in competitive sports is better than drama in the real world, let them take it out here I guess.
Will the old pvp ranks like wolf/tiger, etc.. be removed when leagues are incorporated? IE.. should we be grinding our butts off?
I am also reporting this bugged. I’m attempting to kill the giants using guardian reflects.. but the cannons seemed to have some sort of special extra damage when reflecting the giant’s attacks.. normal reflects only reflect the attack damage. I’ve heard the copter is bugged after this, but I’m willing to attempt it anyway. I restarted this once after I got the giants “non-animation” T shape bug.. and now the giants are animated.. but the cannons are not interactable. My guess is the node to interact with them is stuck behind the airship as it moves, or even below it on the ground (similar to the problems with Scholar Brendan in the Broken Spit when you cannot kill the risen replicators. You are however, able to kill them using jagged horrors’ species skill (auto-attack).. here you can’t damage the giants.
Edit: I was able to kill the giants much more slowly than usual with player skill reflects. The story progressed to the helicopter and it was not interactable.
Edit note: I really think the devs need to up priority on certain issues. This one needs to be near the very top, above HoT at this point.. Unlike other people I’m not likely to leave and go to WoW or some other game. I like GW and its story too much. The recent string of new updates breaking old things is troubling though, and as many people have already said in this thread – its not the issue with things breaking, its how long it is taking to fix them, which makes people nervous that they might never be fixed in lieu of new content. New players won’t just want to play Heart of Thorns.. they will want to play through the whole story.. and if their first experience is a game-breaking story bug ..they may not want to stay.
(edited by Elunarie.9283)
Another week already? Goodness. well here is the next two chapters from this week’s Everlasting Sacred Path’s Reading Rainbow.
waves I’m afraid I’m too ancient to use youtube for myself at the moment. I do love your narration and wanted to point you to mine as well. o/
Another week has passed by, and I have two more chapters for you to listen to.
Here is chapter 2:
And chapter 3:
A quick note, I do not own or receive any commissions from the recorded readings of Sea of Sorrows by Ree Soesbee. That is the sole property of the author, the publisher and ArenaNet. The only thing I own is my voice, such as it is.. and these recordings are purely for the enjoyment of Gw2 players and my own guild, Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP] of Tarnished Coast.
That really is a gorgeously evil doll!
Greetings everyone,
Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP] of Tarnished Coast hosts a live reading of Sea of Sorrows by Ree Soesbee every sunday between 6-7pm on the guild’s teamspeak.
My name is Heather Smith aka Bathea Havocbringer, or Bathy as I’m known around the guild. I used just my headset and teamspeak’s record feature to capture this. I apologize for any silent spaces or blurbs you might hear in the background, as I did not edit or clean up the file at all.
Here is chapter one hosted on The size is about 40 MB in MP3 format.
I think I have been gated/blocked on my gem purchases right now. I did want to make one more purchase of gems, and I confirm that it was indeed me making the purchases.
I just finished unbugging this a few minutes ago. Scholar Breandan only stays up to sell his pearls for about 30 minutes or less before the whole thing has to be unbugged again. It takes roughly 1 hour 20 minutes or so to complete. Anyone who needs this pm me, and bring some patience and I will help you get your pearls.
I have an idea or two for a contest, for my guild and my server (all Hail the Toast). One of the prizes I’m considering would be a digital copy of Heart of Thorns. Does anyone know if I can gift this?
Bumping this. I see very very many people with this problem and I want to make sure they see this solution. I am on Tarnished Coast, and I am happy to demonstrate and help anyone at anytime with this. Send me a tell
Never underestimate the power of a player who needs that achievement.. right now. Some of you know that there are two particular items that are hard to get for Treasure Hunter because the events bug. These are Scholar Breandan in the Broken Spit who sells the Orrian Pearl, and the Dobbs escort to clear out the Rankor ruins.
For Broken Spit the trouble is, you cannot begin the escort for Breandan while there is the replicator event going on. However, the replicator event breaks and you cannot target the replicators. Most AOE spells do not work either even if they don’t need to target the replicators. Using my spell damage tracking, I was able to find something that would work. Using a Necro with the talent to create Jagged Horrors, and using minions.. I was able to damage the replicators very slowly until all were finally gone. Occasionally my Bone Fiend would also hit the replicator for the same amount.
Basically keep your character as close to the replicator you see as you can (it’s the dead fish head near the crabs) and keep killing the mobs that spawn out. Your Jaggeds will do the rest. It takes a long time, you must be patient. Roughly 10-15 minutes per head.
Well, I didn’t really mean to make a huge discussion of this. This is two skins, maybe five total over the history of the game so far that people really would like to be able to get if they didn’t get them the first time. I’m one of those people. I don’t play the trading post game, I occasionally buy gems because I like this game and the way to support a game you like, and the people behind it is to give some real money to it. For those who scorn buying gems with real money, I’d like to remind you that it’s people like me who make Heart of Thorns and all that content possible. And obviously, I treat my game like a game.. not a job.
I’m not saying that I couldn’t eventually save up the price of one of the two skins I like. I’m saying that they’ve made people rich for a while, and that’s how the economy works. You don’t keep investing in the same thing or everything stagnates. Other items will take its place as the demanded item. And I’m saying that as a player, I would like to own something I will enjoy and not make money from. And I don’t enjoy making other people envious, I enjoy something for what it is. Believe me if you like or don’t. This is a heartfelt letter to the devs, many of whom I have seen around since Gw1, from someone who loves the game.
Sincerely, Bathy
There are many items besides these skins that can be invested in, and many more that will appear later on. They have been exclusive for some time now, and people have made profits on that. The point of economics is that supply and demand changes. Restricting the supply all the time is not good for an economy. I don’t suggest making them available 24/7, but allowing some supply to come in and replace the few that people manage to purchase won’t hurt anyone.
Besides, GW2 and GW1 have a sort of policy of making things available later on or in another way. For a recent example, see the laurel vendor with all the season goodies. Noooo reason why this can’t be done for these two.
I would like to make a couple small suggestions/requests to make available a couple of exclusive skins that are not obtainable to my knowledge other than through the trading post (for exorbitant, but certainly worthwhile prices). I have been playing since beta, and I would love to finally own the Chainsaw Greatsword halloween skin, and the Decorative Molten Jetpack. I was here for the events myself but never had the luck of getting the Jetpack to drop in the Molten Facility, or get the Greatsword in the Black Lion chests during Halloween. I saw that for 2014 there was a chance to raffle from a skritt and receive the greatsword.
May I ask for all of us out there, to please add the Molten Jetpack and the Molten Berserker mini to the Molten Fractal as low chance to drop from the Fractal chest?
And please for this halloween, can there be chances for the Chainsaw Greatsword skin from a black lion chest.. just like before? Perhaps with a lesser chance to drop?
Thank you from a wishful charr who really needs to look great, charr-style,
Bathea Havocbringer
I want to give a sincere thank you to the guild wars team (waves to Gaile Grey) for choosing the make the Revenant as a new class. It brings to mind the Ritualist only better, with aspects of Dervish and Assassin and even Paragon, and for us old “Guildys” it’s a great and exciting gift. I’m looking forward to the expansion more than anything I have since the very beginning of GW2. Well, except maybe.. for the Mad King. Mad King Thorn still owns my heart.
What this means, on a roleplaying note, is even more exciting for me. I have long loved the lore (I own every novel and the original PC Gamer articles on the ecology of the charr so you see I’m clearly nuts) and that IS what the revenant is. A loremaster who brings the legends to the battlefield. I look forward to roleplaying a charr revenant who can channel such glorious charr legends as Pyre Fierceshot, Kalla Scorchrazor, and many others. All of history belongs to us now. Human, Norn, Charr, Asura, and Sylvari.
Bathea Havocbringer
(Gw1: Legend Ari, Gw2: Bathea Havocbringer, Violo Raptorgaze, Ofela Soulcleave, and many others)
Time to put in my two cents. Or 20 dollars, however you want to take it. Bring SAB back. There is no reason that the current living story should take all of the current development time, with the number of developers that Arenanet has for Gw2. I love the way living story is going now, but SAB has fans. If you are into making money on your game, you need to at least make the current levels permanent content and/or add the last 1-2 and THEN make it permanent content. Particularly with the neverending Continue Coin that most people, including I.. purchased.
Lazy development does not equal money or continuing patronage, and let’s face it.. other than WoW’s new expansion arriving soon there isn’t a game currently with as large of a loyal fanbase in the MMO market, and certainly not in the free to play niche Gw2 has. More effort please. This living story was too short for the break to come. Gw2 does not run on expansions, so living story should be virtually continuous with some exceptions such as holidays and as you can see the angry fans here.. SAB.
We have James’ hair, why not Jessie’s too? Plox ;.;
Oh and in a completely unrelated note, I would really like the camel spider model for a ranger pet.
Okay, thanks for the answer. I thought that might be the case, and I appreciate it myself (I’d be upset too if I came back after a few months and my name was gone). Yes, hopefully they will respond and not mind allowing me to have the name. Sometimes being polite makes the difference ;3!
I have sort of a funny situation. My main character’s name is Legend Ari in Guildwars 1. I did reserve that name for a while in Guildwars 2 on a low-level character, but I must have deleted it for lack of space. I added the person who has Legend Ari now and sent them a mail politely asking for the name, if they do not really care for it.
However, it’s patch day and they aren’t logged in yet. I have a feeling this person may not play anymore. Is there a way to have this name made available to me again if said person hasn’t logged in for over 6 months or some such?
Actually it does matter now in the grand scheme. Pvp now gives reward tracks. PVE rewards. That means exploits = PvE balance issues.
I agree because this exploit has been going on too long.
This has been an ongoing problem in hot join or solo queue. Basically the autobalance system doesn’t do its job. A bunch of people join a server, and then basically farm everyone who joins. When autobalance goes off, they switch to spectate to break it, and then rejoin. For those who say.. “it’s hot join” or some such blah, I say from Karate Kid: “One to one problem, yes. Five to one problem.. too much ask anyone.”
Yes, it’s hot join. That means the odds should be pretty even, more so than any other type of pvp. But not when people are grouping up, exploiting the system, and farming people. And yes, it’s farming now. There’s a reward track and it has some pretty decent loot boxes.
Here’s an example of how long ago this was first reported:
This is the 4th time getting forcibly dced. When it happens I also cannot access the forums or GW2 site.