Showing Posts For Ephemeris.6831:
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Ephemeris.6831
Josh, I would like to say great work on the new world and don’t let the negative feedback get you down. I’m personally loving every bit of it, even the tribulation mode. The little background story we’re getting is also a nice touch, and gives some context to the characters and the box, even though it’s not really necessary since the game world is already very immersive without it. The music is excellent and catchy as well!
The difficulty curve is very well done, going from a couple of hours per zone on the first playthrough, to a half an hour or less once we get all the paths and jumps memorized. Granted, some parts drag on and take a lot of time, but this is what keeps people playing, unlike living story releases which we finish in an evening or two and then everyone goes back to being bored until the next update. So thumbs up for that as well.
As you said earlier, different people react differently to certain walls in progression. Some quit and whine, while others push through and improve. This is natural for this type of games. I just wish it would stay open for longer (is it 2 weeks?) so I could have time to finish up all the achievements.
I was also impressed by the final boss fight, which reminded me of games like the YS series. It would be great if we had more bosses like this one ingame, since most of the dungeon and fractal ones are very dull and basically do the same thing from 100% to 0% hp.
Anyway… Keep up the good work. I’m looking forward to world 3 and beyond!
I managed to do it without Kiel bugging by having 4 people wait at the door and only 1 person do the jumping puzzle. It might not work 100% but it did this time.
Same here, bugged after the jumping puzzle.
Sorry, but this thread is really pathetic couldn’t help but laugh.
Have you even played other MMOs?
The amount of polish and content GW2 launched with easily beats games with 3 years under their belt. Calling it a paid beta, failure or a buggy mess is just hilarious.
Good riddance. One less whiner ruining the game for the rest of us who appreciate it. I’m sure it will be fun playing that perfect fantasy game inside your head for the upcoming months.
Confirmed here too. Completed it after a bit of running around and hitting things randomly
As the topic says I’m looking for a fractals and dungeon guild on a high pop EU server (I’m currently on Desolation, but can transfer). It would be great if the guild would keep buffs up most of the time (at least magic find) since I’m working towards a legendary and farming Orr a lot.
My character is a Guard, can play either dps or support, and I’m finishing a tanky set from HotW.
This is pathetic. I thought you wanted a refund, but now you’re just begging for gold
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ephemeris.6831
Bit of an update: I recieved an email asking me to provide the 25 digit serial number i got when I purchased the game (Which I have since done) One thing I noticed is that now when I try to log in, instead of telling me I’m permanantly banned for buying or selling gold, I’m being told my account “may have been accessed by an unauthorized individual” which is total bull. This seems very much like a CYA manuver on ANet’s part.. “Oh, we didn’t falsely ban you.. We were uhh.. protecting! yeah.. protecting your account.” Sorry, I’m not buying it. My password is almost 20 letters long, among them letters(both capital and lowercase, numbers, and symbols. And on top of that, even WITH my password (and my permission) my best friend was unable to log into my account unless I gave his IP address permission through an email I got when he tried to log in, so I KNOW they can tell when another IP address is trying to access an acount, if that was the issue that should have been the original message they gave not “we have terminated your account because you were aiding in real money transactions”
Relax dude. This is normal when they’re looking into your account. I had the same change from botting to unauthorized access. It’s a good sign your ban might be cleared soon.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ephemeris.6831
Just to let you guys know I got my account back after 2 days of submitting the ticket. I was caught in the ban wave farming Orr events. I’m happy to say everything is as I left it, but I really was freaking out the past 2 days about it
Just don’t submit multiple tickets and be patient, if you have anything additional to write update your current ticket instead of making a new one.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ephemeris.6831
But I personally don’t hang out in bot zones because their insect-like behavior drives me nuts.
So you just hang out in LA and the cities??
Bots are everywhere, Gaile. They’re particular bad in the Cursed Shores, but I’ve seen bots running in just about every zone of the game.
You’re essentially saying you don’t play in the Cursed Shores, at all. You can’t go anywhere in the Cursed Shores without at least a half dozen bots running around.
I’m pretty sure she was just giving her personal opinion on the matter. I don’t think it’s a part of her job to ban accounts, just give us support and information after something happens. No need to flame her
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ephemeris.6831
For me it’s not the waiting (which I understand since there’s a lot of tickets coming in), but the thought that I could be banned permanently without a proper investigation because they believe most people who complain really are botters.
It was the second day I was doing Orr event farming. I decided to invest in a magic find set hoping to get a precursor drop to help me on my goal to a legendary, and bam! After a few hours of doing that I got randomly disconnected and banned. I really can’t understand the reasoning, since until 3 days ago I was exclusively doing dailies, dungeons and WvW jumping puzzles. I was never doing anything to trigger bot-like behaviour.
So yeah… The main issue for me is losing all the work I’ve put into my char for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. As much as I love the game and as much memories I made (I think I’m nearing 300 screenshots), I don’t think I’d have the will to start over after ~700 hours invested.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ephemeris.6831
Same here. Banned a few minutes ago! 5 years in GW1, GWAMM and around 600 hours in this game and banned without a human person even double checking.
ANet, anyone with:
2000+ achievement points,
Cultural T3 or Legendary
100% world completion
Logging in from the same location all of it’s account’s lifetime
is NOT a kitten bot. These are some serious flaws in detection. You can’t punish honest and faithful players for your inability to control the botting issue.
Yes, I am mad.
Ticket is 121107-002258
FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ephemeris.6831
I haven’t had problems with the old FoV myself, but I must say that this one feels more natural would definitely use it over the old one.
I am also missing around 2,5 gold which I’ve spent on potent blood. Haven’t recieved items nor the money back…
I can see the purchase in Items I’ve Bought tab though.
No, not really. It’s only rare quality so it’s stats are worse than exotic armor, yet it costs a ton only if you really like the skin, but getting 100+ gold for it won’t be easy.
I would like to know if this is working as well, the crit chance doesn’t increase on the char screen on my guard either.