Showing Posts For Espire.9723:

TP Errors: there is an error [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Espire.9723


mesmer nerfs better be in order

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Lol, he is playing a crappy build since it’s non meta. What a troll and he co.plains about losing a game:

Dude, here is an advice to win games you have to play a Metta build. Try metabattle and good luck.


good to have sub-legend players care so much about me to give me advices

Dude acting like getting legendary is something special, top kek.

4v5 and still losing a pip

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


your 5th member d/c or afk in base ?

if he d/c right at start and did not come back after 2 minutes, your team should not lose pip

No he dc’d…. maybe he came back and left again though….

4v5 and still losing a pip

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


WTF is this? We had to play 4v5 the entire game and still lost a kittening pip? kitten this broken kittening game!!

Impossible to get past Diamond T7

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Yeah and now? What’s the big difference being matched with/against those players now or in 3 – 5 games. If you can’t win there to get into legendary you won’t do kitten in legendary and sit at 0 pips most of the time. Imo, being in the last tier of a division you should be matched into the next division you would reach. So if you don’t get there you simply shouldn’t be there.

Wait what…. You telling me if I can’t win a match where I get matched up with people who clearly don’t belong into legendary and get stomped by other Diamonds, I’m the one who shouldn’t be legendary? Ok mate.

Impossible to get past Diamond T7

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


u have to make 2 separate thread about this? honestly ur already in t7, few more games ur at legendary and will play the same as those other players.

I’ve been stuck in T6/7 for 30 – 40 games now…. with the amount of rage I feel, I’d say 2 posts are still pretty tame

Impossible to get past Diamond T7

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Been Diamond for a month bro. Hit Legend last Thurs.

I flew through the other divisions until Diamond. T6+ was my forum qq equivalent to “Ruby’s mmr hell” but mmr or poor matchmaking had nothing to do with it. In my case anyways.

Yea same for me….. started the season with a 12 win streak and didn’t really have any problems up until Diamond T6/7 ….. This is just ridiculous

Impossible to get past Diamond T7

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Need one pip till Legendary? Well…. .kitten you here are 2 legendary thiefs who don’t give a flying kitten about communication and go die far. Ohhhhh you made it back up after that losing streak? Only need one pip again eh? Well…. kitten you and have some kittened legendary sit on close the entire game. For kittens sake this game makes me angry.

Matched with bad legendaries in diamond

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


This needs to stop….. I’ve been stuck in the last two tiers of diamond for ages now. I feel like I’m getting matched with people who let themself carry to legendary and with people who just don’t give a kitten about playing good anymore since they already reached the final division…..

You think Ruby sucks?

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Good luck when you reach the last tiers of Diamond…..

Full Premade vs. SoloQ/DuoQ

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Yes, but didn’t Anet say that full Premades only face full Premades? I’m aware that DuoQ can face up to 4 man Premades.

No. Anet said very specifically that a full 5-man premade would not be placed against a full team of 5 solos.

When someone specifically asked if a 2-1-1-1 could ever face a full 5-man, they said that it was possible.

Ok, thx for the info.

Full Premade vs. SoloQ/DuoQ

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


I dont want to be rude but you are in a 2-1-1-1 which is not a solo team. You are a solo player vs a premade but your team is not all solo que players.

Yes, but didn’t Anet say that full Premades only face full Premades? I’m aware that DuoQ can face up to 4 man Premades.

Full Premade vs. SoloQ/DuoQ

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Sooo why exactly is this still possible? Didn’t they announce that a max of 4 people can get matched against SoloQ/DuoQ?

Way to see my season game history?

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Is there a way to see all the games I played this season?

Could anybody explain this to me?

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


So at the beginning of the season I went through Amber and half of Emerald, without losing a single game. My teammates knew what they were doing, discussing tactics before the match, knew how and when to rotate, etc. Now that I’m in the first tier of Saphire I feel like I’m playing with total beginners again. 2 people capping close, fighting 3v1 off point while an enemy player caps the point, people dying far 20 seconds into the game, and so on….. What exactly happened? Am I getting matched with people that got boosted into Sapphire by their friends? Just had 3 games where people were playing non meta warrior builds and were complaining how we all suck for using meta builds….

Will PvP Tickets stay after seasons are over?

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


I’m not really interested in The Ascension, but might be interested in the next PvP backpack. Did Anet ever mention if they use the same currency every year? Can I just save up my tickets for next year?

Invul/ porting guard in downstate?

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Were there any people around?

Nope, we were the only ones on the server.

Invul/ porting guard in downstate?

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Haven’t played in a while so I’m not shure if I missed something in the patch notes or faced a hacker…. I just played against a guard in hotjoin that started porting around in downstate. After activating “Symbol of Judgement” to regain health he went invulnerable and rezzed himself back up. How is this possible?

Verdant Brink dead?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Espire.9723


Finally got a couple weeks off and thought I’d finally be able to complete the new maps…. Now it looks like there is no one doing Verdant Brink anymore. Just bad timing or is actually no one playing it?

Karka Queen - most frustrating boss ever

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Espire.9723


…she spawned near the one waypoint I didn’t have on the character I was on.


Framerate drops/ stuttering

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Espire.9723


Been playing the game for 3 years now and never had any trouble playing with the recommended settings. Now since the wintersday patch I have severe framerate drops and stuttering that happens even when I play the game on the lowest possible settings. I checked the FPS counter during the wintersday JP and the framerate never went below 45 FPS but my game was still stuttering….. I had other players telling that me they have similar problems. Any idea what’s going on?

Watch out for Star Wars spoilers!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Espire.9723


Just had a bunch of morons spam spoilers in map chat and the lfg tool…. not cool guys

Magic Find and Wintersday PvP reward track

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Espire.9723


I’m doing the track right now as well. As far as profitable? Hit and miss. So far, I’ve gotten nothing spectacular, but the gifts are helping toward the candy eating and booze drinking achievement.

So there’s that.

Why hit and miss? You get ~25g from the gifts, plus anything dropping from the personalized ones

Magic Find and Wintersday PvP reward track

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Espire.9723


1. Are the personalized gifts you get from the Wintersday PvP track affected by magic find?

2. Is the Wintersday track the most profitable reward track atm?

Yes to your first question. And im not sure about profitable. Its kind of a slow starting reward track. The only real reward is the final one in the track. Which with a booster takes a little over an hr to complete. Unless you tend to lose a bunch.

I have 1,5k PvP potions^^ Started using them now for the track, gifts are on high demand atm so it looks like you can make a pretty good amount of gold

Magic Find and Wintersday PvP reward track

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Espire.9723


1. Are the personalized gifts you get from the Wintersday PvP track affected by magic find?

2. Is the Wintersday track the most profitable reward track atm?

So now that we got a "consume all" button....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Espire.9723


Jesus dude. This is why I don’t save things like that, I open them right away.

need… to… collect… more… stuff…..

So now that we got a "consume all" button....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Espire.9723


… could we maybe apply that to Silky Sand? My wrist hurts…..

Have one DC? Still loose pips

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


fair and working system


- Anet

Lost Pips with other player DCs?

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Could someone look at the match on my account ending at ~4:27PM UTC?

One of the players disconnected at least twice.
There were at least 2 separate players dcing in the match.
Lost 2 pips for this match =/

I’m curious if the ‘disconnection’ grace timer resets every single time they DC?

Just lost 2 pips after one of my teammates dc’d….. Game counted as “forfeit”, dude wasn’t even in my party. Anet kittened up royaly.

Matchmaking compared to other games

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


GW2 PvP matchmaking is a disaster, I’ve never seen anything like this. Now I started wondering how this could’ve been prevented. Since I mainly come from games where matchmaking works pretty kitten well ( mainly CS: GO, except smurfing ofc) I really want to know where Anet kittened up exactly? Could someone explain to me how other games manage to implement almost ( I know they are never fully) perfectly working matchmaking systems into their games, while Anet fails miserably doing so?

7 Defeats, 1 Win, 1 Defeat

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Lost 2 pips in last defeat, final score 87 – 502. kitten you Anet.

If you lose 87 – 502 you ought to lose pips because obviously you’re out of your league. (both meanings intended)

…or 4 guys he got matched with by random MM system are out of his league.

MMR isn’t random. And I’m getting sick of all the people running around that seem to think that they (and everyone else) is entitled to diamond tier, which is a complete misunderstanding of the purpose of both leagues and MMR.

Any system where rewards are predominant based on win rate is going to result in half the population getting perma stuck in low tier by the simple rule that in order for someone to win, someone else has to lose.

For you to gain pips someone else has to lose pips. Guess the poor OP got to be the guy that lost pips.

The system is completely kittened with it’s current design, especially if you’re a solo q player. Even pro teams are abusing the utter trash system they released. I don’t have a problem being in a lower tier as long as I get balanced matches and Anet is doing a terrible job at balancing

7 Defeats, 1 Win, 1 Defeat

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Lost 2 pips in last defeat, final score 87 – 502. kitten you Anet.

If you lose 87 – 502 you ought to lose pips because obviously you’re out of your league. (both meanings intended)

Yes facing a premade is probably not my league. /s

7 Defeats, 1 Win, 1 Defeat

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Lost 2 pips in last defeat, final score 87 – 502. kitten you Anet.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


It takes consecutive wins to climb up the ladder; not meant for the average joe… the entire GW2 community.

Another post someone felt the need to tell everybody how good they are and how bad everyone else is…. Ok Mr. Pro, gonna start MMR tanking now after reading this post, since all the pro teams are doing that, right? Is that what you want? What a kittenpost, pathetic.

HoT ruined my win/ loss ratio

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


I had roughly 54-56% win / loss ratio by solo q before the addon, now since leagues were introduced, I’m at 42-44%…. What the kitten is going on? Am I just super unlucky and should expect a giant win streak?

Why assume you need progress in tiers

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


I’m honestly wondering why people expect that they should be constantly progressing through the tiers. Tiers aren’t meant for that; reward tracks and rankpoints are. If you have a 50-50 win lose rate at a certain point, you’re at the right spot. If you want to improve, either get better at soloq or find buddies.

Yes, it can seem unfair if you’re in a unfair matchup, but then again it happens the other way around as well.

It needed to be said
Thank you

Are you guys friggin serious? Do you even read the posts that others make about this topic, or do you just read the titles and think to yourself “oh no, another whiner who needs to get gud”. Wtf guys. Yes of course at some point you will not progress any further without getting better, but with the current broken matchmaking it’s impossible to get to your actual skill category/ division. How am I supposed to gain pips when I’m constantly facing pre mades in solo q. Telling others to just get better in solo q is ignorant as kitten….

You're gonna fail miserably at E-sports Anet.

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


This is why anet goes on reddit more than here

Lol so they can continue to be delusional? What a bunch of pansies

Pretty much…. “Oh the official forums mention all the points we kittened up, let’s head over to reddit where everything negative will get instantly downvoted by fans who like every bit of poop we give them.”

Impossible to rank up solo w/o MMR tanking

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Ban hammer incoming

Don’t think so, good luck banning all the pro teams and players abusing this system. With such a small PvP playerbase they won’t risk banning people for abusing the kittenty system they created.

Impossible to rank up solo w/o MMR tanking

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Almost tempted to tank MMR. Played 7 games, won 4, lost the other 3. I’m back to square one. The system tries too hard to get you to stay in 50% range. Before i lost my streak, i had a match against a real tough premade. We won, but I already guessed that the next match was gonna be the combo breaker. Had the same match against the same premade, only this time we had 3 confused players.

Why not make the matches progress? If I’m up to 60% win rate, make me play with people that have the same win rate as me. Would make for a more balanced match. That way when you tank MMR, you get matched with low MMR players, but you also get low MMR teammates. Maybe pair it with something else like division. You get matched with people of the same win rate and same skill level.

Yea… I’m seriously considering to start with MMR tanking , at least until they overhaul the entire League system. I hate doing stuff like this, but atm I feel like it’s the only way of making progress…

Impossible to rank up solo w/o MMR tanking

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


I’m stuck in Emerald T3, which I only achieved cause I got really lucky (gained 3 pips in one game, for no reason…. ) Now I’m stuck. It’s almost impossible, I pretty much win / get matched against pre made / win / get matched with MMR tanking players/ win….. I just met a Ruby T4 who made a new char called “PiP Farm Bot” or something like that. Made it there just by MMR tanking…. Yes there are a kitten ton of posts about this, but I also heard a lot of players talking about how this isn’t true and it won’t influence the game once you are past ruby. Well yea, maybe if I start MMR tanking I might make it to Saphire one day….

Worst matchmaking in the history of gaming

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


True, but when you have 3 newcomers in your team who just keep yoloing right into all the traps….

Worst matchmaking in the history of gaming

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Won a game, solo players against full premade that all were one division above ours and gained 3 pips! But wait, you just won a game you were supposed to lose? Let’s match you with 3 PvE players ( it was pretty clear they were inexperienced after reading the stuff they wrote in chat…. ) and let you play against full premade teams that will stomp you 500 – 50. OH AND LETS PUT TWO WARRIORS AND A THIEF IN YOUR TEAM WHILE WE PUT 3 DHS, A REV AND A CHRONO BUNKER IN THE OTHER.


The fact that they had 3 DH and you still lost…are u sure that wasn’t a game you SHOULD have won?

check my last comment

Worst matchmaking in the history of gaming

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


You lost against 3 DH?
I’m not saying there isn’t a problem, but having 3dh on a team is an impairment rather than a help truly… and if the thief isn’t in the amazing-tier of his class he’s also a liability…
Anyway, I do still feel you OP, had amazing win streak
then got paired against Abjured, Apex, and with pve players
Like that condi necro with greatsword saying he was going south.
I wanted to die here and there…

True, but when you have 3 newcomers in your team who just keep yoloing right into all the traps….

I don't even....

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723

all solo queue in saphire

Oh boy…. good luck when the matchmaking finally decides to turn things around.

I don't even....

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


You deserve it for playing herald. No empathy for fairweathers.

I main warrior, but since Anet decided to make them pretty much useless and make me face pre made after pre made I had to take the easy path….. And even then I get a losing streak like this.

I don't even....

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Worst matchmaking in the history of gaming

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Two game sample size.

Are you serious? Do you really think I only played 2 before making this post? wow…

ETA on MMR tanking solution

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Anet is well known for speedily and accurately resolving issues. I would expect a solution by 2017 at the latest.

With their current support, they might even be able to release it December 2016! Let’s hope they can keep up their patchspeed!

Worst matchmaking in the history of gaming

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


Won a game, solo players against full premade that all were one division above ours and gained 3 pips! But wait, you just won a game you were supposed to lose? Let’s match you with 3 PvE players ( it was pretty clear they were inexperienced after reading the stuff they wrote in chat…. ) and let you play against full premade teams that will stomp you 500 – 50. OH AND LETS PUT TWO WARRIORS AND A THIEF IN YOUR TEAM WHILE WE PUT 3 DHS, A REV AND A CHRONO BUNKER IN THE OTHER.


Leagues should depend on personal score

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


score =/= skill