Showing Posts For EvilToaster.7406:
Id like to see the Zealous blade trait boosted from a 5% bonus to 10%, then change the healing per attack from a flat 25 to 7% of all damage done while wielding a greatsword.
As a long time ranger main, i absolutely hate druid. Not because its bad or doesn’t fit ranger, but because its just so boring.
Glyphs are uninspired PBAoEs, which when compared to how interesting elementalist glyphs are, kinda just fall flat. Most of our glyphs are pretty useful though, so there’s that. Staff has one neat ability in its 3, and outside that is just whatever. The traits are boring but so is the whole GW2 trait system, it being just a bunch of passives with only a handful actually effecting your playstyle
Really, druid exists because it needed to for raiding, and because there is no developer interest in rangers, so an elite spec that has barely anything to do with any ranger play-style makes sense.
For all of use that don’t like Druid, all we can do is wait for the next elite spec and hope its more to our liking, not that we would ever get to use it in any group PvE setting while GotL exists, but whatever. /Rant
Disclaimer: Most of this is my opinion.
Passive RNG CC isn’t good design.
Id rather have something like “Gain might when you strike a crippled target. Your pet gains might when it strikes a crippled target.” give it a 1 second ICD or make it so you can only get one might at a time to prevent just Barraging onto a teamfight for instant 25might.
Or they could just lower the ICD.
Got to legend with pretty much 99.9% SoloQue Ranger. Definitely one of the better classes to climb with.
Can we have this back? With scrappers triple leap on Rocket charge, i don’t understand why they felt the need to remove swoops double leap. Am i just missing something that would make this really overpowered? While it may have been a problem in the super sustain meta, that was pretty much dealt with by the removal of the tank amulets.
Pointless visuals obstructing important enemy mechanics has been a key feature of GW2 for quite some time.
Yeah, sending your pet after another target doesn’t do much when you are fighting on small points. You can use your heal or signet of stone to save your pet, but in the current burst meta of Thieves and Mesmers, you need to have your CDs up when you get jumped on or you just die.
The fact there are no condition cleansing traits for pets is just stupid. They wanted the pet to be an extension of the ranger but it just isn’t. A piece of our power was split off and made killable. Its like if you hit a thief enough then he would suddenly lose the ability to backstab for the rest of the fight. This would be fine if fighting the ranger and his pet was like a 1.3v1, but its not. The rangers power is entirely based around the pet being alive and attacking.
And this isn’t even mention team-fights, where the pet will just melt instantly.
I also just want to state that i don’t think pets are useless and they do definitely have some upsides, like bringing high power damage to a condi build. But, i really would like to see some work done on pets to address the major issues.
(edited by EvilToaster.7406)
I would really like to seem some pet condi removal rolled into existing traits. Like what if EB also made it so when you critically hit you remove a condition from your pet with a 5 second ICD. Wilderness Knowledge could also remove condis from pets and Natural healing could give pets passive removal since that’s a trait meant to help keep your pet alive.
- AMR still doesn’t reset the CD of Cleansing Burst on Healing Turret.
If that was your grenade rotation then no wonder you were doing no damage, that’s a terrible rotation. The power engi rotation for maximum damage includes Grenade 2 4 5, EG 4, FT 2 4 and fskill , rifle 3 and 5, and mortar f5.
(edited by EvilToaster.7406)
something to note. Unless they changed it with this patch, the blast finishers for turret detonation happen on the location of the Engi, not the turret.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: EvilToaster.7406
You are like the 20th person to post this EXACT thing. Take it to one of the already existing threads
Might stacking is already handled better by PS warriors and eles, stealth from blasts is capped at 12 second, and not taking elixir gun for acid bomb will heavily nerf your dps. Also, against bosses, Engis only stack about 10-15 vuln. After the change to trait lines, thats removes the 30% condi duration bonus, it will be even less.
Right now the only thing i can see happening to bring engi into the meta is eles getting nerfed
It was a fun thing to do, so it was only a matter of time before it was nerfed for no reason.
I think its a unique sword model to the finisher. The closest thing to it i could find was infinite light
Holding down the 1 key while in grenade kit should continue to cast the basic attack.
This is all I’ve ever wanted.
The current meta build (6/6/0/0/2 Grenade/FT/EG) offers pretty much the best support an engi can in the form of decent might stacks, great vuln stacking, and top notch damage. you could also switch out FT for elixir U if you need projectile defense and lack a guard or mesmer and with healing turret you bring some decent condi removal and party healing if needed.( HT overcharge>blast in the water field).
I don’t really think anything else should be made baseline than what already has been, except maybe rifle mod.
As for speedy kits, just because a trait is always picked does not mean it should be made baseline. Having permanent swiftness for no investment at all would just be too strong. I do agree that pairing it with kit refinement was stupid, that trait is terrible in every single way, and only served to Nerf speedy kits by making it a major trait.
The more I read from people, the more I’m convinced the PvE fault lies in PvE. Any time someone mentions skipping any part of the instance, or that completing content quickly is the only fun to be had, they strengthen the idea that the design is an issue. Why exactly are we trying to tailor Necromancer to a stale experience that people seem to resent?
I want ANet to step up their PvE game. Give me interesting fights. Don’t let players stack every fight. Add mechanics that keep people from skipping content, and don’t add superfluous time-wasting content people try their hardest to skip. Don’t let boss fights stay cheese-able through some stupid positioning tactic.
I raided for years in WoW. I raid currently in FF XIV. I think GW2’s combat blows the combat of those two games out of the water, but PvE I’ve done in GW2 has only been entertaining because I enjoyed playing the game with people I grouped with. I felt no incentive to ever do Mists more than a few times, because it didn’t feel exciting. Dungeons were ruined for me because we’d get to a boss and someone would be like “Run up here, then the boss can’t attack”, and it was like “Oh. I guess I didn’t want to actually do mechanics for the sake of some tiny reward”.
It’s easier to ask for a class to be changed to fit the current PvE meta. But I’ll never agree with that approach.
Necros issues have nothing to do with the PvE meta. Even if you never stacked up on bosses or pulled things around corners, necros still would be unwanted. This is because they lack any worthwhile support such as Reflects, might stacking, stealth, or %Damage/stat boosts like banners or spotter.
Honestly if one of the shouts or reaper skills is something like “Mark Target(s) for death, increasing all damage received by x%” Then necros would have a much better place in pve. As a bonus, something like a ferocity version of spotter would also be amazing.
Doesn’t tapping the “Lock autotarget” key already do this?
Why brooms?
Because the model and animations were already in the game. I’m just upset that now my Halloween broom is a little less special =/ .
IIRC iDeulist was getting a 100% combo finisher for every shot instead 20% per shot like other muli-shot finishers