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[Feedback] Mirage PvE Performance

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Axe #2 clone shouldnt replace a phantasm (when 3 up). This will cripple our dps.

Phantasms should have synergy with ambushes, for example, ambush on phantasms refresh their skill cd.

[Feedback] Utilities, Cloak, and Mirrors

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Mirage Mirrors:

Having to move to a beacon on the ground, when they often spawn at the opposite location of your movement is bad, harmful, and very predictable to enemies.
Suggestion: make mirrors shatterable by enemies that touch them. Increase mirrors lifetime increase radius of the shatterable effects to 240. Make it grant mirage cloak to mirage regardless if mirage is near or not. Someone (including self) trigger mirrors, mesmer gain cloak and the offensive effect fire (pbaoe on the spot) in a 240 radius.


Jaunt: Range is so low it is frustrating. Change: Increase range.

False Oasis: Long CD and cast time for it effect. Pulses are small leaving you vulnerable to pressure and poison application.

Crystal Sands: Bad for uneven terrain. Very spaced bolts make it fail enemy models unless they are waiting in the center in the end of skill.

Illusionary Ambush: Sometimes it shadowstep far away from your target. Make it a useful gap closer and let it be usable when out of range, like guardian Judge’s Intervention. Make it shadowstep closer to your target (melee range) if you cast time inside the range.

Mirage Advance: Long cast time, redundant when we have Illusionary Ambush. Make it a ground target skill, lower cast time.

Sand Through Glass: Long CD, short distance, lackluster effect. Increase its distance and make it remove movement impairing conditions on top of its current effects.

[Feedback] Mirage PvP Performance

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Apart from the other deficits on the other feedback topics, and even more in pvp, mirage mirror mechanic is clunky.
Having to move to a beacon on the ground, when they often spawn at the opposite location of your movement is bad, harmful, and very predictable to enemies.

Suggestion: make mirrors shatterable by enemies that touch them. Increase mirros lifetime.

[Feedback] Mirage Traits

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Self-Deception: No one will wait to have 2 clones to use a deception skill and benefit from this trait. Ppl will use Deception skills when the circumstances say so. (in need for a heal or a break stun) and not to spawn clones.
Change: Reduce CD of Deception skills by 20%. Deception skills restore 10 endurance on use. If endurace full, heal instead (400 hp).

Renewing Oasis: Dealing with damaging condis must be reactionary.
Change: Gain regeneration when Mirage Cloak is active. Cure damaging conditions when you gain regeneration. (1 condi, 5s icd to the cleanse part)

Shards of Glass: Low chance and very high ICD.
Change: Shattering 3 Illusions spawn a Mirage Mirror. Mirage Mirrors shatter into a water field that remove movement impairing conditions (1 condi). Water field, small radius, 2 or 3s duration.

Mirage Mantle: This trait is at minor traits lvl. Completly lacking for a master trait. Note ranger Companion’s Defense or necro Beyond the Veil. Both minors, both give more protection and have similar functions.
Change: When you shatter a mirage mirror you gain stealth (1s) and protection (1s).
Proper reward picking up mirage mirrors pls.

Speed of Sand: Increase superspeed from 0.75s to 1s. Gain swiftness when you dodge. 5s. (Note, dodge, not mirage cloak from other sources)

Infinite Horizon: Meh… Clones are not a big deal apart from shatter fodder. Ambushes are not a big deal in it current state. Ambushes on clones even have smaller bonuses.. This trait is so meh it could be baseline without noticeable impact. Or could be deleted (no one would miss it) and replaced with a GM with proper impact. I remember devs saying GMs to be by design line defining traits

(edited by FJSAMA.2867)

[Feedback] Axe and Ambush Skills

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867



Lingering Thoughts (axe #2):
1. Speed up animation.
2. Increase range to spawn the clone (1200), make it prioritize the target and not the nearest enemy.
3. Make it not to spawn a clone if 3 phantasm up.
4. Fix bug with interaction with Illusionist’s Celerity trait (tool-tip only or actual bug?)

Axes of Symmetry:
1. Make the leap happen at the starting location
2. Shadowstep mid/at the end of leap to melee range of target
3. Make it connect better. (it fails to shadowstep near the target very often and always fails on z axis)
4. Make detarget stop enemy ongoing/channeled casts.

- In general, increase the enable time to cast ambushes skills to 3s. Using ambush skill will make it drop from you bar until new Mirage Cloak applied (this prevents using multiple ambushes within 1 mirage cloak since the window time is increased)
- Phantasms are part of mesmer and mirage. each weapon set have 1 phantasm skill. Ambushes must have a effect on phantasms. Or add an ambush skill for each phantasm or make ambushes refresh phantasms attack cd.

Mirage Thrust (sword ambush):
1- Fix the bug that prevent daze/interrupt interaction with mesmer traits.
2- Make it evade on leap.

Split Surge ( Gs ambush):
1- Speed up animation
2- Increase dmg
3- Give it some utility to function with clones (clones have no dmg so giving it dmg only is poor.) Ideas: boon rip, condi transfer, life steal (life steal on clones would heal mirage), etc..

Chaos Vortex (staff ambush):
1- Make it a channeled block
2- Make it spawn up to 3 Winds of Chaos bolts at the end of cast
(Essentially make it function like revenant staff block -Warding Rift- but instead of firing blinding bolts make it fire mesmer staff auto -Winds of Chaos- bolts

(edited by FJSAMA.2867)

Arcane Thievery - ammunition?

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Ye, w/e… For me the real problem is just that… Being dependent on a target for the defensive part of the skill….

Arcane Thievery - ammunition?

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


It doesnt necessarily becames instant. Axe 2 have the ammo system and its not instant.

Arcane Thievery - ammunition?

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


It would definitely make the skill more interesting but what AT rly needs is to function like ele cantrip clenasing fire. That skills always cure the conditions but the offensive part depends on if it lands or not. AT fails to cure conditions if our target dodged, los, range etc.. And being dependent of landing the skill to cure condis sucks. That and the enormous aftercast.

Helseth's review of mirage

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Following your logic bunker mesmer shouldnt be balanced mid season and instead it should had been given time for people ro adpat on it, looking for counters.
Cause bunker mesmer was exacly this. Mesmer adapting to the meta. People that couldnt do kitten with their mesmer because power shatter lost all his dmg and gimmick with pb, mirror blade bounce, PU, etc nerfs and couldnt sustain in a meta of bruisers.. Rev stackings all over, eles engies you name it.
Instead of going to qq all over forums and reddit like most does and since it doesnt work for mesmer, they come up with totally new build and role.

Its funny your biased logic only works one way.

Helseth's review of mirage

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Ye mirage Mirrors need to work like the bomb from evasive powder keg in addition to how ir functions. It has offensive properties, minor dmg and weakness, why shouldnt it ALSO trigger when enemies touch it?

Helseth's review of mirage

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Agree on gs ambush. Low power dmg only, long cast and no utility, making it even more useless for clones. It could have some util like boon rip or smthg.

Bad heal is bad.. Lacks burst, no bigger than ether feast and mirage mirror mechanic is bad even more when delayed.

Jaunt needs definitely more range 600 at least and then further number tweaking depending how anet wants this to be defensive or offensive. 2 condi clear or better dmg or even better range.

Mirage Mirror needs to shatter also when an enemy touches it, appling its effects no matter what range mirage is, like a dh trap. It also needs permanent lifetime until same util reused else where, repositioning it, again like a dh trap.

Trait line needs tuning, so much bad trait with no alternative that feels like we dont even know what to choose.

Deception trait has no cd reduction or other synergy utility with mirage concept. Smthg like 10 endurance restored. Clone production doesnt seem a problem on mirage, and definitely not if you aƧready have 2 up. Redundant.

Shards of Glass bad because mirrors are bad, very limited lifetime and only shatter when mirage touch them.

Mirage Mantle and Renewing Oasis not even merged would be a first pick. I risk to say even tri merged with Same for Riddle of Sand.

Speed of Sand could be at least 1s long. Feels short.

Detarget needs more testing but I feel like it have little impact.

Tldr: many lacking traits, deceptions are lackluster and cant be proper improved even when traited. Elite annoying range, lacking ambushes with no follow up synergy. Mirage Mirrors bad, dodfe mechamic good potential but poorly supported by the rest of the class.

Ambush skills

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Doesnt mirrors shatter when enemy touch them?

Ambush skills

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Guys… Yes i think mesmer dmg is low in pve . Yes i feel some ambush skills are underwelming, yes im sad mirage is a condi spec i rather prefer power, BUT:

You guys wanted to ambushes to solve mesmer low power dps. Then you mention GS, then you mention clone ambushes… It makes 0 sense
Gs its not the dps wep, granted, clones dont deal power dmg, phantasms have no ambushes, and i dont think spam ambush will be so good to make scepter clones to out dps pistol phantasms in a condi spec. So infinite Horizon seems also underwhelming for condi And totally useless for power. Our power dmg is on sword phantasms not clones.

But I can see a PvE mirage spec. Take current condi mes spec, drop chaos for mirage. You lose nothing, you only gain.
A potential good condi wep to use on swap with scepter
150 c dmg on vigor
Self ambush on scepter or axe
20% c duration (more than what chaos offers)
A condi dmg utility to be used with signets
And all the rest that condi mes already did in pve.

From the 27k dps on golem it will only go up.

Tldr: if you want fix mesmer power dps dont mention mirage or ambushes and clones. What about moddifiers from traits and sigils runes affecting phantasms? What about giving some kind of splash dmg to sword phantasms? What about giving base mesmer a way to redirect phantasms? What about giving base mesmer meaningfull power dmg utility skills? And F skills in pve?
Those are a problems we have with w.e elite spec we get. Those are the problems that once adressed will fix mesmer power dps

(edited by FJSAMA.2867)

Ambush skills

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Scpeter does dmg with condi application… and that condi is no big deal… Phantasms will be better and the other 2 options in Gm traits are better for pvp and pve

Ambush skills

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Look at the rest of mirage’s skills. Our shatters didn’t get buffed, our utility skills and Axe skills deal pathetic damage. Its obvious that the damage issupposed to come from ambush skills, because there is no other place for it to come from.

If you are talk about dps this is probabily pve talk. And in pve mirage will bring an upgrade to base mesmer in terms of dps.
150 c dmg on vigor
A new utility thats not a dead slot
And Axe seems fine
20% c durarion

I dunno why everybody is crying for dmg on ambush skills. Not like they are easly accessed to make them a big dps increase even if they were backstab lvl of dmg.. And plus, clones dont dmg….
For me ambush skills should be all in the line of sword one. Utility. Like daze leap or etc utility. Pure dmg is boring and wont be a big deal.

Now if you mean power dmg, going mirage is a dps loss for pve. Our dmg mods are spread on domi duel and illu. Mirages seems to be a condi utility spec. In pvp i can see the utility for power shatter, but in pve its an irrelevant utility, so nothing to offer here. And thats fine. Chrono didnt offer a dps upgrade to mesmer but a support instead, and chrono is fine.
Maybe next spec will be a power oriented spec. Maybe with interrupts amd such… Mesmer have potential there…

Developer Diary: Elite Specializations

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Feels bad wasting traits for that. Daredevil didnt waste 1 trait to get movement impairing condi removed, another trait for 450 range dodge amd another trair for less dmg mod… 1 trait gave everything.

Distortion makes you unable to contest a point. Mirage cloak is significantly stronger in PvP scenarios than distortion due to that fact alone.

Evade and invul are different. Its the same thing than saying bound dodge vault spammer was problematic and super op due to the fact that it can contest points

(edited by FJSAMA.2867)

Developer Diary: Elite Specializations

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


It does defend you. It just does other stuff.

Seriously, Mirage Cloak is Distortion that we can get without shattering plus it enables Ambush attacks. It’s literally all upside when compared to a normal dodge.

You also get superspeed from the minor so if you wanted to move I bet you could run further than 300u in those 2 seconds.

Correction 0.75s not 2s. Also remember mirage doesnt have 25% Passive speed. And swiftness access….ye..
Also 1 trait used just for that feels short… Since its a drawback from base dodge

mistrust gutted

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Mesmer is definitely better. Power mesmer is good enough, condi mesmer will be with mirage. And chrono will still fill the support role.
Its not looking bad… What mesmer needs is qol to make it feel better.
Investing in runes and sigil % that dont affect phantasms feels bad, shatters and phantasm duality feels bad, phantasms ramp up and single target feels bad, rely so much sustained dps on them feels bad..
So many dead traits wep skills and utils feels bad…
But all in all we had worse days.

(edited by FJSAMA.2867)

All Mirage Skills and Traits

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


So something I didn’t see anyone mention but I noticed since I had messed with the idea in an elite spec competition: bring back the beta sword leap where the mesmer actually leaped forward!

We can have a clone leap at them and stay behind (Sword 3). Or leap at the enemy and leave a clone behind (Sword ambush). Deception! Well… as long as they make the leaps look similar. Bonus of interrupt traits in PvP. Maybe illusions can also proc interrupts now? Space them out. 1/4 second daze means a lot of rapid short dazes in a row.

It just needs a PvE/PvP split on the damage. Otherwise, if phantasms get ambush attacks (will be able to test soon enough) Sw/Focus+Sc/Sw might be the better DPS option for power/hybrid Mirages in raids.

Ye multiple dazes seems good… I just dont think it worth trait IH just for that. Other ambushes are kinda meh and we can just squeeze the utility from them (clones have no dmg). And Elusive Mind seems very good and the Best bet for pvp. For pve 20% condi durarion and additional bleeds seems also the go to.

All Mirage Skills and Traits

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


For me in void its not bad. We have to see how meta will shift.
It definitely could have less dead traits to make it feel like a progression when specing:

The good:
- Elite: fills a gap. Mesmer dont have low CD elites and jaunt is flexible enough to be used offensively or defensively. Also condi clear is fine if it is enough if it prevents you from specing into insp to survive. Could have a bit more range though…
GMs: intetesting for pve and pvp. Elusive Mind seems great for pvp the others are more pve condi oriented since i dont see the durability of clones changing in pvp.
Utilities: seem a little pvp oriented, which is good, also 1 solid choice for condi pve that is enough since we have 2 signets that go well with it.

The meh:
some traits like Self Deception are very conditional.. It could offer smth baseline like 20% CD reduction to the category or 10 endurance restored on use;

The minor that gives superspeed since it is the only bonus… Not rolling for dodge makes it have a deficit of movement and a trait only to fix that feels we are gettingg the short stick.
All the rest..

The bad:
Mirage Mantle: waste of oportunity to make a intetesting or good trait.
Renewing Oasis: also redundant trait… Ppl spec into condi clear to deal with condi not this…
Gs ambush: why? A worst auto and dmg only to makr it useless on clones… Why anet why?

Well lets see if the the rhe less good things end up being good or falling to bad… Only on live and after a good chunk of time the things will settle. Time will tell…

All Mirage Skills and Traits

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Sword and scepter ambushes seem solid to me, one for pvp one for pve.
Staff and axe are meh… Ok…
Gs is bad… I wouldnt waste a dodge or utility to trigger it…

All Mirage Skills and Traits

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


someone got GS ambush. It’s better than the Auto by a bit but if clones do some similar damage this would be good.

It looks like what GS normal auto attack should be and still rather weak.

Clones will do about 30 damage with that because they still do normal clone damage with the scepter ambush.

And still, power dmg of scepter ambush is like 2x of gs ambush… A pure power weapon… Go figure…. ( not even mentioning the little blink backwards and condi application)

(edited by FJSAMA.2867)

Developer Diary: Elite Specializations

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


I dont think phantasms will have ambush skills, for several reasons:

- Phantasms dont have the #1 wep skill to turn into ambush
- Not a single ambush phantasm skill datamined so far
- Seems just odd for example a sword phantasm performing a scepter ambush

I think phantasms wont have ambush skills yet i do hope they benefit from the trait/utility. Something like instead of casting an ambush skill phantasms would have double damage in the next attack. Or they could get their attacks refreshed for insta follow up.

(edited by FJSAMA.2867)

Anyone else want harmonious mantras back?

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


I just miss the extra charge… It was essencially 33% more effectiveness. Especially on the nerfed healing mantra.
The casting time is a little better and more rewarding ( fall inside each theme) but less one cast really makes them feel lacking.
The auto recharge ammo system on mantras is useless. Too long, making it just better to spend the last charge and recast again.

Anyone Else Feel Like This?

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Its a shame mirage is just a mesmer with axe. After all cool new effects, if we think well even the advertised trailer for mirage talks about deception and blend with surroundings using them to power up. And no new mechanic skills adds to that matter, nothing that the base mesmer already have (just skill type categorized as deception).
Contributing to the same feeling of nothing new:

1- More confusion more torment. Mesmer already have this condis in buckets. It will only will make the haters cry out loud for nerfs (still remember 1st impressions of " oh great more stealth for mesmer for PU kitten and so far no new stealth skill lol), and we all know how nerfs are in the wrong ways concerning mesmer..

2- No new F mechanic upgrade. All classes had thier F skills upgraded or changed ( with back compability with already existing traits) in their elites, except mesmer. So no new flavour, again still mesmer theme. Mirage can still be worst than daredevil in hot thematicly. We have to invest traits to build up our new “mechanic”, cause in raw it is just a dodge evade frame without the jump role. Imagine a daredevil had to 1st choose a trait to give them dmg on bound, then another trait to add the leap on bound and the other trait to add the dmg mod buff. Imagine it without a baseline add of endurance bar. It insanely decreases the space for new traits.

3- More dead traits. Like explained in part on 2, and also adding the fact that few things had to be shipped baseline for things not to feel lackluster (already discussed, will add Speed of Sand) we still have dead traits.
Self Deception is just a conditional trait that offers nothing base like CD on this skill category or wte,
Mirage Mantle – 1s of protect after dodge ( i know its not the only source of mirage cloak but its the only not rng). 1 wooping long second. Even if we had mirage cloak in buckets, protection only stacks 5 times for a Max of 5s, wich is also impossible since it is after each mirror cloak wich lasts 0,75s.
Shards of Glass – another trait that JUST offers rng to Possibly access our base mechanic.
Riddle of Sand – this one….. A wooping 2 stacks of confusion (again) 5s for the first ambush!!! Like ambush isnt already limited and required heavy investment. The second part of the text is just there to “add” F synergy, our only synergy between mirage and base mechanic.
And the worst thing is some of this trait are the only/pick in their tiers… Who will ever pick Renewing Oasis to Conditionally counter condis when u just can spec to condi clear them?

4- The axe: first it have low power dmg skills, limiting it only to condi. Again.
Then the condis are again mainly confusion. The chain is low speed like sword, when in melee the tradeoff is big. Then the big selling points: detarget and illusion retarget.
Detarget will be useless if it only acts like that, remove target. Its just like going in stealth but knowing where you are… If it doesntl act like a taunt, forcing no target, ppl can just hover with mouse on you to retarget instantly. If it doesnt interrupt ongoing casts or channeled skills will be like stealth and rapid fire. And how will it work with auto-target enable? You drop his target, hit him and he gets retarget instantly?
Illusion retarget – will illusions have a grace period when its current target dies? When i change my tsrget after my previous is dead will my illusions will still be there waiting? Or will i have no illusions?

I guess time will tell…. So far it feels lacking, more of the same, and after all the hype of a new thing is over, it will be boring….

(edited by FJSAMA.2867)

All Mirage Skills and Traits

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Just saw this, axe 2 skilli has no cool down. Maybe it’s a mistake, but would be cool

2 charges, you regain them with 8s cd.

Mirage is a phantasm build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


You mean fun by being an annoying jumping all over butterfly.
This means salt will be real and a top priority for nerfs. Leaving you with nothing. At least i dont see anything more than jumping and swaping all over. Even that might not be that often to be that annoying.

Mirage dodge?

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


You and your AXE CLONES. Not phantasms, not other wep clones.
Detarget in meaningless for small scale pvp if you can retarget instantly after. Maybe in wvw blobs will be annoying.
Unless it locks like taunt….. Its meh and ppl will get used to it. More of a l2p issue.

(edited by FJSAMA.2867)

Dear Mesmers and future Mirage'

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


This elite is beyond OP.

This is the PU phantasm mesmer elevated to God Status and is exactly what I feared we’d be getting.

This needs to be nerfed well before release.

Never change Azukas, I don’t know where we’d be without you.

Back in the beginning of HoT where Chrono was broken and required no skill?

Today condi chrono is a nice build that requires skill to play. It’s strong as kitten too.

I’m ok with that though b/c of the skill required to maximize it’s potential.

Clones that stack 30 bleeds, 10 torment, 10 confusion, etc. by you just dodging…..that kitten is broken. Even Wooden Potatoes said it felt EXTREMELY over tuned. He’s a PvE freak….

Just remember:
Clones are a dumb AI.
You have to have a trait and waste dodges to do that inside a 1s time window
Clones die in 2 hits and just hurt you via condi
And most important, mirage doesnt have:
Shield defensive and clone generation ability
Superspeed clones
Passive speed
Heal well.
Think of a mesmer like that, add what you saw and disregard biased golem benchmarks ( we all know pve bencharks will make mesmer look even worse than what it is in pvp) compare to others and evaluate again if it is op or not. At least try it in live.

You forget you are kittenting clones out with ease and actually shattering them resets the whole kittening kitten show.

This is braindead AI gameplay at its most OP level. Turret Engie, Phantasm Mesmer, Petting Zoo Ranger, and MM Necro all pale in comparison to what we are about to see from this elite spec.

You wrecking people by dodging. No skill activation needed. Just dodge. Focus on staying alive and dodge….new meta

Do you even chrono?
You forget shield + CP + Ir are the biggest part of chrono clone generation. Alacrity is gone f5 too, no more shatering produces alacrity for lower cds and fuel chaos phantasms trait. Shatering will delete all illusions. It wont reset anything nor fuel any CD.

Everyone is adding mirage to chrono meta build. Have you forget how vanilla mesmer is? Remember power shatter? Ye that one worst version of power chrono. Now place it in this evolved meta. Ye…..

(edited by FJSAMA.2867)

Mirage dodge?

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


I just think clones will fool no one but baddies.
Detarget will be pointless if one can retarget instantly, just duel with mouse houvering on top of mesmer.
That accounting the fact that you are a good player and dont play with auto target.
Cause baddies and auto target… It May even help them.
Sustain loss of Shield block, longer cooldowns and no CP/IR/alacrity/shield illu regeneration to fuel restorative shatters trait, healing well for better heal and built in condi clear… Im predicting hard days for mirage to survive, at least now theorycrafting with what we know.

Dear Mesmers and future Mirage'

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


I main mesmer and I think it’s way overboard. Even the current condi mesmer meta spec is op, This is like god mode lol

Current meta spec utilizes chrono. Chrono doesnt add with mirage. They are exclusive.
Try again.
Here we go with the legendary 6/6/6/6 build. Now with one more 6, the mirage.

(edited by FJSAMA.2867)

Dear Mesmers and future Mirage'

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


This elite is beyond OP.

This is the PU phantasm mesmer elevated to God Status and is exactly what I feared we’d be getting.

This needs to be nerfed well before release.

Never change Azukas, I don’t know where we’d be without you.

Back in the beginning of HoT where Chrono was broken and required no skill?

Today condi chrono is a nice build that requires skill to play. It’s strong as kitten too.

I’m ok with that though b/c of the skill required to maximize it’s potential.

Clones that stack 30 bleeds, 10 torment, 10 confusion, etc. by you just dodging…..that kitten is broken. Even Wooden Potatoes said it felt EXTREMELY over tuned. He’s a PvE freak….

Just remember:
Clones are a dumb AI.
You have to have a trait and waste dodges to do that inside a 1s time window
Clones die in 2 hits and just hurt you via condi
And most important, mirage doesnt have:
Shield defensive and clone generation ability
Superspeed clones
Passive speed
Heal well.
Think of a mesmer like that, add what you saw and disregard biased golem benchmarks ( we all know pve bencharks will make mesmer look even worse than what it is in pvp) compare to others and evaluate again if it is op or not. At least try it in live.

(edited by FJSAMA.2867)

Dear Mesmers and future Mirage'

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Here we go again with Op claims. Ignorance based claims.
To cut it short most of the ppl making this comments are just baddies annoyed or killed in pvp by a Pink character with illusions which they cannot differ from the real mesmer and with condies that counter smash keyboard faceroll playstyle. The same ppl that spams 1 when facing thief eating Pi left and right and then goes to forum.
Mesmer have the least stealth between engie and thief.

Everyone looses their minds when smthg apperently good appears on mesmer, but they refuse to acknowledge its major flaws. This ambush only happens after a dodge for 1s window. Mirage can only redirect axe clones, the rest still target bound. Phantasms replace clones. Shatters delete both and both can be easly killed. Mesmer still so much dependent on them.
I wanna see how slow mirage will feel, how bad will be to shatter at distance, how empty and pityfull will be a mesmer after a shatter how awfull cooldowns will be ( since all base mesmer CDs and CDS trait were nerfed accounting alacrity) and i rly hope mirage elite to be smthg good and short CD. In the lvl of a headbutt. Cause we are stuck with long CDS and low impact overtime elites in base mesmer. One can dream of portal being made an elite. At least we could add and additional utility.

Mirage seems the least powerfull elite spec from expac2. And core mesmer still way under other cores. This in combination to the fact that haters will hate, mirage strong points will be nerfed and it will be cornered before its released.

Now praise anet for chrono powers buffs

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Last thing chrono needs os a buff. Of any kind.

Lowest dps increase of the 3 support classes in Raids
Lowest dps of the 3 support classes in Raids.
Useless in Open/Stories/Achievement hunting.

Lowest dps increase he says LUL your are delusional. I solo everything in open world fine idk about u and what should you be usefull to in open world? There you can tw and make pressing 1 a better experience for 10 ppl…

Ranger with spotter, frost spirit, and gotl adds more DPS than quickness and alacrity.

Warrior with ea, banners, and 25 might production adds more DPS than quickness and alacrity.

Your absurd claim isn’t worth spending the time to dig up the old thread that we calculated this in, but levetty might have it bookmarked or something.

+1 to add that both war and druid dps > chrono.

The only thing that chrono bring is unique buffs (additive with others) decent tanking ( a dd with 1 trait swap could do better with less expenses) and a gimmick distort share in the SAME package.
Thats why they are taken. They carry nabs. Defensive support like this could be replaced by simple better positioning, dodging or if rly needed a 3rd party support, aegis.

Gw2 pve always was and still is all about squeezing the most dps possible. Glass cannons. The rest is l2p. Built in mechanics like dodge and self heal enable this.

Ppl also tend to forget the indirect dps of classes. Engie for example, does not bring 35k dps. Account his condi aura on other 3 condi classes ( PS, druid, other dps) and it is like 40k of direct + indirect dps.
Now do this indirect dps calculation to all classes and add to the already present direct dps benchmark and build a True benchmark table. Bring actual balance to pve based on it.

(edited by FJSAMA.2867)

Mesmer / Chrono rota reaally hard to learn

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


FYI: “Golem rotation” will just make you average mesmer.
You will have to know by memory how much quickness and CD of skills you have, because in most bosses you will have to adapt rotations because of boss mechanics:

VG: Distort greens
Gorse: Distort Stomp
Sabetha: Possible delay untill cannoner comes to receive boonshare.
Sloth: Distort shakes
Even on some cc heavy bosses is possible you have to delay your f5 rotation to slot in a moa to have it more readily available.

Anyway, golem rotation is a good way to start.

Just make sure you hit signet while having quickness, u hit both signet and quickness well last tick with max boon duration (with the swap wep buff from sigil concentration), you place wells in a smart position to get them buff you teamates after 3s, and you delay bigger cds if f5 is about to be ready.

And remember, always keep up 2 shield phantasms.
Opening f5 with 3 illusions gives you more room to full combo your utility and skills, but with 2 is also enough .

Oh ANet, Might doesn't affect phantasms...

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


The issue isn’t the mechanic of getting the might. The issue is that the fact that Anet coded this skill to give might to phantasms means that whoever made this change (presumably a balance dev) simply does not understand basic mechanics in their game.

It’s a troubling but extremely unambiguous confirmation of a fact that most people have suspected for a long time: the balance team simply is not qualified to make changes to this game.

Dunno if +1 Will increase this post visibility for Anet to see, but there, take mine. This should reach Mo own eyes.
I got so triggered when saw it. It rly refutes what i thought about balance dev. Its not the first time he does/says things like this… But ppl always said they had data and they know better… Bs…

Illusionary Reversion nerf?

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Dunno if it was actually buffed or nerfed. Lets see:

Buffs to power:

-Mind Wrack: Increased damage of 2 illusion shatter by 3% per strike. Increased damage of 3 illusion shatter by 4% per strike.

-Cry of Frustration: Increased damage by 15%.

Overall nerfs:

-Tides of Time: The casting time of this skill has been increased from 0.5 seconds to 0.75 seconds.

- Continuum Split: The cooldown of this skill has been increased from 90 seconds to 105 seconds in PvP only.

- Illusionary Reversion: Increased required illusions shattered to 3.

Quote from patch about added summon effects

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Wait I’m confused. Are you mad about this? To me it looks like they are just adding things similar to what they did with iMage and iWarlock. Not a bad thing.

Sometimes i prefered them to give 0 dmg instead of 1 dmg.

If they are suposed to increase dmg pressure they should give more dmg. Right now it only serves to break stealth/trigger retal and all the negative “trigger on hit” effects.

But wait, the best is sword phantasm. It now grants might to all sword phantasm!!
Why you wonder ( since might applied to phantasms have no effect). I can think of one! Corruption to turn it into weakness. Kappa /cry.

Legendary Armor Backpiece Attach Point

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


I would prefer some level of clipping.

Just reminding pieces can be used alone (mix and match with other skins), so i think its silly to keep floating pieces on vest just because the bulky leggings.

(edited by FJSAMA.2867)

legendary armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Ye my main reason was stat/rune swap. But i always had some hope i could use few singular pieces for mix and match with other skins.
But theres a problem. For example you want to use vestments but you dont like the butt cape. All fine until you realise the use gap between stowed 2-handed weapons/backpacks/shields and your back is there on your vests and the reason is the buttcape.
The pieces kinda mess up with eachother…

legendary armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


I dont know if is the back neck spike that makes this.. On precursor there is something there (a pre-horn or w/e) and it doesnt happen.

Im almost sure this was made on vestments to prevent weapons / backs to clip into the bulky skirt/butt cape. If you notice even weapons sit differently, on different angles just because of it…(see attachments) So ye… the “kitten” skirt is messing up all of this.
If they choose bulky desing with the skirt, i rather have clipping than kinetic hovering objects.. (and it is also the case that skins can be used solo… so messing vests cause leggings…. sigh)

About the gloves, on humans it doenst happen like asura. The edge of the spikes clip a little bit into the shield on hand. BUT thats FINE…
The design they choose for the skins rly messed them up… They wanted something big and with volume and they had to fix ton of interactions and clips. I rather had some simple but “premium feeling” skins for legendary than bulky and spiky like dinosaurs… Oh well but thats water under the bridge so now only left to say:
Better clipping than hovering.. After all cloths are meant to take shape with heavy objects on top, and not be rock solid.


Light Legendary set interaction.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Legendary Vestments vs Precursor Vestments

(the gap occurs when perfected envoy vestments (legendary) equipped)


legendary armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


The worst of all is hovering back items on light. I would rather have items clipping on this bulky skirt than hovering back items…

(legendary vestments vs precursor vestments)


Legendary Armor: Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Any back stowed items (shields, backpacks) have a huge gap on Perfected Envoy Vestments.
I took 2 screens comparing Perfected Vestments and Refined Vestments for reference:


So I made H.O.P.E. ...

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Erm… Fay? I didn’t write about it not affecting the phantasm…

I am on about the new projectile which is shot on casting the skill. I was pretty certain it’d be affected, being an entirely normal projectile created by a weapon skill. As in, every other projectile on any class.

Ah, that’s different then. Do you know whether it functions with quip or if it’s a hope specific bug?

I’d say I have a friend who can check but…dead game and all that. I doubt it works with quip though, I gather it’s been made as a new attack rather than reusing any.

Now that I think about it, do the projectiles from iWarlock cast become ravens or rainbows?

No both quip and bifrost.
No sound/projectile animation.

Mesmer Balance Notes

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Positive thinking guys! Alacrity is not mesmer-only! Now it can be buffed!
Just give mantras to other class so ours can be also buffed.

Mesmer Balance Notes

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


FYI this initial casts are not from phantasms, but from mesmer!
Just like on shield you block and then summon phantasms, now you do smthg and summon those phantasms… So it makes sense not triggering those effects on chronophantasm ofc.

Mesmer Balance Notes

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Best thing of this patch is that we have our own class meme!
Just like engie have “purity of purpose” we have “more constant pressure” built in our 0.09 coeficient dmg on summoning some phantasms Constant pressure on mesmer Kappa…

Srsly Anet, if you want more constant pressure just speed up our slowpoke sword auto chain, give mesmer access to dmg moddifiers, make phantasms get affected by them and add proper impact to phantasm summoning skills :S

Quote for reference “Also in this update, we are implementing initial attacks on several phantasm skills, allowing the mesmer to deliver a primary attack in addition to the summon in order to provide a bit more constant pressure on your targets.”
(sry for somewhat jk post)

Mesmer Balance Notes

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Yes it does reveal. Simple to reproduce on torch for example. Just stealth up and summon the phantasm targeting a far away target while standing near another target close to you.

Mesmer Balance Notes

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


For anyone that wants to know. The initial attack on Illusionary Duelist is like a .2 power coefficient. I don’t know if the Torch change is good enough to make it worthwhile, but I doubt it.

0,2 is magic bullet coef. The initial dmg is like 0,09 coef. Kappa