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That’s why I run fractal 38 multiple times per day as a thief with 0 problems.
Step up your game.
Congratulations, just because you have no problems doesn’t mean nobody else does either. If you’re saying that a melee thief, built for toughness, is just as survivable as a guardian or warrior in a lvl 38 fractal, I call bullkitten on that, especially considering all the stuff that can 1-shot you at.
(edited by FWB.1704)
Thieves can avoid most of the stuff in PvE overworld. The problem is we’re so squishy that in dungeons and fractals, the things Anet is expanding upon, we can’t keep up. Doing fractals above lvl 20 with a thief is suicide. People don’t want you in groups.
Even with 30 points in shadow arts and stacking toughness gear ( and tons of healing abilities/traits) I go down alot more with my thief than of the other classes in dungeons and fractals. Anet really needs to address how squishy we are for a melee class. Because avoidance just doesn’t work when being attacked by huge groups of mobs, and many bosses.
The problem is thieves are forced to kill mobs quickly in order to survive, this doesn’t happen in dungeons/fractals. So we end up being dead weight that need to be rezzed more than the other classes. Anet seriously needs to address this issue.
Go to Southsun Cove as a guardian, warrior, ranger, ect… and fight a karka. Than try it with a D/D thief and it’s pretty obvious who has the most difficult time / takes the longest.
So… Anet….are you ever going to give thieves survivability on par with the other classes in dungeons /high level pve content? I love your game, but honestly you do the worst job at balancing classes i’ve ever seen in any game, ever.
I can’t believe this is still a relevant topic…
Anyhow, yes turn auto attack off.
No, I shouldn’t have to lose out on the DPS and ability to dodge available to all other classes whom can effectively position themselves while continuously hitting the enemy, which is a pain in the kitten with the sword due to the rooting and the leap.
There’s a reason you hardly see any 1-handed sword rangers…. because the sword is a pain in the kitten to use. In order to use it effectively you have to basically not use the attack chain except as a gap closer, lowering it’s DPS as compared to all other weapons. Nobody wants to use a weapon that doesn’t allow you to position yourself effectively, which is why hardly anyone uses it.
(edited by FWB.1704)
Maybe during these leaps (this goes for every class) we should be evading for a short time.
That might be nice, although some would no doubt consider it OP….
Yeah root needs to be removed for sure (and leap), but I think the sword already has 2 decent evade skills, no need for an auto attack evade on top of that.
I notice how you completely forgot to mention the 1-handed sword. So unused it’s completely forgotten.
( They need to remove the rooting and leap from the first skill chain)
What DPS hit? I can spam it just as much as auto, while still having the ability to disengage at will. Have fun being stuck in constant animation cycles.
You don’t see a problem with constantly having to mash the 1 key than? Other classes can just press it once and let it do its thing rather than trying to give yourself early arthritis….
Why does nobody think this is a good idea, you can still keep playing the way you ppl always have, it just makes it more feasible and easier on the fingers. This would make it as fluid as the other melee classes, seriously why is this a bad thing?
Seriously? Am I the only one who thinks that the sword attack chain should function like Every Other Weapon In The Game???
- Why should I have to sacrifice attack chain DPS when all other weapons/classes don’t, just to be able to move around effectively?
- Why can’t I easily position myself If I don’t want to turn of autocast on my attack chain?
- Why can’t I dodge out of the attack chain when I need to?
Nobody else feels these are issues? And nobody wants a more fluid, controlled weapon that we would get simply by removing the attack chain glue sticking element? I don’t see how this could possibly make any of your combat experiences with the sword worse rather than better…
Actually it sticks you to your opponent like glue , furthermore it buffs your pet and cripples the opponent . Attack 2 is great for leap finishers or escaping , press 2 press 180 degree turn press 2 again . No 3 is a free evade and flanking tool .
But if you insist on not turning off auto-cast u can always stop the chain by using hornet sting , the no 2 attack .
The sword is quite amazing
The sword would be far more “amazing” if you could actually move without having to sacrifice your basic attack chain. As of right now its nearly impossible to quickly get good positioning with the sword without turning off your attack chain. This = not amazing. Please refer to my other 2 posts about why turning of the attack chain simply isn’t an acceptable “fix”.
Yeah…. again…. turning off autocast isn’t a solution. Why should a weapon be forced to take a substantial DPS hit just to use viably? No other weapons require that kind of sacrifice.
This is an issue that needs to be addressed by Anet, they effectively have a broken weapon floating around out there. Locking a player to a mob doesn’t work with the type of combat present in GW2.
So here’s the thing, I love everything about the ranger 1 handed sword, except for the fact that the auto attack sticks you to your target like glue. This not only keeps you from strafing away from mobs while attacking them, as you can with every other melee class, but it also stops you from dodging while the auto attack animation is playing.
Thus when attacking an ettin, I find my self banging on the dodge key to no avail. I find myself taking a massive club to the face because I was too busy spin kicking him in the knee…
Given how important dodging and moving around in melee combat is in GW2, this effectively makes the sword a useless weapon, which is bad since it has such good skills.
And before anyone says, “just turn off auto attack on the first skill”…. no. There is no reason rangers using a sword should have to take a large hit to DPS compared to every other melee class and weapon out there. That’s not a fix, it’s purposefully gimping yourself.
So please Anet, please make it so sword rangers can move while using the sword chain skill. It looks awesome and has nice effects, but at the moment it makes it far to difficult to play as a melee ranger.
So, since there seems to be some confusion about this topic, let me rephrase the question.
Why shouldn’t the ranger sword auto chain be as fluid with precise control like all other weapons in the game? This would allow effective positioning and dodging, without having to manually spam the attack chain key all the time without taking a loss to dps.
Again, why shouldn’t the ranger sword have this?
In my opinion the ranger’s one handed sword needs to lose the root and target-sticking making it much more feasible for regular use, and is necessary to be an enjoyable weapon.
(edited by FWB.1704)
I totally agree with smite needing to be a symbol. I’d also like to see the Ring of Warding made into a symbol since as it is right now, its on a really long CD and is highly situational (not very versatile) . Also…
Anything as long as they change the animation. I hate the current one. It looks like a bunch of condoms got caught in a gale.
Lol =)
If they nerf damage across the board then that’d automatically be a buff to guardians. The slower the damage comes, the stronger healing power is.
This would only be the case if they nerfed mob damage as well, which I don’t think will happen at all. Anet’s just making PvE suck even more and more with every patch in favor of WvW and SPvP
Nerf nerf nerf blah blah blah,it’s called balancing and you people need to grow a pair already.All the complaining about something that hasent even been implemeted yet…my god.
Yeah, it’s called “balancing”, and Anet has been doing a terrible job of it since the game was released. This is why people are worried about a proposed major “balancing”…
AoE is neccessary in the core gameplay simply becuase the game revovles around faster paced combat with multiple mobs. How many times in Orr or Dungeons have you ever fought with just 1 mob at a time? AoE is neccessary becuase you’re usually fighting 2+ guys at the same time in PvE. If you lower that, fights will take longer (forcing you to use more auto attacks, unless they decrases the CD on weapon skills to compensate) and players will die more, especially classes that rely on quickly killing something to survive (thief, ele). Basically if this goes through the game will become less fun overall. They would have to atleast double the damage of single target skills by whatever was nerfed in AoE just to allow for a small drop in the pace of gameplay. I don’t see this happening. Lots of potential to ruin the game’s fun factor here, and that fact that they’re considering it makes me think they don’t know what fun is.
I have to agree with this post. It seems as if Anet is trying to apply GW1 type balancing to GW2. In GW1 fights took a long time and any individual character was relatively weak. It seems they’re trying to bring that back in GW2, despite the fact that I go down in this game far more than you ever do in any other mmo. Do the devs seriously think characters are too powerful across the board?
The GW2 battles are supposed to be faster paced and you normally end up fighting 2-3 guys at once. In order to keep the pace of gameplay almost up to where it is now after they implement the AoE nerf, they’ll have to at least increase the single target skill damage by double from what was nerfed just to make up for the loss in gameplay pace. And that’s just counting for when you’re fighting 2 mobs at once., how many times do you fight just 2 mobs in an event or anywhere in orr?
I seriously can’t see them doing this, they’ll probably nerf AoE damage by 30% and increase single target skill damage by some bullcrap token 5%-10%. This will make fights take even longer. Not to mention what longer fights will do to some classes (ele).
Point is players are continually being nerfed compared to the PvE content. Anet seems to have their own philosphy behind the way they’ve been balancing which usually involves completely ignoring the player base’s notions of how the classes play. I’m convinced whoever is in charge of class balancing at Anet doesn’t know what makes the game fun or how the classes work. This would explain the long CD on some very basic weapon skills. With faster combat you need to be able to use your skills more often otherwise it turns into an auto attack fest.
They don’t seem to realize that the reason there are generally only a few viable builds per class is because we’re fighting just to keep our head above the water. Those are the only builds that allow you to effectively play the game. bunker eles wouldn’t have to exist if the class was inherently more survivable.
I already felt that traits are superbly weak and feel much more like an illusion of choice as opposed to affecting the way a class actually plays. For example the guardian’s grand master tier major trait that heals you when striking with a GS seems like it might be nice, until you realize it only heals you for 25 hp at lvl 80. When you have a minimum of 12k life, that’s basically a false choice. There are tons of traits like this, taking them is almost exactly the same as not taking them.
From all the changes that Anet has made to their game so far, I can safely say with the utmost confidence, that the Anet team has done the worst possible job of balancing their game in the spirit of keeping the game fun, that I have ever seen… in ANY mmo EVER.
The game has been going downhill in playability and character versatility since launch. If this next path further reduces player effectiveness, which it likely will since the combat revolves around fighting groups of mobs, and there’s no real attempt to rectify the lagging pace of the gameplay, then I’m gone. Anet’s quest to make this game an e-sport has been slowly killing off the PvE aspect. Unless they do a 180 in terms of how balancing is handled and start focusing on making the classes versatile, fun and unique, I don’t see a point in sticking with this game any longer.
Agreed, Anet may have said that the ele was working as intended, but they seriously need to rethink this.
Guys, I don’t think stopping your ability to do basic strikes is a fix. It diminishes our DPS greatly compared to the other classes. Anet simply needs to change the second chain kick skill to not launch you at the target and allow strafing.
Ah yeah I meant circle strafe while using the basic attack, if they fixed this. All would be well. And no, I don’t consider not using the basic attack via ‘turning off auto attack’ to be a fix.
Agreed, the ele has only 1 or 2 viable builds for PvE becuase the class is terribly underpowered. Anet seriously needs to take a look at increasing the survivability and damage ( on certain weapons) of elementalists as compared to most other classes. Right now I consider the ele unplayable.
I find it funny how ppl say that the ele is good… only if you play it a specific way. Most people have seen the ele for what it is, extremely lacking in damage and survivability compared to all the other classes in GW2. Sure D/D might do damage comparable to other classes (whom aren’t speced for damage). But you have to basically stay within melee range as the squishiest object on the planet. Don’t want to face instant death? Use a scepter, but oh wait the damage is freaking terrible, worst weapon damage in the game terrible. Staff is the only reasonable weapon, but even this has its issues.
I realize that Anet had said at one point that the ele was working as intended, but they seriously need to look at how it compares to the other classes.
This post is right on! Sure you guys can list a few decent hammer skins, but the by and large the hammers look like a mace with a slightly longer handle. They’re really, really disappointing scale wise. 2 handed hammers should be the same size as the greatswords. Moreover the heads on most of them need to be larger. I can’t tell you how disappointed I was when starting my hammer guardian. Sure he’s an asura, but does the hammer need to be half the size of my tiny character?
We can’t, to my knowledge, heal anyone to the degree that they’re unkillable or even substantially more durable, unless you count the elite tome of courage but that’s on a long CD with a short active time and its good healing spell takes forever and leaves you very vulnerable. If anything I find the healing to be lackluster compared to the low health pool guardians are saddled with. At the moment if we do spec into healing we end up wasting alot of stat points as it’s not as effective as taking vit or toughness.
I have to agree with the poster on this one. The second attack in the auto attack chain where you kick makes it impossible to strafe out of danger as is neccessary in this game. It locks you in place, which severely limits your options. I don’t know why everyone is saying it requires more skill to use. It’s just limiting. Not being able to move on a basic attack is a death sentence in melee. Anet should have fixed this a long time ago.
Oh I didn’t realize it was a light field, but it still seems very lackluster in PvE. But you’re right about only ever using the #1 and #2 skill on the hammer, those are the only damaging skills. This is why I would like to see the Ring of Warding do damage. Its on a long CD so even if it did do symbol damage it wouldn’t be OP. Even the GS has a symbol on a shorter CD.
Just so you know I only play PvE, so all of this is from a non PvP perspective. Anyhow, i’ve been enjoying my hammer guardian for a while now. I use every skill quite often except Ring of Warding. The only time I find myself using it is when trying to keep something from running away, which isn’t all that often especially since you have to be right next to the mob for it to be effective. It’s on a very long CD for a weapon skill (40 sec) and is extremely situational. I was wondering if there was any way to improve this skill to make it more useful in a larger variety of encounters.
The first thing that comes to mind is, the ward should do damage to those inside of it. Personally, I’d like to see it lay down a symbol. Given the 40 sec CD I don’t think this would be OP in any respect. If you can’t justify doing that just make it burn foes inside or something. Perhaps you can do a pulsing area blind or something. I dunno. I just know that this skill needs to do something more than a crappy 5 sec barrier. It feels like its wasting a weapon skill slot. Anyone else have any ideas on how to improve RoW?
I agree with this, I’d like to see Aegis stack to 3. Or an improved Virtue of Courage passive since right now the aegis provided by VoC disappears so quickly in every fight with no control when it comes back up. With a 40 sec CD on VoC its basically a gimmick rather than a feature.
I know theres a trait for it to come up every 30 sec (….woo….) but even this doesn’t help much when you’re being hit 20 times in 30 sec (fighting 2-3 guys at once as normal in PvE). I’d say a CD of 20 sec at least to make it feel like a class feature, and it still wouldn’t be negating much damage at all compared to how much you take over the course of a skirmish.
So yes either stacking Aegis to 3 or an decreased CD would make this feel more like an actual feature rather than the illusion of a feature it is now. Remember you still won’t be negating tons of damage even if this was changed.
I have this same issue with the thief at lvl 80. I was playing quite well up until 8 with a D/D DB and condition damage build. But my thief can’t handle dungeons at all, I’m constantly dying. Moreover Orr is a huge challenge for my thief simply becuase it’s not possible to dodge / strafe out of harms way enough to survive. Just a few hits from a normal mob is practically a death sentence. Forget about trying to fight the Karka… alot of ppl complain that thief is OP, but that’s only in PvP, in PvE thieves are really hurting… Anet should see this. PvE theives just need an overall survivability boost. A good one at that.
torch is decent for single target damage, atleast the #4 skill
also the main hand sword is great for single target damage
Am I really the only one who wants to have a dual blade wielding magic warrior badas?
Well yes the focus shield skills are good, albeit they’re on a long CD even when traited. But that’s how it should be, as it’s a more defensive weapon giving blinds and shields. The Torch fire breathing skill looks cool and all, but unfortunately it does less damage than auto attacking with the sword over the duration.
I was hoping for an off hand sword that would bring more immediate (and good) AoE damage. The current offhand weapons don’t offer much in that respect. The focus shield skill has too long a CD to be used in an effective offensive manner, the torch flamethrower is less effective than auto attacking, and the shield’s wave skill suffers from both those problems.
But than again none of these weapons were designed to do AoE damage, aside from the torch which is less effective than auto attacking. What other offhand AoE options do we have as guardians? Also, I really want to run around with dual swords as a Guardian.
There’s just one thing I wanted for the holidays in GW2. An off-hand sword for the guardian. Just imagine how bad kitten it could be. The mainhand sword is a really great weapon, the problem being that it doesn’t hit more than one mob with its skills (other than the auto attack). An off-hand sword could fix this in the most stylish way possible.
The first skill could be a spinning move much like the axe spin on warrior offhand. The second skill could be something like an explosion of fire as you do an evasive retreat or something. Really as long as they add some AoE damage it would be an amazing, and I would say much needed, addition to the guardians one handed repertoire.
An offhand sword that gave AoE damage capabilities would go well with pretty much any of the guardians mainhand weapons, scepter included. Although I do think there needs to be a trait that gives CD reduction to sword skills since atm I end up auto attacking with the sword too much (it’s not entertaining).
This is a serious request, so if anyone agrees that they would like to see an offhand guardian sword please voice your opinions and perhaps we’ll get Anet’s attention.
I second this. I will immediately buy the first mmorpg that has free navigation abilities like in assassins creed. Unfortunatley I don’t think that would be possible in this game and would open up a whole ton of exploits in dungeons
Anet should add a pokemon like battle system for minis, just throwin it out there…
Well, there is a disabled Asuran gate in Rata Sum that seems like it’ll be used for Polymock sometime in a future update. For those unfamiliar, Polymock was a GW1 style battle similar to Pokemon.
Ugg, polymock was terrible, nothing like pokemon. I hated that “game”. but just how many more ppl would flock to GW2 if they added a pokemon element to the game, or something like the FF8 card game, that would be so cool. Or a full on casino, i’d like to see any of those.
I’ve always thought there were a bunch of cool animals in GW2 that could be pets, any of the griffons, a marmox, one of the small pinesouls… there’s alot of room for improvement . Also, Anet should add a pokemon like battle system for minis, just throwin it out there…
The Guardian GS needs SoW to be on a 10 sec cooldown with a different buff. Also Leap of Faith needs a 15-20 sec cooldown.
Exactly. The PvE Thief has been getting ground into the dirt because of all the nerfs they’ve received due to PvP imbalances/complaining. You’d think they would have learned from GW1 and every other MMO that you need to balance the two styles separately least you ruin them both.
No you’re right, the only way to build a viable thief in PvE is to go glass cannon and hope you don’t get hit. Thanks to many of the nerfs called for by the PvP community, the PvE thief is extremely frail and cannot hold a candle to most of the other classes at higher levels. This is what happens when ANET decides to favor the PvP players with all their complaints while basically ignoring what they already figured out in GW1…. separate PvP and PvE skills and abilities.
Unfortunately there’s not much hope for us. All the “balancing” Anet has done so far are by and large nerfs so that balancing is easier on them. The problem is, by nerfing everything into oblivion the game becomes more boring and bland by the week. It may be more difficult to make weapons and abilities fun, versatile and fluid (a.k.a. the old Guardian GS) but bringing all the fun / dynamic abilities down to the level of the bland ones that don’t change the flow of combat at all…. that’s never the way to go. I had faith in this game, but the way it’s being tweaked is in the complete opposite direction of what a fun game would be. Hate to say this but i’m really looking forward to a new mmo soon.
After the last patch or so, i’ve noticed that while using Death Blossom I’ll consistently be hit up until just past the apex of the spinning jump. Was this nerfed? I really don’t think it used to be like this. Either way i’m taking alot more damage than I did a week ago. And no i’m not talking about the .5 seconds between when you hit the button and actually start the skill animation. I mean i’m being hit between when my feet leave the ground up until just before the apex of the jump. Would somebody please fix, it’s really messing up the fun of trying to time my dodges (which is the main draw of playing a thief for me).
Our survivability in dungeons is next to nothing given that we need to kill a mob before they kill us to survive.
Translation: Thief survivability in dungeons is bad when you use PvP doctrine to engage high-HP opponents that are tuned for an extended fight.
Thieves aren’t doing poorly in PvE, they are however one of the professions that does not do particularly well bringing PvP setups directly into PvE.
Your translation abilities suck. I don’t use a PvP build ever. I’m PvE only. i’m using DD with condition damage. Melee thieves do poorly in dungeons compared to all other melee classes. And for the love of god don’t say, “than just use ranged”. If a class is given melee weapons, they should be able to effectively use them as well as any other class.
No thanks, thief is already impotent after using their ini, and unlike other classes they can’t swap weapons to continue doing workable DPS. If anything Thieves tshould have faster ini regen to match the ability of other classes who can switch weapons and pretty much constantly fire off skills. But I would settle for mere faster ini regen out of combat the way health does.
This is ridiculous. Everyone here is talking about PvP and ANET is balancing completely around that. Yet thieves really aren’t doing that great in PvE compared to all of the other classes. Our survivability in dungeons is next to nothing given that we need to kill a mob before they kill us to survive. Seriously, there needs to be separate balancing between PvP and PvE. It’s clear that the current “balancing” that is taking place across all classes is slowly killing playbility. Honestly if ANET doesn’t start separating the two, I (along with many other PvE players) won’t be around to purchase any expansions.
In the crypt where you supposedly find the last book for he mad king tome, Lord Humphrey Faren isn’t appearing no matter how many times you trigger the gaseous search thingy. Anyone know a solution. I really don’t want to miss out on this book seeing as how it’s the last night of the event.
I have to agree with the poster, Thieves are at severe disadvantages when it comes to PvE. We cannot be reliably survivable without specific builds. Our only real way of surviving is to kill mobs faster than they can hit us, which doesn’t work in dungeons against mobs with hugely inflated health. And yes, thieves can’t really do much damage after using a few skills. Anet needs to start balancing PvE and PvP separately.
I think you mean broken in PvP. In PvE, especially dungeon running, (melee) thieves aren’t that survivable.
But most thieves already just stand around and wait for their ini to regen ooc anyways. So when fighting in PvE why would it matter. Your performance in combat would be no different. I generally manage ini equal to the amount of guys i’ll be fighting so I don’t run out early.
I can see why you might use more powerful skills against a single normal mob to kill them slightly more quickly if you know you have quick ini regen ooc. But In 1v1 on a normal mob, you’re not going to die anyways. However, any more mobs than that and you have to manage your ini because you’ll likely go through it all before they’re dead.
Thus faster ini regen out of combat wouldn’t benefit you in any fight in which you might die (i.e. the ones you need to manage ini for). The only time it would help are those situations when fighting 1v1 against a normal mob, which don’t matter since you’re guaranteed to kill them anyways, least of all if you’re trying to “farm” ( attacking 1 mob at a time is a horrible way to farm).
I don’t see why waiting those 5 seconds would make an a huge negative impact on how you play your thief, except that you’d have less of that boring downtime in between fights.