Showing Posts For Fatallion.5389:

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


I’m also wondering who thought that precursor costing same amount of LI’s as the legendary armor itself would be a good idea? Makes no sense at all! Maybe 30-60LI per set I would have understood but seriously, 150LI per 2nd and 3rd precursor set? In addition to already quite a hefty amount of 150LI per legendary set?

This feels like old WvW-achievements.

Why AP for the top 250 titles is not cool

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


L2P, git gud boi

btw, nothing is indicating that the 1st player would receive all titles and all AP, since every single title achievement points out to exact positioning on skill rating leaderboard. You won’t receive 2nd or 3rd places title if you were 1st because simply you were not 2nd or 3rd, you were 1st.

Unless Anet makes no sense in achievement explanations, which has happened before tho (looking at you 1st season legendary achievement)

(edited by Fatallion.5389)

500-500 Tie - Unfair treatment

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389



Such an easy solution. How could Anet not have thought of this

You think they have thought anything other than gliders?

SAB skin not recognised under Rare collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


Just spent my time well and farmed for 15 missing king toad’s skins, since I had one already done from last time SAB was playable. I wanted the red aura so much that I ran world 1 once more to make the one skin I have, just for the achievement, but it still didn’t unlock it. Seriously.

classes not considered in matchmaking...

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


So are you saying it’s Anets fault that you and 3 others are stupid enough to play DH in this meta?

Lege's playing bad classes for achievements

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


The problem with not allowing you to drop divisions is matchmaking. For example, when you are at the lower tier of Diamond and have an average MMR you will get average team mates and your chances of moving up are also average. If your MMR is high, you will get high “quality” team mates and your chances of moving up are also high. If your MMR is low, you will get low “quality” team mates and your chances of moving up are also low.

Now if you start losing you will enter the so called MMR Hell. Every defeat will lower your MMR, which means with every defeat you will get worse and worse team mates, but your average opponent won’t change at all. That’s because your opponents are selected from similarly placed players in Division/tier but since you can’t lose Divisions there will be a huge amount of players at the lower tiers, tier 1 Diamond for example.

If you could lose divisions, at some point you would get suitable opponents for your now low MMR, and you would be able to start climbing again. But without losing divisions you will never reach that point, and will lose and lose and lose and lose with zero chance of going up.

Not true, I got in this so called ‘MMR hell’ when I was in diamond and yes it sucked hard, I got 8 winstreaks and suddenly I lose 8 in a row, all you have to do is take a break so you don’t let yourself get the same players in your team, calm down, you’ll start to think straight again and play better. Also duoQing with a friend who’s also good will help ALOT and that’s how you can get out of MMR hell. Dropping divisions is a terrible terrible idea, you would actually like to get thrown out of diamond only to have to deal with ruby hell?

After winning 8 and then losing 8 is not a MMRhell.

And just because one guy who will kitten up whole team’s game, why is it only those who are close to next division who have to suffer? Same kitten for everyone so the salt would be real and Anet would finally do something. Now it’s just that for example in my last games, enemies are always full legend, and in my team there’s 1-2 diamonds with me. Enemies have nothing to lose, still they go hard and meta classes and switch at end to get other classes achievements, while my team’s legends go for those class achies right away and kitten the team’s game.

Lege's playing bad classes for achievements

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


Because that’s the thing, if they can’t stay in there, they don’t deserve it.

Lege's playing bad classes for achievements

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


Why would division dropping be bad thing? Now its just that you reach something (that can be also done with carrying or lucky) and then you can be as bad as you want and still be at the top. Makes no kittening sense.

Lege's playing bad classes for achievements

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


They have nothing to lose since they are legendary already so they can farm their achievements as long as they want. Meanwhile I struggle with getting to legendary when all my close-to-legendary games I have those guys on my team, and enemy team is full of meta classes, who get achies by rerolling when the game is clear win for them. Who the kitten invented this “get to next division, never drop” system? Seriously?

Why do you always put same people in my team?

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


“You should wait 10 weeks for him to be able to quit the game and come back then” -community

Add "afk-leaver" button.

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


This is casual game and it’s perfectly fine. -Anet

Another matchmaking fail

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


Beoehoehoe cry me a river man…

play better.. or take a break? we have enough of these topics whining about something because they lost, boehoe cry cry. so what? there are enough premades that are terrible so they could easily be matched with your mmr.

Stop posting this stuff!!! you lost with 11 points!!



Man this community is getting worse and worse what a terrible joke!!

Wow, seems like someone woke up with wrong leg. Did this hurt your feelings much?

OT, that seems like a great match, probably they didn’t win because they had 2 groups, just because your team did worse. If it was 0-500, then it would be bad matchmaking, but hey, the matchmaking is bad already so there’s nothing new!

How many have lost pip with DC'ed player?

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


Few times. But I’ve had countless times those who “dc” and then come back to afk and my pips go ‘byebye’.

From nearly-legendary to MMRhell -sufferers

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


Every think that maybe your just not legendary quality? That maybe the reason for the suddenly losing is you have finally starting get placed against people better then you the majority of the time? Why does everyone and I mean everyone not just you thinks they should keep winning at a high level forever? There are people better then you at this game and probably quite a few of them.

Let me get this straight. So I progress to 1 win away from legendary with steady climbing, had a winstreak towards the end, but then suddenly you claim that I’ve “reached my limits” and my 55-70% winrate changes to 75% lossrate? Out of nowhere? No. If it was my limits I would see more losses than wins for a while, but then get few more wins than losses also. It would be steady, somewhat 50% winrate. But sudden change that noticeable and big? No.

Tbh your post just seems like that you didn’t even read the whole OP.

From nearly-legendary to MMRhell -sufferers

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


This system is exactly what people have described, all about luck. If you get lucky with teammates and enemies you will get to legendary fast. If you dont, you might keep going up, down, up, down until you suddenly get that last needed luck, or give up.

It just seems that Anet made the legendary journey easier for those who would have gotten there anyways no matter what, and meanwhile kittened up those players who could reach legendary but now its all about RNG.

1st season = Matchmaking abuse
2nd season = RNG
3rd season? They could implement system that those who pay most gold gets easy matches. And seriously that wouldn’t even surprise me.

From nearly-legendary to MMRhell -sufferers

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


Just played more today, 4 games, 4 losses. Every time either teammates getting outrotated by enemy team or warrior and dh stacking on my team. This is plain impossible with soloque.

Anyone else in my situation willing to try some team ques?

From nearly-legendary to MMRhell -sufferers

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


I was close to getting legendary (would have gotten it but I had some trash players in my team who willingly gave away mid cap twice, and caused the loss). After that game my downhill started. Before that, my winrate was, and has always been, between 55-70%. Now its suddenly ~75% lossrate. I just can’t get teammates who would match my skills. I’m sure that at this part most of you will go and kitten kitten about mmrhell not existing etc. Well either you are just trolling or plain stupid. It exists. It’s not always the case of mmrhell when qqers come here to say that, but I’m certain that I’m in it.

I have played nearly all classes somewhat successfully (except thief & warrior), and I’m rerolling at start to make out the best combos. Earlier that saved many matches, but now that I’m in that mmrhell it makes no difference. I run support? Teammates too dumb to understand how support helps and what they have to do to get that support. I run bruiser? I usually win my part of the game, but the rest of the team doesn’t deliver. And that goes on.

After that legendary-deciding loss I’ve had ~25-30 games, and won ~7 of them. I’m not saying that every loss would have been only my teammates fault. Of course few matches have happened where even I can’t get anything done. And there are also those games where legendary ranked players throw games just because they don’t need to sweat (which also has it’s own topic). But usually when I can get stuff done, my teammates can not. Those few wins that I had were usually because enemies were so bad that I don’t even know how they got into diamond. But in most of the games, it’s on my side. And to clarify, NOT EVERY TEAMMATE BUT INVIDUALS. Inviduals who just happen to kitten up the game so bad that you can’t carry him/them when you have worthy players against you.

If you managed to read this far, thank you. Have you had similar experiences? Have you found any solution? Btw “wait X days” is not a solution, it’s trying to forget the problem and praying that next time you win lottery.

Legendary players throwing games..pls anet

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


Just to add, had a match with this invidual who went afk on match. We even had a point in that match where we won 4v5 fight without him, so it was not about just getting steamrolled. And he was legendary so nothing for him to lose.

Great job Anet!


Legendary players throwing games..pls anet

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


I was on my winstreak towards legendary, needed last win. Well surprisingly I had players in my team who willingly gave away crucial caps. They “guarded” our point with 2 man, both not standing on point but like 1200 range away, and they let enemy thief decap it twice. And in the end we were 3 ticks away from 500 and then enemy got animals in time and we lost. All while those 2 players “defending” a point, and 3 of us busting our kitten , but you know how 4-5v3 works.

And up to that, my whole league winrate has been close to 66%, maybe even higher, but after that loss, I’ve lost like 80% of games. Out of nowhere, no change in my playstyle, I reroll like before and play and rotate like before, but still 66% winrate changed to 80% loserate, no matter what.

kittening bullkitten.

Seasonal titles

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


You’re not the only one who was surprised with the removal of the title. I double checked to make sure all the year of the ascension achievements would be obtainable after this season, and then focused on Wintersday. Wintersday had the same grindy repeatable achievements from years prior, so I put my time into the festivities instead of the pvp leagues. While I love snowball mayhem, 150 games of it is just too much in a few weeks especially with so much other content out, that’s easily at least 50 games of ranked pvp I forewent.

I actually didn’t even know the title existed until someone pointed it out to me middle of last season during wintersday. They also told me it was season tied. After that, I tried to find something to back his claim and I couldn’t find anything written anywhere. Even in game it’s not communicated clearly. From reading the achievement description and seeing it placed in the permanent pvp achievement section, you can easily assume it was going to be available to obtain in any pvp season. I don’t think that’s an erroneous judgement. It specifically states a single season, not “first” or “premier”, etc. Some might say the title being “Primordial” implied it was first season only, but I feel you could also argue it could mean getting legend in the first year of ascension. I don’t watch the twitch streams often enough, so I didn’t know it was communicated that each season would have a season tied title. I believe the description should have been more clear and that it should also have been communicated in other mediums.

I only did pvp after wintersday was over, so I only pvp’d for 2 weeks. I know if I pvp’d as much as I did from the start I most definitely would have reached Legend (I was able to solo queue from fresh ruby to diamond in one weekend, which hopefully means I was at least carrying my weight well in my matches). The thing that bugs me though is that the achievement is completely glitched for me, It’s supposed to give an ap for each division you cross, my achievement was stuck at 0/6, I believe it should be at 5/6 at least, because from what I gathered, being in Amber gave people 1/6. Because of that it doesn’t even show up my retired Achievments section.

Anet plz ;_;

Exactly my thoughts. Even if it was mentioned in a stream earlier, why it is so hard to implement it in game, since the ingame info (and patch notes and pvp season info and basically everything) gave an impression that it would be achievable also later. Just gives good examples how Anet is not paying close-to-none attention in achievements.

First step to wrong direction was the collections with BL weapons. Then we actually got a good sign with halloween achievements not having anything really grindy, but wintersday brought back all those horrifying grindiements. And then the pvp season, that you have to play with all classes at least those 10 wins to get year achievements fully done. And finally this fiasco that clearly shows how Anet won’t even care.

I’m worried about future

Seasonal titles

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


I think the speculation that it was only last season came from the name, it was called “Primordial” Legend after all

The fact that the titles would be unique to the season was known before we even knew what the first title would be (primordial)

And im pretty sure it was first said on the twitch stream, thats how i knew about it
I was one of the people on those threads explaining it and i told people that anet talked about it on the twitch stream but as i said, people ignored what i said and just kept argueing that it wasnt true because they didnt want it to be true

That is still just someone claiming something with nothing to backup his sayings with. I can for example say that Anet wrote in one of the blog posts that next expansion is free, but just because I’m saying it doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. Do you understand what is my point?

Seasonal titles

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


They also talked about unique seasonal titles on their twitch stream when they started talking about leagues.

If anything it was the misinfo from players like you (presumably) who kept coming into forums where people clearly explained to the uninformed that the title was for the first season only calling them liers and asking over and over “wheres the proof” while ignoring the sources cited.

Every one of those threads were just a confusing mess because of all the wishfull thinking achievement hunters denying the claims because they didnt WANT that to be the reality

I really can’t understand what you mean. When you claim that someone “clearly explains” something and I still have to ask for proof? If something was proven why would I ask for it again? Twitch streams is the only thing I have not looked into (apart from Dulfy’s reddit posts), but since that is the only place where it might have been mentioned, does that make the whole thing “clearly explained” from Anet’s point?

Seasonal titles

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


They said in one of the blogs that each season will have a title for reaching maximum division.

Could you please elaborate the source this time? I remember you pointing that out earlier, but like I said I’ve searched all I’ve found but found nothing on it.

They did communicate it pretty well at the end of the last season.

What you mean? The bugs with the title not being awarded? I’m not talking about that.

They did say the title is only for this season.

Can you show me where?

Seasonal titles

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


Nah as last time I am not going to go through the many blogs just to find the right one. Need to play pvp myself.

Ok, so my points are still valid.

Seasonal titles

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


They said in one of the blogs that each season will have a title for reaching maximum division.

Could you please elaborate the source this time? I remember you pointing that out earlier, but like I said I’ve searched all I’ve found but found nothing on it.

They did communicate it pretty well at the end of the last season.

What you mean? The bugs with the title not being awarded? I’m not talking about that.

Seasonal titles

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


I’m still a bit amazed how badly Anet communicated and acted with the seasonal titles. I’ll try to explain my thoughts.

There were big question marks regarding the Primordial Legend -title. The ingame achievement said “Cross 6 league division tresholds during a single PvP season” which means exactly, that it is doable during “a single pvp season”, not first season, but single one season. Ok, makes sense. Suddenly some people had gotten an idea that there would be season-tied titles. Even I remember reading that from somewhere, but because I don’t trust my memory, I tried to search everywhere for any information about the subject. I found nothing. Nothing in patch notes, nothing in blog posts pre-HoT, nothing in QA HoT -articles on gaming fansites, nothing in devposts on forums or reddit. I also asked in few threads in here if others who believed in seasonal-titles would have any proof, but nobody did. Nobody. At that point, I made an assumption that there is no direct seasonal-titles, or if there would be, Primordial Legend would still be gainable later, so I stopped my journey to Legendary. And I have to say that the decision was also highly affected by the fact, that the whole season felt like a test season (which it was) as a whole, there were so many ways to exploit the system, and there were so many undeserved legendaries running around, that I didn’t want to spend any extra time on that kittenty matchmaking system.

Well, here we are at the new season. Now there is new title achievement, that directly states that it is gained during the current season only, and the last title achievement has disappeared. No mention anywhere.

I’m achievement hunter in game, and this is the first non-repeatable achievement that I have missed during this game’s whole lifespan, and that is ONLY because there was false info on the case. Many people were trying to get info, but Anet did nothing, and now gave us the middle finger. Many ap hunters like me, might have gone for the achievement only because they know Anet is never to be fully trusted, but I made that mistake.

And I know there might have been few big reasons why people believed in seasonal titles, like what “primordial” really means etc, but I still can’t understand how poorly Anet handled it out.

Am I only one?

Machined collection item not rewarded from DS

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


I noticed that machined weapon collection items, that can be looted from pods, were few months back gained from completing the DS meta, but now they are not. Is this intended? Was the earlier state not intended and now its working as expected? No mention in patch notes afaik.

Update on Primordial Legend

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


Will there eventually be a clarification about title being avalaible only during this season?

Primordial Legend around for Season 2?

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


It would be totally horrifying for it to not be avalaible season 2. During this season (which I understand to be a kind of test season) we have had guild team elo bug abuse, party mmr abuse, stronghold bug abuse, stronghold pve race etc which has allowed lots and lots of undeserved legendaries to gain this title during this season. Also many many capable players have skipped this season totally because of those reasons. And by far, Anet has only patted in the backs of abusers/exploiters and rewarded them with all the same that some people have worked hard for and earned it. Legendary div means nothing currently.

I’ve looked with everything I have for confirmed info about this title, but found none. The achievement itself says “during a single PvP season” which would for me as a human being mean, that it’s attainable during any single PvP season. But since there has been total silence from Anet by far, I don’t even know anymore. Maybe even they don’t know.

League "class"—Elite

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


why they wouldnt give achievement points?

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


I certainly like the fact that exploiters will keep all their gains without any penalties.

Soloq seems slightly better after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


No more mmr abusers thats true, but state of games sinked like Titanic. Soloq gives me “diamonds” on team with no brain or skill and just zerging all around and losing matches. I had a plan on going for legendary but with state of games currently in my mmr, it’s impossible, nobody can carry 2-3 total newbies every single game.

Basically, whichever team has less “diamonds” wins.

Losing Pips with 5 min DC

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


Just lost 2 pips when one ragequitting piece of kitten kitten noskill kitten went afk on our lord..


Win against 2xleg+sap mmr abusers = no pips

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


Seriously. Just had this game that we won. Definetly was not easy game, even tho it might look like it, we just rotated better and got crucial kills. I’m happy for the win and waiting for pips but what the kitten anet. NO PIPS. NO PIPS FOR GAME LIKE THIS. WHAT?

This is what ruins the game. MMR abusers are one thing, they are getting nerfed soon thats good, but what kind of bug is this? As of if I haven’t had so many kittened games today already and then this happens, clear win with possibility of 2pips and then i get none? League is working pretty kittening well imo.


Matchmaking explained

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


I’m enjoying this pvp so much that I have to post something here. Was 1 pip away from diamond, I get teamed against classic legendary/amber duo, Blondiine and Wilhelmina Kane, and because i had few games long winstreak and my teammates just got worse and worse, it was basically no match at all. 2 pips lost. Then the next game, same legendary/amber duo against, this time even worse teammates. 1 pip lost. Then third game against this grandmother of abusers guild team, bunker+abuse meta was good as usual and yeah. There it goes, 1 pip lost.

I’m so happy that what once was PvP is now just Player versus Abuse, and Anet doesn’t even care. GG!


[Bug] Upkeep skills and legendswapping

in Revenant

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


I think it’s not about getting energy degeneration over 5, since you can activate F2 + heal + elite + fury/might at once which gives degeneration of 10. When I switch over to Shiro there is a small delay when my Hardening Persistence shows that I’m still at 10 stacks until the energy regeneration “resets” and also updates Hardening Persistence to 2 stacks (which are from F2 skill), but it still doesn’t unlock Impossible Odds. So I’d say it’s a bug that happens during the legend swap not correctly resetting the upkeep counters.

EDIT: Seems like that only Impossible Odds is bugged that way, Mallyx’s elite unlocks correctly and Jalis’s Vengeful Hammers unlocks correctly after that small delay on legend swap.

(edited by Fatallion.5389)

Herald's horrifying ground effect

in Revenant

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


I still can’t understand why they made it so big and ugly colored and less transparent. During a boss fight or anything where there’s ground effects, it will be a total mess and nobody can tell anything good from those icons.

If you really have to keep that kind of ground effect active and not being able to disable it, remove the inner circle since it’s pointless, the pulse effect really helps nobody. And make those buff icons a bit smaller and only appear in front of you, not in fixed positions around you, if you have it active so you don’t have to see the other icons while you don’t even have them active.

Or maybe those icons could be switched to small colored circles around you. Every buff skill would have different color, for example regeneration buff as green, fury buff red, swiftness buff yellow, might buff orange/black or something and protection buff blue. That way it would be a lot easier for everyone else not familiar with revenant buff icons to really tell what is going on.

Herald's horrifying ground effect

in Revenant

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


Am I only one who doesn’t like that huge ugly ground icon? Why there is no toggle to set it invisible for yourself/everyone?

One repeatable achi in historical achies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


I don’t see it in mine. Then again, I always make sure to finish up all the repeatable achievements for maximum points, and leave them completely empty at the end of the seasonal event.

I remember a repeatable but uncompleted achievement popping up in the history during searches, but never was it listed when clicking through the tabs. It wasn’t this one, though.

That’s interesting since I’ve confirmed from few ppl that they also have that repeatable achivement visible, either unfinished, finished or not started at all. And none of them saw any other repeatable in historical achies. So you are the first one to not see it. Is there any logic behind this?

You can also search that achi with search panel, I tried to find other repeatables from other holidays too but none of those searches brought up anything..

One repeatable achi in historical achies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


If there have been many, many repeatable achievements in the history of GW2, also there were many repeatable achievements during that exact Wintersday, and still only one single repeatable achievement makes it to the historical achievement tab, I’d say it’s clearly not intended to be there. Yes bug.

One repeatable achi in historical achies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


Like I said it’s the only one repeatable achievement visible in historical achievements.

One repeatable achi in historical achies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


There is only one thing that makes my heart bleed. It’s this venomous repeatable achievement that’s visible in A Very Merry Wintersday category, it’s the only repeatable achievement visible in historical achievements and it hasn’t been noticed and fixed in over a year. Please.

Avergage Queue Time Doubled Recently

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


Same in EU and in addition to longer queues the matches are more kittened than ever. I don’t know is the new players or are older players just getting worse but there is no sense in anything what players do.

wut anet gonna do bout F2P trolls

in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


Everything is working as intended, so the faster you get used to spreading your kittenhole to trolls, the faster you get used to it.

BETA weekend achievements [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


I guess I’ll have to spam this thread so it stays on top until we get some kind of clarification. Spam.

What more clarification do you need? They’ve stated numerous times, it’s even at the top of the screen in game, that all progress on beta characters is not saved. Nothing received or done on a beta character will transfer over to your main account.

I still can’t figure out any logical reasons to make achievements to general section and under beta weekend that give you ap, other than that those achievements are permanent. So that’s the clarification I need. Plus if you look my earlier post a little bit upper, you can see my real problem.

BETA weekend achievements [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


I guess I’ll have to spam this thread so it stays on top until we get some kind of clarification. Spam.

BETA weekend achievements [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


I’m curious about the Beta Weekend achievements that got added on update less than two weeks ago. I’ve seen many question threads regarding them but no answer by far.

I have a problem. I’m one of those achievement hunters who likes to do every achievement that’s available. I’m assuming those achievements are something that get awarded permanently as there is no reasonable reasons to add AP awarding achievements to general section if they will get wiped after BWE ends. So after I found out about the Beta Weekend achievements I realized that I have to order HoT to complete them. I decided to go for official retailer in Finland, because that way I can get the dvd-cover and it was a kitteneaper too (I’m a student so every cent counts). Well, the order did not come by today which means I won’t get to play on this BWE. But if the achievements that got added are made so you cannot complete them on the next BWE, then I need to complete them now which means I have to buy HoT directly ingame and return the other order. Which is quite a bit of useless hassling if the achievements are still doable on the next BWE.

So is it possible to get clarification about those achievements, are they only placeholder of something that will get removed anyways or something that you achieve to your account permanently (kind of bonus gift to those who play on BWE), and will I be able to complete those same achivements on the next BWE so I won’t miss out those if I can’t play on this BWE.

And just to clarify, I will buy HoT in either ways so it’s not about that.

Entire team crashed in (s)PvP [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


How hard can it be to fix this kittening nonsense mass dc’ing? Anet pls.


in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


I’ve just had 9 matches today. Won 1. Had few perfect examples of players. When they are against me they kill my teammates like nothing. Then when they are with me they can’t do anything to enemies. Then again I had 3-4 games with nice class combos. Best example: courtyard, teammates with no double classes, enemy team with 4 rampage warriors, none of them even switched. Was a balanced game (not).

And this kitten happens every single kittening day. Teammates can’t compete against enemies, and then I expect that in matchmakings idea I’m probably supposed to carry with classes that it’s impossible to do with. My overall tpvp winrate has been +60%, now it’s at 58% and dropping faster than ever. And I don’t even think that +60% is good so I’m questioning this kittenty matchmaking logic even more. I wonder what is the limit that this kitten changes? -50%? After that will I get better matches? Oh gosh.

Surprisingly enough the 10th game of today was FIRST game where I was in a team that dominated a game. 1/10. The other win that I got earlier was due enemy team 4v5. Ain’t that sweet?


in PvP

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


Is there one? Most of unranked and ranked games, at least on my game level, are just one team dominating the whole match, either its because other team is so kittening far behind skillwise or then just kittening kittened class combos. Add to that the frequent 4v5’s and BOOM, “TPvP” has suddenly became more frustrating than ever.

Please convince me to continue playing this sad gamemode.