Showing Posts For Fatum.5430:

No Interest in dungeons anymore

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fatum.5430


I’v sat outside CoF for 3 days and saw 2 groups… define “all the time”

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

No Interest in dungeons anymore

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fatum.5430


I like to play PvE , enjoy some of these dungeons but I only get groups on a rare occasion, can we do something about these places that people hate so much they refuse to run? Idk if they are too hard for the general public or just boring… but I have been trying for 4 days to get CoF exp done to get a sword from the vendor and can never get a group.

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

error code 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatum.5430


Out of curiosity, but is everyone reporting the problem in Lion’s Arch? I’m testing out my theory and so far, I don’t get d/c-ed anywhere else.

It is happening everywhere, but more often in LA.. probably has to do with crowds… still kind of ridicules that these types of issues are still going on after patches..

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

error code 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatum.5430


here we go again.. another update and all of a sudden I’m getting this error again… !@$! you anet… ever hear of testing something before you put it out, or do you just randomly change coding and hope it works? If I wanted crappy quality and guess work I would play a flash game for free… this is a joke.

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Mountains of bugs... never a fix

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatum.5430


What is with arena nets lack of bug fixes.. I keep seeing patches and updates but nothing ever gets fixed.. what are these patches for?

I’v found places where you can walk through the ground/walls, found abilities that do not work as intended, monsters and other npcs that get stuck in walls/trees etc… I’v opened what feels like a thousand tickets in the month I have been playing and I’m getting a little fed up that despite this game being mobbed with bugs that nothing seems to be getting fixed

I think this game would be enjoyable if I could see it, but it’s so marred by bugs I don’t even want to play it anymore.

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Getting logged out of forums randomly

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Fatum.5430


This has been going on for as long as I’v been playing this game and using these forums and still has not been fixed…

I have to log back into the forums 3-4 times to make a post.. getting to the point I dont even bother with it anymore

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

boons with no affects

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fatum.5430


Boons such as “stability” and abilities that make you immune to damage such as elementalist mist form are not working. I have seen it myself constantly over the past few days while farming dungeons for tokens. I have also had many group members confirm they too are seeing it lately.

Can we look into getting a fix, or replace these useless abilities with something that works? :/

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

WvW not living up to it's rep

in WvW

Posted by: Fatum.5430


When I bought GW2 I thought I’d spend my time playing WvW but the more I play the more I realize it is probably the worst form of PvP I’v ever seen. The way it is now it’s just a game of who’s bigger.. literally. The bigger your server, the bigger your zergs, the easier your win.

I play on a mid sized server.. sometimes we face servers that we just roll over because they can’t compete, other servers do just the same to us because they outnumber us by who knows how much.

where is the challenge/fun with this? It’s mindless and boring… unless you happen to like sitting in a keep aoe bombing the same group for hours on end, or mindlessly zerging places.

Why not grant a buff to overwhelmed servers, (nothing stupidly over the top like WoW did with wintergrasp lmao) but something to balance out the massive indifference. Maybe someway to counter zergs effectively, like smarter npcs that spawn in keeps, the larger the group the more effective they become. They already use that system for world events, they scale with the number of players participating.

So far this game has not really been what I thought it would be :/ most fun I have is dungeons and they are getting boring very fast. I hope they make new content or fix some of this older broken stuff soon.

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Game designers need less coffeee

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fatum.5430


So.. I enjoy this game, but some of these world events just leave me scratching my head wondering wth they were thinking when they made it. Found a champion that literally did nothing but spam a whirlwind that knocks me back and stuns.. oh thats so much fun as a melee player…. wonderfully designed. There are events that will randomly kill players with no warning.

So.. I enjoy this game, but some of these world events just leave me scratching my head wondering wth they were thinking when they made it. Found a champion that literally did nothing but spam a whirlwind that knocks me back and stuns.. oh thats so much fun as a melee player…. wonderfully designed. There are events that will randomly kill players with no warning.Oh and should I mention aggro? What is the deal with randomly picking 1 person to lock on and chase around the map while people kill?

So.. I enjoy this game, but some of these world events just leave me scratching my head wondering wth they were thinking when they made it. Found a champion that literally did nothing but spam a whirlwind that knocks me back and stuns.. oh thats so much fun as a melee player…. wonderfully designed. There are events that will randomly kill players with no warning.Oh and should I mention aggro? What is the deal with randomly picking 1 person to lock on and chase around the map while people kill?I thought this game was about skill or knowing how to play a fight like most.. but this is just stupid easy…. roll ranged and learn how to bug each boss for free loot…

So.. I enjoy this game, but some of these world events just leave me scratching my head wondering wth they were thinking when they made it. Found a champion that literally did nothing but spam a whirlwind that knocks me back and stuns.. oh thats so much fun as a melee player…. wonderfully designed. There are events that will randomly kill players with no warning.Oh and should I mention aggro? What is the deal with randomly picking 1 person to lock on and chase around the map while people kill?I thought this game was about skill or knowing how to play a fight like most.. but this is just stupid easy…. roll ranged and learn how to bug each boss for free loot…if there is ever a gw3 I hope they actually test the game before releasing it

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Signets not working properly for Warriors

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fatum.5430


I have noticed that my signets occasionally leave and go on vacation. More often then not (when I notice it) it’s Fury or w/e the precision one is called… I usually don’t notice till my crit drops off because of a missing signet.

Is there a cap to how many signets I can use or is this a bug? (since I have had all of them at once) it seems to fix itself if I tele to a waypoint or change zones, but it’s annoying in the middle of an event or dungeon to have to go reset it.


So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Kick resets dungeon...why?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fatum.5430


odd.. because I started it.. and It still reset

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Kick resets dungeon...why?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fatum.5430


I understand they want people to have to work together, but we get all the way to the last boss today and this dumb trash talking idgit, decides he’s going to keep pulling as much trash as he can and wiping the group repeatedly. We tried to be pleasant and tried to get him to stop being so… ****y, finally we had to kick him and it reset the entire dungeon.

I can see it keeps people from constantly kicking someone but it’s a little over the top for those of us that actually wish to play a game without some dumb immature skrit causing issues.

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

So umm, why do you play an Asura?

in Asura

Posted by: Fatum.5430


I originally made it because I played WoW for 7 years with a gnome mage named Weelad being my go-to-alt most of that time. (mainly tanked or healed with my paly) It became kind of a running gag with guildies, my girlfriend making a female gnome Weelass, a friend making Weechild, etc…

so when I came here, I made an elementalist and named him Weelad to honor the name, I also love how they fall over when you move side to side or back up lol

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Disconnects 7:11:3:189:101 since patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatum.5430


Oh what a surprise, another patch another ton of errors…. does Anet even test these updates or do they just change stuff and hope for the best? This is terrible tech work.

I’m sure they’ll get on here soon and say we should check our internet connections or our router is faulty and we need a new one.

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Guardian Leveling Tank?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fatum.5430

Fatum.5430;TgAg0CnowxgjAHLOOck4A if this link works.. this is my theory ( i did not mess with the armor/runes etc stuff)

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Guardian Leveling Tank?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fatum.5430


I had an idea for a mostly defensive/support traited guardian with some power+vitality/toughness armor to lvl with… I am accustomed to playing face tanks in other MMOs (guilty of playing a prot paly on wow, pulling aggro and then leaving the room while the group kills the raid boss). Now I know that is clearly not possible in this game but with this type of build, and if i keep my gear updated, could I at least pull large groups and tackle them to speed up leveling? I used greatsword up to 40s but it got boring. lol, my other character is a thief with mostly power/crit traits for my dps side…

just curious if anyone has tried this and if it works for my goal.

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Error 7... 4 months and counting

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatum.5430


It has been 4 months or longer since this issue was reported. I don’t know exactly when it originally started but the oldest post I have found was at least 4 months old. It’s been 2 weeks that I have been basicly unable to play the game and when I submit a ticket all I get is some useless generic response from someone who acts like they don’t even know how to turn on a computer. Hundreds of people having problems with the game and the only answer they can come up with is "it’s your internet!! kitten derp derrr

Despite repeatedly proving that I can connect to any other game ever made with no problem and play all I want I have now gotten the SAME RESPONSE 7 times…. what the hell is this?

Am I the only person that finds this service, or lack of, unprofessional? They need to get on the ball or start handing out a ton of refunds because I for one am fed up, and I know I am not the only one. We payed for a game and now we can’t play it, look at it this way. If you spent the time to make a game and then everyone got it for free, would you just sit there and let it happen or would you go out and fix it?
I work for a living, and If I was as lazy as this support staff has been I would have been fired, maybe it’s time for Areanet to check it’s staffs pulse and replace as needed.

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

error code 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatum.5430


Meanwhile while they are busy denying the issue and refusing to bother to look into it, my particular lag seems to be getting worse, it used to be just at night, now I can’t even connect at all, even during the day when It was running fine. !#$! this company it’s not worth the time.

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Has something changed in the last 3 days?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatum.5430


It’s probably Your internet connection.

All I ever hear from someone not having these issues… yet anyone that has had them will tell you the same, it’s not the internet, there is something wrong going into the server from my understanding, I see the reports start pouring in everytime there is a patch/update… but just keep blaming the internet

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

error code 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatum.5430


I just bought this game yesterday, spent the night downloading it from the website and woke up today really excited to play this game as its a nice and fresh opposite of WoW….however, I can’t play it. Because I get kicked out every 2-3 minutes. I’ve done every possible “fix” for it but it still does not work….I’ve very disappointed because I really like the game so far. If it keeps up I’m getting my money back

I’ll save you the time and share the response I got when I reported this issue (and later asked about refunds)

“the problem is nothing on our end, it is caused by your router, there is nothing more we can do” “Because the problem is on your end, we can not provide refunds”

or to translate “we already got payed, we don’t give a kitten #8221;

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Keep Players up-to-date better! :(

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fatum.5430


There is a severe lack of communication between Anet and it’s customers, aside from a few mods on the forums I have yet to see any real info given out to help, and all they can do is redirect someone to the correct support. In my case I have been having a major issue with the game and can basicly not play at all, it’s frustrating enough having this issue. It is 10000x worse that the company does not provide updates or anything regarding progress to the issue. After multiple tickets I finnaly got a “We are working at solving this issue” response. Now if someone had this information and had posted it on the several posts regarding the issues it would at least make some of the people a little less frustrated. In any line of business, communication is key… not just between coworkers but also between companies and customers. If you have info, share it, it may seem trivial at times but it might help. Besides… who knows just maybe that little info you provide to the masses will spur an idea from someone to try to fix and it works. There is no reason not to do what you can to share information, it’s bad business to not.

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatum.5430


from what I have seen with this company, they really don’t care… every place I have worked it didn’t matter who’s fault, what happened, what the issue is… you went and fixed. You don’t just sit around blaming things on everything.. and at the very least you kept your customers updated as often as possible…. even if they are trying to fix this issue, they say nothing and make everyone believe they are ignoring it entirely… which is what is annoying people more then the issue itself…I left WoW because of the horrible customer service… but this game is making them look like angels… pathetic.

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

error code 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatum.5430


I don’t suppose i could get a refund at this point. This error is the most kittening infuriating thing ever. I can play maybe 5% of the time I want to. The game isn’t even worth the space on my computer at this point.

I threatened the same thing in a tech support ticket and finnaly got a “were working on it” response… but that was probably because I said I was going to demand a refund if they wouldn’t at least let people know they were trying to fix it….so I who knows if they really are or just said it.

All I know is there typical response “it’s your computer” “it’s your internet” is utter bullturds and they know it.. thousands of people having this issue all day every day, but can play fine on any other game, it’s clearly not on our end as much as they want to pretend.

Someday someone will make an MMO, and they will actually provide real customer support and actually work WITH the customers…and we will finally have a truly good online game… issues would be fixed in manageable time, etc.

I can say one thing tho, if this was a game I had to pay a sub to I would A) not be so patient with their crappy CS/TS and not pay them a single dime. It’s unacceptable that this issue is still happening after 4+ months. Makes me wonder, I belive this company is based in Washington? (what I heard, idk if thats state or DC) either way..thats in America… all those people with no jobs and they wont hire people who would probably gladly work minimum wage to provide support for people? Pay me $10 an hour to sit in a chair and talk to people on forums or a phone line… win/win/win for everyone

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

(edited by Fatum.5430)

error code 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatum.5430


I played almost all day today with little issues, I went out and came back late this evening and could not connect at all, this is the first time I have really gotten a chance to play consistently through the day but it seems that night times is when this happens to me the worst.

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

About Fed up with Arena Net...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatum.5430


It has now been about a week since these issues began, I have opened tickets, emailed support, and posted on the forums. I have tried every conceivable possibility on my end to fix the game and nothing works, and still nothing from this company offering even as much as a “we will look into it” as far as I can tell they have completely and utterly ignored every post on the tech support forums, as well as support tickets. What kind of “professionals” are they that they don’t even bother providing BASIC customer support?

Look at it this way… if they spent a year making a game, then somehow everyone got it for free… would they just go “oh well” and ignore it? No they would find a way to fix it, that is the same thing here except backwards, A ton of people payed for a game they can not play, so yes people are going to be kitten

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

error code 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatum.5430


If it helps solve this issue I have noticed in task manager, the memory usage drastically increases (almost double) what it is when I’m playing with no issues..

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

error code 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatum.5430


After my daily 800 error codes/crashes, I’m giving up trying yet again… sure would be nice if this company actually did anything. I guess thats the downside to not paying a subscription fee… they don’t care if we stick around.

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Is Guild Wars 2 worthy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fatum.5430


My suggestion is to turn down the graphics. My friend was getting kicked all the time when he first got the game but after we turned his graphics down the game became stable.

I play on minimal graphics on this computer (it’s a few years old, I could run higher but like performance over graphics. It more then passes for the recommended and minimum requirements tho.

As has been said, the error code, and it’s cause are what causes these issues. I don’t lag when this is not happening, in fact I can play upwards of an hour at a time with no issue, perfectly… but then I start lagging horridly, npcs stop responding, etc… then it crashes and get the screen..

anyway.. why am I saying this again here… said it all on the bug forums, this is not the place for it…

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Is Guild Wars 2 worthy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fatum.5430

Fatum.5430 almost 20 pages, going back 4+ months and not a word from TS about the issue. All types of computers, internets etc..

but enough of that.. thats not the topic… I was just wondering if this was typical of the company or I just happen to be the poor minority.

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Is Guild Wars 2 worthy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fatum.5430


I have been, myself and the guild I have joined have spent hours going over every possible aspect of the issue, they have even helped me clear events and such to lvl while I was barely able to connect.. like I said the game and people are good, it’s the lack of customer/tech support. Infact I still don’t see any evidence it even exists at all..

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Is Guild Wars 2 worthy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fatum.5430


I have been playing a week… or shall I say I have had the game a week.. issue after issue, keep trying to reach their support and get no answer, I go to the forums and look for answers and there are hundreds of people posting about similar issues for MONTHS with no response. From my point of view It seems this company has completely ditched the game already. I am considering closing my account and putting in for a refund but I want others opinions on this… is this typical of this company? Or have I just come in at a bad time between patches or something where they have no clue whats going on themselves? I have never dealt with Arena net before so I was completely unbiased coming into this whole mess.

I am enjoying the game but considering out of the week I’v owned it I’v only amounted a tiny bit of play time, the rest spent trying to log back in after the game crashes, lags out, disconnects, freezes, etc. I would love to play the game… but I refuse to pay companies that treat their customers like dirt (such as Blizzard) and that’s all I have seen so far, not even so much as a single response on any of the tech support threads on any of the issues I have been having.

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

error code 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatum.5430


A report back for those of you who have been following the thread for a while and know my situation ( for those of you who don’t).

My wife and I were able to conduct our first seat-swap test of this error this weekend. As usual, I was playing completely lag free when she suffered lag and a 7:11 disconnect. We immediately traded places, and I logged into my account from her machine and she logged into hers from mine, and we continued playing. On her machine, I experienced absolutely no lag. On my machine, she experienced some minor lag, but was not disconnected again.

Results: Inconclusive, but hinting at the validity of the idea that this lag is server-side and account-linked, seeing as how all lag disappeared on her machine simply by switching to using my account. I will post again when another opportunity for a test presents itself.

So basicly… Arenanet hates us and we should all uninstall….

I’m starting to get a little frustrated with this, Iv been home sick for a week, couped up in the house, where I’d normally play some GW2 etc… but I can hardly play it.. so guess who’s spent the past few days uninstalling re-installing, trouble shooting every possible aspect.. and nothing helps? I would feel alot better if they made some kind of indication that they were working on the issue, honestly this is my first issue with the game (have had it for all of a week) and all I see is the company not doing anything to help people. Horrible first impression…. so I hope someone from them steps in soon, this is a great game and I’d love to play it.. but it’s already trying my patience dealing with them.

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Do you think GW2 got "action combat" right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fatum.5430


I for one love the thief play, especially dual wield dagger, the only thing I would like to see more of is the ability to actively parry/fight with full animations (kinda like in SWTOR where you can see the blocks/parries) I would never leave…

however I find some of the other classes feel clunky to me

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Is this name allowed? :)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fatum.5430


Wesley, some games prohibit using names of celebrities for characters, or making any likeness to them, I played CO and if your character looked too much like any known characters they were removed

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Is this name allowed? :)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fatum.5430


I would love to make a thief, and name it Ray Park lol If you know who that is great! if not

He’s my favorite action movie fighter and amazingly talented, when i see the way the thief (esp dual daggers) moves I thought of going with this name but wasn’t sure…
meanwhile my thief is already 30 and rising… so I’ll have to make a 2nd lol O_o they are fun tho.. so worth it

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Alts and GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fatum.5430


IDK how It’ll play out, but although the “trinity” may not be alive, there are very different ways to build your character, you can make your warrior a tank or heavy dps but squishy, me I am going with a purely offense theif first… probably will make a guardian with all kids of toughness after that, then maybe a caster/support style build. I for one like that each class can fill many roles, even multiple at a time.

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Please fix/help ASAP!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatum.5430


There is NO issue on my end, there are NO programs blocking my internet in our out, there is virtually nothing running in the background, there is no issue with my connection to the internet in ANY WAY. I even set the game to highest priority when I’m playing. I can play other more CPU intensive games with NO PROBLEM. If this was an issue with my computer it would happen with more then just this game.

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Please fix/help ASAP!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatum.5430


yes.. this has all been done, as I said I have done all the usual fixes.. I have been playing these online games for almost a decade and have seen every excuse. It is server based.

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Please fix/help ASAP!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatum.5430


When it started.. it was anoying
then it became an inconveince..

now I can’t even play this game

I bought this game less then a week ago and about 1/2 my available time is spent trying to log back in… this is ridicules, I would expect this kind of crap from some flash-game on a cheesy website, not on a major brand game. I payed money for a game I can hardly play and yes I am getting frustrated. As someone who works for a living and only has so much spare time, it does kitten me off when I sit down to play a game and can’t log in at all.

Please let me know when this will be looked into and fixed because untill then I will keep pursuing this issue on my own…

so far I give this game 9/10

but I give it’s tech support 0/10

want to change it? (yes I know my ratings mean nothing… but still)


So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatum.5430


To add to this in case someone actually reads it (sorry.. bad experiences with support on previous MMO adventures) I too have been having this problem, I just joined less then a week ago, and played fine for most of the week, it started after the reset they did Saturday or was that Friday… either way, I’v been getting these ever since and I can’t stay connect for more then a few minutes at a time at some points, other points I play fine.

PS: I have played countless other MMO’s and online games including hours of CODMW and other fast action games with NO ISSUE. This is not user side, this is clearly server side and needs to be addressed asap…


So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

(edited by Fatum.5430)

Noob looking for home to grow!

in Guilds

Posted by: Fatum.5430


On a side note: looks like it will be a few hours at least to fully install/update… so I’ll check back tomorrow

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.

Noob looking for home to grow!

in Guilds

Posted by: Fatum.5430


I am new to Guild Wars, I used to play WoW and SWTOR and have gotten bored of them and tired of paying subscription fees for games I was not playing much anymore.

I will probably be starting with elementalist ( that changes 9 times every time I start a new game.. altaholic) have not picked race yet but probably Norn because they look epic

I have a lot of MMO experience just not in this game… if any guilds out there are friendly and want to work with me to learn this game let me know (I will check back here once I’m installed and made my character/s)

So long and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this.