Showing Posts For FieserMoep.5497:

Trait: Dual Wielding

in Warrior

Posted by: FieserMoep.5497


Because /in theory/ dual wielding includes attacking with two offensive weapons. The shield is a defensive weapon and the war horn is no weapon at all if you talk about them from a meta-perspective.

No matter that our auto-attack only includes our main-hand weapon and thus we do not even actively “dual-wield”. We just mash every “20” seconds with a mace or whirl a bit around… I would have preferred a 3 attack auto-chain that changed depending on what weapons you have… but that is the thief mechanic… who am I to talk about game-design.^^

Burst Mastery + Cleansing Ire

in Warrior

Posted by: FieserMoep.5497


It triggers on the number of stages your burst was boosted with, not how much were actually ‘spent’.

Sharpened Axes Clarity

in Warrior

Posted by: FieserMoep.5497


When I tried it, it felt like 4 stages. So first multiplication, then addition.

Countdown to throwing the towel for warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: FieserMoep.5497


What me annoys most is this new Axe-Chain… not that I will have trouble to even hit with all attacks in PvP I am also crippled to not break the chain by myself for using another skill that interrupts it and hence leading to a huge dps loss.

Every warrior skill is frigging easy to spot and now people have just count to 4, press dodge and most of the auto-attack damage is gone. That is the problem with linking most of the damage to one attack out of 5…

Removing Conditions with Burst Abilities

in Warrior

Posted by: FieserMoep.5497


Hey… the Warrior is getting a change… his name is now “Combat Medic”… well… without any decent skill to heal… but we can RES!

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: FieserMoep.5497


Well, at last I expect the passive adrenalin traits to go back in the tree-line… this is not for giving us a wider variety but to force us to not play this more or less most common build…

Removing Conditions with Burst Abilities

in Warrior

Posted by: FieserMoep.5497


Warrior – better you like PvE…

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: FieserMoep.5497


Even if it is fake… some Grandmaster Traits could even make it worth to actually spent 30 points on a tree…

More Terrorists? Please stop.

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: FieserMoep.5497


Hey, terrorists is the way to go.
Do not expect an enemy that has understandable motives, has a good moral and can be liked. It is good versus evil… god help us before we actually get a story worth even talking about.

Molten Alliance… Atherblade… Cookiecrushers… hurray…

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: FieserMoep.5497


Know what? I dont care how you enjoy this game. I do it my way. I was porting around and it was more cost efficient than going by foot for the time I saved was spent in Dungeons/Fractals/World Bosses.

You may enjoy this way of playing – others wont. End of story, dont try to tell me how to play.

Disappointed with the Coffers

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: FieserMoep.5497


RNG is RNG, what did you ecpect? Sometimes people lack the understanding of statistics… blame it on luck, blame it on something else. The only thing you could moan about is that we have no clear chances displayed for the specific items, but it always was you that took the decision to buy these RNG items.

And this is no gambling. There is no legal way to get real money out of this game, only to but real money into it. Therefore there is no “price” that could be won by gambling. IF you by gems for real money you also get something for that: gems. What ever you do with them is something complete different.