Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
Can we have an option to get rid of all the info that clogs the screen there?
It was bad enough before, but now clogging with daily gunk also!?
Everybody & their kitten knows they can press H, click bottom left & ta-da, guess what is clearly visible there?
Amazing, despite the almost complete lack of any Ele` in the battlegrounds, the devs laughingly still think that “Ele are probably ok for the most part”
The clueless is strong with this one, looks like we won`t be getting any much required fixes…
So you want to accept their false advertising that there will be no support classes, play how you want?
Sure, you go ahead, but let those that didn`t buy the game for that kitten to complain as they have every right to.
btw, ele aren`t the jack of all.
Engie is, warrior can be, as can ranger etc.
Ele isn`t even close any more.
You know you WvWs too much when you get all excited over looting four rares in one month & they turn out to be…..
Centaur: “I can outrun a Logan Thackery!”
I have played with UI off fairly often, because stuff like that kittens me off.
Also why I`d like to be able to see enemy name plates when UI is closed, but for some weird reason, that wasn`t implemented
As for clutter, this is stupid…
Yes it can be shrunk a little, but then imagine that with your story mode green marker & text. Seasonal marker & text. Camps etc etc.
plsfix yada!
Apparently “What they lack in physical toughness, they make up in versatility and the ability to inflict massive damage in a single attack.” got translated wrongly.
“Roll a Thief” was the original terminology.
Finally listened to the full thing & sheesh, no wonder he didn`t dare play on a live server…
“Staff can kite 10-15 players” Are you kittening kidding me!?
“They don`t want ele to be fastest” It never was.
They`ve seen some ele are now resorting to using FGS for mobility & are keeping an eye on it. aka we`re going to nerf that kitten.
The new (cough pay2win ;p) food, star cakes was it called?, is amazing for the ele now. So, you screw ele over, just so that they have to buy this? lol
It`s about time they showed some balls & got on stream & played live, meaning dungeons, spvp, WvWs etc.
Anet, put your money where your mouth is (& I don`t mean the gem store ;p)
Seriously though Arenanet, can you please give us an option to turn this off already!?
Any time I WP, story mode opens up.
Any time I die, same result.
Only reason I do dailies is to clear my screen of crap
Same goes for monthlies.
I know you need this for the dumb folk, but you can set it on by default & those of us with an IQ higher then our collective toes can turn it off.
Even those that forget where it is can ask guildies, /mapchat, /teamchat etc.
Also, please a timer on the shields.
Yeah they look shiny & all that, but permanently there until clicked?
Five seconds max screen space would be suffice.
(edited by Fishbait.6723)
Oddly, one of the devs has played an Ele, he stated on a stream that he died lots & usually just rolled his warrior/guaradian to faceroll the fights.
If that didn`t show how bad things are, nothing does.
Now that Grouch is employed by anet, although I don`t know in what role, hopefully they`ll listen to him as he clearly knows more about the game then the devs lol
Ele` weren`t even fastest pre-any of the several nerfs though.
Warrior could out run fairly easily & can so to stupid extents now.
Rangers with 1100range leap every 12 seconds, makes it faster then ele.
Mesmers traited blink plus scepter, thief with their completely ott escapes & the previous three all now having stealth…
Hell, even necro is faster now lol
But the problem wasn`t ele managing to escape/catch up, it was the kittens not immobilising the ele that were at fault, but anet decided to continue doing the carebear routine they`re getting famous for.
But tell me this, why shouldn`t the lowest hp/armour only class, the same class that is the only class that is stuck at melee only, why shouldn`t it have more mobility?
As it stands now, everyone/thing can hit, stun, immob` & hit you some more whilst you`re just trying to even get in melee range, by which point you`ve either lost a huge amount of hp, ot have dodged enough to escape that & then have no dodges for in melee combat range….
Whilst this is mostly aimed at my experience of wvws, the same stands true in the battlegrounds.
Here we are, still stuck with this crap :$
There is so much junk top right that it is even competing with the rest of the crap to open/close up other parts.
In the picture, level 80 ranger (same for my necro, mesmer, warrior etc…) showing Daily (& when I`ve HAD to do that it switches to) monthly, Southsun (or any other new story/seasonal event crap that is out at the time…), the event that I`m engaged in or just passing by, & last but largest is the story, which as you can tell I`m a level 80 ranger & haven`t & will never be doing the story, but am forced to stare at this EVERY time I do anything, because all of these reset any time I get another event complete shield.
I don`t even care about the dailies/monthlies & whatever Laurels etc that I`d gain, when I load a game I want to play it the way I want to play it (does that ring a bell Anet? “We want you to play….”) not having to do dailies/monthlies just to clear this crap.
Same goes for spvp, why the hell hasn`t an option been added to turn this off already?
They became Op when every single one of them got sick of being 1-2 shot in 1-2 seconds by everyone & their granny, so were forced into going tanky so they could tolerate the “balance” in this game ;p
Add moveable UI.
All of it & make sure it saves, even after new patches ;p
You get excited that you loot a level 80 green.
You mark on the calender (last years) the exact date of when you last looted an exotic.
You kill kittenz whilst awaiting servers coming back online & half an hour later, realise you`d had no loot, because it didn`t land at your feet.
You see someone in open (cough) world in the distance & try to click them to see whos side they`re on.
I think Mes and Ele are probably ok for the most part, as long as we tone down the conditions output from some classes, and bring the S/D Thief in line.
Wow, just wow….
(edited by Fishbait.6723)
Poll listed on spvp forums:
Dervish is more op then ele.
Says it all lol
Warrior worries discussion started two days ago, gets a reply almost instantly.
Nice to see ele worries get ignored for months….
(edited by Fishbait.6723)
No, this is really the only aspect of Elementalist that I dislike. I don’t think the people purposely getting themselves killed then running back into their towers through portals in vapor form is a surviability issue. You shouldn’t be jumping off the walls and suiciding in the first place. This is Elementalist abusing an aspect of their downed state that I’m sure ANet didn’t plan for. This is not an issue of surviability. If you guys couldn’t float back into your keeps through portals while downed, you wouldn’t jump off the walls and get yourself killed.
This is exploiting a crappy mechanic.
Survivability problem solved.
& what about those that didn`t jump, but were pulled down via Mesmers, thieves or that stupid bot siege razer? (or the rangers with their pull soon..) whilst they were just up there sorting through their bags to weapon swap (still a kittened thing to have to do!)
But here`s another hint. If one ele` does this & gets back through, then fair enough, you lot weren`t maybe ready for it (or more likely didn`t have spells to drag them far from the keep/immob` them)
If this happens lots, then it is definitely the fault of you lot & not the ele`.
If you`ve witnessed them doing this over & over (which they can only do a few times before instantly dying) then you`ve obviously the wrong spells on your bars/wrong weapons attached.
I play ele` & back when I used to play in WvWs, had plenty stopping me from rushing into a keep to defend & stopped me from vapour forming in.
Likewise on alts, I can stop them all too easily.
(edited by Fishbait.6723)
Wohoo, I can now see someone has “Dungeon Master” title & is a free kill.
Kidding, get rid of title visible & show names if you`re that fussed about fame & fortune visibility in WvWs…
Completely agree. Coming from GW1 where the entire UI was customizable – hide, show, reposition, and/or resize any UI element you wish – GW2 UI’s lack of same is deplorable.
Do not give up hope, though. It only took 9 months, 38,000+ views, and 821 responses before ArenaNet finally consented to giving us an option to disable right click targeting. Start a campaign to keep this topic on the first page of the Suggestions forum and maybe in another 9 months they’ll finally give us the ability to customize the UI to our liking.
Gave up hope a long time ago, but will keep pestering for all those that will stay with the game through thick & thin on the off chance that anet will finally do something for the players, preferably before gw3 is released ;p
I do keep adding bits from time to time, but no doubt I`ll get another infraction as I already have for posting in this thread lol
Nope, not at all.
Money isn`t a problem, but I just don`t think gw2 is worth any sub fee.
Getting rid of the incompetent devs & hiring some monkeys to take their place would be a great start.
But like the one above said, Warriors cried & got a reply on the same page (within two posts if I recall).
And Elementalists were said to be high damage class.
wtf is that?
The mesmer and ele dps is way too high.
Necro didnt need buffing ever. It was fun and balanced. Other stuff needed its condi removal being worse. Please dont repeat the same mistakes again.
Mesmer possibly /shrug
Erm, you may want to add weapons, because there is no way in hell the ele d/d or staff is way too high, or even passable lately.
Yes sceptre can do some good damage, but definitely not way too high, but once their bursts is through they`re sitting ducks unless built tanky, in which case again, the damage is a joke.
I agree about necro, it was fine before, ran into plenty of really good necro players in the bgs that wiped the floor long before the stupid buffs were added.
It is crap & needs either options to kill it or just removing.
I have an asura that any time this stupid thing flashes up, it is larger then my character & is blocking things in front of me.
What a surprise, more unnecessary crap on the screen…
Yerp, I do recall using mist & heal at times.
Everybody whinging it was yet another of our op spell combos.
I especially remember it when I still see these days a guardian bubble & heal, ranger/mesmer/thief stealth & heal, warrior use invulnerables & heal.
Hmm, remind me, why are those allowed but ele & engie aren`t?
Did you see the last SOTG?
Made me /facepalm at one point.
They said they thought Ele were in an okay state, & at another they said Guardians struggle to survive.
Point blank proof of sheer cluelessness lol
Having to lower your brightness just to use these forums is silly don`t you think?
Second you use anything else, have to reset it again.
If you use Firefox, grab the addon Stylish.
Then install the colour scheme from here:
If don`t want to click the link (it`s safe, i use it) once Stylish installed, bottom left of Firefox, click the Stylish icon & setting “Find more styles for this site” with the forum page open.
Ye gads, that title!
I seriously thought someone was going to say staff ele is op lol
Had this on in background whilst watching SOACGaming stream.
MMO Champion, someone had said anet were going to show an ele` doing a dungeon, to which I almost fainted.
Not just because Ele`, in dungeon, but anet dev playing in dungeon would be comical.
Wasn`t surprised to see, well, sod all in the end…
i feel that walking into the main headquarters of ArenaNet
there must be a huge banner with the caption
this is what we want for elementalists
Fixed that for you. (Was tempted to add a noose to slot four ;p)
We`d like to introduce you to the pilots for this flight…
Please look through, at the very least, the first page of threads before making a thread so you don’t make a duplicate.
If they`d put an even remotely decent search function on this forum, would`ve done so ;p
They were used to being unstoppable bunkers with f-load of damage so when that was toned down they all came here to cry a river and still are.
This ^^
They weren`t unstoppable, it was just the idiots running up against them never had the common sense to equip stuns, immobs etc.
As for the *"bunkers with f-load of damage bunkers with f-load of damage "
What game were you playing, in gw2 ele could never go tank & do “f-load of damage” & even if an ele goes GC, that damage you`re claiming is a one trick pony & most of it easily dodgeable & is still lower then some other classes can do.
(edited by Fishbait.6723)
Or for fear of it not existing?
Good luck if it works, but staff is kittene, everybody & their dog knows it.
Post footage instead.
Bored? Absolutely.
Same thing for a year with only more pve kittene being added & pathetic balance in this game.
Who wouldn`t be?
It`s weird, I could sit in WSG, AB, EotS & even AV that loads hated, for 3-4+ years & still not get bored.
Even Wintergrasp.
Not the cata pvp map though /cringe.
(edited by Fishbait.6723)
Q1: Any chance that some weapons will be able to be dyed?
Q2: Your current system keeps a player in combat even if they`ve only been hit once & ten hours ago, as long as both players are still near each other. Will you ever put a proper timer on “Have not been hit for nth seconds, is out of combat”?
Q3: Pre-release you said you`d keep an eye on weapon swap for the Ele` & that was the last we heard of it. conjured weapons are next to zero use as are limited casts & also take up a much more valuable utility slot. Saying getting out of combat is fine, but your system doesn`t always let a player do that.
“…because eles are already having a hard time getting into a team comp.”
Really Sharp? Can`t imagine why…..
I’m still against weapon swap. That is what attunement is basically. I think it’s the offhand weapons that needs fixing. Necro dagger and focus have great utility and Mesmer Phantasmal Duelist (and to a lesser extent, warden) are great to drop on foes while staying out of arms reach. I don’t see the synergy with our scepter/dagger combo, and as much as I like focus it’s got no damage.
Attunement swap isn`t the same as weapon swap though.
I can swap from one to another & I`m still a pure melee only classs.
Weapon swap allows players to hit someone from range & swap to melee weapons when they`re being trained down in melee range.
EDIT: Just gained a leved on my bank alt warrior.
I can now weapon swap every four seconds.
What the hell is that doing in the game!?
(edited by Fishbait.6723)
HUGE difference being warcraft is heavily modable ( )
That has anonther bar to side & top, invis` until mouse over.
You can bind to show/hide more UI any time you want to.
UI can be clicked through. Try that in gw2 on enemy target ui etc & you end up aiming in a completely different place altogether.
You can`t do any of that in gw2, which is sodding awful even compared to Guild Wars UI. Combine that with the worst camera in any mmo.
Warcraft wins completely in the UI stakes by a long shot over gw2s.
Because Anet read the cries & “balance” around those rather then learning how to play the game themselves & find out it is all bullkitten.
Why not just buy it & support the firms?
Game is cheap enough & worth it, compared to gw2, by miles.
Hey folks.
Any chance of this added to the downed state seeing as how terribad Elementalist downed state is?
Perhaps to all just to be fair.
Saves us the hassle using skill 2 to root the enemy when they`re stood on our corpse & 3 skill which we can`t use because of its CD or because we`ve pressed 2 & can`t cancel casting…
It’s obviously OP. Just imagine we are able to equip 4 on swap sigil, 1 on-kill stack and 3 others (on crit or perma bonus)? Also if we swap on water attunement, we can change to weapon that gave healing power, earth for something that is heavy condi damage.
Invalid comment.
Sigils come with an inherent cd built into them so this would be impossible. Also they only take effect if you have those weapons in use. Once you weapon swap, you lose whatever bonus those weapons sigils gave you & gain from whatever is on the ones you swap to.
Stacked ones such as Bloodlust etc only count whilst they`re equipped & you can only have one stacking sigil taking effect at a time.
(Also they`re on about removing stacks once a weapon is put into bags, so even worse for Ele when that hits).
P.S. Any other class right now can have a main hand/off hand in first weapon set & another two in their second weapon set, all with varying sigils on each, but you don`t see the effects you listed on anyone right now do you.
WvWs is only easy access to craft stations now.
I did sit in eb jp for couple hours the other night, but seeing as for some kittened reason the buff is in there too, that was mostly me akitteng.
Now I`m alt tabbed sat at the boring world bosses auto attacking to get a months worth of WvWs loot in a few minutes, then alt tabbing until the next one is due.
Anet “We want you to play how you want to play, items available in one place will be available in all places”.
Unless Ascended…..
Or set pressing enter to mean yes!
This would be great for all requester pop ups.
Saves vendor thousand clicking also
We all used expensive & bloody rare materials to make exotics, along with buying the recipes on tp or via karma.
We also had to often make more then one, just to try & get to 400 in crafting.
Now, all those recipes we have to rediscover. I want my wasted materials back!
This non grindy game is already the grindiest game I`ve ever played & they just keep making it worse.
10, Ele burst – too high, should be brought down. Promotes macroing and even more cheese. Solution to making ele viable isnt to give it cheese.
First off, wrong, just wrong.
Even if going GC some other classes/builds can do much more then an Ele & then some.
That combined with you only have to glance at GC ele & it is dead.
Secondly, mention weapon set next time, as I assume you mean S/?, but others may think you mean the lesser weapons.
Ah kitten, just had a thought.
So if we get stunned,immobilised, buggy grounded etc mid RTL, that will also stick us with a 40s CD.
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